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Last active December 1, 2018 22:35
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Build and configure X-Ray 1.6 on Linux

Make sure you are using STALKER Call Of Pripyat v1.6.02 and your system contains the following packages: git, cmake, GLEW, Freeimage, Lockfile, Openal, TBB, Crypto++, pugixml, Theora, Ogg, SDL2, Lzo, Jpeg.

To install software above in Debian and Ubuntu derivatives just run the command:

sudo apt install git cmake libglew-dev libfreeimage-dev liblockfile-dev libopenal-dev libtbb-dev libcrypto ++ - dev libpugixml-dev libogg-dev libtheora-dev libvorbis-dev libsdl2-dev liblzo-dev-libjdg2-dev

In case you are Fedora user:

sudo dnf install git cmake glew-devel freeimage-devel liblockfile-devel openal-devel tbb-devel cryptopp-devel pugixml-devel libogg-devel libtheora-devel libvorbis-devel SDL2-devel lzo-devel libjpeg-turbo-devel

Next clone the repo with its submodules:

git clone && git submodule update --init --recursive

After the cloning is complete, the xray-16 directory should appear in the directory you invoked command above. Next it is needed to create directory for binary output and navigate there:

cd xray-16 && mkdir bin && cd bin

Please pay attention to the errors in next stage. Since they can occur in case of absence of any components. So, prepare your source to be compiled with:

cmake ..

You can customize build passing arguments to cmake. To enable debugging:

cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE = RelWithDebInfo # The string with the debug flag is no longer supported

To use clang:

CC=clang CXX=clang++ cmake ..

To include all optimizations for your machine:

CFLAGS="-march=native" CXXFLAGS="-march=native" cmake ..


make -jX

Where X your processor's number of cores Also, to output the log and errors to different files:

make -jX > out.log 2 > error.log

To use linux binaries with the game we need to create directory bin-linux there. So, once compilation is done in the xray-16/bin directory execute the command:

make DESTDIR=/path/to/your/SCOP/bin-linux install

And the bin-linux directory will appear where the game is located. Yes, /path/to/your/SCOP it's the path to your legal copy of STALKER CoP.

Backup res folder and fsgame.ltx in the original game folder in the form you obtained by installing the game from Steam, GOG or license disc Next copy from xray-16 res folder and fsgame.ltx file to the /path/to/your/SCOP.

To run the game invoke one of the following commands: If you want to debug the game, you need to prevent input capture:

setxkbmap -option grab: break_actions

Now you can run the game being in bin-linux directory using:

./ -fsltx ../fsgame.ltx

if you want to debug using gdb:

DEBUGGER = "gdb --ex=r --args" ./ -fsltx ../fsgame.ltx

You can also create a "Shortcut" to do this, create a file S.T.A.L.K.E.R.desktop with the following content

[Desktop Entry]
Type = Application
Terminal = false
Categories = Game
# The icon should be located at ~/.local/share/icons/
Icon = stalker_cop
# Full path to working directory
Path = /path/to/your/SCOP/linux-bin
# Full path to binaries
Exec = /path/to/your/SCOP/linux-bin/ -fsltx ../fsgame.ltx
Name = S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Openxray engine
Comment=S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (OpenXRay Engine)
Comment[ru_RU]=S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (OpenXRay Engine)
Comment[uk]=S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (OpenXRay Engine)
GenericName=Not the official port of the GSC XRay 1.6.02 engine from the OpenXRay team
GenericName[ru_RU]=Не официальный порт движка GSC XRay 1.6.02 от команды OpenXRay
GenericName[uk]=Не офіційний порт движка GSC XRay 1.6.02 від команди OpenXRay

and place to to ~/.local/share/applications.

Observe a badge with the name S.T.A.L.K.E.R in the system menu Games section


If you are installing S.T.A.L.K.E.R Call Pripyat using wine. For example if you have a CD you can invoke wine setup.exe to start the installation. It is recommended not to use the path with spaces, for example, you can use c: \ cop as installation path (this will be the ~ / .wine / drive_c / cop path on your linux host machine). Btw, do not forget to install patch 1.6.02 (only for the Russian language, should be included worldwide): In Steam you can find the game in folder {STEAM_DIR}/steamapps/common/STALKER Call of Pripyat if you did not override default Steam settings

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