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Created October 2, 2010 09:29
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Mongo db crud example
#Examples of crud operations on node.js using node-mongodb-native (in coffeescript)
mongo = require("mongodb")
host = 'localhost'
port = mongo.Connection.DEFAULT_PORT
this.ObjectID = mongo.ObjectID
this.db = new mongo.Db 'mydb', new mongo.Server(host, port, {}), {}
this.methods =
create : (args, req, res) ->
db.collection args.type, (err, collection) ->
if err
res.send "bro"
collection.insert args.obj, (err, docs) ->
res.send docs
request : (args, req, res) ->
db.collection args.type, (err, collection) ->
if err
res.send "brokep"
if "_id" of args.wh
args.wh._id = ObjectID.createFromHexString(args.wh._id)
collection.find args.wh, (err, cursor) ->
cursor.toArray (err, docs) ->
res.send docs
update : (args, req, res) ->
db.collection args.type, (err, collection) ->
if err
res.send "broke"
if "_id" of args.wh
args.wh._id = ObjectID.createFromHexString(args.wh._id)
collection.update args.wh,, {upsert: args.upsert, multi: args.multi}, (err, wha) ->
res.send wha
delete: (args, req, res) ->
db.collection args.type, (err, collection) ->
if err
res.send "broke"
if "_id" of args.wh
args.wh._id = ObjectID.createFromHexString(args.wh._id)
collection.remove args.wh, (err, collection) ->
res.send "done" () -> "/methods/:method/:args", (req, res) ->
args = req.param("args")
args = decodeURIComponent(args);
methods[req.param("method")] JSON.parse(args), req, res
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