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Created July 12, 2020 01:01
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(ns drewverlee.webcrawler
(:require [clojure.core.async
:as a
:refer [>! <! >!! <!! go chan buffer close! thread
alts! alts!!]]))
;; my version
(let [url->urls {:a [:b :e]
:c [:a]
:d [:e]}
urls (chan 10)
timeout (a/timeout 1000)]
(onto-chan urls (keys url->urls) false)
(loop [[url _] (alts!! [urls timeout])
seen? #{}]
(nil? url) (println "crawled: " seen?)
(seen? url) (recur (alts!! [urls timeout]) seen?)
(println "crawl: " url)
(onto-chan urls (url->urls url) false)
(alts!! [urls timeout])
(conj seen? url))))))
;; Andrian Smith's version
(let [url->urls {:a [:b]
:b [:d]
:d [:a]}
to-download (chan 10)
downloaded (chan 10)]
(loop []
(when-let [url (<! to-download)]
(>! downloaded [url
(<! (thread (get url->urls url [])))])
(loop [to-visit (set (keys url->urls))
pending? #{}
seen? #{}]
(prn to-visit pending? seen?)
(if (and (empty? pending?)
(empty? to-visit))
(let [next-url (first to-visit)
ports (if next-url
[[to-download next-url]
[val port] (alts! ports)]
(= port to-download)
(recur (disj to-visit next-url)
(conj pending? next-url)
(= port downloaded)
(let [[from-url to-urls] val]
(recur (into to-visit (remove #(or (pending? %)
(seen? %)))
(disj pending? from-url)
(conj seen? from-url)))))))))
(let [c1 (chan)
c2 (chan)]
(go (println (<! c2)))
(let [[value channel] (alts!! [c1 [c2 "put!"]])]
(println value)
(= channel c2)))
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