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Created August 10, 2021 09:33
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Introduces a Set type that stores enums, including those with associated types, and uniques on the label rather than the value.
struct Label: Hashable {
var label: String
protocol LabelUniquing {
var label: Label { get }
extension LabelUniquing {
var label: Label {
let label = Mirror(reflecting: self).children.first?.label ?? String(describing: self)
return Label(label: label)
struct LabelUniqueSet<T: LabelUniquing> {
private var valuesByLabel: [Label:T] = [:]
mutating func insert(value: T) { valuesByLabel[value.label] = value }
mutating func remove(label: Label) { valuesByLabel[label] = nil }
func value(forLabel label: Label) -> T? { valuesByLabel[label] }
// Tests
enum Test: LabelUniquing {
case a
case b(value: String)
var set = LabelUniqueSet<Test>()
set.insert(value: .a)
set.insert(value: .b(value: "1"))
set.insert(value: .b(value: "2"))
let valueForB = set.value(forLabel: Label(label: "b"))!
print("This should be 2 ... \(valueForB)")
let valueForA = set.value(forLabel: Label(label: "a"))!
print("Value for a ... \(valueForA)")
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