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Created October 2, 2012 15:32
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Sudoku Solver/Checker - Udacity CS258
def get_subgrids(three_rows):
""" splits given set of three rows into subgrids"""
return zip(*[(row[0:3], row[3:6], row[6:]) for row in three_rows])
def check_sudoku(sudoku):
def check_row(row):
""" checks that the row contains 1 and only 1 element from 1 to 9 and
that the total count == 9"""
counts = [0 for x in range(10)]
for i in range(9):
# this both checks that row is indexable by integers AND
# that every element in counts is integer-ish
counts[row[i]] += 1
return all(count <= 1 for count in counts[1:]) and (sum(counts) == 9)
legal_numbers = frozenset([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9])
# sanity check
if not (len(sudoku) == 9 and
all((len(row) == 9 and
all(x in legal_numbers for x in row))
for row in sudoku)):
return None
# zip(*sudoku) is the transpose of sudoku
rows_match = (all(check_row(row) for row in sudoku)
and all(check_row(row) for row in zip(*sudoku)))
if not rows_match:
return False
return all(check_row([elem for row in subgrid for elem in row]) for subgrids in
(get_subgrids(sudoku[0:3]), get_subgrids(sudoku[3:6]), get_subgrids(sudoku[6:]))
for subgrid in subgrids)
except (TypeError, AttributeError):
return None
def get_valid_options(row, legal_options=set(range(1, 10))):
""" returns all values that are in legal_options but not in row"""
return legal_options.difference(set(row))
def check_completed(sudoku):
return sudoku and check_sudoku(sudoku) and all(elem for row in sudoku for elem in row)
class DefaultList(dict):
def create(cls, factory):
new_lst = cls()
new_lst.factory = factory
return new_lst
def __getitem__(self, n):
return super(DefaultList, self).__getitem__(n)
except KeyError:
new_item = self.factory(n)
super(DefaultList, self).__setitem__(n, new_item)
return new_item
def do_solve(sudoku, solver, convert_to_int = True):
check = check_sudoku(sudoku)
if not check:
return check
if convert_to_int:
sudoku = [[int(x) for x in row] for row in sudoku]
except (TypeError, ValueError):
return None
return solver(sudoku, get_valid_options)
def brute_force_sudoku(sudoku, get_valid_options):
# make sure it's a valid sudoku
sudoku_transpose = zip(*sudoku)
row_options = DefaultList.create(lambda i: get_valid_options(sudoku[i]))
col_options = DefaultList.create(lambda j: get_valid_options(sudoku_transpose[j]))
# subgrids are referenced first by top(0)/middle(1)/bottom(2) then by left(0), middle(1), right(2)
subgrid_options = [[get_valid_options([elem for row in subgrid for elem in row])
for subgrid in subgrids]
for subgrids in (get_subgrids(sudoku[0:3]), get_subgrids(sudoku[3:6]), get_subgrids(sudoku[6:]))]
# check that every 0 spot can be filled with something AND fill in single_option spots
for i, j in [(i,j) for i in range(9) for j in range(9) if sudoku[i][j] == 0]:
# get subgrid (0-2 means top, etc, so dividing by 3 gives pos'n)
sub_opts = subgrid_options[i//3][j//3]
# check that there is actually a possible option
row_opts = row_options[i]
col_opts = col_options[j]
options = row_opts & col_opts & sub_opts
if not options:
return None
elif len(options) == 1:
new_elem = tuple(options)[0]
# get rid of the element from all option sets
sudoku[i][j] = new_elem
for i, j in [(i, j) for i in range(9) for j in range(9) if sudoku[i][j] == 0]:
options = row_options[i] & col_options[j] and subgrid_options[i//3][j//3]
res = False
for opt in options:
res = brute_force_sudoku([[e if (_i,_j) != (i,j) else opt for _j, e in enumerate(row)] for _i, row in enumerate(sudoku)], get_valid_options)
if check_completed(res):
return res
res = False
return res
return check_completed(sudoku) and sudoku or False
solve_sudoku = lambda sudoku : do_solve(sudoku, brute_force_sudoku)
from import eq_, nottest
from sudoku import solve_sudoku, check_sudoku, get_valid_options
# solve_sudoku should return None
ill_formed = [[5,3,4,6,7,8,9,1,2],
[4,2,6,8,5,3,7,9], # <---
# solve_sudoku should return valid unchanged
valid = [[5,3,4,6,7,8,9,1,2],
# solve_sudoku should return False
invalid = [[5,3,4,6,7,8,9,1,2],
# solve_sudoku should return a
# sudoku grid which passes a
# sudoku checker. There may be
# multiple correct grids which
# can be made from this starting
# grid.
easy = [[2,9,0,0,0,0,0,7,0],
# Note: this may timeout
# in the Udacity IDE! Try running
# it locally if you'd like to test
# your solution with it.
hard = [[1,0,0,0,0,7,0,9,0],
def test_successful(sudoku):
legal_numbers = set(range(1,10))
assert sudoku, "Given test sudoku, {sudoku}, not truthy".format(sudoku=sudoku)
def check_successful(result):
assert result, """Solver returned {result} instead of valid sudoku for input:\n{sudoku}""".format(sudoku=sudoku, result=result)
check = check_sudoku(result)
assert check, """Solver returned invalid sudoku
(yielding `{check}` from check_sudoku)
instead of valid sudoku for
{sudoku}""".format(check=check, sudoku=sudoku)
for i, j, elem in [(i, j, elem) for i, row in enumerate(result) for j, elem in enumerate(row)]:
assert elem in legal_numbers, """Element ({i}, {j}) [{elem}] not in [1..9] in sudoku:\n {sudoku}""".format(i=i, j=j, elem=elem, sudoku=sudoku)
def test_get_valid_options():
legal_options = set(range(1,10))
legal_options2 = set(range(1,10))
cases = [
([0], set(range(1,10))),
([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], set(range(1,10))),
([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], set(range(2, 10))),
([1, 0, 0, 4, 0, 3, 2, 0, 0], set([5, 6, 7, 8, 9])),
# obviously the following is invalid, but we don't went get_valid_options
# to really be testing for that at all
([1, 2, 5, 6, 0, 8, 9, 1, 0], set([3, 4, 7])),
([0, 0, 9, 8, 7, 0, 0, 1, 0], set([2, 3, 4, 5, 6]))]
for inpt, expected in cases:
yield eq_, expected, get_valid_options(inpt, legal_options)
yield eq_, legal_options, legal_options2, "Legal options changed by get_valid_options :("
illegal = [ill_formed]
not_valid = [invalid]
def test_check_sudoku():
""" test check_sudoku for invalid input"""
for s in illegal:
yield eq_, None, check_sudoku(s)
for s in not_valid:
yield eq_, False, check_sudoku(s)
def test_check_sudoku_valid():
""" test check_sudoku for valid input"""
valid = [easy, hard]
for s in valid:
yield eq_, True, check_sudoku(s)
def test_solve_sudoku_generator():
""" test illegal and invalid sudokus"""
for s in illegal:
yield eq_, None, solve_sudoku(s)
for s in not_valid:
yield eq_, False, solve_sudoku(s)
def test_normal_sudokus():
""" test normal sudokus"""
normal_success = [easy, valid]
long = [hard]
for s in normal_success:
yield test_successful, s
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