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Last active December 30, 2015 07:19
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Install Erlang R16B02 using Kerl

You can install different Erlang versions in a simple manner with the kerl script. This is probably the easiest way to install Erlang from source on a system, and typically only requires a few commands to do so. Install kerl by running the following command:

curl -O; chmod a+x kerl

To compile Erlang as 64-bit on Mac OS X, you need to instruct kerl to pass the correct flags to the configure command. The easiest way to do this is by creating a ~/.kerlrc file with the following contents:

KERL_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS="--disable-hipe --enable-smp-support --enable-threads
                        --enable-kernel-poll  --enable-darwin-64bit"

Note that when building Erlang on a FreeBSD/Solaris system (including SmartOS), HIPE should be disabled on these platforms as well with the above --disable-hipe option.

Building with kerl on GNU/Linux has the same prerequisites that building from source does.

Building the Erlang release of your choice is one command; You can install R16B02 like this:

./kerl build R16B02 r16b02

This builds the Erlang distribution, and does all the steps required to manually install Erlang for you.

When successfully built you can install the build using:

./kerl install r16b02 ~/erlang/r16b02
. ~/erlang/r16b02/activate

The last line activates the Erlang build that was just installed into ~/erlang/r16b02. See the kerl readme for more details on the available commands.

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