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Created April 3, 2016 09:57
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package com.github.drewnoff.algorithm
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.math.max
trait Associative[A] {
def id: A
def op(a: A, b: A): A
object Associative {
implicit val associativeIntSum = new Associative[Int] {
override def id = 0
override def op(a: Int, b: Int) = a + b
case class Fenwick[A : Associative : ClassTag] private (values: Array[A]) {
def this(sz: Int) = this(Array.fill(sz)(implicitly[Associative[A]].id))
val ev: Associative[A] = implicitly[Associative[A]]
def update(ix: Int, value: A): Fenwick[A] = {
def loop(vs: Array[A], ix: Int): Fenwick[A] =
if (ix < values.size)
loop(vs.updated(ix, ev.op(vs(ix), value)),
ix + ((ix + 1) & -(ix + 1)))
new Fenwick(vs)
loop(values, ix)
// Returns the result from applying operation to elements from index 0 to i
def query(ix: Int): A = {
def loop(res: A, ix: Int): A =
if (ix < 0)
loop(ev.op(res, values(ix)), ix - ((ix + 1) & -(ix + 1)))
loop(, ix)
object Fenwick {
// Usage example
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val addSeq = List((0, 3), (1, 2), (2, 5), (2, 5))
val fenwick = addSeq.foldLeft(new Fenwick(3))((fw, op) => fw.update(op._1, op._2))
println(fenwick.query(0) == 3)
println(fenwick.query(1) == 5)
println(fenwick.query(2) == 15)
implicit val associativeIntMax = new Associative[Int] {
override def id = Int.MinValue
override def op(a: Int, b: Int) = max(a, b)
val upSeq = List((0, 3), (1, 2), (2, 5))
val maxFenwick = upSeq.foldLeft(new Fenwick(3))((fw, op) => fw.update(op._1, op._2))
println(maxFenwick.query(0) == 3)
println(maxFenwick.query(1) == 3)
println(maxFenwick.query(2) == 5)
println((maxFenwick.update(2, -1)).query(2) == 5) // Fenwick max tree allows only increase values in Array
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