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Created July 22, 2019 09:07
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  • Save drewstone/32432cd67a0e55f8ea4a8707e8170105 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save drewstone/32432cd67a0e55f8ea4a8707e8170105 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
-22 08:35:44.823 TRACE ws::frame Second: 10000000
2019-07-22 08:35:44.823 TRACE ws::frame Opcode: Close
2019-07-22 08:35:44.823 TRACE ws::frame Masked: true
2019-07-22 08:35:44.823 TRACE ws::frame Payload length: 0
2019-07-22 08:35:44.823 DEBUG ws::handler Handler received:
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: CLOSE
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:35:44.823 TRACE ws::connection Received close frame Frame { finished: true, rsv1: false, rsv2: false, rsv3: false, opcode: Close, mask: None, payload: [] }
2019-07-22 08:35:44.823 DEBUG ws::handler Connection closing due to (Status)
2019-07-22 08:35:44.823 TRACE ws::connection Sending close Empty -- "" to
2019-07-22 08:35:44.823 TRACE ws::handler Handler will send:
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: CLOSE
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:35:44.823 TRACE ws::connection Buffering frame to
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: CLOSE
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:35:44.823 TRACE ws::connection Connection to is now closing.
2019-07-22 08:35:44.823 TRACE ws::frame Position in buffer 12
2019-07-22 08:35:44.823 TRACE ws::connection Reading buffer for connection to
2019-07-22 08:35:44.823 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable | Writable
2019-07-22 08:35:44.823 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:35:44.823 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:35:44.823 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:35:44.823 TRACE ws::connection Ready to write messages to
2019-07-22 08:35:44.823 TRACE ws::connection Wrote 2 bytes to
2019-07-22 08:35:44.823 DEBUG ws::io WebSocket connection to disconnected.
2019-07-22 08:35:44.824 TRACE ws::io Active connections 0
2019-07-22 08:35:44.824 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:36:47.158 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:36:47.159 INFO ws::io Accepted a new tcp connection from
2019-07-22 08:36:47.160 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:36:47.160 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:36:47.160 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:36:47.160 TRACE ws::connection Ready to read handshake from
2019-07-22 08:36:47.160 TRACE ws::connection Handshake request received:
GET / HTTP/1.1
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: upgrade
User-Agent: websocket-sharp/1.0
Sec-WebSocket-Key: Udc3N3CFpWLlANYUm6SY7w==
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
2019-07-22 08:36:47.160 DEBUG ws::handshake Built response from request:
HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Accept: Hij03fa93zvL7Tos5RXzt70SYnE=
Upgrade: websocket
2019-07-22 08:36:47.160 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Writable
2019-07-22 08:36:47.160 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:36:47.160 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:36:47.160 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:36:47.160 TRACE ws::connection Ready to write handshake to
2019-07-22 08:36:47.161 TRACE ws::connection Finished writing handshake response to
2019-07-22 08:36:47.161 DEBUG ws::handler Connection with now open
2019-07-22 08:36:47.161 DEBUG ws::connection Connection to is now open.
2019-07-22 08:36:47.161 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable | Writable
2019-07-22 08:36:47.161 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:36:47.161 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:36:47.161 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:36:47.161 TRACE ws::connection Ready to write messages to
2019-07-22 08:36:47.161 TRACE ws::connection Wrote 0 bytes to
2019-07-22 08:36:47.161 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable
2019-07-22 08:36:47.161 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:36:47.161 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:36:47.406 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:36:47.406 TRACE ws::connection Ready to read messages from
2019-07-22 08:36:47.406 TRACE ws::connection Reading buffer for connection to
2019-07-22 08:36:47.406 TRACE ws::connection Buffered 6.
2019-07-22 08:36:47.406 TRACE ws::frame Position in buffer 0
2019-07-22 08:36:47.406 TRACE ws::frame Parsed headers [137, 128]
2019-07-22 08:36:47.406 TRACE ws::frame First: 10001001
2019-07-22 08:36:47.406 TRACE ws::frame Second: 10000000
2019-07-22 08:36:47.406 TRACE ws::frame Opcode: Ping
2019-07-22 08:36:47.406 TRACE ws::frame Masked: true
2019-07-22 08:36:47.406 TRACE ws::frame Payload length: 0
2019-07-22 08:36:47.407 DEBUG ws::handler Handler received:
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: PING
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:36:47.407 TRACE ws::connection Received ping frame Frame { finished: true, rsv1: false, rsv2: false, rsv3: false, opcode: Ping, mask: None, payload: [] }
2019-07-22 08:36:47.407 TRACE ws::connection Sending pong to
2019-07-22 08:36:47.407 TRACE ws::handler Handler will send:
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: PONG
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:36:47.407 TRACE ws::connection Buffering frame to
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: PONG
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:36:47.407 TRACE ws::frame Position in buffer 6
2019-07-22 08:36:47.407 TRACE ws::connection Reading buffer for connection to
2019-07-22 08:36:47.407 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable | Writable
2019-07-22 08:36:47.407 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:36:47.407 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:36:47.407 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:36:47.407 TRACE ws::connection Ready to write messages to
2019-07-22 08:36:47.407 TRACE ws::connection Wrote 2 bytes to
2019-07-22 08:36:47.407 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable
2019-07-22 08:36:47.407 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:36:47.407 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:36:47.656 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:36:47.656 TRACE ws::connection Ready to read messages from
2019-07-22 08:36:47.656 TRACE ws::connection Reading buffer for connection to
2019-07-22 08:36:47.656 TRACE ws::connection Buffered 6.
2019-07-22 08:36:47.656 TRACE ws::frame Position in buffer 6
2019-07-22 08:36:47.656 TRACE ws::frame Parsed headers [136, 128]
2019-07-22 08:36:47.656 TRACE ws::frame First: 10001000
2019-07-22 08:36:47.656 TRACE ws::frame Second: 10000000
2019-07-22 08:36:47.656 TRACE ws::frame Opcode: Close
2019-07-22 08:36:47.656 TRACE ws::frame Masked: true
2019-07-22 08:36:47.656 TRACE ws::frame Payload length: 0
2019-07-22 08:36:47.656 DEBUG ws::handler Handler received:
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: CLOSE
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:36:47.656 TRACE ws::connection Received close frame Frame { finished: true, rsv1: false, rsv2: false, rsv3: false, opcode: Close, mask: None, payload: [] }
2019-07-22 08:36:47.656 DEBUG ws::handler Connection closing due to (Status)
2019-07-22 08:36:47.656 TRACE ws::connection Sending close Empty -- "" to
2019-07-22 08:36:47.657 TRACE ws::handler Handler will send:
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: CLOSE
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:36:47.657 TRACE ws::connection Buffering frame to
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: CLOSE
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:36:47.657 TRACE ws::connection Connection to is now closing.
2019-07-22 08:36:47.657 TRACE ws::frame Position in buffer 12
2019-07-22 08:36:47.657 TRACE ws::connection Reading buffer for connection to
2019-07-22 08:36:47.657 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable | Writable
2019-07-22 08:36:47.657 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:36:47.657 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:36:47.657 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:36:47.657 TRACE ws::connection Ready to write messages to
2019-07-22 08:36:47.657 TRACE ws::connection Wrote 2 bytes to
2019-07-22 08:36:47.657 DEBUG ws::io WebSocket connection to disconnected.
2019-07-22 08:36:47.658 TRACE ws::io Active connections 0
2019-07-22 08:36:47.658 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:37:48.695 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:37:48.697 INFO ws::io Accepted a new tcp connection from
2019-07-22 08:37:48.697 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:37:48.697 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:37:48.697 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:37:48.697 TRACE ws::connection Ready to read handshake from
2019-07-22 08:37:48.697 TRACE ws::connection Handshake request received:
GET / HTTP/1.1
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: upgrade
User-Agent: websocket-sharp/1.0
Sec-WebSocket-Key: ZqKhbyAVips7sT11Bl0plg==
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
2019-07-22 08:37:48.697 DEBUG ws::handshake Built response from request:
HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Accept: 8wN0UB3n5p8wvGwYV5RS3nWr6QM=
Upgrade: websocket
2019-07-22 08:37:48.697 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Writable
2019-07-22 08:37:48.698 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:37:48.698 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:37:48.698 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:37:48.698 TRACE ws::connection Ready to write handshake to
2019-07-22 08:37:48.698 TRACE ws::connection Finished writing handshake response to
2019-07-22 08:37:48.698 DEBUG ws::handler Connection with now open
2019-07-22 08:37:48.698 DEBUG ws::connection Connection to is now open.
2019-07-22 08:37:48.698 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable | Writable
2019-07-22 08:37:48.698 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:37:48.698 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:37:48.698 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:37:48.698 TRACE ws::connection Ready to write messages to
2019-07-22 08:37:48.698 TRACE ws::connection Wrote 0 bytes to
2019-07-22 08:37:48.698 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable
2019-07-22 08:37:48.698 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:37:48.698 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:37:48.781 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:37:48.781 TRACE ws::connection Ready to read messages from
2019-07-22 08:37:48.781 TRACE ws::connection Reading buffer for connection to
2019-07-22 08:37:48.781 TRACE ws::connection Buffered 6.
2019-07-22 08:37:48.781 TRACE ws::frame Position in buffer 0
2019-07-22 08:37:48.781 TRACE ws::frame Parsed headers [137, 128]
2019-07-22 08:37:48.781 TRACE ws::frame First: 10001001
2019-07-22 08:37:48.781 TRACE ws::frame Second: 10000000
2019-07-22 08:37:48.781 TRACE ws::frame Opcode: Ping
2019-07-22 08:37:48.781 TRACE ws::frame Masked: true
2019-07-22 08:37:48.781 TRACE ws::frame Payload length: 0
2019-07-22 08:37:48.781 DEBUG ws::handler Handler received:
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: PING
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:37:48.781 TRACE ws::connection Received ping frame Frame { finished: true, rsv1: false, rsv2: false, rsv3: false, opcode: Ping, mask: None, payload: [] }
2019-07-22 08:37:48.781 TRACE ws::connection Sending pong to
2019-07-22 08:37:48.781 TRACE ws::handler Handler will send:
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: PONG
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:37:48.781 TRACE ws::connection Buffering frame to
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: PONG
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:37:48.782 TRACE ws::frame Position in buffer 6
2019-07-22 08:37:48.782 TRACE ws::connection Reading buffer for connection to
2019-07-22 08:37:48.782 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable | Writable
2019-07-22 08:37:48.782 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:37:48.782 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:37:48.782 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:37:48.782 TRACE ws::connection Ready to write messages to
2019-07-22 08:37:48.782 TRACE ws::connection Wrote 2 bytes to
2019-07-22 08:37:48.782 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable
2019-07-22 08:37:48.782 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:37:48.782 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:37:48.847 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:37:48.847 TRACE ws::connection Ready to read messages from
2019-07-22 08:37:48.848 TRACE ws::connection Reading buffer for connection to
2019-07-22 08:37:48.848 TRACE ws::connection Buffered 6.
2019-07-22 08:37:48.848 TRACE ws::frame Position in buffer 6
2019-07-22 08:37:48.848 TRACE ws::frame Parsed headers [136, 128]
2019-07-22 08:37:48.848 TRACE ws::frame First: 10001000
2019-07-22 08:37:48.848 TRACE ws::frame Second: 10000000
2019-07-22 08:37:48.848 TRACE ws::frame Opcode: Close
2019-07-22 08:37:48.848 TRACE ws::frame Masked: true
2019-07-22 08:37:48.848 TRACE ws::frame Payload length: 0
2019-07-22 08:37:48.848 DEBUG ws::handler Handler received:
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: CLOSE
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:37:48.848 TRACE ws::connection Received close frame Frame { finished: true, rsv1: false, rsv2: false, rsv3: false, opcode: Close, mask: None, payload: [] }
2019-07-22 08:37:48.848 DEBUG ws::handler Connection closing due to (Status)
2019-07-22 08:37:48.848 TRACE ws::connection Sending close Empty -- "" to
2019-07-22 08:37:48.848 TRACE ws::handler Handler will send:
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: CLOSE
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:37:48.848 TRACE ws::connection Buffering frame to
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: CLOSE
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:37:48.848 TRACE ws::connection Connection to is now closing.
2019-07-22 08:37:48.848 TRACE ws::frame Position in buffer 12
2019-07-22 08:37:48.848 TRACE ws::connection Reading buffer for connection to
2019-07-22 08:37:48.848 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable | Writable
2019-07-22 08:37:48.848 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:37:48.848 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:37:48.848 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:37:48.848 TRACE ws::connection Ready to write messages to
2019-07-22 08:37:48.848 TRACE ws::connection Wrote 2 bytes to
2019-07-22 08:37:48.848 DEBUG ws::io WebSocket connection to disconnected.
2019-07-22 08:37:48.849 TRACE ws::io Active connections 0
2019-07-22 08:37:48.849 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:38:49.214 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:38:49.216 INFO ws::io Accepted a new tcp connection from
2019-07-22 08:38:49.216 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:38:49.216 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:38:49.216 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:38:49.216 TRACE ws::connection Ready to read handshake from
2019-07-22 08:38:49.216 TRACE ws::connection Handshake request received:
GET / HTTP/1.1
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: upgrade
User-Agent: websocket-sharp/1.0
Sec-WebSocket-Key: i0PtA0WEXr+SC7dOwy8hiw==
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
2019-07-22 08:38:49.216 DEBUG ws::handshake Built response from request:
HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Accept: deYMCtW1GLHBR3pwZMOtL48ZORs=
Upgrade: websocket
2019-07-22 08:38:49.216 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Writable
2019-07-22 08:38:49.216 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:38:49.216 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:38:49.216 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:38:49.216 TRACE ws::connection Ready to write handshake to
2019-07-22 08:38:49.217 TRACE ws::connection Finished writing handshake response to
2019-07-22 08:38:49.217 DEBUG ws::handler Connection with now open
2019-07-22 08:38:49.217 DEBUG ws::connection Connection to is now open.
2019-07-22 08:38:49.217 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable | Writable
2019-07-22 08:38:49.217 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:38:49.217 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:38:49.217 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:38:49.217 TRACE ws::connection Ready to write messages to
2019-07-22 08:38:49.217 TRACE ws::connection Wrote 0 bytes to
2019-07-22 08:38:49.217 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable
2019-07-22 08:38:49.217 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:38:49.217 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:38:49.299 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:38:49.299 TRACE ws::connection Ready to read messages from
2019-07-22 08:38:49.299 TRACE ws::connection Reading buffer for connection to
2019-07-22 08:38:49.299 TRACE ws::connection Buffered 6.
2019-07-22 08:38:49.299 TRACE ws::frame Position in buffer 0
2019-07-22 08:38:49.299 TRACE ws::frame Parsed headers [137, 128]
2019-07-22 08:38:49.299 TRACE ws::frame First: 10001001
2019-07-22 08:38:49.299 TRACE ws::frame Second: 10000000
2019-07-22 08:38:49.299 TRACE ws::frame Opcode: Ping
2019-07-22 08:38:49.299 TRACE ws::frame Masked: true
2019-07-22 08:38:49.300 TRACE ws::frame Payload length: 0
2019-07-22 08:38:49.300 DEBUG ws::handler Handler received:
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: PING
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:38:49.300 TRACE ws::connection Received ping frame Frame { finished: true, rsv1: false, rsv2: false, rsv3: false, opcode: Ping, mask: None, payload: [] }
2019-07-22 08:38:49.300 TRACE ws::connection Sending pong to
2019-07-22 08:38:49.300 TRACE ws::handler Handler will send:
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: PONG
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:38:49.300 TRACE ws::connection Buffering frame to
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: PONG
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:38:49.300 TRACE ws::frame Position in buffer 6
2019-07-22 08:38:49.300 TRACE ws::connection Reading buffer for connection to
2019-07-22 08:38:49.300 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable | Writable
2019-07-22 08:38:49.300 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:38:49.300 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:38:49.300 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:38:49.300 TRACE ws::connection Ready to write messages to
2019-07-22 08:38:49.300 TRACE ws::connection Wrote 2 bytes to
2019-07-22 08:38:49.300 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable
2019-07-22 08:38:49.300 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:38:49.300 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:38:49.376 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:38:49.376 TRACE ws::connection Ready to read messages from
2019-07-22 08:38:49.376 TRACE ws::connection Reading buffer for connection to
2019-07-22 08:38:49.376 TRACE ws::connection Buffered 6.
2019-07-22 08:38:49.376 TRACE ws::frame Position in buffer 6
2019-07-22 08:38:49.376 TRACE ws::frame Parsed headers [136, 128]
2019-07-22 08:38:49.376 TRACE ws::frame First: 10001000
2019-07-22 08:38:49.376 TRACE ws::frame Second: 10000000
2019-07-22 08:38:49.376 TRACE ws::frame Opcode: Close
2019-07-22 08:38:49.376 TRACE ws::frame Masked: true
2019-07-22 08:38:49.376 TRACE ws::frame Payload length: 0
2019-07-22 08:38:49.376 DEBUG ws::handler Handler received:
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: CLOSE
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:38:49.376 TRACE ws::connection Received close frame Frame { finished: true, rsv1: false, rsv2: false, rsv3: false, opcode: Close, mask: None, payload: [] }
2019-07-22 08:38:49.377 DEBUG ws::handler Connection closing due to (Status)
2019-07-22 08:38:49.377 TRACE ws::connection Sending close Empty -- "" to
2019-07-22 08:38:49.377 TRACE ws::handler Handler will send:
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: CLOSE
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:38:49.377 TRACE ws::connection Buffering frame to
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: CLOSE
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:38:49.377 TRACE ws::connection Connection to is now closing.
2019-07-22 08:38:49.377 TRACE ws::frame Position in buffer 12
2019-07-22 08:38:49.377 TRACE ws::connection Reading buffer for connection to
2019-07-22 08:38:49.377 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable | Writable
2019-07-22 08:38:49.377 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:38:49.377 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:38:49.377 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:38:49.377 TRACE ws::connection Ready to write messages to
2019-07-22 08:38:49.377 TRACE ws::connection Wrote 2 bytes to
2019-07-22 08:38:49.377 DEBUG ws::io WebSocket connection to disconnected.
2019-07-22 08:38:49.378 TRACE ws::io Active connections 0
2019-07-22 08:38:49.378 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:39:51.118 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:39:51.119 INFO ws::io Accepted a new tcp connection from
2019-07-22 08:39:51.119 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:39:51.119 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:39:51.119 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:39:51.119 TRACE ws::connection Ready to read handshake from
2019-07-22 08:39:51.119 TRACE ws::connection Handshake request received:
GET / HTTP/1.1
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: upgrade
User-Agent: websocket-sharp/1.0
Sec-WebSocket-Key: afeysUK6T1oI6qhNvUlMzQ==
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
2019-07-22 08:39:51.119 DEBUG ws::handshake Built response from request:
HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Accept: ePlBaW5FNoZ2wPVhW/ctEG8xXRY=
Upgrade: websocket
2019-07-22 08:39:51.120 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Writable
2019-07-22 08:39:51.120 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:39:51.120 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:39:51.120 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:39:51.120 TRACE ws::connection Ready to write handshake to
2019-07-22 08:39:51.120 TRACE ws::connection Finished writing handshake response to
2019-07-22 08:39:51.120 DEBUG ws::handler Connection with now open
2019-07-22 08:39:51.120 DEBUG ws::connection Connection to is now open.
2019-07-22 08:39:51.120 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable | Writable
2019-07-22 08:39:51.120 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:39:51.120 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:39:51.120 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:39:51.120 TRACE ws::connection Ready to write messages to
2019-07-22 08:39:51.120 TRACE ws::connection Wrote 0 bytes to
2019-07-22 08:39:51.120 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable
2019-07-22 08:39:51.120 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:39:51.120 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:39:51.226 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:39:51.226 TRACE ws::connection Ready to read messages from
2019-07-22 08:39:51.226 TRACE ws::connection Reading buffer for connection to
2019-07-22 08:39:51.226 TRACE ws::connection Buffered 6.
2019-07-22 08:39:51.226 TRACE ws::frame Position in buffer 0
2019-07-22 08:39:51.226 TRACE ws::frame Parsed headers [137, 128]
2019-07-22 08:39:51.226 TRACE ws::frame First: 10001001
2019-07-22 08:39:51.226 TRACE ws::frame Second: 10000000
2019-07-22 08:39:51.226 TRACE ws::frame Opcode: Ping
2019-07-22 08:39:51.226 TRACE ws::frame Masked: true
2019-07-22 08:39:51.226 TRACE ws::frame Payload length: 0
2019-07-22 08:39:51.226 DEBUG ws::handler Handler received:
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: PING
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:39:51.226 TRACE ws::connection Received ping frame Frame { finished: true, rsv1: false, rsv2: false, rsv3: false, opcode: Ping, mask: None, payload: [] }
2019-07-22 08:39:51.226 TRACE ws::connection Sending pong to
2019-07-22 08:39:51.226 TRACE ws::handler Handler will send:
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: PONG
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:39:51.227 TRACE ws::connection Buffering frame to
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: PONG
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:39:51.227 TRACE ws::frame Position in buffer 6
2019-07-22 08:39:51.227 TRACE ws::connection Reading buffer for connection to
2019-07-22 08:39:51.227 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable | Writable
2019-07-22 08:39:51.227 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:39:51.227 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:39:51.227 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:39:51.227 TRACE ws::connection Ready to write messages to
2019-07-22 08:39:51.227 TRACE ws::connection Wrote 2 bytes to
2019-07-22 08:39:51.227 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable
2019-07-22 08:39:51.227 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:39:51.227 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:39:51.330 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:39:51.331 TRACE ws::connection Ready to read messages from
2019-07-22 08:39:51.331 TRACE ws::connection Reading buffer for connection to
2019-07-22 08:39:51.331 TRACE ws::connection Buffered 6.
2019-07-22 08:39:51.331 TRACE ws::frame Position in buffer 6
2019-07-22 08:39:51.331 TRACE ws::frame Parsed headers [136, 128]
2019-07-22 08:39:51.331 TRACE ws::frame First: 10001000
2019-07-22 08:39:51.331 TRACE ws::frame Second: 10000000
2019-07-22 08:39:51.331 TRACE ws::frame Opcode: Close
2019-07-22 08:39:51.331 TRACE ws::frame Masked: true
2019-07-22 08:39:51.331 TRACE ws::frame Payload length: 0
2019-07-22 08:39:51.331 DEBUG ws::handler Handler received:
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: CLOSE
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:39:51.331 TRACE ws::connection Received close frame Frame { finished: true, rsv1: false, rsv2: false, rsv3: false, opcode: Close, mask: None, payload: [] }
2019-07-22 08:39:51.331 DEBUG ws::handler Connection closing due to (Status)
2019-07-22 08:39:51.331 TRACE ws::connection Sending close Empty -- "" to
2019-07-22 08:39:51.331 TRACE ws::handler Handler will send:
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: CLOSE
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:39:51.331 TRACE ws::connection Buffering frame to
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: CLOSE
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:39:51.331 TRACE ws::connection Connection to is now closing.
2019-07-22 08:39:51.331 TRACE ws::frame Position in buffer 12
2019-07-22 08:39:51.331 TRACE ws::connection Reading buffer for connection to
2019-07-22 08:39:51.331 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable | Writable
2019-07-22 08:39:51.331 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:39:51.331 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:39:51.331 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:39:51.331 TRACE ws::connection Ready to write messages to
2019-07-22 08:39:51.331 TRACE ws::connection Wrote 2 bytes to
2019-07-22 08:39:51.331 DEBUG ws::io WebSocket connection to disconnected.
2019-07-22 08:39:51.332 TRACE ws::io Active connections 0
2019-07-22 08:39:51.332 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:40:50.786 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:40:50.787 INFO ws::io Accepted a new tcp connection from
2019-07-22 08:40:50.787 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:40:50.787 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:40:50.787 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:40:50.787 TRACE ws::connection Ready to read handshake from
2019-07-22 08:40:50.787 TRACE ws::connection Handshake request received:
GET / HTTP/1.1
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: upgrade
User-Agent: websocket-sharp/1.0
Sec-WebSocket-Key: kMsEwgCNKkGNn78XUESa6w==
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
2019-07-22 08:40:50.787 DEBUG ws::handshake Built response from request:
HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Accept: U4eiwB6GWKn38VQU+kgl05ctpyQ=
Upgrade: websocket
2019-07-22 08:40:50.787 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Writable
2019-07-22 08:40:50.787 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:40:50.787 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:40:50.787 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:40:50.787 TRACE ws::connection Ready to write handshake to
2019-07-22 08:40:50.788 TRACE ws::connection Finished writing handshake response to
2019-07-22 08:40:50.788 DEBUG ws::handler Connection with now open
2019-07-22 08:40:50.788 DEBUG ws::connection Connection to is now open.
2019-07-22 08:40:50.788 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable | Writable
2019-07-22 08:40:50.788 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:40:50.788 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:40:50.788 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:40:50.788 TRACE ws::connection Ready to write messages to
2019-07-22 08:40:50.788 TRACE ws::connection Wrote 0 bytes to
2019-07-22 08:40:50.788 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable
2019-07-22 08:40:50.788 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:40:50.788 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:40:50.861 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:40:50.861 TRACE ws::connection Ready to read messages from
2019-07-22 08:40:50.861 TRACE ws::connection Reading buffer for connection to
2019-07-22 08:40:50.861 TRACE ws::connection Buffered 6.
2019-07-22 08:40:50.861 TRACE ws::frame Position in buffer 0
2019-07-22 08:40:50.861 TRACE ws::frame Parsed headers [137, 128]
2019-07-22 08:40:50.861 TRACE ws::frame First: 10001001
2019-07-22 08:40:50.861 TRACE ws::frame Second: 10000000
2019-07-22 08:40:50.861 TRACE ws::frame Opcode: Ping
2019-07-22 08:40:50.861 TRACE ws::frame Masked: true
2019-07-22 08:40:50.861 TRACE ws::frame Payload length: 0
2019-07-22 08:40:50.861 DEBUG ws::handler Handler received:
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: PING
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:40:50.861 TRACE ws::connection Received ping frame Frame { finished: true, rsv1: false, rsv2: false, rsv3: false, opcode: Ping, mask: None, payload: [] }
2019-07-22 08:40:50.861 TRACE ws::connection Sending pong to
2019-07-22 08:40:50.861 TRACE ws::handler Handler will send:
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: PONG
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:40:50.861 TRACE ws::connection Buffering frame to
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: PONG
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:40:50.861 TRACE ws::frame Position in buffer 6
2019-07-22 08:40:50.861 TRACE ws::connection Reading buffer for connection to
2019-07-22 08:40:50.861 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable | Writable
2019-07-22 08:40:50.861 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:40:50.861 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:40:50.861 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:40:50.861 TRACE ws::connection Ready to write messages to
2019-07-22 08:40:50.862 TRACE ws::connection Wrote 2 bytes to
2019-07-22 08:40:50.862 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable
2019-07-22 08:40:50.862 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:40:50.862 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:40:50.927 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:40:50.927 TRACE ws::connection Ready to read messages from
2019-07-22 08:40:50.927 TRACE ws::connection Reading buffer for connection to
2019-07-22 08:40:50.927 TRACE ws::connection Buffered 6.
2019-07-22 08:40:50.927 TRACE ws::frame Position in buffer 6
2019-07-22 08:40:50.927 TRACE ws::frame Parsed headers [136, 128]
2019-07-22 08:40:50.927 TRACE ws::frame First: 10001000
2019-07-22 08:40:50.927 TRACE ws::frame Second: 10000000
2019-07-22 08:40:50.927 TRACE ws::frame Opcode: Close
2019-07-22 08:40:50.927 TRACE ws::frame Masked: true
2019-07-22 08:40:50.927 TRACE ws::frame Payload length: 0
2019-07-22 08:40:50.927 DEBUG ws::handler Handler received:
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: CLOSE
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:40:50.927 TRACE ws::connection Received close frame Frame { finished: true, rsv1: false, rsv2: false, rsv3: false, opcode: Close, mask: None, payload: [] }
2019-07-22 08:40:50.927 DEBUG ws::handler Connection closing due to (Status)
2019-07-22 08:40:50.927 TRACE ws::connection Sending close Empty -- "" to
2019-07-22 08:40:50.927 TRACE ws::handler Handler will send:
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: CLOSE
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:40:50.927 TRACE ws::connection Buffering frame to
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: CLOSE
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:40:50.927 TRACE ws::connection Connection to is now closing.
2019-07-22 08:40:50.927 TRACE ws::frame Position in buffer 12
2019-07-22 08:40:50.927 TRACE ws::connection Reading buffer for connection to
2019-07-22 08:40:50.927 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable | Writable
2019-07-22 08:40:50.928 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:40:50.928 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:40:50.928 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:40:50.928 TRACE ws::connection Ready to write messages to
2019-07-22 08:40:50.928 TRACE ws::connection Wrote 2 bytes to
2019-07-22 08:40:50.928 DEBUG ws::io WebSocket connection to disconnected.
2019-07-22 08:40:50.928 TRACE ws::io Active connections 0
2019-07-22 08:40:50.928 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:41:51.757 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:41:51.759 INFO ws::io Accepted a new tcp connection from
2019-07-22 08:41:51.759 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:41:51.759 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:41:51.759 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:41:51.759 TRACE ws::connection Ready to read handshake from
2019-07-22 08:41:51.759 TRACE ws::connection Handshake request received:
GET / HTTP/1.1
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: upgrade
User-Agent: websocket-sharp/1.0
Sec-WebSocket-Key: nLFklTSe1G8Q4xinuF6OHQ==
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
2019-07-22 08:41:51.759 DEBUG ws::handshake Built response from request:
HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Accept: pTA/jPU7SQcLTtlmWW14nAJqv8U=
Upgrade: websocket
2019-07-22 08:41:51.759 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Writable
2019-07-22 08:41:51.759 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:41:51.759 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:41:51.759 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:41:51.759 TRACE ws::connection Ready to write handshake to
2019-07-22 08:41:51.760 TRACE ws::connection Finished writing handshake response to
2019-07-22 08:41:51.760 DEBUG ws::handler Connection with now open
2019-07-22 08:41:51.760 DEBUG ws::connection Connection to is now open.
2019-07-22 08:41:51.760 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable | Writable
2019-07-22 08:41:51.760 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:41:51.760 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:41:51.760 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:41:51.760 TRACE ws::connection Ready to write messages to
2019-07-22 08:41:51.760 TRACE ws::connection Wrote 0 bytes to
2019-07-22 08:41:51.760 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable
2019-07-22 08:41:51.760 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:41:51.760 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:41:51.866 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:41:51.866 TRACE ws::connection Ready to read messages from
2019-07-22 08:41:51.866 TRACE ws::connection Reading buffer for connection to
2019-07-22 08:41:51.866 TRACE ws::connection Buffered 6.
2019-07-22 08:41:51.866 TRACE ws::frame Position in buffer 0
2019-07-22 08:41:51.866 TRACE ws::frame Parsed headers [137, 128]
2019-07-22 08:41:51.866 TRACE ws::frame First: 10001001
2019-07-22 08:41:51.866 TRACE ws::frame Second: 10000000
2019-07-22 08:41:51.866 TRACE ws::frame Opcode: Ping
2019-07-22 08:41:51.866 TRACE ws::frame Masked: true
2019-07-22 08:41:51.866 TRACE ws::frame Payload length: 0
2019-07-22 08:41:51.866 DEBUG ws::handler Handler received:
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: PING
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:41:51.866 TRACE ws::connection Received ping frame Frame { finished: true, rsv1: false, rsv2: false, rsv3: false, opcode: Ping, mask: None, payload: [] }
2019-07-22 08:41:51.866 TRACE ws::connection Sending pong to
2019-07-22 08:41:51.866 TRACE ws::handler Handler will send:
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: PONG
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:41:51.866 TRACE ws::connection Buffering frame to
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: PONG
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:41:51.866 TRACE ws::frame Position in buffer 6
2019-07-22 08:41:51.866 TRACE ws::connection Reading buffer for connection to
2019-07-22 08:41:51.866 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable | Writable
2019-07-22 08:41:51.866 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:41:51.866 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:41:51.866 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:41:51.866 TRACE ws::connection Ready to write messages to
2019-07-22 08:41:51.867 TRACE ws::connection Wrote 2 bytes to
2019-07-22 08:41:51.867 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable
2019-07-22 08:41:51.867 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:41:51.867 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:41:51.970 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:41:51.971 TRACE ws::connection Ready to read messages from
2019-07-22 08:41:51.971 TRACE ws::connection Reading buffer for connection to
2019-07-22 08:41:51.971 TRACE ws::connection Buffered 6.
2019-07-22 08:41:51.971 TRACE ws::frame Position in buffer 6
2019-07-22 08:41:51.971 TRACE ws::frame Parsed headers [136, 128]
2019-07-22 08:41:51.971 TRACE ws::frame First: 10001000
2019-07-22 08:41:51.971 TRACE ws::frame Second: 10000000
2019-07-22 08:41:51.971 TRACE ws::frame Opcode: Close
2019-07-22 08:41:51.971 TRACE ws::frame Masked: true
2019-07-22 08:41:51.971 TRACE ws::frame Payload length: 0
2019-07-22 08:41:51.971 DEBUG ws::handler Handler received:
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: CLOSE
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:41:51.971 TRACE ws::connection Received close frame Frame { finished: true, rsv1: false, rsv2: false, rsv3: false, opcode: Close, mask: None, payload: [] }
2019-07-22 08:41:51.971 DEBUG ws::handler Connection closing due to (Status)
2019-07-22 08:41:51.971 TRACE ws::connection Sending close Empty -- "" to
2019-07-22 08:41:51.971 TRACE ws::handler Handler will send:
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: CLOSE
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:41:51.971 TRACE ws::connection Buffering frame to
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: CLOSE
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:41:51.971 TRACE ws::connection Connection to is now closing.
2019-07-22 08:41:51.971 TRACE ws::frame Position in buffer 12
2019-07-22 08:41:51.971 TRACE ws::connection Reading buffer for connection to
2019-07-22 08:41:51.971 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable | Writable
2019-07-22 08:41:51.971 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:41:51.971 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:41:51.971 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:41:51.971 TRACE ws::connection Ready to write messages to
2019-07-22 08:41:51.971 TRACE ws::connection Wrote 2 bytes to
2019-07-22 08:41:51.971 DEBUG ws::io WebSocket connection to disconnected.
2019-07-22 08:41:51.972 TRACE ws::io Active connections 0
2019-07-22 08:41:51.972 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:42:51.895 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:42:51.897 INFO ws::io Accepted a new tcp connection from
2019-07-22 08:42:51.897 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:42:51.897 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:42:51.897 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:42:51.897 TRACE ws::connection Ready to read handshake from
2019-07-22 08:42:51.897 TRACE ws::connection Handshake request received:
GET / HTTP/1.1
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: upgrade
User-Agent: websocket-sharp/1.0
Sec-WebSocket-Key: gD1AkyqhHS+lYObzMJOODQ==
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
2019-07-22 08:42:51.898 DEBUG ws::handshake Built response from request:
HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Accept: guref6BxFuo1bi98+CXVUEs3AYQ=
Upgrade: websocket
2019-07-22 08:42:51.898 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Writable
2019-07-22 08:42:51.898 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:42:51.898 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:42:51.898 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:42:51.898 TRACE ws::connection Ready to write handshake to
2019-07-22 08:42:51.898 TRACE ws::connection Finished writing handshake response to
2019-07-22 08:42:51.898 DEBUG ws::handler Connection with now open
2019-07-22 08:42:51.898 DEBUG ws::connection Connection to is now open.
2019-07-22 08:42:51.898 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable | Writable
2019-07-22 08:42:51.898 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:42:51.898 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:42:51.898 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:42:51.898 TRACE ws::connection Ready to write messages to
2019-07-22 08:42:51.898 TRACE ws::connection Wrote 0 bytes to
2019-07-22 08:42:51.898 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable
2019-07-22 08:42:51.899 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:42:51.899 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:42:52.023 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:42:52.024 TRACE ws::connection Ready to read messages from
2019-07-22 08:42:52.024 TRACE ws::connection Reading buffer for connection to
2019-07-22 08:42:52.024 TRACE ws::connection Buffered 6.
2019-07-22 08:42:52.024 TRACE ws::frame Position in buffer 0
2019-07-22 08:42:52.024 TRACE ws::frame Parsed headers [137, 128]
2019-07-22 08:42:52.024 TRACE ws::frame First: 10001001
2019-07-22 08:42:52.024 TRACE ws::frame Second: 10000000
2019-07-22 08:42:52.024 TRACE ws::frame Opcode: Ping
2019-07-22 08:42:52.024 TRACE ws::frame Masked: true
2019-07-22 08:42:52.024 TRACE ws::frame Payload length: 0
2019-07-22 08:42:52.024 DEBUG ws::handler Handler received:
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: PING
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:42:52.024 TRACE ws::connection Received ping frame Frame { finished: true, rsv1: false, rsv2: false, rsv3: false, opcode: Ping, mask: None, payload: [] }
2019-07-22 08:42:52.024 TRACE ws::connection Sending pong to
2019-07-22 08:42:52.024 TRACE ws::handler Handler will send:
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: PONG
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:42:52.024 TRACE ws::connection Buffering frame to
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: PONG
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:42:52.024 TRACE ws::frame Position in buffer 6
2019-07-22 08:42:52.024 TRACE ws::connection Reading buffer for connection to
2019-07-22 08:42:52.024 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable | Writable
2019-07-22 08:42:52.024 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:42:52.024 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:42:52.024 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:42:52.024 TRACE ws::connection Ready to write messages to
2019-07-22 08:42:52.024 TRACE ws::connection Wrote 2 bytes to
2019-07-22 08:42:52.024 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable
2019-07-22 08:42:52.024 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:42:52.025 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:42:52.108 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:42:52.108 TRACE ws::connection Ready to read messages from
2019-07-22 08:42:52.108 TRACE ws::connection Reading buffer for connection to
2019-07-22 08:42:52.108 TRACE ws::connection Buffered 6.
2019-07-22 08:42:52.108 TRACE ws::frame Position in buffer 6
2019-07-22 08:42:52.108 TRACE ws::frame Parsed headers [136, 128]
2019-07-22 08:42:52.108 TRACE ws::frame First: 10001000
2019-07-22 08:42:52.108 TRACE ws::frame Second: 10000000
2019-07-22 08:42:52.108 TRACE ws::frame Opcode: Close
2019-07-22 08:42:52.108 TRACE ws::frame Masked: true
2019-07-22 08:42:52.108 TRACE ws::frame Payload length: 0
2019-07-22 08:42:52.108 DEBUG ws::handler Handler received:
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: CLOSE
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:42:52.108 TRACE ws::connection Received close frame Frame { finished: true, rsv1: false, rsv2: false, rsv3: false, opcode: Close, mask: None, payload: [] }
2019-07-22 08:42:52.108 DEBUG ws::handler Connection closing due to (Status)
2019-07-22 08:42:52.108 TRACE ws::connection Sending close Empty -- "" to
2019-07-22 08:42:52.108 TRACE ws::handler Handler will send:
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: CLOSE
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:42:52.108 TRACE ws::connection Buffering frame to
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: CLOSE
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:42:52.108 TRACE ws::connection Connection to is now closing.
2019-07-22 08:42:52.108 TRACE ws::frame Position in buffer 12
2019-07-22 08:42:52.108 TRACE ws::connection Reading buffer for connection to
2019-07-22 08:42:52.108 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable | Writable
2019-07-22 08:42:52.108 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:42:52.108 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:42:52.108 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:42:52.108 TRACE ws::connection Ready to write messages to
2019-07-22 08:42:52.109 TRACE ws::connection Wrote 2 bytes to
2019-07-22 08:42:52.109 DEBUG ws::io WebSocket connection to disconnected.
2019-07-22 08:42:52.109 TRACE ws::io Active connections 0
2019-07-22 08:42:52.109 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:43:52.593 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:43:52.594 INFO ws::io Accepted a new tcp connection from
2019-07-22 08:43:52.594 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:43:52.594 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:43:52.594 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:43:52.594 TRACE ws::connection Ready to read handshake from
2019-07-22 08:43:52.594 TRACE ws::connection Handshake request received:
GET / HTTP/1.1
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: upgrade
User-Agent: websocket-sharp/1.0
Sec-WebSocket-Key: xCQIYxJkOO4pVFX42vWVKw==
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
2019-07-22 08:43:52.594 DEBUG ws::handshake Built response from request:
HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Accept: mcWE2WhDDaBiuKRB2HTLzMHwJ8o=
Upgrade: websocket
2019-07-22 08:43:52.595 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Writable
2019-07-22 08:43:52.595 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:43:52.595 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:43:52.595 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:43:52.595 TRACE ws::connection Ready to write handshake to
2019-07-22 08:43:52.595 TRACE ws::connection Finished writing handshake response to
2019-07-22 08:43:52.595 DEBUG ws::handler Connection with now open
2019-07-22 08:43:52.595 DEBUG ws::connection Connection to is now open.
2019-07-22 08:43:52.595 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable | Writable
2019-07-22 08:43:52.595 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:43:52.595 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:43:52.595 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:43:52.595 TRACE ws::connection Ready to write messages to
2019-07-22 08:43:52.595 TRACE ws::connection Wrote 0 bytes to
2019-07-22 08:43:52.595 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable
2019-07-22 08:43:52.596 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:43:52.596 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:43:52.701 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:43:52.701 TRACE ws::connection Ready to read messages from
2019-07-22 08:43:52.701 TRACE ws::connection Reading buffer for connection to
2019-07-22 08:43:52.701 TRACE ws::connection Buffered 6.
2019-07-22 08:43:52.701 TRACE ws::frame Position in buffer 0
2019-07-22 08:43:52.701 TRACE ws::frame Parsed headers [137, 128]
2019-07-22 08:43:52.701 TRACE ws::frame First: 10001001
2019-07-22 08:43:52.701 TRACE ws::frame Second: 10000000
2019-07-22 08:43:52.701 TRACE ws::frame Opcode: Ping
2019-07-22 08:43:52.702 TRACE ws::frame Masked: true
2019-07-22 08:43:52.702 TRACE ws::frame Payload length: 0
2019-07-22 08:43:52.702 DEBUG ws::handler Handler received:
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: PING
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:43:52.702 TRACE ws::connection Received ping frame Frame { finished: true, rsv1: false, rsv2: false, rsv3: false, opcode: Ping, mask: None, payload: [] }
2019-07-22 08:43:52.702 TRACE ws::connection Sending pong to
2019-07-22 08:43:52.702 TRACE ws::handler Handler will send:
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: PONG
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:43:52.702 TRACE ws::connection Buffering frame to
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: PONG
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:43:52.702 TRACE ws::frame Position in buffer 6
2019-07-22 08:43:52.702 TRACE ws::connection Reading buffer for connection to
2019-07-22 08:43:52.702 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable | Writable
2019-07-22 08:43:52.702 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:43:52.702 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:43:52.702 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:43:52.702 TRACE ws::connection Ready to write messages to
2019-07-22 08:43:52.702 TRACE ws::connection Wrote 2 bytes to
2019-07-22 08:43:52.702 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable
2019-07-22 08:43:52.702 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:43:52.702 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:43:52.806 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:43:52.806 TRACE ws::connection Ready to read messages from
2019-07-22 08:43:52.806 TRACE ws::connection Reading buffer for connection to
2019-07-22 08:43:52.806 TRACE ws::connection Buffered 6.
2019-07-22 08:43:52.806 TRACE ws::frame Position in buffer 6
2019-07-22 08:43:52.806 TRACE ws::frame Parsed headers [136, 128]
2019-07-22 08:43:52.806 TRACE ws::frame First: 10001000
2019-07-22 08:43:52.806 TRACE ws::frame Second: 10000000
2019-07-22 08:43:52.806 TRACE ws::frame Opcode: Close
2019-07-22 08:43:52.806 TRACE ws::frame Masked: true
2019-07-22 08:43:52.806 TRACE ws::frame Payload length: 0
2019-07-22 08:43:52.806 DEBUG ws::handler Handler received:
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: CLOSE
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:43:52.806 TRACE ws::connection Received close frame Frame { finished: true, rsv1: false, rsv2: false, rsv3: false, opcode: Close, mask: None, payload: [] }
2019-07-22 08:43:52.806 DEBUG ws::handler Connection closing due to (Status)
2019-07-22 08:43:52.806 TRACE ws::connection Sending close Empty -- "" to
2019-07-22 08:43:52.806 TRACE ws::handler Handler will send:
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: CLOSE
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:43:52.806 TRACE ws::connection Buffering frame to
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: CLOSE
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:43:52.806 TRACE ws::connection Connection to is now closing.
2019-07-22 08:43:52.806 TRACE ws::frame Position in buffer 12
2019-07-22 08:43:52.806 TRACE ws::connection Reading buffer for connection to
2019-07-22 08:43:52.806 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable | Writable
2019-07-22 08:43:52.806 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:43:52.806 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:43:52.806 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:43:52.806 TRACE ws::connection Ready to write messages to
2019-07-22 08:43:52.806 TRACE ws::connection Wrote 2 bytes to
2019-07-22 08:43:52.807 DEBUG ws::io WebSocket connection to disconnected.
2019-07-22 08:43:52.807 TRACE ws::io Active connections 0
2019-07-22 08:43:52.807 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:44:54.434 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:44:54.436 INFO ws::io Accepted a new tcp connection from
2019-07-22 08:44:54.436 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:44:54.436 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:44:54.436 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:44:54.436 TRACE ws::connection Ready to read handshake from
2019-07-22 08:44:54.436 TRACE ws::connection Handshake request received:
GET / HTTP/1.1
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: upgrade
User-Agent: websocket-sharp/1.0
Sec-WebSocket-Key: 8uSoxb7dE32hblAXqZkJew==
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
2019-07-22 08:44:54.436 DEBUG ws::handshake Built response from request:
HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Accept: 4TChL9oXO4bEncSLUtVeHdRISwU=
Upgrade: websocket
2019-07-22 08:44:54.437 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Writable
2019-07-22 08:44:54.437 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:44:54.437 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:44:54.437 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:44:54.437 TRACE ws::connection Ready to write handshake to
2019-07-22 08:44:54.437 TRACE ws::connection Finished writing handshake response to
2019-07-22 08:44:54.437 DEBUG ws::handler Connection with now open
2019-07-22 08:44:54.437 DEBUG ws::connection Connection to is now open.
2019-07-22 08:44:54.437 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable | Writable
2019-07-22 08:44:54.437 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:44:54.437 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:44:54.437 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:44:54.437 TRACE ws::connection Ready to write messages to
2019-07-22 08:44:54.437 TRACE ws::connection Wrote 0 bytes to
2019-07-22 08:44:54.437 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable
2019-07-22 08:44:54.437 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:44:54.437 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:44:54.512 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:44:54.512 TRACE ws::connection Ready to read messages from
2019-07-22 08:44:54.512 TRACE ws::connection Reading buffer for connection to
2019-07-22 08:44:54.512 TRACE ws::connection Buffered 6.
2019-07-22 08:44:54.512 TRACE ws::frame Position in buffer 0
2019-07-22 08:44:54.512 TRACE ws::frame Parsed headers [137, 128]
2019-07-22 08:44:54.512 TRACE ws::frame First: 10001001
2019-07-22 08:44:54.512 TRACE ws::frame Second: 10000000
2019-07-22 08:44:54.512 TRACE ws::frame Opcode: Ping
2019-07-22 08:44:54.512 TRACE ws::frame Masked: true
2019-07-22 08:44:54.512 TRACE ws::frame Payload length: 0
2019-07-22 08:44:54.512 DEBUG ws::handler Handler received:
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: PING
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:44:54.512 TRACE ws::connection Received ping frame Frame { finished: true, rsv1: false, rsv2: false, rsv3: false, opcode: Ping, mask: None, payload: [] }
2019-07-22 08:44:54.513 TRACE ws::connection Sending pong to
2019-07-22 08:44:54.513 TRACE ws::handler Handler will send:
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: PONG
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:44:54.513 TRACE ws::connection Buffering frame to
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: PONG
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:44:54.513 TRACE ws::frame Position in buffer 6
2019-07-22 08:44:54.513 TRACE ws::connection Reading buffer for connection to
2019-07-22 08:44:54.513 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable | Writable
2019-07-22 08:44:54.513 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:44:54.513 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:44:54.513 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:44:54.513 TRACE ws::connection Ready to write messages to
2019-07-22 08:44:54.513 TRACE ws::connection Wrote 2 bytes to
2019-07-22 08:44:54.513 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable
2019-07-22 08:44:54.513 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:44:54.513 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:44:54.580 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:44:54.580 TRACE ws::connection Ready to read messages from
2019-07-22 08:44:54.580 TRACE ws::connection Reading buffer for connection to
2019-07-22 08:44:54.580 TRACE ws::connection Buffered 6.
2019-07-22 08:44:54.580 TRACE ws::frame Position in buffer 6
2019-07-22 08:44:54.580 TRACE ws::frame Parsed headers [136, 128]
2019-07-22 08:44:54.580 TRACE ws::frame First: 10001000
2019-07-22 08:44:54.580 TRACE ws::frame Second: 10000000
2019-07-22 08:44:54.580 TRACE ws::frame Opcode: Close
2019-07-22 08:44:54.580 TRACE ws::frame Masked: true
2019-07-22 08:44:54.580 TRACE ws::frame Payload length: 0
2019-07-22 08:44:54.580 DEBUG ws::handler Handler received:
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: CLOSE
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:44:54.580 TRACE ws::connection Received close frame Frame { finished: true, rsv1: false, rsv2: false, rsv3: false, opcode: Close, mask: None, payload: [] }
2019-07-22 08:44:54.581 DEBUG ws::handler Connection closing due to (Status)
2019-07-22 08:44:54.581 TRACE ws::connection Sending close Empty -- "" to
2019-07-22 08:44:54.581 TRACE ws::handler Handler will send:
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: CLOSE
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:44:54.581 TRACE ws::connection Buffering frame to
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: CLOSE
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:44:54.581 TRACE ws::connection Connection to is now closing.
2019-07-22 08:44:54.581 TRACE ws::frame Position in buffer 12
2019-07-22 08:44:54.581 TRACE ws::connection Reading buffer for connection to
2019-07-22 08:44:54.581 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable | Writable
2019-07-22 08:44:54.581 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:44:54.581 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:44:54.581 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:44:54.581 TRACE ws::connection Ready to write messages to
2019-07-22 08:44:54.581 TRACE ws::connection Wrote 2 bytes to
2019-07-22 08:44:54.581 DEBUG ws::io WebSocket connection to disconnected.
2019-07-22 08:44:54.582 TRACE ws::io Active connections 0
2019-07-22 08:44:54.582 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:45:57.257 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:45:57.259 INFO ws::io Accepted a new tcp connection from
2019-07-22 08:45:57.259 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:45:57.259 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:45:57.259 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:45:57.259 TRACE ws::connection Ready to read handshake from
2019-07-22 08:45:57.259 TRACE ws::connection Handshake request received:
GET / HTTP/1.1
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: upgrade
User-Agent: websocket-sharp/1.0
Sec-WebSocket-Key: LuuE0SdzOV64N/hLlIstww==
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
2019-07-22 08:45:57.259 DEBUG ws::handshake Built response from request:
HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Accept: BI/8DQNwuX6sxukVcLNzswYgOtQ=
Upgrade: websocket
2019-07-22 08:45:57.259 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Writable
2019-07-22 08:45:57.259 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:45:57.259 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:45:57.259 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:45:57.259 TRACE ws::connection Ready to write handshake to
2019-07-22 08:45:57.260 TRACE ws::connection Finished writing handshake response to
2019-07-22 08:45:57.260 DEBUG ws::handler Connection with now open
2019-07-22 08:45:57.260 DEBUG ws::connection Connection to is now open.
2019-07-22 08:45:57.260 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable | Writable
2019-07-22 08:45:57.260 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:45:57.260 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:45:57.260 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:45:57.260 TRACE ws::connection Ready to write messages to
2019-07-22 08:45:57.260 TRACE ws::connection Wrote 0 bytes to
2019-07-22 08:45:57.260 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable
2019-07-22 08:45:57.260 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:45:57.260 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:45:57.509 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:45:57.509 TRACE ws::connection Ready to read messages from
2019-07-22 08:45:57.509 TRACE ws::connection Reading buffer for connection to
2019-07-22 08:45:57.509 TRACE ws::connection Buffered 6.
2019-07-22 08:45:57.509 TRACE ws::frame Position in buffer 0
2019-07-22 08:45:57.509 TRACE ws::frame Parsed headers [137, 128]
2019-07-22 08:45:57.509 TRACE ws::frame First: 10001001
2019-07-22 08:45:57.509 TRACE ws::frame Second: 10000000
2019-07-22 08:45:57.509 TRACE ws::frame Opcode: Ping
2019-07-22 08:45:57.509 TRACE ws::frame Masked: true
2019-07-22 08:45:57.509 TRACE ws::frame Payload length: 0
2019-07-22 08:45:57.509 DEBUG ws::handler Handler received:
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: PING
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:45:57.509 TRACE ws::connection Received ping frame Frame { finished: true, rsv1: false, rsv2: false, rsv3: false, opcode: Ping, mask: None, payload: [] }
2019-07-22 08:45:57.509 TRACE ws::connection Sending pong to
2019-07-22 08:45:57.509 TRACE ws::handler Handler will send:
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: PONG
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:45:57.509 TRACE ws::connection Buffering frame to
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: PONG
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:45:57.509 TRACE ws::frame Position in buffer 6
2019-07-22 08:45:57.509 TRACE ws::connection Reading buffer for connection to
2019-07-22 08:45:57.510 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable | Writable
2019-07-22 08:45:57.510 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:45:57.510 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:45:57.510 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:45:57.510 TRACE ws::connection Ready to write messages to
2019-07-22 08:45:57.510 TRACE ws::connection Wrote 2 bytes to
2019-07-22 08:45:57.510 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable
2019-07-22 08:45:57.510 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:45:57.510 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:45:57.754 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:45:57.754 TRACE ws::connection Ready to read messages from
2019-07-22 08:45:57.754 TRACE ws::connection Reading buffer for connection to
2019-07-22 08:45:57.754 TRACE ws::connection Buffered 6.
2019-07-22 08:45:57.754 TRACE ws::frame Position in buffer 6
2019-07-22 08:45:57.754 TRACE ws::frame Parsed headers [136, 128]
2019-07-22 08:45:57.754 TRACE ws::frame First: 10001000
2019-07-22 08:45:57.754 TRACE ws::frame Second: 10000000
2019-07-22 08:45:57.754 TRACE ws::frame Opcode: Close
2019-07-22 08:45:57.754 TRACE ws::frame Masked: true
2019-07-22 08:45:57.754 TRACE ws::frame Payload length: 0
2019-07-22 08:45:57.754 DEBUG ws::handler Handler received:
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: CLOSE
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:45:57.754 TRACE ws::connection Received close frame Frame { finished: true, rsv1: false, rsv2: false, rsv3: false, opcode: Close, mask: None, payload: [] }
2019-07-22 08:45:57.754 DEBUG ws::handler Connection closing due to (Status)
2019-07-22 08:45:57.754 TRACE ws::connection Sending close Empty -- "" to
2019-07-22 08:45:57.754 TRACE ws::handler Handler will send:
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: CLOSE
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:45:57.754 TRACE ws::connection Buffering frame to
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: CLOSE
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:45:57.754 TRACE ws::connection Connection to is now closing.
2019-07-22 08:45:57.754 TRACE ws::frame Position in buffer 12
2019-07-22 08:45:57.754 TRACE ws::connection Reading buffer for connection to
2019-07-22 08:45:57.755 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable | Writable
2019-07-22 08:45:57.755 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:45:57.755 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:45:57.755 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:45:57.755 TRACE ws::connection Ready to write messages to
2019-07-22 08:45:57.755 TRACE ws::connection Wrote 2 bytes to
2019-07-22 08:45:57.755 DEBUG ws::io WebSocket connection to disconnected.
2019-07-22 08:45:57.755 TRACE ws::io Active connections 0
2019-07-22 08:45:57.755 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:46:01.895 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:46:01.896 INFO ws::io Accepted a new tcp connection from
2019-07-22 08:46:01.896 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:46:01.896 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:46:01.896 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:46:01.896 TRACE ws::connection Ready to read handshake from
2019-07-22 08:46:01.896 TRACE ws::connection Handshake request received:
POST /wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron=1563785161.8742790222167968750000 HTTP/1.1
Connection: upgrade
Content-Length: 0
User-Agent: WordPress/5.1.1;
Accept: */*
Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
2019-07-22 08:46:01.897 TRACE ws::io Encountered error while reading: WebSocket Protocol Error: Unable to parse WebSocket key.
2019-07-22 08:46:01.897 ERROR ws::handler WS Error <Protocol>: Unable to parse WebSocket key.
2019-07-22 08:46:01.897 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Writable
2019-07-22 08:46:01.897 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:46:01.897 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:46:01.897 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:46:01.897 TRACE ws::connection Ready to write handshake to
2019-07-22 08:46:01.897 TRACE ws::connection Finished writing handshake response to
2019-07-22 08:46:01.897 DEBUG ws::io WebSocket connection to disconnected.
2019-07-22 08:46:01.897 TRACE ws::io Active connections 0
2019-07-22 08:46:01.898 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:46:57.619 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:46:57.621 INFO ws::io Accepted a new tcp connection from
2019-07-22 08:46:57.621 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:46:57.621 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:46:57.621 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:46:57.621 TRACE ws::connection Ready to read handshake from
2019-07-22 08:46:57.621 TRACE ws::connection Handshake request received:
GET / HTTP/1.1
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: upgrade
User-Agent: websocket-sharp/1.0
Sec-WebSocket-Key: adANyFbmCUrGNrIbqOITMw==
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
2019-07-22 08:46:57.621 DEBUG ws::handshake Built response from request:
HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Accept: an7FaHP5GZ2IpUVBOd6sCyd9/7M=
Upgrade: websocket
2019-07-22 08:46:57.621 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Writable
2019-07-22 08:46:57.621 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:46:57.621 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:46:57.621 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:46:57.621 TRACE ws::connection Ready to write handshake to
2019-07-22 08:46:57.622 TRACE ws::connection Finished writing handshake response to
2019-07-22 08:46:57.622 DEBUG ws::handler Connection with now open
2019-07-22 08:46:57.622 DEBUG ws::connection Connection to is now open.
2019-07-22 08:46:57.622 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable | Writable
2019-07-22 08:46:57.622 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:46:57.622 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:46:57.622 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:46:57.622 TRACE ws::connection Ready to write messages to
2019-07-22 08:46:57.622 TRACE ws::connection Wrote 0 bytes to
2019-07-22 08:46:57.622 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable
2019-07-22 08:46:57.622 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:46:57.622 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:46:57.696 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:46:57.696 TRACE ws::connection Ready to read messages from
2019-07-22 08:46:57.696 TRACE ws::connection Reading buffer for connection to
2019-07-22 08:46:57.696 TRACE ws::connection Buffered 6.
2019-07-22 08:46:57.696 TRACE ws::frame Position in buffer 0
2019-07-22 08:46:57.696 TRACE ws::frame Parsed headers [137, 128]
2019-07-22 08:46:57.696 TRACE ws::frame First: 10001001
2019-07-22 08:46:57.696 TRACE ws::frame Second: 10000000
2019-07-22 08:46:57.696 TRACE ws::frame Opcode: Ping
2019-07-22 08:46:57.696 TRACE ws::frame Masked: true
2019-07-22 08:46:57.696 TRACE ws::frame Payload length: 0
2019-07-22 08:46:57.696 DEBUG ws::handler Handler received:
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: PING
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:46:57.697 TRACE ws::connection Received ping frame Frame { finished: true, rsv1: false, rsv2: false, rsv3: false, opcode: Ping, mask: None, payload: [] }
2019-07-22 08:46:57.697 TRACE ws::connection Sending pong to
2019-07-22 08:46:57.697 TRACE ws::handler Handler will send:
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: PONG
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:46:57.697 TRACE ws::connection Buffering frame to
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: PONG
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:46:57.697 TRACE ws::frame Position in buffer 6
2019-07-22 08:46:57.697 TRACE ws::connection Reading buffer for connection to
2019-07-22 08:46:57.697 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable | Writable
2019-07-22 08:46:57.697 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:46:57.697 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:46:57.697 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:46:57.697 TRACE ws::connection Ready to write messages to
2019-07-22 08:46:57.697 TRACE ws::connection Wrote 2 bytes to
2019-07-22 08:46:57.697 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable
2019-07-22 08:46:57.697 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:46:57.697 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:46:57.762 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:46:57.763 TRACE ws::connection Ready to read messages from
2019-07-22 08:46:57.763 TRACE ws::connection Reading buffer for connection to
2019-07-22 08:46:57.763 TRACE ws::connection Buffered 6.
2019-07-22 08:46:57.763 TRACE ws::frame Position in buffer 6
2019-07-22 08:46:57.763 TRACE ws::frame Parsed headers [136, 128]
2019-07-22 08:46:57.763 TRACE ws::frame First: 10001000
2019-07-22 08:46:57.763 TRACE ws::frame Second: 10000000
2019-07-22 08:46:57.763 TRACE ws::frame Opcode: Close
2019-07-22 08:46:57.763 TRACE ws::frame Masked: true
2019-07-22 08:46:57.763 TRACE ws::frame Payload length: 0
2019-07-22 08:46:57.763 DEBUG ws::handler Handler received:
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: CLOSE
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:46:57.763 TRACE ws::connection Received close frame Frame { finished: true, rsv1: false, rsv2: false, rsv3: false, opcode: Close, mask: None, payload: [] }
2019-07-22 08:46:57.763 DEBUG ws::handler Connection closing due to (Status)
2019-07-22 08:46:57.763 TRACE ws::connection Sending close Empty -- "" to
2019-07-22 08:46:57.763 TRACE ws::handler Handler will send:
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: CLOSE
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:46:57.763 TRACE ws::connection Buffering frame to
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: CLOSE
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:46:57.763 TRACE ws::connection Connection to is now closing.
2019-07-22 08:46:57.763 TRACE ws::frame Position in buffer 12
2019-07-22 08:46:57.763 TRACE ws::connection Reading buffer for connection to
2019-07-22 08:46:57.764 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable | Writable
2019-07-22 08:46:57.764 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:46:57.764 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:46:57.764 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:46:57.764 TRACE ws::connection Ready to write messages to
2019-07-22 08:46:57.764 TRACE ws::connection Wrote 2 bytes to
2019-07-22 08:46:57.764 DEBUG ws::io WebSocket connection to disconnected.
2019-07-22 08:46:57.764 TRACE ws::io Active connections 0
2019-07-22 08:46:57.764 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:47:58.390 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:47:58.391 INFO ws::io Accepted a new tcp connection from
2019-07-22 08:47:58.392 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:47:58.392 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:47:58.392 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:47:58.392 TRACE ws::connection Ready to read handshake from
2019-07-22 08:47:58.392 TRACE ws::connection Handshake request received:
GET / HTTP/1.1
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: upgrade
User-Agent: websocket-sharp/1.0
Sec-WebSocket-Key: GptiXmUCSc5OujAtUQ2boQ==
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
2019-07-22 08:47:58.392 DEBUG ws::handshake Built response from request:
HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Accept: UA/3zSGQ9xeOBdswQ2ww1/SYWic=
Upgrade: websocket
2019-07-22 08:47:58.392 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Writable
2019-07-22 08:47:58.392 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:47:58.392 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:47:58.392 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:47:58.392 TRACE ws::connection Ready to write handshake to
2019-07-22 08:47:58.392 TRACE ws::connection Finished writing handshake response to
2019-07-22 08:47:58.393 DEBUG ws::handler Connection with now open
2019-07-22 08:47:58.393 DEBUG ws::connection Connection to is now open.
2019-07-22 08:47:58.393 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable | Writable
2019-07-22 08:47:58.393 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:47:58.393 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:47:58.393 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:47:58.393 TRACE ws::connection Ready to write messages to
2019-07-22 08:47:58.393 TRACE ws::connection Wrote 0 bytes to
2019-07-22 08:47:58.393 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable
2019-07-22 08:47:58.393 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:47:58.393 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:47:58.499 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:47:58.499 TRACE ws::connection Ready to read messages from
2019-07-22 08:47:58.499 TRACE ws::connection Reading buffer for connection to
2019-07-22 08:47:58.499 TRACE ws::connection Buffered 6.
2019-07-22 08:47:58.499 TRACE ws::frame Position in buffer 0
2019-07-22 08:47:58.499 TRACE ws::frame Parsed headers [137, 128]
2019-07-22 08:47:58.499 TRACE ws::frame First: 10001001
2019-07-22 08:47:58.499 TRACE ws::frame Second: 10000000
2019-07-22 08:47:58.499 TRACE ws::frame Opcode: Ping
2019-07-22 08:47:58.499 TRACE ws::frame Masked: true
2019-07-22 08:47:58.499 TRACE ws::frame Payload length: 0
2019-07-22 08:47:58.499 DEBUG ws::handler Handler received:
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: PING
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:47:58.499 TRACE ws::connection Received ping frame Frame { finished: true, rsv1: false, rsv2: false, rsv3: false, opcode: Ping, mask: None, payload: [] }
2019-07-22 08:47:58.499 TRACE ws::connection Sending pong to
2019-07-22 08:47:58.499 TRACE ws::handler Handler will send:
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: PONG
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:47:58.500 TRACE ws::connection Buffering frame to
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: PONG
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:47:58.500 TRACE ws::frame Position in buffer 6
2019-07-22 08:47:58.500 TRACE ws::connection Reading buffer for connection to
2019-07-22 08:47:58.500 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable | Writable
2019-07-22 08:47:58.500 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:47:58.500 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:47:58.500 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:47:58.500 TRACE ws::connection Ready to write messages to
2019-07-22 08:47:58.500 TRACE ws::connection Wrote 2 bytes to
2019-07-22 08:47:58.500 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable
2019-07-22 08:47:58.500 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:47:58.500 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:47:58.603 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:47:58.604 TRACE ws::connection Ready to read messages from
2019-07-22 08:47:58.604 TRACE ws::connection Reading buffer for connection to
2019-07-22 08:47:58.604 TRACE ws::connection Buffered 6.
2019-07-22 08:47:58.604 TRACE ws::frame Position in buffer 6
2019-07-22 08:47:58.604 TRACE ws::frame Parsed headers [136, 128]
2019-07-22 08:47:58.604 TRACE ws::frame First: 10001000
2019-07-22 08:47:58.604 TRACE ws::frame Second: 10000000
2019-07-22 08:47:58.604 TRACE ws::frame Opcode: Close
2019-07-22 08:47:58.604 TRACE ws::frame Masked: true
2019-07-22 08:47:58.604 TRACE ws::frame Payload length: 0
2019-07-22 08:47:58.604 DEBUG ws::handler Handler received:
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: CLOSE
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:47:58.604 TRACE ws::connection Received close frame Frame { finished: true, rsv1: false, rsv2: false, rsv3: false, opcode: Close, mask: None, payload: [] }
2019-07-22 08:47:58.604 DEBUG ws::handler Connection closing due to (Status)
2019-07-22 08:47:58.604 TRACE ws::connection Sending close Empty -- "" to
2019-07-22 08:47:58.604 TRACE ws::handler Handler will send:
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: CLOSE
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:47:58.604 TRACE ws::connection Buffering frame to
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: CLOSE
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:47:58.604 TRACE ws::connection Connection to is now closing.
2019-07-22 08:47:58.604 TRACE ws::frame Position in buffer 12
2019-07-22 08:47:58.604 TRACE ws::connection Reading buffer for connection to
2019-07-22 08:47:58.604 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable | Writable
2019-07-22 08:47:58.604 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:47:58.604 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:47:58.604 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:47:58.604 TRACE ws::connection Ready to write messages to
2019-07-22 08:47:58.604 TRACE ws::connection Wrote 2 bytes to
2019-07-22 08:47:58.604 DEBUG ws::io WebSocket connection to disconnected.
2019-07-22 08:47:58.605 TRACE ws::io Active connections 0
2019-07-22 08:47:58.605 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:49:00.567 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:49:00.568 INFO ws::io Accepted a new tcp connection from
2019-07-22 08:49:00.568 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:49:00.568 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:49:00.568 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:49:00.568 TRACE ws::connection Ready to read handshake from
2019-07-22 08:49:00.568 TRACE ws::connection Handshake request received:
GET / HTTP/1.1
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: upgrade
User-Agent: websocket-sharp/1.0
Sec-WebSocket-Key: CQgqNG8HYOQfj5GOvK2DAQ==
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
2019-07-22 08:49:00.568 DEBUG ws::handshake Built response from request:
HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Accept: tW5eT6CU79ti0tDeiju8GjTzSzw=
Upgrade: websocket
2019-07-22 08:49:00.568 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Writable
2019-07-22 08:49:00.569 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:49:00.569 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:49:00.569 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:49:00.569 TRACE ws::connection Ready to write handshake to
2019-07-22 08:49:00.569 TRACE ws::connection Finished writing handshake response to
2019-07-22 08:49:00.569 DEBUG ws::handler Connection with now open
2019-07-22 08:49:00.569 DEBUG ws::connection Connection to is now open.
2019-07-22 08:49:00.569 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable | Writable
2019-07-22 08:49:00.569 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:49:00.569 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:49:00.569 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:49:00.569 TRACE ws::connection Ready to write messages to
2019-07-22 08:49:00.569 TRACE ws::connection Wrote 0 bytes to
2019-07-22 08:49:00.569 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable
2019-07-22 08:49:00.569 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:49:00.569 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:49:00.690 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:49:00.690 TRACE ws::connection Ready to read messages from
2019-07-22 08:49:00.690 TRACE ws::connection Reading buffer for connection to
2019-07-22 08:49:00.690 TRACE ws::connection Buffered 6.
2019-07-22 08:49:00.691 TRACE ws::frame Position in buffer 0
2019-07-22 08:49:00.691 TRACE ws::frame Parsed headers [137, 128]
2019-07-22 08:49:00.691 TRACE ws::frame First: 10001001
2019-07-22 08:49:00.691 TRACE ws::frame Second: 10000000
2019-07-22 08:49:00.691 TRACE ws::frame Opcode: Ping
2019-07-22 08:49:00.691 TRACE ws::frame Masked: true
2019-07-22 08:49:00.691 TRACE ws::frame Payload length: 0
2019-07-22 08:49:00.691 DEBUG ws::handler Handler received:
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: PING
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:49:00.691 TRACE ws::connection Received ping frame Frame { finished: true, rsv1: false, rsv2: false, rsv3: false, opcode: Ping, mask: None, payload: [] }
2019-07-22 08:49:00.691 TRACE ws::connection Sending pong to
2019-07-22 08:49:00.691 TRACE ws::handler Handler will send:
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: PONG
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:49:00.691 TRACE ws::connection Buffering frame to
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: PONG
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:49:00.691 TRACE ws::frame Position in buffer 6
2019-07-22 08:49:00.691 TRACE ws::connection Reading buffer for connection to
2019-07-22 08:49:00.691 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable | Writable
2019-07-22 08:49:00.691 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:49:00.691 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:49:00.691 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:49:00.691 TRACE ws::connection Ready to write messages to
2019-07-22 08:49:00.691 TRACE ws::connection Wrote 2 bytes to
2019-07-22 08:49:00.691 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable
2019-07-22 08:49:00.691 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:49:00.691 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:49:00.795 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:49:00.795 TRACE ws::connection Ready to read messages from
2019-07-22 08:49:00.795 TRACE ws::connection Reading buffer for connection to
2019-07-22 08:49:00.795 TRACE ws::connection Buffered 6.
2019-07-22 08:49:00.795 TRACE ws::frame Position in buffer 6
2019-07-22 08:49:00.795 TRACE ws::frame Parsed headers [136, 128]
2019-07-22 08:49:00.795 TRACE ws::frame First: 10001000
2019-07-22 08:49:00.795 TRACE ws::frame Second: 10000000
2019-07-22 08:49:00.795 TRACE ws::frame Opcode: Close
2019-07-22 08:49:00.795 TRACE ws::frame Masked: true
2019-07-22 08:49:00.795 TRACE ws::frame Payload length: 0
2019-07-22 08:49:00.795 DEBUG ws::handler Handler received:
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: CLOSE
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:49:00.795 TRACE ws::connection Received close frame Frame { finished: true, rsv1: false, rsv2: false, rsv3: false, opcode: Close, mask: None, payload: [] }
2019-07-22 08:49:00.795 DEBUG ws::handler Connection closing due to (Status)
2019-07-22 08:49:00.795 TRACE ws::connection Sending close Empty -- "" to
2019-07-22 08:49:00.795 TRACE ws::handler Handler will send:
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: CLOSE
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:49:00.795 TRACE ws::connection Buffering frame to
final: true
reserved: false false false
opcode: CLOSE
length: 2
payload length: 0
payload: 0x
2019-07-22 08:49:00.795 TRACE ws::connection Connection to is now closing.
2019-07-22 08:49:00.795 TRACE ws::frame Position in buffer 12
2019-07-22 08:49:00.796 TRACE ws::connection Reading buffer for connection to
2019-07-22 08:49:00.796 TRACE ws::io Scheduling connection to as Readable | Writable
2019-07-22 08:49:00.796 TRACE ws::io Active connections 1
2019-07-22 08:49:00.796 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
2019-07-22 08:49:00.796 TRACE ws::io Processing 1 events
2019-07-22 08:49:00.796 TRACE ws::connection Ready to write messages to
2019-07-22 08:49:00.796 TRACE ws::connection Wrote 2 bytes to
2019-07-22 08:49:00.796 DEBUG ws::io WebSocket connection to disconnected.
2019-07-22 08:49:00.796 TRACE ws::io Active connections 0
2019-07-22 08:49:00.796 TRACE ws::io Waiting for event
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