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Created September 19, 2020 11:58
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(ns drewverlee.sql-on-the-wire-walkthrough
(:require [honeysql.core :as sql]
[honeysql.helpers :refer :all :as helpers]))
;; The goal is that a user of the app wants to retrieve the size of the TechCo building.
;; Will be showing how to achieve this goal concisely by letting the front end developer describe
;; the sql query while also improving and simplifying our authorization story. Lets say
;; But we need to start the story at the beginning (before the browser app is compiled)
;; in order to reasonable understand how everything fits together.
;; Consider your database looks like this:
;; User
;; * id (int)
;; building
;; -----------
;; * name (string)
;; * area (int)
;; * user (ref/ int)
;; So a user can one more buildings.
;; So the sql query the user wants to perform looks like this:
"SELECT area FROM building WHERE name = TechCo"
;; We can create a datastructure which carries the same information:
(def sqlmap {:select [:building/area]
:from [:building]
:where [:= :building/name :?name]})
;; and use a library that knows how to do the conversation
(sql/format sqlmap :params {:name "TechCo"})
;; => ["SELECT area FROM building WHERE name = ?" "TechCo"]
;; At Compile time for the browser app, whose code contains this exact sqlmap,
;; takes the sqlmap and hashes it.
;; the backend stores a mapping from the hash to the sqlmap
(def h (hash sqlmap))
;; => -417433191
(def hash->sql {h sqlmap})
;; => {-417433191
;; {:select [:area], :from [:building], :where [:= :building/name :?name]}}
;; the frontend stores the hash inside a function that makes a request to the backend and passes the hash of the query
;; and the building name as provided by the user.
{:on-click (fn [building-name] ('fetch-from-backend {:query h :params {:name building-name}}))}
;; the Browser will then send this request to the backend and as well as the users authorization information (in this case, their User ID).
;; At this point we have to back up and explain one strategy for handling authentication and authorization. Here is what happened when the user first went to the site:
;; * User goes to
;; * redirected to login screen controlled by auth server enters passwords which
;; * is sent to the auth server on success auth server redirects user back to
;; and auth client library (in the browser app) now lets the user
;; interact with the site as well as stores a jwt containing auth information (User ID)
;; Now moving forward again, the backend is receiving this request from the client:
{:jwt "..." :query-map {:query h :params {:name "TechCo"} }}
;; The backend can ask the auth server if this jwt is valid (nothing tampered with it.)
;; Now it knows that everything in the JWT can be trusted. So lets unwrap that auth information
;; and look at the full set of data the backend has.
(def request {:auth {:user-id 1} :query-map {:query h :params {:name "TechCo"} }})
;; our authorization strategy is that a user can see any building they have access to in the database.
;; This means that if we modify our query to _inner join_ on the user table with the given user id
(let [{{user-id :user-id} :auth
{hash :query params :params} :query-map} request]
(-> hash
(helpers/merge-from :user)
(helpers/merge-join :building [:= :user/id :building/user])
(helpers/merge-where :and [:= :user/id :?id])
(sql/format :params (assoc params :id user-id))))
;; => ["SELECT area FROM building, user INNER JOIN building ON id = user WHERE (name = ? AND id = ?)"
;; "TechCo"
;; 1]
;; Lets review,
;; 1. front end dev wrote a sql query
;; 2. query was compiled to a hash and stored on front end. On the backend we store the hash->query
;; 3. At run time when the user enters an input we send that along with the hash and the authorization information to the backend.
;; 4. backend verifies the auth information, combines it with the unhashed query and parameters to create a sql query.
;; The net result is that we have eliminated a major class of errors by _not_ doing a number of translations that just
;; introduced friction.
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