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Created July 1, 2019 16:21
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Octoprint octoprint.log for start gcode sequence issue
2019-07-01 12:59:02,141 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Server heartbeat <3
2019-07-01 12:59:02,149 - octoprint.server - INFO - --- Log roll over detected ---------------------------------------------------
2019-07-01 12:59:02,149 - octoprint.server - INFO - OctoPrint 1.3.11
2019-07-01 12:59:02,160 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - 31 plugin(s) registered with the system:
| ABL Expert Plugin (0.3) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_ABL_Expert
| Action Command Prompt Support (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/action_command_prompt
| Announcement Plugin (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/announcements
| Anonymous Usage Tracking (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/tracking
| Application Keys Plugin (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/appkeys
| Backup & Restore (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/backup
| Bed Visualizer (0.1.9) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_bedlevelvisualizer
| BLTouch Plugin (0.3.1) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_BLTouch
| Core Wizard (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/corewizard
| Detailed Progress Plugin (0.1.4) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_detailedprogress
| Discovery (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/discovery
| EEPROM Marlin Editor Plugin (1.2.1) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_eeprom_marlin
| Error Tracking (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/errortracking
| Exclude Region (0.1.3) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_excluderegion
| Firmware Updater (1.5.0) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_firmwareupdater
| Force Login (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/forcelogin
| Fullscreen Plugin (0.0.4) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_fullscreen
| Logging (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/logging
| !OctoKlipper (0.2.5) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_klipper
| Octolapse (0.3.4) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_octolapse
| Pi Support Plugin (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/pi_support
| Plugin Manager (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/pluginmanager
| PortLister (0.1.8) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_portlister
| Printer Safety Check (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/printer_safety_check
| Printer Stats (1.0.0) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_stats
| PSU Control (0.1.8) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_psucontrol
| Pushbullet (0.1.9) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_octobullet
| Software Update (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/softwareupdate
| Themeify (1.2.0) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_themeify
| TouchUI (0.3.13) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_touchui
| Virtual Printer (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/virtual_printer
2019-07-01 12:59:02,186 - octoprint.environment - INFO - Detected environment is Python 2.7.13 under Linux (linux2). Details:
| hardware:
| cores: 4
| freq: 1200.0
| ram: 917016576
| os:
| id: linux
| platform: linux2
| plugins:
| pi_support:
| model: Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Rev 1.2
| octopi_version: 0.16.0
| python:
| pip: 19.0.1
| version: 2.7.13
| virtualenv: /home/pi/oprint
2019-07-01 12:59:02,187 - octoprint.server - INFO - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2019-07-01 13:02:42,184 - octoprint.plugins.psucontrol - INFO - Idle timeout reached after 10 minute(s). Turning heaters off prior to shutting off PSU.
2019-07-01 13:02:42,185 - octoprint.plugins.psucontrol - INFO - Heaters below temperature.
2019-07-01 13:02:42,186 - octoprint.plugins.psucontrol - INFO - Switching PSU Off
2019-07-01 13:02:42,191 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Disconnecting payload=None
2019-07-01 13:02:42,201 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Operational" to "Offline"
2019-07-01 13:02:42,210 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=UpdatedFiles payload={'type': 'printables'}
2019-07-01 13:02:42,212 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=UpdatedFiles payload={'type': 'gcode'}
2019-07-01 13:02:42,224 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Disconnected payload=None
2019-07-01 13:02:42,675 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PrinterStateChanged payload={'state_string': 'Offline', 'state_id': 'OFFLINE'}
2019-07-01 13:02:43,998 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 24.57ms
2019-07-01 13:02:45,481 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 POST /api/printer/command (::ffff: 43.65ms
2019-07-01 13:02:45,511 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 POST /api/printer/command (::ffff: 63.94ms
2019-07-01 13:02:49,239 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - New connection from client: ::ffff:
2019-07-01 13:02:49,479 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user drew from ::ffff:
2019-07-01 13:02:49,499 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - User drew logged in on the socket from client ::ffff:
2019-07-01 13:02:49,623 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=ClientOpened payload={'remoteAddress': '::ffff:'}
2019-07-01 13:02:54,498 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.20ms
2019-07-01 13:03:04,494 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.04ms
2019-07-01 13:03:24,531 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.68ms
2019-07-01 13:03:36,369 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.48ms
2019-07-01 13:03:48,452 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 24.50ms
2019-07-01 13:04:01,507 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 32.86ms
2019-07-01 13:04:11,829 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.29ms
2019-07-01 13:04:17,459 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - Client connection closed: ::ffff:
2019-07-01 13:04:17,464 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=ClientClosed payload={'remoteAddress': '::ffff:'}
2019-07-01 13:04:24,497 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.00ms
2019-07-01 13:04:34,599 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 26.85ms
2019-07-01 13:04:44,501 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 25.49ms
2019-07-01 13:04:54,495 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.95ms
2019-07-01 13:05:04,494 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.69ms
2019-07-01 13:05:23,495 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.29ms
2019-07-01 13:05:34,498 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.91ms
2019-07-01 13:05:46,527 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 19.82ms
2019-07-01 13:05:58,498 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.80ms
2019-07-01 13:06:10,536 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.82ms
2019-07-01 13:06:22,490 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.85ms
2019-07-01 13:06:26,980 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.25ms
2019-07-01 13:06:34,495 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.60ms
2019-07-01 13:06:47,374 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.37ms
2019-07-01 13:07:03,505 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.91ms
2019-07-01 13:07:14,503 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.80ms
2019-07-01 13:07:32,101 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.25ms
2019-07-01 13:07:44,001 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.35ms
2019-07-01 13:07:54,495 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.74ms
2019-07-01 13:08:07,628 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.53ms
2019-07-01 13:08:14,786 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 25.48ms
2019-07-01 13:08:28,114 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.19ms
2019-07-01 13:08:34,497 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.34ms
2019-07-01 13:08:44,535 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.55ms
2019-07-01 13:09:01,474 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.49ms
2019-07-01 13:09:04,530 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.26ms
2019-07-01 13:09:16,000 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.01ms
2019-07-01 13:09:28,007 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.67ms
2019-07-01 13:09:39,991 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 19.79ms
2019-07-01 13:09:44,365 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - New connection from client: ::ffff:
2019-07-01 13:09:44,778 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user drew from ::ffff:
2019-07-01 13:09:44,852 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - User drew logged in on the socket from client ::ffff:
2019-07-01 13:09:44,977 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=ClientOpened payload={'remoteAddress': '::ffff:'}
2019-07-01 13:09:51,995 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.39ms
2019-07-01 13:10:03,995 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.73ms
2019-07-01 13:10:14,534 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.03ms
2019-07-01 13:10:26,501 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.80ms
2019-07-01 13:10:38,496 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.40ms
2019-07-01 13:10:50,493 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.27ms
2019-07-01 13:11:01,509 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.60ms
2019-07-01 13:11:13,493 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.38ms
2019-07-01 13:11:24,497 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.32ms
2019-07-01 13:11:34,916 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.48ms
2019-07-01 13:11:48,948 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 19.94ms
2019-07-01 13:11:54,804 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 19.95ms
2019-07-01 13:12:04,866 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.56ms
2019-07-01 13:12:24,029 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.62ms
2019-07-01 13:12:24,493 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.40ms
2019-07-01 13:12:34,500 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.90ms
2019-07-01 13:12:45,497 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.20ms
2019-07-01 13:12:57,132 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.55ms
2019-07-01 13:13:04,757 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.74ms
2019-07-01 13:13:14,509 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.29ms
2019-07-01 13:13:26,505 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.10ms
2019-07-01 13:13:41,978 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.27ms
2019-07-01 13:13:51,817 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.07ms
2019-07-01 13:13:59,311 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.56ms
2019-07-01 13:14:02,144 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Server heartbeat <3
2019-07-01 13:14:05,541 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.18ms
2019-07-01 13:14:14,521 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.48ms
2019-07-01 13:14:25,012 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.80ms
2019-07-01 13:14:36,993 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.93ms
2019-07-01 13:14:43,018 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - Client connection closed: ::ffff:
2019-07-01 13:14:43,027 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=ClientClosed payload={'remoteAddress': '::ffff:'}
2019-07-01 13:14:54,529 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.27ms
2019-07-01 13:15:06,494 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.66ms
2019-07-01 13:15:18,534 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 15.79ms
2019-07-01 13:15:30,498 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.19ms
2019-07-01 13:15:35,139 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.71ms
2019-07-01 13:15:54,282 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.81ms
2019-07-01 13:15:54,687 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.51ms
2019-07-01 13:16:06,386 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 25.22ms
2019-07-01 13:16:18,484 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.01ms
2019-07-01 13:16:30,507 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.81ms
2019-07-01 13:16:37,685 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 26.68ms
2019-07-01 13:16:49,585 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.16ms
2019-07-01 13:17:01,509 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 24.57ms
2019-07-01 13:17:13,530 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.58ms
2019-07-01 13:17:19,799 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.11ms
2019-07-01 13:17:31,904 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 24.52ms
2019-07-01 13:17:44,009 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.50ms
2019-07-01 13:17:54,497 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.90ms
2019-07-01 13:18:06,493 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.21ms
2019-07-01 13:18:18,500 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.93ms
2019-07-01 13:18:30,497 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.43ms
2019-07-01 13:18:42,495 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.37ms
2019-07-01 13:18:54,496 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.24ms
2019-07-01 13:19:06,492 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.17ms
2019-07-01 13:19:18,526 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.60ms
2019-07-01 13:19:30,501 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.02ms
2019-07-01 13:19:42,540 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 17.68ms
2019-07-01 13:19:54,526 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.29ms
2019-07-01 13:20:06,498 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 28.35ms
2019-07-01 13:20:16,866 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.92ms
2019-07-01 13:20:30,001 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.37ms
2019-07-01 13:20:38,838 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.34ms
2019-07-01 13:20:52,991 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.90ms
2019-07-01 13:20:56,133 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.27ms
2019-07-01 13:21:08,038 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.51ms
2019-07-01 13:21:19,997 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.03ms
2019-07-01 13:21:26,426 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.43ms
2019-07-01 13:21:37,725 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 25.15ms
2019-07-01 13:21:47,089 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.56ms
2019-07-01 13:21:58,410 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.99ms
2019-07-01 13:22:08,651 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 24.36ms
2019-07-01 13:22:20,536 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.25ms
2019-07-01 13:22:29,463 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.07ms
2019-07-01 13:22:39,709 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.52ms
2019-07-01 13:22:44,505 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.11ms
2019-07-01 13:22:54,709 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 24.22ms
2019-07-01 13:23:06,773 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 24.59ms
2019-07-01 13:23:14,500 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.71ms
2019-07-01 13:23:25,164 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.35ms
2019-07-01 13:23:42,994 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.55ms
2019-07-01 13:23:54,505 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.27ms
2019-07-01 13:24:06,503 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 24.50ms
2019-07-01 13:24:20,771 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 24.05ms
2019-07-01 13:24:31,303 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.38ms
2019-07-01 13:24:43,408 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 26.19ms
2019-07-01 13:24:54,507 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.23ms
2019-07-01 13:25:08,734 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 25.24ms
2019-07-01 13:25:20,632 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.91ms
2019-07-01 13:25:31,495 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 19.68ms
2019-07-01 13:25:36,648 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.11ms
2019-07-01 13:25:50,496 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.63ms
2019-07-01 13:26:01,501 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.08ms
2019-07-01 13:26:13,493 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.34ms
2019-07-01 13:26:14,552 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.02ms
2019-07-01 13:26:30,499 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.34ms
2019-07-01 13:26:37,746 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.61ms
2019-07-01 13:26:48,128 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.47ms
2019-07-01 13:26:54,535 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.38ms
2019-07-01 13:27:05,015 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.95ms
2019-07-01 13:27:16,994 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.73ms
2019-07-01 13:27:28,995 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.32ms
2019-07-01 13:27:31,846 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - New connection from client: ::ffff:
2019-07-01 13:27:32,064 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user drew from ::ffff:
2019-07-01 13:27:32,220 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - User drew logged in on the socket from client ::ffff:
2019-07-01 13:27:32,338 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=ClientOpened payload={'remoteAddress': '::ffff:'}
2019-07-01 13:27:40,998 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.00ms
2019-07-01 13:27:52,994 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 24.56ms
2019-07-01 13:28:04,492 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.35ms
2019-07-01 13:28:16,495 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.09ms
2019-07-01 13:28:28,499 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.11ms
2019-07-01 13:28:40,533 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.95ms
2019-07-01 13:28:52,530 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.00ms
2019-07-01 13:29:02,147 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Server heartbeat <3
2019-07-01 13:29:04,499 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.34ms
2019-07-01 13:29:16,495 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.62ms
2019-07-01 13:29:28,505 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.10ms
2019-07-01 13:29:40,494 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.01ms
2019-07-01 13:29:52,497 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.01ms
2019-07-01 13:30:04,496 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.13ms
2019-07-01 13:30:16,497 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.28ms
2019-07-01 13:30:28,714 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.46ms
2019-07-01 13:30:38,905 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.45ms
2019-07-01 13:30:50,997 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.36ms
2019-07-01 13:31:01,499 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.53ms
2019-07-01 13:31:13,532 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.51ms
2019-07-01 13:31:24,530 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.46ms
2019-07-01 13:31:36,493 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.20ms
2019-07-01 13:31:50,494 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.03ms
2019-07-01 13:32:01,497 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.47ms
2019-07-01 13:32:13,497 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.52ms
2019-07-01 13:32:34,496 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.04ms
2019-07-01 13:32:56,500 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.32ms
2019-07-01 13:33:18,499 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.92ms
2019-07-01 13:33:40,498 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.10ms
2019-07-01 13:34:02,493 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.79ms
2019-07-01 13:34:24,498 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.67ms
2019-07-01 13:34:46,512 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 30.74ms
2019-07-01 13:35:08,498 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.01ms
2019-07-01 13:35:18,496 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.69ms
2019-07-01 13:35:28,496 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.34ms
2019-07-01 13:35:38,497 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.05ms
2019-07-01 13:35:48,494 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.41ms
2019-07-01 13:35:58,495 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 19.90ms
2019-07-01 13:36:08,495 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.95ms
2019-07-01 13:36:21,497 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.70ms
2019-07-01 13:36:28,495 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.53ms
2019-07-01 13:36:42,947 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.56ms
2019-07-01 13:36:56,996 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.43ms
2019-07-01 13:37:08,499 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.90ms
2019-07-01 13:37:18,303 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - Client connection closed: ::ffff:
2019-07-01 13:37:18,309 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=ClientClosed payload={'remoteAddress': '::ffff:'}
2019-07-01 13:37:20,496 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.30ms
2019-07-01 13:37:31,497 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.11ms
2019-07-01 13:37:42,457 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.71ms
2019-07-01 13:37:48,499 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.02ms
2019-07-01 13:38:06,725 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 19.77ms
2019-07-01 13:38:08,539 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.08ms
2019-07-01 13:38:22,401 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 27.65ms
2019-07-01 13:38:38,498 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.53ms
2019-07-01 13:38:50,530 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.95ms
2019-07-01 13:39:01,495 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.33ms
2019-07-01 13:39:13,497 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.69ms
2019-07-01 13:39:25,510 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.17ms
2019-07-01 13:39:37,497 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.65ms
2019-07-01 13:39:40,315 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.15ms
2019-07-01 13:39:54,501 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 24.51ms
2019-07-01 13:40:05,023 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.18ms
2019-07-01 13:40:17,027 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.28ms
2019-07-01 13:40:28,500 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.65ms
2019-07-01 13:40:40,498 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.25ms
2019-07-01 13:40:52,496 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.06ms
2019-07-01 13:41:04,500 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.16ms
2019-07-01 13:41:16,498 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.09ms
2019-07-01 13:41:28,498 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.03ms
2019-07-01 13:41:48,496 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.07ms
2019-07-01 13:42:00,495 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.42ms
2019-07-01 13:42:12,499 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.65ms
2019-07-01 13:42:24,497 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.57ms
2019-07-01 13:42:36,530 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.94ms
2019-07-01 13:42:48,498 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.43ms
2019-07-01 13:43:00,500 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.78ms
2019-07-01 13:43:12,515 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.55ms
2019-07-01 13:43:24,497 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.31ms
2019-07-01 13:43:26,887 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - New connection from client: ::ffff:
2019-07-01 13:43:27,172 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user drew from ::ffff:
2019-07-01 13:43:27,224 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - User drew logged in on the socket from client ::ffff:
2019-07-01 13:43:27,344 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=ClientOpened payload={'remoteAddress': '::ffff:'}
2019-07-01 13:43:33,408 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - Client connection closed: ::ffff:
2019-07-01 13:43:33,414 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=ClientClosed payload={'remoteAddress': '::ffff:'}
2019-07-01 13:43:36,498 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.32ms
2019-07-01 13:43:48,499 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.43ms
2019-07-01 13:43:58,741 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.79ms
2019-07-01 13:44:02,150 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Server heartbeat <3
2019-07-01 13:44:12,574 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.17ms
2019-07-01 13:44:24,498 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.60ms
2019-07-01 13:44:36,495 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 19.64ms
2019-07-01 13:44:48,537 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.24ms
2019-07-01 13:45:00,529 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.59ms
2019-07-01 13:45:22,498 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.62ms
2019-07-01 13:45:44,499 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.10ms
2019-07-01 13:46:06,600 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.57ms
2019-07-01 13:46:28,499 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.87ms
2019-07-01 13:46:58,496 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.51ms
2019-07-01 13:47:20,504 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.13ms
2019-07-01 13:47:41,547 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.20ms
2019-07-01 13:48:03,503 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.46ms
2019-07-01 13:48:25,501 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.05ms
2019-07-01 13:48:47,500 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.39ms
2019-07-01 13:49:09,733 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.72ms
2019-07-01 13:49:29,954 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.32ms
2019-07-01 13:49:52,006 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.99ms
2019-07-01 13:50:14,001 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.02ms
2019-07-01 13:50:36,008 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.66ms
2019-07-01 13:50:58,000 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.12ms
2019-07-01 13:51:20,035 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.15ms
2019-07-01 13:51:37,892 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.25ms
2019-07-01 13:51:59,991 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.71ms
2019-07-01 13:52:22,003 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.79ms
2019-07-01 13:52:44,001 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.93ms
2019-07-01 13:53:06,009 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.79ms
2019-07-01 13:53:19,037 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.71ms
2019-07-01 13:53:41,504 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.86ms
2019-07-01 13:54:03,509 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 26.57ms
2019-07-01 13:54:25,504 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.55ms
2019-07-01 13:54:47,507 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 24.17ms
2019-07-01 13:55:09,697 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.99ms
2019-07-01 13:55:31,500 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.90ms
2019-07-01 13:55:53,500 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.59ms
2019-07-01 13:56:15,501 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.12ms
2019-07-01 13:56:37,515 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.27ms
2019-07-01 13:57:01,507 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.04ms
2019-07-01 13:57:23,509 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.58ms
2019-07-01 13:57:45,533 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.06ms
2019-07-01 13:58:07,517 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.14ms
2019-07-01 13:58:29,501 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.26ms
2019-07-01 13:58:50,138 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.76ms
2019-07-01 13:59:02,152 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Server heartbeat <3
2019-07-01 13:59:11,506 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.36ms
2019-07-01 13:59:33,506 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.22ms
2019-07-01 13:59:55,510 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 25.84ms
2019-07-01 14:00:19,504 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.15ms
2019-07-01 14:00:41,506 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.18ms
2019-07-01 14:01:03,543 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.23ms
2019-07-01 14:01:25,504 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.44ms
2019-07-01 14:01:37,757 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.57ms
2019-07-01 14:01:59,905 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.42ms
2019-07-01 14:02:21,971 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.87ms
2019-07-01 14:02:44,004 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.82ms
2019-07-01 14:03:06,014 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.38ms
2019-07-01 14:03:28,044 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 25.27ms
2019-07-01 14:03:50,006 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.55ms
2019-07-01 14:04:20,505 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.44ms
2019-07-01 14:04:41,510 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 24.14ms
2019-07-01 14:05:03,513 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 29.04ms
2019-07-01 14:05:25,506 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.36ms
2019-07-01 14:05:43,117 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.62ms
2019-07-01 14:05:45,506 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.96ms
2019-07-01 14:05:55,518 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 31.05ms
2019-07-01 14:06:05,508 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.04ms
2019-07-01 14:06:15,546 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 25.03ms
2019-07-01 14:06:25,505 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 19.91ms
2019-07-01 14:06:35,505 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 19.92ms
2019-07-01 14:06:53,006 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.02ms
2019-07-01 14:07:05,042 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.30ms
2019-07-01 14:07:15,504 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.57ms
2019-07-01 14:07:27,541 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 18.36ms
2019-07-01 14:07:39,503 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.29ms
2019-07-01 14:07:45,514 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.54ms
2019-07-01 14:07:57,428 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.32ms
2019-07-01 14:08:07,635 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 19.73ms
2019-07-01 14:08:19,538 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.64ms
2019-07-01 14:08:31,193 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.82ms
2019-07-01 14:08:37,608 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.01ms
2019-07-01 14:08:51,508 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.01ms
2019-07-01 14:09:03,507 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.66ms
2019-07-01 14:09:15,515 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.03ms
2019-07-01 14:09:27,504 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.01ms
2019-07-01 14:09:39,506 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.87ms
2019-07-01 14:09:51,545 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.75ms
2019-07-01 14:10:03,507 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.27ms
2019-07-01 14:10:15,505 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 19.95ms
2019-07-01 14:10:27,507 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.12ms
2019-07-01 14:10:39,504 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.71ms
2019-07-01 14:10:51,506 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 19.95ms
2019-07-01 14:11:03,506 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.20ms
2019-07-01 14:11:15,535 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.85ms
2019-07-01 14:11:27,509 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.63ms
2019-07-01 14:11:37,768 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 19.76ms
2019-07-01 14:11:49,870 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.41ms
2019-07-01 14:12:01,511 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.00ms
2019-07-01 14:12:13,537 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.31ms
2019-07-01 14:12:25,506 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 19.99ms
2019-07-01 14:12:37,505 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.30ms
2019-07-01 14:12:49,502 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.12ms
2019-07-01 14:13:01,511 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 19.77ms
2019-07-01 14:13:13,506 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.38ms
2019-07-01 14:13:25,541 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.74ms
2019-07-01 14:13:45,506 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 19.92ms
2019-07-01 14:13:57,514 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.32ms
2019-07-01 14:14:02,155 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Server heartbeat <3
2019-07-01 14:14:07,779 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.32ms
2019-07-01 14:14:24,004 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.26ms
2019-07-01 14:14:35,505 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.74ms
2019-07-01 14:14:47,511 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 24.07ms
2019-07-01 14:14:59,515 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.77ms
2019-07-01 14:15:11,507 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.79ms
2019-07-01 14:15:23,511 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.01ms
2019-07-01 14:15:35,505 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 19.63ms
2019-07-01 14:15:49,430 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.70ms
2019-07-01 14:15:55,632 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.33ms
2019-07-01 14:16:07,536 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.44ms
2019-07-01 14:16:19,507 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.23ms
2019-07-01 14:16:31,521 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 19.87ms
2019-07-01 14:16:37,824 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 19.52ms
2019-07-01 14:16:49,891 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.85ms
2019-07-01 14:17:01,887 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.23ms
2019-07-01 14:17:08,655 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 19.73ms
2019-07-01 14:17:21,568 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.43ms
2019-07-01 14:17:33,507 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.33ms
2019-07-01 14:17:38,043 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.13ms
2019-07-01 14:17:52,037 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.38ms
2019-07-01 14:18:05,514 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 27.92ms
2019-07-01 14:18:19,508 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.76ms
2019-07-01 14:18:26,350 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.68ms
2019-07-01 14:18:35,544 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.12ms
2019-07-01 14:18:46,540 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.44ms
2019-07-01 14:18:58,508 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.85ms
2019-07-01 14:19:10,541 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.42ms
2019-07-01 14:19:22,540 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.50ms
2019-07-01 14:19:34,509 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.06ms
2019-07-01 14:19:45,547 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.78ms
2019-07-01 14:19:57,505 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.64ms
2019-07-01 14:20:12,507 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 19.81ms
2019-07-01 14:20:24,539 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.03ms
2019-07-01 14:20:35,544 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.95ms
2019-07-01 14:20:47,513 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.66ms
2019-07-01 14:20:59,506 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.65ms
2019-07-01 14:21:11,543 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.72ms
2019-07-01 14:21:23,510 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.38ms
2019-07-01 14:21:35,532 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.26ms
2019-07-01 14:21:49,629 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.32ms
2019-07-01 14:22:01,514 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 19.69ms
2019-07-01 14:22:13,508 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.79ms
2019-07-01 14:22:25,506 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.50ms
2019-07-01 14:22:37,509 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.42ms
2019-07-01 14:22:49,508 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.14ms
2019-07-01 14:23:01,510 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.39ms
2019-07-01 14:23:05,513 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.52ms
2019-07-01 14:23:15,788 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.48ms
2019-07-01 14:23:29,992 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.74ms
2019-07-01 14:23:42,008 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.60ms
2019-07-01 14:23:54,007 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.65ms
2019-07-01 14:24:05,515 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.50ms
2019-07-01 14:24:17,551 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 30.84ms
2019-07-01 14:24:29,519 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.86ms
2019-07-01 14:24:41,514 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.94ms
2019-07-01 14:24:53,516 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 25.78ms
2019-07-01 14:25:05,511 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.42ms
2019-07-01 14:25:17,549 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.73ms
2019-07-01 14:25:29,512 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.60ms
2019-07-01 14:25:41,547 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.61ms
2019-07-01 14:25:53,544 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.45ms
2019-07-01 14:26:05,510 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.00ms
2019-07-01 14:26:16,335 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 25.38ms
2019-07-01 14:26:30,795 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 25.19ms
2019-07-01 14:26:37,739 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.55ms
2019-07-01 14:26:45,512 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.53ms
2019-07-01 14:27:01,515 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.65ms
2019-07-01 14:27:05,715 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.18ms
2019-07-01 14:27:15,591 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.38ms
2019-07-01 14:27:31,510 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.27ms
2019-07-01 14:27:35,519 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 24.67ms
2019-07-01 14:27:46,547 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.11ms
2019-07-01 14:27:58,513 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.06ms
2019-07-01 14:28:10,520 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 24.06ms
2019-07-01 14:28:22,543 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.92ms
2019-07-01 14:28:34,535 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.74ms
2019-07-01 14:28:45,515 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 25.16ms
2019-07-01 14:28:57,522 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.06ms
2019-07-01 14:29:02,159 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Server heartbeat <3
2019-07-01 14:29:09,543 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.64ms
2019-07-01 14:29:21,515 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 25.16ms
2019-07-01 14:29:33,510 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.13ms
2019-07-01 14:29:45,515 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 25.92ms
2019-07-01 14:29:57,521 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.70ms
2019-07-01 14:30:09,543 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.28ms
2019-07-01 14:30:21,548 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 27.25ms
2019-07-01 14:30:33,517 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 24.36ms
2019-07-01 14:30:45,546 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.01ms
2019-07-01 14:30:57,525 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 29.15ms
2019-07-01 14:31:09,515 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.21ms
2019-07-01 14:31:21,512 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.45ms
2019-07-01 14:31:33,287 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.98ms
2019-07-01 14:31:36,246 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.75ms
2019-07-01 14:31:55,510 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.96ms
2019-07-01 14:32:05,922 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.05ms
2019-07-01 14:32:20,510 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.93ms
2019-07-01 14:32:27,569 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.48ms
2019-07-01 14:32:39,550 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.70ms
2019-07-01 14:32:51,510 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.13ms
2019-07-01 14:33:03,511 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.57ms
2019-07-01 14:33:15,510 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.97ms
2019-07-01 14:33:26,440 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.49ms
2019-07-01 14:33:37,025 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.83ms
2019-07-01 14:33:51,475 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.34ms
2019-07-01 14:34:03,515 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 24.75ms
2019-07-01 14:34:08,372 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.76ms
2019-07-01 14:34:22,547 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.90ms
2019-07-01 14:34:33,339 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 24.52ms
2019-07-01 14:34:35,580 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.39ms
2019-07-01 14:34:47,064 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 24.86ms
2019-07-01 14:34:59,021 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 19.79ms
2019-07-01 14:35:11,042 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.23ms
2019-07-01 14:35:23,009 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 19.82ms
2019-07-01 14:35:35,011 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.12ms
2019-07-01 14:35:45,507 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 19.83ms
2019-07-01 14:35:57,838 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.88ms
2019-07-01 14:36:08,082 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.84ms
2019-07-01 14:36:20,043 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.19ms
2019-07-01 14:36:31,512 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.06ms
2019-07-01 14:36:37,798 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.00ms
2019-07-01 14:36:49,896 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.58ms
2019-07-01 14:37:01,513 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.38ms
2019-07-01 14:37:13,541 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.08ms
2019-07-01 14:37:25,512 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.29ms
2019-07-01 14:37:37,509 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.85ms
2019-07-01 14:37:49,513 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.51ms
2019-07-01 14:38:01,514 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.92ms
2019-07-01 14:38:13,519 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.25ms
2019-07-01 14:38:25,509 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.22ms
2019-07-01 14:38:37,547 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 24.59ms
2019-07-01 14:38:49,512 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.10ms
2019-07-01 14:39:01,520 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.27ms
2019-07-01 14:39:13,513 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.76ms
2019-07-01 14:39:25,515 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.40ms
2019-07-01 14:39:37,514 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.97ms
2019-07-01 14:39:49,523 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 24.54ms
2019-07-01 14:40:01,522 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.26ms
2019-07-01 14:40:13,513 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.19ms
2019-07-01 14:40:25,514 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.41ms
2019-07-01 14:40:37,517 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 24.35ms
2019-07-01 14:40:49,516 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 24.52ms
2019-07-01 14:41:01,520 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.25ms
2019-07-01 14:41:06,239 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 24.53ms
2019-07-01 14:41:25,547 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.62ms
2019-07-01 14:41:37,749 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 24.52ms
2019-07-01 14:41:49,685 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.08ms
2019-07-01 14:42:01,512 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.45ms
2019-07-01 14:42:07,833 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 19.78ms
2019-07-01 14:42:15,512 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.47ms
2019-07-01 14:42:25,512 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.33ms
2019-07-01 14:42:35,512 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.29ms
2019-07-01 14:42:45,514 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.90ms
2019-07-01 14:42:55,515 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.12ms
2019-07-01 14:43:05,520 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 28.08ms
2019-07-01 14:43:20,014 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.86ms
2019-07-01 14:43:31,514 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.53ms
2019-07-01 14:43:43,511 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.26ms
2019-07-01 14:43:55,514 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.98ms
2019-07-01 14:44:02,161 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Server heartbeat <3
2019-07-01 14:44:07,521 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 29.79ms
2019-07-01 14:44:19,512 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.05ms
2019-07-01 14:44:35,551 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 26.55ms
2019-07-01 14:44:47,524 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 28.29ms
2019-07-01 14:44:59,806 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.20ms
2019-07-01 14:45:10,028 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.50ms
2019-07-01 14:45:22,012 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.43ms
2019-07-01 14:45:34,014 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.76ms
2019-07-01 14:45:45,517 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.30ms
2019-07-01 14:45:57,536 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.38ms
2019-07-01 14:46:09,511 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 19.74ms
2019-07-01 14:46:20,096 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.32ms
2019-07-01 14:46:25,513 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.80ms
2019-07-01 14:46:35,597 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.30ms
2019-07-01 14:46:45,523 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 30.44ms
2019-07-01 14:46:55,515 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.52ms
2019-07-01 14:47:05,517 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 24.94ms
2019-07-01 14:47:18,528 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.76ms
2019-07-01 14:47:30,518 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.83ms
2019-07-01 14:47:42,516 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.59ms
2019-07-01 14:47:46,955 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 25.32ms
2019-07-01 14:48:01,020 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.38ms
2019-07-01 14:48:13,014 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.83ms
2019-07-01 14:48:25,016 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.95ms
2019-07-01 14:48:35,514 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.61ms
2019-07-01 14:48:47,564 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.15ms
2019-07-01 14:48:55,520 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 24.51ms
2019-07-01 14:49:05,516 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.94ms
2019-07-01 14:49:15,514 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.36ms
2019-07-01 14:49:25,514 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.52ms
2019-07-01 14:49:35,516 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.44ms
2019-07-01 14:49:45,570 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 24.19ms
2019-07-01 14:49:57,026 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.46ms
2019-07-01 14:50:15,514 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.00ms
2019-07-01 14:50:27,714 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 220.25ms
2019-07-01 14:50:39,517 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 25.36ms
2019-07-01 14:50:51,514 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.58ms
2019-07-01 14:51:03,524 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.27ms
2019-07-01 14:51:15,521 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 25.42ms
2019-07-01 14:51:35,640 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 24.83ms
2019-07-01 14:51:49,605 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.29ms
2019-07-01 14:51:55,771 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.60ms
2019-07-01 14:52:07,875 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 25.98ms
2019-07-01 14:52:19,970 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.83ms
2019-07-01 14:52:31,619 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 25.66ms
2019-07-01 14:52:43,519 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.96ms
2019-07-01 14:52:55,520 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.19ms
2019-07-01 14:53:06,262 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.47ms
2019-07-01 14:53:20,061 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.05ms
2019-07-01 14:53:25,520 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.46ms
2019-07-01 14:53:44,512 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.27ms
2019-07-01 14:53:55,550 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.86ms
2019-07-01 14:54:11,516 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.34ms
2019-07-01 14:54:15,519 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.07ms
2019-07-01 14:54:27,026 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.93ms
2019-07-01 14:54:45,519 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 24.11ms
2019-07-01 14:54:57,517 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.82ms
2019-07-01 14:55:09,516 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.62ms
2019-07-01 14:55:21,515 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.00ms
2019-07-01 14:55:33,552 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.35ms
2019-07-01 14:55:45,518 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.50ms
2019-07-01 14:55:57,516 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.60ms
2019-07-01 14:56:09,516 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.07ms
2019-07-01 14:56:21,514 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 19.75ms
2019-07-01 14:56:33,163 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 26.88ms
2019-07-01 14:56:37,775 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.02ms
2019-07-01 14:56:49,909 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.44ms
2019-07-01 14:57:05,514 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.17ms
2019-07-01 14:57:17,515 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.01ms
2019-07-01 14:57:34,548 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.01ms
2019-07-01 14:57:45,532 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.04ms
2019-07-01 14:57:57,519 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.43ms
2019-07-01 14:58:09,517 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.43ms
2019-07-01 14:58:21,517 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.93ms
2019-07-01 14:58:33,516 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.92ms
2019-07-01 14:58:45,515 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 19.69ms
2019-07-01 14:58:57,522 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.92ms
2019-07-01 14:59:02,163 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Server heartbeat <3
2019-07-01 14:59:09,517 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.42ms
2019-07-01 14:59:21,516 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.18ms
2019-07-01 14:59:33,551 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.27ms
2019-07-01 14:59:45,523 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 24.15ms
2019-07-01 14:59:57,518 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.70ms
2019-07-01 15:00:09,521 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.25ms
2019-07-01 15:00:21,517 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.90ms
2019-07-01 15:00:33,517 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.64ms
2019-07-01 15:00:41,299 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.75ms
2019-07-01 15:00:45,518 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.79ms
2019-07-01 15:00:55,517 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.11ms
2019-07-01 15:01:05,516 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.72ms
2019-07-01 15:01:15,519 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 19.78ms
2019-07-01 15:01:25,517 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.82ms
2019-07-01 15:01:35,517 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.61ms
2019-07-01 15:01:51,519 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.68ms
2019-07-01 15:02:03,517 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.60ms
2019-07-01 15:02:15,519 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.13ms
2019-07-01 15:02:27,524 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.61ms
2019-07-01 15:02:39,513 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 19.92ms
2019-07-01 15:02:51,518 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.29ms
2019-07-01 15:03:03,517 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.44ms
2019-07-01 15:03:15,516 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.08ms
2019-07-01 15:03:28,930 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.68ms
2019-07-01 15:03:39,121 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.80ms
2019-07-01 15:03:51,020 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.44ms
2019-07-01 15:04:01,527 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.49ms
2019-07-01 15:04:14,885 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.70ms
2019-07-01 15:04:15,515 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 12.41ms
2019-07-01 15:04:29,028 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.76ms
2019-07-01 15:04:41,018 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.52ms
2019-07-01 15:04:53,025 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 27.11ms
2019-07-01 15:05:05,019 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.35ms
2019-07-01 15:05:15,520 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.52ms
2019-07-01 15:05:33,522 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.98ms
2019-07-01 15:05:35,520 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.96ms
2019-07-01 15:05:47,488 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 24.71ms
2019-07-01 15:06:05,528 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 24.37ms
2019-07-01 15:06:19,524 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.26ms
2019-07-01 15:06:31,531 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.37ms
2019-07-01 15:06:37,877 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.28ms
2019-07-01 15:06:50,015 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.08ms
2019-07-01 15:07:01,526 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.94ms
2019-07-01 15:07:13,563 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 24.64ms
2019-07-01 15:07:21,742 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.52ms
2019-07-01 15:07:35,522 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.84ms
2019-07-01 15:07:47,523 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 26.48ms
2019-07-01 15:07:59,528 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.27ms
2019-07-01 15:08:11,523 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.56ms
2019-07-01 15:08:23,527 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 26.23ms
2019-07-01 15:08:35,520 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.89ms
2019-07-01 15:08:47,520 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.30ms
2019-07-01 15:08:55,752 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 24.01ms
2019-07-01 15:09:08,521 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.74ms
2019-07-01 15:09:20,518 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.62ms
2019-07-01 15:09:31,522 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.90ms
2019-07-01 15:09:43,529 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 27.15ms
2019-07-01 15:09:55,523 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.89ms
2019-07-01 15:10:07,521 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.80ms
2019-07-01 15:10:19,521 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.18ms
2019-07-01 15:10:31,532 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.55ms
2019-07-01 15:10:43,520 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.01ms
2019-07-01 15:10:55,554 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.15ms
2019-07-01 15:11:07,519 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.84ms
2019-07-01 15:11:19,521 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.70ms
2019-07-01 15:11:31,527 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.25ms
2019-07-01 15:11:37,784 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 25.71ms
2019-07-01 15:11:49,879 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 25.00ms
2019-07-01 15:12:01,523 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.07ms
2019-07-01 15:12:13,519 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.76ms
2019-07-01 15:12:25,522 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.76ms
2019-07-01 15:12:37,554 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.52ms
2019-07-01 15:12:49,521 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.93ms
2019-07-01 15:13:01,746 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.89ms
2019-07-01 15:13:11,969 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.91ms
2019-07-01 15:13:24,022 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.13ms
2019-07-01 15:13:35,521 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.59ms
2019-07-01 15:13:53,024 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.92ms
2019-07-01 15:14:02,166 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Server heartbeat <3
2019-07-01 15:14:05,020 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.97ms
2019-07-01 15:14:15,521 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.37ms
2019-07-01 15:14:27,537 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 28.24ms
2019-07-01 15:14:39,523 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.75ms
2019-07-01 15:14:51,529 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 27.35ms
2019-07-01 15:14:58,977 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.10ms
2019-07-01 15:15:13,487 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.87ms
2019-07-01 15:15:15,522 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.94ms
2019-07-01 15:15:35,533 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.08ms
2019-07-01 15:15:46,097 - octoprint.plugins.psucontrol - INFO - Switching PSU On
2019-07-01 15:15:49,269 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - on_port_created connection_options {'portPreference': None, 'autoconnect': True, 'baudrates': [250000, 230400, 115200, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600], 'ports': ['/dev/ttyACM0'], 'baudratePreference': 250000}
2019-07-01 15:15:49,272 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - Checking if /dev/ttyACM0 is in ['/dev/ttyACM0']
2019-07-01 15:15:49,277 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - autoconnect_delay 20
2019-07-01 15:15:50,351 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - on_port_created connection_options {'portPreference': None, 'autoconnect': True, 'baudrates': [250000, 230400, 115200, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600], 'ports': ['/dev/ttyACM0'], 'baudratePreference': 250000}
2019-07-01 15:15:50,352 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - Checking if /dev/sg0 is in ['/dev/ttyACM0']
2019-07-01 15:15:50,355 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - WARNING - Won't autoconnect because /dev/sg0 isn't in ['/dev/ttyACM0']
2019-07-01 15:15:50,379 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - on_port_created connection_options {'portPreference': None, 'autoconnect': True, 'baudrates': [250000, 230400, 115200, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600], 'ports': ['/dev/ttyACM0'], 'baudratePreference': 250000}
2019-07-01 15:15:50,381 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - Checking if /dev/sda is in ['/dev/ttyACM0']
2019-07-01 15:15:50,383 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - WARNING - Won't autoconnect because /dev/sda isn't in ['/dev/ttyACM0']
2019-07-01 15:15:56,261 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 31.92ms
2019-07-01 15:15:57,318 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - on_port_created connection_options {'portPreference': None, 'autoconnect': True, 'baudrates': [250000, 230400, 115200, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600], 'ports': ['/dev/ttyACM0'], 'baudratePreference': 250000}
2019-07-01 15:15:57,319 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - Checking if /dev/sda1 is in ['/dev/ttyACM0']
2019-07-01 15:15:57,320 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - WARNING - Won't autoconnect because /dev/sda1 isn't in ['/dev/ttyACM0']
2019-07-01 15:15:59,529 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 26.96ms
2019-07-01 15:16:05,566 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 18.45ms
2019-07-01 15:16:09,285 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - do_auto_connect
2019-07-01 15:16:09,288 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - realpath match
2019-07-01 15:16:09,379 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - Attempting to connect to AUTO at 250000 with profile '_default'
2019-07-01 15:16:09,384 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Connecting payload=None
2019-07-01 15:16:09,459 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Offline" to "Detecting serial port"
2019-07-01 15:16:09,463 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PrinterStateChanged payload={'state_string': 'Offline', 'state_id': 'OFFLINE'}
2019-07-01 15:16:09,486 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Detecting serial port" to "Opening serial port"
2019-07-01 15:16:09,490 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Opening serial port" to "Connecting"
2019-07-01 15:16:09,492 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PrinterStateChanged payload={'state_string': 'Opening serial port', 'state_id': 'OPEN_SERIAL'}
2019-07-01 15:16:09,501 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0
2019-07-01 15:16:09,504 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PrinterStateChanged payload={'state_string': 'Connecting', 'state_id': 'CONNECTING'}
2019-07-01 15:16:09,517 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Connecting" to "Operational"
2019-07-01 15:16:09,523 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PrinterStateChanged payload={'state_string': 'Operational', 'state_id': 'OPERATIONAL'}
2019-07-01 15:16:09,528 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0
2019-07-01 15:16:09,543 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Printer reports firmware name "Marlin bugfix-2.0.x (Github)"
2019-07-01 15:16:09,551 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Connected payload={'baudrate': 250000, 'port': 'AUTO'}
2019-07-01 15:16:09,552 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[eeprom] is now 1
2019-07-01 15:16:09,553 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - Got CONNECTED event
2019-07-01 15:16:09,558 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - Run postflash flag is not set
2019-07-01 15:16:09,566 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports temperature autoreporting
2019-07-01 15:16:09,575 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[autolevel] is now 1
2019-07-01 15:16:09,579 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[z_probe] is now 1
2019-07-01 15:16:09,586 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[leveling_data] is now 1
2019-07-01 15:16:09,601 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports emergency GCODEs to be sent without waiting for an acknowledgement first
2019-07-01 15:16:09,811 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=FirmwareData payload={'data': {'SOURCE_CODE_URL': '', 'EXTRUDER_COUNT': '1', 'UUID': 'cede2a2f-41a2-4748-9b12-c55c62f367ff', 'FIRMWARE_NAME': 'Marlin bugfix-2.0.x (Github)', 'MACHINE_TYPE': 'Ender 3 Pro X', 'PROTOCOL_VERSION': '1.0'}, 'name': 'Marlin bugfix-2.0.x (Github)'}
2019-07-01 15:16:12,575 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=UpdatedFiles payload={'type': 'printables'}
2019-07-01 15:16:12,587 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=UpdatedFiles payload={'type': 'gcode'}
2019-07-01 15:16:12,649 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=FirmwareData payload={'data': {'SOURCE_CODE_URL': '', 'EXTRUDER_COUNT': '1', 'UUID': 'cede2a2f-41a2-4748-9b12-c55c62f367ff', 'FIRMWARE_NAME': 'Marlin bugfix-2.0.x (Github)', 'MACHINE_TYPE': 'Ender 3 Pro X', 'PROTOCOL_VERSION': '1.0'}, 'name': 'Marlin bugfix-2.0.x (Github)'}
2019-07-01 15:16:12,661 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[eeprom] is now 1
2019-07-01 15:16:12,677 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports temperature autoreporting
2019-07-01 15:16:12,692 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[autolevel] is now 1
2019-07-01 15:16:12,700 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[z_probe] is now 1
2019-07-01 15:16:12,708 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[leveling_data] is now 1
2019-07-01 15:16:12,756 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports emergency GCODEs to be sent without waiting for an acknowledgement first
2019-07-01 15:26:12,698 - octoprint.plugins.psucontrol - INFO - Idle timeout reached after 10 minute(s). Turning heaters off prior to shutting off PSU.
2019-07-01 15:26:12,699 - octoprint.plugins.psucontrol - INFO - Heaters below temperature.
2019-07-01 15:26:12,703 - octoprint.plugins.psucontrol - INFO - Switching PSU Off
2019-07-01 15:26:12,713 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Disconnecting payload=None
2019-07-01 15:26:12,730 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=UpdatedFiles payload={'type': 'printables'}
2019-07-01 15:26:12,732 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Operational" to "Offline"
2019-07-01 15:26:12,740 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=UpdatedFiles payload={'type': 'gcode'}
2019-07-01 15:26:12,761 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Disconnected payload=None
2019-07-01 15:26:12,926 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PrinterStateChanged payload={'state_string': 'Offline', 'state_id': 'OFFLINE'}
2019-07-01 15:26:14,393 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 POST /api/printer/command (::ffff: 156.66ms
2019-07-01 15:26:14,413 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 POST /api/printer/command (::ffff: 60.56ms
2019-07-01 15:26:16,523 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.09ms
2019-07-01 15:26:38,049 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.66ms
2019-07-01 15:26:59,976 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.81ms
2019-07-01 15:27:10,620 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.77ms
2019-07-01 15:27:20,392 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.29ms
2019-07-01 15:27:44,525 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.70ms
2019-07-01 15:28:06,523 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 19.58ms
2019-07-01 15:28:28,522 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 19.88ms
2019-07-01 15:28:50,520 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.60ms
2019-07-01 15:29:02,169 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Server heartbeat <3
2019-07-01 15:29:11,533 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.36ms
2019-07-01 15:29:33,528 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.93ms
2019-07-01 15:29:55,528 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.31ms
2019-07-01 15:30:10,415 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.02ms
2019-07-01 15:30:32,514 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 19.72ms
2019-07-01 15:30:54,524 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.09ms
2019-07-01 15:31:16,559 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.62ms
2019-07-01 15:31:38,479 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.35ms
2019-07-01 15:31:58,688 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.80ms
2019-07-01 15:32:20,591 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.08ms
2019-07-01 15:32:41,525 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.25ms
2019-07-01 15:33:03,528 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.28ms
2019-07-01 15:33:25,521 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.80ms
2019-07-01 15:33:47,523 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.74ms
2019-07-01 15:34:09,526 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.72ms
2019-07-01 15:34:31,537 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.21ms
2019-07-01 15:34:53,534 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 28.80ms
2019-07-01 15:35:15,524 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.50ms
2019-07-01 15:35:37,541 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 25.30ms
2019-07-01 15:35:59,524 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.87ms
2019-07-01 15:36:21,525 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.33ms
2019-07-01 15:36:37,812 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.88ms
2019-07-01 15:36:59,913 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.82ms
2019-07-01 15:37:22,008 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 19.92ms
2019-07-01 15:37:44,040 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 27.83ms
2019-07-01 15:38:06,027 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.18ms
2019-07-01 15:38:28,025 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 19.90ms
2019-07-01 15:38:44,847 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.69ms
2019-07-01 15:39:08,522 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.81ms
2019-07-01 15:39:30,557 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.17ms
2019-07-01 15:39:52,530 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 25.48ms
2019-07-01 15:40:14,558 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.80ms
2019-07-01 15:40:36,530 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.06ms
2019-07-01 15:40:58,532 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.12ms
2019-07-01 15:41:18,948 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.49ms
2019-07-01 15:41:37,682 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.74ms
2019-07-01 15:41:58,526 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.28ms
2019-07-01 15:42:20,525 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 19.69ms
2019-07-01 15:42:41,529 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.48ms
2019-07-01 15:43:03,525 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.03ms
2019-07-01 15:43:25,573 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.58ms
2019-07-01 15:43:35,525 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.22ms
2019-07-01 15:43:38,928 - octoprint.plugins.psucontrol - INFO - Switching PSU On
2019-07-01 15:43:42,113 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - on_port_created connection_options {'portPreference': None, 'autoconnect': True, 'baudrates': [250000, 230400, 115200, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600], 'ports': ['/dev/ttyACM0'], 'baudratePreference': 250000}
2019-07-01 15:43:42,116 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - Checking if /dev/ttyACM0 is in ['/dev/ttyACM0']
2019-07-01 15:43:42,121 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - autoconnect_delay 20
2019-07-01 15:43:43,183 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - on_port_created connection_options {'portPreference': None, 'autoconnect': True, 'baudrates': [250000, 230400, 115200, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600], 'ports': ['/dev/ttyACM0'], 'baudratePreference': 250000}
2019-07-01 15:43:43,184 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - Checking if /dev/sg0 is in ['/dev/ttyACM0']
2019-07-01 15:43:43,186 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - WARNING - Won't autoconnect because /dev/sg0 isn't in ['/dev/ttyACM0']
2019-07-01 15:43:43,210 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - on_port_created connection_options {'portPreference': None, 'autoconnect': True, 'baudrates': [250000, 230400, 115200, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600], 'ports': ['/dev/ttyACM0'], 'baudratePreference': 250000}
2019-07-01 15:43:43,215 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - Checking if /dev/sda is in ['/dev/ttyACM0']
2019-07-01 15:43:43,216 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - WARNING - Won't autoconnect because /dev/sda isn't in ['/dev/ttyACM0']
2019-07-01 15:43:49,383 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 10.61ms
2019-07-01 15:43:50,172 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - on_port_created connection_options {'portPreference': None, 'autoconnect': True, 'baudrates': [250000, 230400, 115200, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600], 'ports': ['/dev/ttyACM0'], 'baudratePreference': 250000}
2019-07-01 15:43:50,173 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - Checking if /dev/sda1 is in ['/dev/ttyACM0']
2019-07-01 15:43:50,174 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - WARNING - Won't autoconnect because /dev/sda1 isn't in ['/dev/ttyACM0']
2019-07-01 15:43:55,525 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.83ms
2019-07-01 15:44:02,128 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - do_auto_connect
2019-07-01 15:44:02,130 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - realpath match
2019-07-01 15:44:02,170 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Server heartbeat <3
2019-07-01 15:44:02,229 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - Attempting to connect to AUTO at 250000 with profile '_default'
2019-07-01 15:44:02,237 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Connecting payload=None
2019-07-01 15:44:02,344 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Offline" to "Detecting serial port"
2019-07-01 15:44:02,353 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PrinterStateChanged payload={'state_string': 'Offline', 'state_id': 'OFFLINE'}
2019-07-01 15:44:02,370 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Detecting serial port" to "Opening serial port"
2019-07-01 15:44:02,373 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Opening serial port" to "Connecting"
2019-07-01 15:44:02,379 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PrinterStateChanged payload={'state_string': 'Opening serial port', 'state_id': 'OPEN_SERIAL'}
2019-07-01 15:44:02,384 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0
2019-07-01 15:44:02,389 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PrinterStateChanged payload={'state_string': 'Connecting', 'state_id': 'CONNECTING'}
2019-07-01 15:44:02,401 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Connecting" to "Operational"
2019-07-01 15:44:02,409 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0
2019-07-01 15:44:02,411 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PrinterStateChanged payload={'state_string': 'Operational', 'state_id': 'OPERATIONAL'}
2019-07-01 15:44:02,428 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Connected payload={'baudrate': 250000, 'port': 'AUTO'}
2019-07-01 15:44:02,429 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - Got CONNECTED event
2019-07-01 15:44:02,434 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - Run postflash flag is not set
2019-07-01 15:44:02,438 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Printer reports firmware name "Marlin bugfix-2.0.x (Github)"
2019-07-01 15:44:02,468 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[eeprom] is now 1
2019-07-01 15:44:02,526 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports temperature autoreporting
2019-07-01 15:44:02,581 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[autolevel] is now 1
2019-07-01 15:44:02,586 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[z_probe] is now 1
2019-07-01 15:44:02,591 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[leveling_data] is now 1
2019-07-01 15:44:02,610 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports emergency GCODEs to be sent without waiting for an acknowledgement first
2019-07-01 15:44:02,690 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=FirmwareData payload={'data': {'SOURCE_CODE_URL': '', 'EXTRUDER_COUNT': '1', 'UUID': 'cede2a2f-41a2-4748-9b12-c55c62f367ff', 'FIRMWARE_NAME': 'Marlin bugfix-2.0.x (Github)', 'MACHINE_TYPE': 'Ender 3 Pro X', 'PROTOCOL_VERSION': '1.0'}, 'name': 'Marlin bugfix-2.0.x (Github)'}
2019-07-01 15:44:04,887 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=FirmwareData payload={'data': {'SOURCE_CODE_URL': '', 'EXTRUDER_COUNT': '1', 'UUID': 'cede2a2f-41a2-4748-9b12-c55c62f367ff', 'FIRMWARE_NAME': 'Marlin bugfix-2.0.x (Github)', 'MACHINE_TYPE': 'Ender 3 Pro X', 'PROTOCOL_VERSION': '1.0'}, 'name': 'Marlin bugfix-2.0.x (Github)'}
2019-07-01 15:44:04,902 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[eeprom] is now 1
2019-07-01 15:44:04,919 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports temperature autoreporting
2019-07-01 15:44:04,933 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[autolevel] is now 1
2019-07-01 15:44:04,942 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[z_probe] is now 1
2019-07-01 15:44:04,950 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[leveling_data] is now 1
2019-07-01 15:44:04,977 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports emergency GCODEs to be sent without waiting for an acknowledgement first
2019-07-01 15:44:05,913 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=UpdatedFiles payload={'type': 'printables'}
2019-07-01 15:44:05,925 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=UpdatedFiles payload={'type': 'gcode'}
2019-07-01 15:54:04,955 - octoprint.plugins.psucontrol - INFO - Idle timeout reached after 10 minute(s). Turning heaters off prior to shutting off PSU.
2019-07-01 15:54:04,956 - octoprint.plugins.psucontrol - INFO - Heaters below temperature.
2019-07-01 15:54:04,957 - octoprint.plugins.psucontrol - INFO - Switching PSU Off
2019-07-01 15:54:04,965 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Disconnecting payload=None
2019-07-01 15:54:04,991 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=UpdatedFiles payload={'type': 'printables'}
2019-07-01 15:54:04,995 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Operational" to "Offline"
2019-07-01 15:54:05,001 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=UpdatedFiles payload={'type': 'gcode'}
2019-07-01 15:54:05,025 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Disconnected payload=None
2019-07-01 15:54:05,137 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PrinterStateChanged payload={'state_string': 'Offline', 'state_id': 'OFFLINE'}
2019-07-01 15:54:05,718 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 POST /api/printer/command (::ffff: 53.66ms
2019-07-01 15:54:05,739 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 POST /api/printer/command (::ffff: 69.30ms
2019-07-01 15:54:08,556 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.30ms
2019-07-01 15:54:20,560 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.99ms
2019-07-01 15:54:31,530 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.79ms
2019-07-01 15:54:39,382 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.04ms
2019-07-01 15:54:48,538 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.47ms
2019-07-01 15:55:03,559 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.78ms
2019-07-01 15:55:10,033 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.67ms
2019-07-01 15:55:22,404 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.36ms
2019-07-01 15:55:28,529 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.42ms
2019-07-01 15:55:42,728 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.43ms
2019-07-01 15:55:52,337 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.01ms
2019-07-01 15:56:06,428 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 19.92ms
2019-07-01 15:56:08,528 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 19.73ms
2019-07-01 15:56:20,560 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.48ms
2019-07-01 15:56:30,508 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.10ms
2019-07-01 15:56:48,561 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.46ms
2019-07-01 15:57:00,526 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.53ms
2019-07-01 15:57:12,563 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 19.92ms
2019-07-01 15:57:24,532 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.98ms
2019-07-01 15:57:36,652 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.03ms
2019-07-01 15:57:48,561 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.69ms
2019-07-01 15:58:00,532 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.52ms
2019-07-01 15:58:12,527 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.89ms
2019-07-01 15:58:24,524 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.82ms
2019-07-01 15:58:36,527 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 19.76ms
2019-07-01 15:58:48,528 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.09ms
2019-07-01 15:59:00,572 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.96ms
2019-07-01 15:59:02,172 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Server heartbeat <3
2019-07-01 15:59:12,530 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.42ms
2019-07-01 15:59:24,530 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.66ms
2019-07-01 15:59:36,530 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.41ms
2019-07-01 15:59:48,534 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 24.21ms
2019-07-01 16:00:03,452 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.02ms
2019-07-01 16:00:17,531 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.03ms
2019-07-01 16:00:20,983 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.94ms
2019-07-01 16:00:33,036 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 26.23ms
2019-07-01 16:00:38,832 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.11ms
2019-07-01 16:00:58,564 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.51ms
2019-07-01 16:01:10,535 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 24.53ms
2019-07-01 16:01:22,535 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.49ms
2019-07-01 16:01:34,538 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.49ms
2019-07-01 16:01:48,571 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.82ms
2019-07-01 16:02:00,546 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 24.21ms
2019-07-01 16:02:12,542 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.40ms
2019-07-01 16:02:28,512 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 24.08ms
2019-07-01 16:02:38,574 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.14ms
2019-07-01 16:02:50,575 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.99ms
2019-07-01 16:03:01,548 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.40ms
2019-07-01 16:03:13,538 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.96ms
2019-07-01 16:03:25,541 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.91ms
2019-07-01 16:03:37,539 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.06ms
2019-07-01 16:03:48,536 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.73ms
2019-07-01 16:04:00,748 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.91ms
2019-07-01 16:04:10,587 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 19.91ms
2019-07-01 16:04:18,568 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.78ms
2019-07-01 16:04:29,140 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.67ms
2019-07-01 16:04:48,532 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 25.34ms
2019-07-01 16:05:00,555 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.18ms
2019-07-01 16:05:12,533 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.69ms
2019-07-01 16:05:23,714 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.03ms
2019-07-01 16:05:31,933 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.75ms
2019-07-01 16:05:46,972 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.07ms
2019-07-01 16:05:48,540 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.66ms
2019-07-01 16:05:58,981 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.28ms
2019-07-01 16:06:13,643 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.13ms
2019-07-01 16:06:25,538 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.26ms
2019-07-01 16:06:37,534 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.42ms
2019-07-01 16:06:38,536 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.14ms
2019-07-01 16:06:49,541 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 24.45ms
2019-07-01 16:07:01,545 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.09ms
2019-07-01 16:07:13,534 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.67ms
2019-07-01 16:07:25,535 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.53ms
2019-07-01 16:07:37,535 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.32ms
2019-07-01 16:07:48,542 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 28.45ms
2019-07-01 16:08:00,541 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.85ms
2019-07-01 16:08:12,534 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.58ms
2019-07-01 16:08:24,532 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.37ms
2019-07-01 16:08:36,537 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.16ms
2019-07-01 16:08:48,529 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.23ms
2019-07-01 16:09:00,863 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.25ms
2019-07-01 16:09:11,084 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.54ms
2019-07-01 16:09:23,068 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.87ms
2019-07-01 16:09:35,148 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.09ms
2019-07-01 16:09:47,041 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 25.62ms
2019-07-01 16:09:58,566 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.62ms
2019-07-01 16:10:10,573 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.69ms
2019-07-01 16:10:22,535 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.04ms
2019-07-01 16:10:34,560 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.21ms
2019-07-01 16:10:46,535 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.44ms
2019-07-01 16:10:58,570 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.93ms
2019-07-01 16:11:10,531 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.55ms
2019-07-01 16:11:22,535 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.18ms
2019-07-01 16:11:34,534 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.93ms
2019-07-01 16:11:39,296 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.67ms
2019-07-01 16:11:55,545 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.50ms
2019-07-01 16:11:58,535 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 19.90ms
2019-07-01 16:12:15,506 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.06ms
2019-07-01 16:12:27,540 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.29ms
2019-07-01 16:12:38,532 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.54ms
2019-07-01 16:12:50,534 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.04ms
2019-07-01 16:13:01,545 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.17ms
2019-07-01 16:13:13,572 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.55ms
2019-07-01 16:13:25,580 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.14ms
2019-07-01 16:13:37,549 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.40ms
2019-07-01 16:13:48,554 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.14ms
2019-07-01 16:13:58,544 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.40ms
2019-07-01 16:14:02,174 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Server heartbeat <3
2019-07-01 16:14:16,546 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.59ms
2019-07-01 16:14:18,552 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.62ms
2019-07-01 16:14:37,041 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.23ms
2019-07-01 16:14:48,546 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 25.03ms
2019-07-01 16:14:58,574 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.08ms
2019-07-01 16:15:08,576 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.82ms
2019-07-01 16:15:18,793 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.22ms
2019-07-01 16:15:28,550 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.57ms
2019-07-01 16:15:42,045 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.33ms
2019-07-01 16:15:54,080 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 24.87ms
2019-07-01 16:16:06,042 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.71ms
2019-07-01 16:16:18,039 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.26ms
2019-07-01 16:16:28,572 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.68ms
2019-07-01 16:16:38,612 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.47ms
2019-07-01 16:16:56,349 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.60ms
2019-07-01 16:16:58,597 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.23ms
2019-07-01 16:17:08,548 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.78ms
2019-07-01 16:17:18,943 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.17ms
2019-07-01 16:17:31,042 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.62ms
2019-07-01 16:17:43,044 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.95ms
2019-07-01 16:17:55,042 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.88ms
2019-07-01 16:18:07,075 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.86ms
2019-07-01 16:18:18,575 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.81ms
2019-07-01 16:18:30,950 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.29ms
2019-07-01 16:18:41,143 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.17ms
2019-07-01 16:18:53,043 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.79ms
2019-07-01 16:19:05,044 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.22ms
2019-07-01 16:19:17,084 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 25.27ms
2019-07-01 16:19:28,540 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.88ms
2019-07-01 16:19:40,545 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.65ms
2019-07-01 16:19:52,549 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 25.54ms
2019-07-01 16:20:04,592 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 29.50ms
2019-07-01 16:20:16,542 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.41ms
2019-07-01 16:20:22,221 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.06ms
2019-07-01 16:20:28,945 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.76ms
2019-07-01 16:20:41,041 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.95ms
2019-07-01 16:20:53,074 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.17ms
2019-07-01 16:21:05,043 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.79ms
2019-07-01 16:21:17,075 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.87ms
2019-07-01 16:21:28,538 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.68ms
2019-07-01 16:21:48,543 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.06ms
2019-07-01 16:22:00,546 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.11ms
2019-07-01 16:22:12,543 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.95ms
2019-07-01 16:22:24,544 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.83ms
2019-07-01 16:22:36,542 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.30ms
2019-07-01 16:22:48,543 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.52ms
2019-07-01 16:23:00,553 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 24.24ms
2019-07-01 16:23:12,547 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.18ms
2019-07-01 16:23:15,478 - octoprint.plugins.psucontrol - INFO - Switching PSU On
2019-07-01 16:23:18,838 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - on_port_created connection_options {'portPreference': None, 'autoconnect': True, 'baudrates': [250000, 230400, 115200, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600], 'ports': ['/dev/ttyACM0'], 'baudratePreference': 250000}
2019-07-01 16:23:18,841 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - Checking if /dev/ttyACM0 is in ['/dev/ttyACM0']
2019-07-01 16:23:18,848 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - autoconnect_delay 20
2019-07-01 16:23:19,905 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - on_port_created connection_options {'portPreference': None, 'autoconnect': True, 'baudrates': [250000, 230400, 115200, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600], 'ports': ['/dev/ttyACM0'], 'baudratePreference': 250000}
2019-07-01 16:23:19,908 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - Checking if /dev/sg0 is in ['/dev/ttyACM0']
2019-07-01 16:23:19,909 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - WARNING - Won't autoconnect because /dev/sg0 isn't in ['/dev/ttyACM0']
2019-07-01 16:23:19,934 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - on_port_created connection_options {'portPreference': None, 'autoconnect': True, 'baudrates': [250000, 230400, 115200, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600], 'ports': ['/dev/ttyACM0'], 'baudratePreference': 250000}
2019-07-01 16:23:19,937 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - Checking if /dev/sda is in ['/dev/ttyACM0']
2019-07-01 16:23:19,939 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - WARNING - Won't autoconnect because /dev/sda isn't in ['/dev/ttyACM0']
2019-07-01 16:23:25,630 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.87ms
2019-07-01 16:23:26,854 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - on_port_created connection_options {'portPreference': None, 'autoconnect': True, 'baudrates': [250000, 230400, 115200, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600], 'ports': ['/dev/ttyACM0'], 'baudratePreference': 250000}
2019-07-01 16:23:26,855 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - Checking if /dev/sda1 is in ['/dev/ttyACM0']
2019-07-01 16:23:26,859 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - WARNING - Won't autoconnect because /dev/sda1 isn't in ['/dev/ttyACM0']
2019-07-01 16:23:28,650 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Connecting payload=None
2019-07-01 16:23:28,742 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Offline" to "Opening serial port"
2019-07-01 16:23:28,749 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Opening serial port" to "Connecting"
2019-07-01 16:23:28,754 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PrinterStateChanged payload={'state_string': 'Opening serial port', 'state_id': 'OPEN_SERIAL'}
2019-07-01 16:23:28,764 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PrinterStateChanged payload={'state_string': 'Connecting', 'state_id': 'CONNECTING'}
2019-07-01 16:23:28,770 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0
2019-07-01 16:23:28,793 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Connecting" to "Operational"
2019-07-01 16:23:28,846 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0
2019-07-01 16:23:28,844 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PrinterStateChanged payload={'state_string': 'Operational', 'state_id': 'OPERATIONAL'}
2019-07-01 16:23:28,908 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Connected payload={'baudrate': 250000, 'port': u'/dev/ttyACM0'}
2019-07-01 16:23:28,911 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - Got CONNECTED event
2019-07-01 16:23:28,913 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - Run postflash flag is not set
2019-07-01 16:23:28,970 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Printer reports firmware name "Marlin bugfix-2.0.x (Github)"
2019-07-01 16:23:29,000 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[eeprom] is now 1
2019-07-01 16:23:29,011 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports temperature autoreporting
2019-07-01 16:23:29,020 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[autolevel] is now 1
2019-07-01 16:23:29,026 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[z_probe] is now 1
2019-07-01 16:23:29,032 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[leveling_data] is now 1
2019-07-01 16:23:29,049 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports emergency GCODEs to be sent without waiting for an acknowledgement first
2019-07-01 16:23:29,536 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=FirmwareData payload={'data': {'SOURCE_CODE_URL': '', 'EXTRUDER_COUNT': '1', 'UUID': 'cede2a2f-41a2-4748-9b12-c55c62f367ff', 'FIRMWARE_NAME': 'Marlin bugfix-2.0.x (Github)', 'MACHINE_TYPE': 'Ender 3 Pro X', 'PROTOCOL_VERSION': '1.0'}, 'name': 'Marlin bugfix-2.0.x (Github)'}
2019-07-01 16:23:31,466 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=UpdatedFiles payload={'type': 'printables'}
2019-07-01 16:23:31,470 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=UpdatedFiles payload={'type': 'gcode'}
2019-07-01 16:23:31,544 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=FirmwareData payload={'data': {'SOURCE_CODE_URL': '', 'EXTRUDER_COUNT': '1', 'UUID': 'cede2a2f-41a2-4748-9b12-c55c62f367ff', 'FIRMWARE_NAME': 'Marlin bugfix-2.0.x (Github)', 'MACHINE_TYPE': 'Ender 3 Pro X', 'PROTOCOL_VERSION': '1.0'}, 'name': 'Marlin bugfix-2.0.x (Github)'}
2019-07-01 16:23:31,554 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[eeprom] is now 1
2019-07-01 16:23:31,575 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports temperature autoreporting
2019-07-01 16:23:31,592 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[autolevel] is now 1
2019-07-01 16:23:31,598 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[z_probe] is now 1
2019-07-01 16:23:31,603 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[leveling_data] is now 1
2019-07-01 16:23:31,803 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports emergency GCODEs to be sent without waiting for an acknowledgement first
2019-07-01 16:23:38,856 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - do_auto_connect
2019-07-01 16:23:38,859 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - realpath match
2019-07-01 16:23:38,957 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - Not autoconnecting; printer already connected
2019-07-01 16:23:39,487 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - WARNING - Not auto connecting because printer is not closed nor in error state.
2019-07-01 16:29:02,176 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Server heartbeat <3
2019-07-01 16:33:31,587 - octoprint.plugins.psucontrol - INFO - Idle timeout reached after 10 minute(s). Turning heaters off prior to shutting off PSU.
2019-07-01 16:33:31,589 - octoprint.plugins.psucontrol - INFO - Heaters below temperature.
2019-07-01 16:33:31,590 - octoprint.plugins.psucontrol - INFO - Switching PSU Off
2019-07-01 16:33:31,597 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Disconnecting payload=None
2019-07-01 16:33:31,614 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Operational" to "Offline"
2019-07-01 16:33:31,622 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=UpdatedFiles payload={'type': 'printables'}
2019-07-01 16:33:31,627 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=UpdatedFiles payload={'type': 'gcode'}
2019-07-01 16:33:31,649 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Disconnected payload=None
2019-07-01 16:33:32,209 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 POST /api/printer/command (::ffff: 57.77ms
2019-07-01 16:33:32,233 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 POST /api/printer/command (::ffff: 75.47ms
2019-07-01 16:33:32,256 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PrinterStateChanged payload={'state_string': 'Offline', 'state_id': 'OFFLINE'}
2019-07-01 16:33:33,410 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.66ms
2019-07-01 16:33:51,251 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.68ms
2019-07-01 16:34:00,916 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.39ms
2019-07-01 16:34:13,916 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.14ms
2019-07-01 16:34:30,815 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 25.06ms
2019-07-01 16:34:35,913 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.03ms
2019-07-01 16:34:48,019 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 24.69ms
2019-07-01 16:35:00,058 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.10ms
2019-07-01 16:35:12,043 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.51ms
2019-07-01 16:35:23,574 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.41ms
2019-07-01 16:35:35,575 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.96ms
2019-07-01 16:35:47,576 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.95ms
2019-07-01 16:35:59,554 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.87ms
2019-07-01 16:36:11,543 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.29ms
2019-07-01 16:36:23,542 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.99ms
2019-07-01 16:36:35,541 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.30ms
2019-07-01 16:36:49,595 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.90ms
2019-07-01 16:37:03,984 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.94ms
2019-07-01 16:37:04,045 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.40ms
2019-07-01 16:37:14,205 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 20.96ms
2019-07-01 16:37:26,078 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.10ms
2019-07-01 16:37:34,984 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 19.76ms
2019-07-01 16:37:40,358 - octoprint.plugins.psucontrol - INFO - Switching PSU On
2019-07-01 16:37:43,591 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - on_port_created connection_options {'portPreference': None, 'autoconnect': True, 'baudrates': [250000, 230400, 115200, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600], 'ports': ['/dev/ttyACM0'], 'baudratePreference': 250000}
2019-07-01 16:37:43,592 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - Checking if /dev/ttyACM0 is in ['/dev/ttyACM0']
2019-07-01 16:37:43,596 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - autoconnect_delay 20
2019-07-01 16:37:44,599 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - on_port_created connection_options {'portPreference': None, 'autoconnect': True, 'baudrates': [250000, 230400, 115200, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600], 'ports': ['/dev/ttyACM0'], 'baudratePreference': 250000}
2019-07-01 16:37:44,601 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - Checking if /dev/sg0 is in ['/dev/ttyACM0']
2019-07-01 16:37:44,602 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - WARNING - Won't autoconnect because /dev/sg0 isn't in ['/dev/ttyACM0']
2019-07-01 16:37:44,626 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - on_port_created connection_options {'portPreference': None, 'autoconnect': True, 'baudrates': [250000, 230400, 115200, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600], 'ports': ['/dev/ttyACM0'], 'baudratePreference': 250000}
2019-07-01 16:37:44,627 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - Checking if /dev/sda is in ['/dev/ttyACM0']
2019-07-01 16:37:44,630 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - WARNING - Won't autoconnect because /dev/sda isn't in ['/dev/ttyACM0']
2019-07-01 16:37:50,540 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.52ms
2019-07-01 16:37:50,637 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Connecting payload=None
2019-07-01 16:37:50,669 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Offline" to "Detecting serial port"
2019-07-01 16:37:50,687 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PrinterStateChanged payload={'state_string': 'Offline', 'state_id': 'OFFLINE'}
2019-07-01 16:37:50,707 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Detecting serial port" to "Opening serial port"
2019-07-01 16:37:50,712 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Opening serial port" to "Connecting"
2019-07-01 16:37:50,714 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PrinterStateChanged payload={'state_string': 'Opening serial port', 'state_id': 'OPEN_SERIAL'}
2019-07-01 16:37:50,725 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PrinterStateChanged payload={'state_string': 'Connecting', 'state_id': 'CONNECTING'}
2019-07-01 16:37:50,726 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0
2019-07-01 16:37:51,014 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Connecting" to "Operational"
2019-07-01 16:37:51,021 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PrinterStateChanged payload={'state_string': 'Operational', 'state_id': 'OPERATIONAL'}
2019-07-01 16:37:51,026 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0
2019-07-01 16:37:51,038 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Connected payload={'baudrate': 250000, 'port': u'AUTO'}
2019-07-01 16:37:51,039 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - Got CONNECTED event
2019-07-01 16:37:51,041 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - Run postflash flag is not set
2019-07-01 16:37:51,133 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Printer reports firmware name "Marlin bugfix-2.0.x (Github)"
2019-07-01 16:37:51,139 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[eeprom] is now 1
2019-07-01 16:37:51,155 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports temperature autoreporting
2019-07-01 16:37:51,164 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[autolevel] is now 1
2019-07-01 16:37:51,168 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[z_probe] is now 1
2019-07-01 16:37:51,172 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[leveling_data] is now 1
2019-07-01 16:37:51,192 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports emergency GCODEs to be sent without waiting for an acknowledgement first
2019-07-01 16:37:51,207 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=FirmwareData payload={'data': {'SOURCE_CODE_URL': '', 'EXTRUDER_COUNT': '1', 'UUID': 'cede2a2f-41a2-4748-9b12-c55c62f367ff', 'FIRMWARE_NAME': 'Marlin bugfix-2.0.x (Github)', 'MACHINE_TYPE': 'Ender 3 Pro X', 'PROTOCOL_VERSION': '1.0'}, 'name': 'Marlin bugfix-2.0.x (Github)'}
2019-07-01 16:37:51,611 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - WARNING - Not auto connecting because printer is not closed nor in error state.
2019-07-01 16:37:53,662 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=UpdatedFiles payload={'type': 'printables'}
2019-07-01 16:37:53,671 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=UpdatedFiles payload={'type': 'gcode'}
2019-07-01 16:37:59,583 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[eeprom] is now 1
2019-07-01 16:37:59,586 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=FirmwareData payload={'data': {'SOURCE_CODE_URL': '', 'EXTRUDER_COUNT': '1', 'UUID': 'cede2a2f-41a2-4748-9b12-c55c62f367ff', 'FIRMWARE_NAME': 'Marlin bugfix-2.0.x (Github)', 'MACHINE_TYPE': 'Ender 3 Pro X', 'PROTOCOL_VERSION': '1.0'}, 'name': 'Marlin bugfix-2.0.x (Github)'}
2019-07-01 16:37:59,596 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports temperature autoreporting
2019-07-01 16:37:59,605 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[autolevel] is now 1
2019-07-01 16:37:59,608 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[z_probe] is now 1
2019-07-01 16:37:59,613 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[leveling_data] is now 1
2019-07-01 16:37:59,627 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports emergency GCODEs to be sent without waiting for an acknowledgement first
2019-07-01 16:38:03,599 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - do_auto_connect
2019-07-01 16:38:03,602 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - realpath match
2019-07-01 16:38:03,678 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - Not autoconnecting; printer already connected
2019-07-01 16:38:52,496 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - Firmware update started
2019-07-01 16:38:52,498 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - Disconnecting from printer
2019-07-01 16:38:52,526 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Disconnecting payload=None
2019-07-01 16:38:52,545 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Operational" to "Offline"
2019-07-01 16:38:52,550 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=UpdatedFiles payload={'type': 'printables'}
2019-07-01 16:38:52,558 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=UpdatedFiles payload={'type': 'gcode'}
2019-07-01 16:38:52,561 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - Release the firmware lock on the SD Card by sending 'M22' to '/dev/ttyACM0'
2019-07-01 16:38:52,585 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Disconnected payload=None
2019-07-01 16:38:52,617 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - Waiting for SD card to be available at '/media/usb'
2019-07-01 16:38:53,057 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 POST /api/printer/command (::ffff: 61.61ms
2019-07-01 16:38:53,078 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 POST /api/printer/command (::ffff: 76.95ms
2019-07-01 16:38:53,124 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PrinterStateChanged payload={'state_string': 'Offline', 'state_id': 'OFFLINE'}
2019-07-01 16:38:53,729 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - on_port_created connection_options {'portPreference': None, 'autoconnect': True, 'baudrates': [250000, 230400, 115200, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600], 'ports': ['/dev/ttyACM0'], 'baudratePreference': 250000}
2019-07-01 16:38:53,730 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - Checking if /dev/sda1 is in ['/dev/ttyACM0']
2019-07-01 16:38:53,730 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - WARNING - Won't autoconnect because /dev/sda1 isn't in ['/dev/ttyACM0']
2019-07-01 16:39:00,543 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.48ms
2019-07-01 16:39:04,643 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - Firmware update folder '/media/usb' available for writing after 12.0 seconds
2019-07-01 16:39:04,645 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - Copying firmware to update folder '/tmp/tmpcBF0UX' -> '/media/usb/firmware.bin'
2019-07-01 16:39:05,249 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - Unmounting SD card: 'sudo umount /media/usb'
2019-07-01 16:39:05,327 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - Firmware update reset: attempting to reset the board
2019-07-01 16:39:05,329 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - Resetting LPC1768 at '/dev/ttyACM0'
2019-07-01 16:39:05,427 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - Waiting for LPC1768 at '/dev/ttyACM0' to reset
2019-07-01 16:39:06,106 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - LPC1768 at '/dev/ttyACM0' is resetting
2019-07-01 16:39:11,694 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - LPC1768 at '/dev/ttyACM0' reset in 6.26 seconds
2019-07-01 16:39:11,698 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - Flashing successful.
2019-07-01 16:39:11,711 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - No postflash gcode or postflash is disabled, setting run_postflash_gcode to false
2019-07-01 16:39:11,718 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - Reconnecting to printer: port=/dev/ttyACM0, baudrate=250000, profile={'heatedChamber': False, 'name': 'Default', 'color': 'default', 'axes': {'y': {'speed': 6000, 'inverted': False}, 'x': {'speed': 6000, 'inverted': False}, 'z': {'speed': 200, 'inverted': False}, 'e': {'speed': 300, 'inverted': False}}, 'heatedBed': True, 'volume': {'origin': 'lowerleft', 'formFactor': 'rectangular', 'depth': 235.0, 'width': 235.0, 'custom_box': False, 'height': 250.0}, 'model': 'Ender 3 Pro', 'id': '_default', 'extruder': {'count': 1, 'nozzleDiameter': 0.4, 'offsets': [(0.0, 0.0)], 'sharedNozzle': False}}
2019-07-01 16:39:11,729 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Connecting payload=None
2019-07-01 16:39:11,841 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Offline" to "Opening serial port"
2019-07-01 16:39:11,845 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Opening serial port" to "Connecting"
2019-07-01 16:39:11,850 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PrinterStateChanged payload={'state_string': 'Opening serial port', 'state_id': 'OPEN_SERIAL'}
2019-07-01 16:39:11,855 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0
2019-07-01 16:39:11,861 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PrinterStateChanged payload={'state_string': 'Connecting', 'state_id': 'CONNECTING'}
2019-07-01 16:39:11,892 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - WARNING - Not auto connecting because printer is not closed nor in error state.
2019-07-01 16:39:12,583 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.45ms
2019-07-01 16:39:12,983 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - WARNING - Not auto connecting because printer is not closed nor in error state.
2019-07-01 16:39:12,985 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - WARNING - Not auto connecting because printer is not closed nor in error state.
2019-07-01 16:39:18,789 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Connecting" to "Operational"
2019-07-01 16:39:18,805 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0
2019-07-01 16:39:18,814 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PrinterStateChanged payload={'state_string': 'Operational', 'state_id': 'OPERATIONAL'}
2019-07-01 16:39:18,835 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Connected payload={'baudrate': 250000, 'port': '/dev/ttyACM0'}
2019-07-01 16:39:18,839 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - Got CONNECTED event
2019-07-01 16:39:18,841 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - Run postflash flag is not set
2019-07-01 16:39:18,902 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Printer reports firmware name "Marlin bugfix-2.0.x (Github)"
2019-07-01 16:39:18,917 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[eeprom] is now 1
2019-07-01 16:39:18,935 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports temperature autoreporting
2019-07-01 16:39:18,950 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[autolevel] is now 1
2019-07-01 16:39:18,958 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[z_probe] is now 1
2019-07-01 16:39:18,965 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[leveling_data] is now 1
2019-07-01 16:39:18,981 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports emergency GCODEs to be sent without waiting for an acknowledgement first
2019-07-01 16:39:18,988 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports sd status autoreporting
2019-07-01 16:39:19,173 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=FirmwareData payload={'data': {'SOURCE_CODE_URL': '', 'EXTRUDER_COUNT': '1', 'UUID': 'cede2a2f-41a2-4748-9b12-c55c62f367ff', 'FIRMWARE_NAME': 'Marlin bugfix-2.0.x (Github)', 'MACHINE_TYPE': 'Ender 3 Pro 2', 'PROTOCOL_VERSION': '1.0'}, 'name': 'Marlin bugfix-2.0.x (Github)'}
2019-07-01 16:39:19,371 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - WARNING - Not auto connecting because printer is not closed nor in error state.
2019-07-01 16:39:21,453 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=UpdatedFiles payload={'type': 'printables'}
2019-07-01 16:39:21,467 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=UpdatedFiles payload={'type': 'gcode'}
2019-07-01 16:39:21,532 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=FirmwareData payload={'data': {'SOURCE_CODE_URL': '', 'EXTRUDER_COUNT': '1', 'UUID': 'cede2a2f-41a2-4748-9b12-c55c62f367ff', 'FIRMWARE_NAME': 'Marlin bugfix-2.0.x (Github)', 'MACHINE_TYPE': 'Ender 3 Pro 2', 'PROTOCOL_VERSION': '1.0'}, 'name': 'Marlin bugfix-2.0.x (Github)'}
2019-07-01 16:39:21,539 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[eeprom] is now 1
2019-07-01 16:39:21,557 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports temperature autoreporting
2019-07-01 16:39:21,570 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[autolevel] is now 1
2019-07-01 16:39:21,578 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[z_probe] is now 1
2019-07-01 16:39:21,586 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[leveling_data] is now 1
2019-07-01 16:39:21,609 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports emergency GCODEs to be sent without waiting for an acknowledgement first
2019-07-01 16:39:21,620 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports sd status autoreporting
2019-07-01 16:41:37,489 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Force-sending M112 to the printer
2019-07-01 16:41:37,508 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=UpdatedFiles payload={'type': 'printables'}
2019-07-01 16:41:37,512 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Operational" to "Offline (Error: Closing serial port due to emergency stop M112.)"
2019-07-01 16:41:37,520 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=UpdatedFiles payload={'type': 'gcode'}
2019-07-01 16:41:37,548 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Disconnected payload=None
2019-07-01 16:41:38,055 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 14.04ms
2019-07-01 16:41:38,098 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 POST /api/printer/command (::ffff: 93.61ms
2019-07-01 16:41:38,119 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 POST /api/printer/command (::ffff: 108.95ms
2019-07-01 16:41:38,162 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PrinterStateChanged payload={'state_string': 'Offline', 'state_id': 'OFFLINE'}
2019-07-01 16:41:38,168 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=EStop payload=None
2019-07-01 16:41:43,492 - octoprint.plugins.psucontrol - INFO - Switching PSU Off
2019-07-01 16:41:43,500 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Disconnecting payload=None
2019-07-01 16:41:43,509 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Disconnected payload=None
2019-07-01 16:41:44,471 - octoprint.plugins.psucontrol - INFO - Switching PSU On
2019-07-01 16:41:47,755 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - on_port_created connection_options {'portPreference': None, 'autoconnect': True, 'baudrates': [250000, 230400, 115200, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600], 'ports': ['/dev/ttyACM0'], 'baudratePreference': 250000}
2019-07-01 16:41:47,756 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - Checking if /dev/ttyACM0 is in ['/dev/ttyACM0']
2019-07-01 16:41:47,766 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - autoconnect_delay 20
2019-07-01 16:41:48,828 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - on_port_created connection_options {'portPreference': None, 'autoconnect': True, 'baudrates': [250000, 230400, 115200, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600], 'ports': ['/dev/ttyACM0'], 'baudratePreference': 250000}
2019-07-01 16:41:48,829 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - Checking if /dev/sg0 is in ['/dev/ttyACM0']
2019-07-01 16:41:48,829 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - WARNING - Won't autoconnect because /dev/sg0 isn't in ['/dev/ttyACM0']
2019-07-01 16:41:48,857 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - on_port_created connection_options {'portPreference': None, 'autoconnect': True, 'baudrates': [250000, 230400, 115200, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600], 'ports': ['/dev/ttyACM0'], 'baudratePreference': 250000}
2019-07-01 16:41:48,858 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - Checking if /dev/sda is in ['/dev/ttyACM0']
2019-07-01 16:41:48,858 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - WARNING - Won't autoconnect because /dev/sda isn't in ['/dev/ttyACM0']
2019-07-01 16:41:54,656 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.33ms
2019-07-01 16:41:55,808 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - on_port_created connection_options {'portPreference': None, 'autoconnect': True, 'baudrates': [250000, 230400, 115200, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600], 'ports': ['/dev/ttyACM0'], 'baudratePreference': 250000}
2019-07-01 16:41:55,811 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - Checking if /dev/sda1 is in ['/dev/ttyACM0']
2019-07-01 16:41:55,813 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - WARNING - Won't autoconnect because /dev/sda1 isn't in ['/dev/ttyACM0']
2019-07-01 16:42:01,544 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.69ms
2019-07-01 16:42:07,772 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - do_auto_connect
2019-07-01 16:42:07,777 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - realpath match
2019-07-01 16:42:07,867 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - Attempting to connect to AUTO at 250000 with profile '_default'
2019-07-01 16:42:07,871 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Connecting payload=None
2019-07-01 16:42:07,943 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Offline" to "Detecting serial port"
2019-07-01 16:42:07,950 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PrinterStateChanged payload={'state_string': 'Offline', 'state_id': 'OFFLINE'}
2019-07-01 16:42:07,968 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Detecting serial port" to "Opening serial port"
2019-07-01 16:42:07,973 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Opening serial port" to "Connecting"
2019-07-01 16:42:07,976 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PrinterStateChanged payload={'state_string': 'Opening serial port', 'state_id': 'OPEN_SERIAL'}
2019-07-01 16:42:07,985 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0
2019-07-01 16:42:07,986 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PrinterStateChanged payload={'state_string': 'Connecting', 'state_id': 'CONNECTING'}
2019-07-01 16:42:07,998 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Connecting" to "Operational"
2019-07-01 16:42:08,004 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0
2019-07-01 16:42:08,006 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PrinterStateChanged payload={'state_string': 'Operational', 'state_id': 'OPERATIONAL'}
2019-07-01 16:42:08,024 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Printer reports firmware name "Marlin bugfix-2.0.x (Github)"
2019-07-01 16:42:08,030 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Connected payload={'baudrate': 250000, 'port': 'AUTO'}
2019-07-01 16:42:08,031 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - Got CONNECTED event
2019-07-01 16:42:08,034 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - Run postflash flag is not set
2019-07-01 16:42:08,044 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[eeprom] is now 1
2019-07-01 16:42:08,062 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports temperature autoreporting
2019-07-01 16:42:08,069 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[autolevel] is now 1
2019-07-01 16:42:08,073 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[z_probe] is now 1
2019-07-01 16:42:08,076 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[leveling_data] is now 1
2019-07-01 16:42:08,086 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports emergency GCODEs to be sent without waiting for an acknowledgement first
2019-07-01 16:42:08,093 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports sd status autoreporting
2019-07-01 16:42:08,293 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=FirmwareData payload={'data': {'SOURCE_CODE_URL': '', 'EXTRUDER_COUNT': '1', 'UUID': 'cede2a2f-41a2-4748-9b12-c55c62f367ff', 'FIRMWARE_NAME': 'Marlin bugfix-2.0.x (Github)', 'MACHINE_TYPE': 'Ender 3 Pro 2', 'PROTOCOL_VERSION': '1.0'}, 'name': 'Marlin bugfix-2.0.x (Github)'}
2019-07-01 16:42:11,461 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=UpdatedFiles payload={'type': 'printables'}
2019-07-01 16:42:11,472 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=UpdatedFiles payload={'type': 'gcode'}
2019-07-01 16:42:11,504 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=FirmwareData payload={'data': {'SOURCE_CODE_URL': '', 'EXTRUDER_COUNT': '1', 'UUID': 'cede2a2f-41a2-4748-9b12-c55c62f367ff', 'FIRMWARE_NAME': 'Marlin bugfix-2.0.x (Github)', 'MACHINE_TYPE': 'Ender 3 Pro 2', 'PROTOCOL_VERSION': '1.0'}, 'name': 'Marlin bugfix-2.0.x (Github)'}
2019-07-01 16:42:11,514 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[eeprom] is now 1
2019-07-01 16:42:11,530 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports temperature autoreporting
2019-07-01 16:42:11,543 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[autolevel] is now 1
2019-07-01 16:42:11,549 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[z_probe] is now 1
2019-07-01 16:42:11,556 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[leveling_data] is now 1
2019-07-01 16:42:11,578 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports emergency GCODEs to be sent without waiting for an acknowledgement first
2019-07-01 16:42:11,588 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports sd status autoreporting
2019-07-01 16:44:02,178 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Server heartbeat <3
2019-07-01 16:49:54,030 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - Firmware update started
2019-07-01 16:49:54,038 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - Disconnecting from printer
2019-07-01 16:49:54,045 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Disconnecting payload=None
2019-07-01 16:49:54,054 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Operational" to "Offline"
2019-07-01 16:49:54,059 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=UpdatedFiles payload={'type': 'printables'}
2019-07-01 16:49:54,068 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=UpdatedFiles payload={'type': 'gcode'}
2019-07-01 16:49:54,072 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - Release the firmware lock on the SD Card by sending 'M22' to '/dev/ttyACM0'
2019-07-01 16:49:54,097 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Disconnected payload=None
2019-07-01 16:49:54,123 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - Waiting for SD card to be available at '/media/usb'
2019-07-01 16:49:54,127 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - Firmware update folder '/media/usb' available for writing after 0.0 seconds
2019-07-01 16:49:54,129 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - Copying firmware to update folder '/tmp/tmpWvTEdl' -> '/media/usb/firmware.bin'
2019-07-01 16:49:54,152 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - ERROR - Flashing failed. Unable to copy file.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_firmwareupdater/methods/", line 78, in _flash_lpc1768
shutil.copyfile(firmware, target_path)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 83, in copyfile
with open(dst, 'wb') as fdst:
IOError: [Errno 5] Input/output error: '/media/usb/firmware.bin'
2019-07-01 16:49:54,157 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - Reconnecting to printer: port=/dev/ttyACM0, baudrate=250000, profile={'heatedChamber': False, 'name': 'Default', 'color': 'default', 'axes': {'y': {'speed': 6000, 'inverted': False}, 'x': {'speed': 6000, 'inverted': False}, 'z': {'speed': 200, 'inverted': False}, 'e': {'speed': 300, 'inverted': False}}, 'heatedBed': True, 'volume': {'origin': 'lowerleft', 'formFactor': 'rectangular', 'depth': 235.0, 'width': 235.0, 'custom_box': False, 'height': 250.0}, 'model': 'Ender 3 Pro', 'id': '_default', 'extruder': {'count': 1, 'nozzleDiameter': 0.4, 'offsets': [(0.0, 0.0)], 'sharedNozzle': False}}
2019-07-01 16:49:54,501 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Offline" to "Opening serial port"
2019-07-01 16:49:54,514 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Opening serial port" to "Connecting"
2019-07-01 16:49:54,542 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0
2019-07-01 16:49:54,577 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Connecting" to "Operational"
2019-07-01 16:49:54,582 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0
2019-07-01 16:49:54,627 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Printer reports firmware name "Marlin bugfix-2.0.x (Github)"
2019-07-01 16:49:54,637 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[eeprom] is now 1
2019-07-01 16:49:54,671 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports temperature autoreporting
2019-07-01 16:49:54,701 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[autolevel] is now 1
2019-07-01 16:49:54,705 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[z_probe] is now 1
2019-07-01 16:49:54,709 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[leveling_data] is now 1
2019-07-01 16:49:54,738 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PrinterStateChanged payload={'state_string': 'Offline', 'state_id': 'OFFLINE'}
2019-07-01 16:49:54,747 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Connecting payload=None
2019-07-01 16:49:54,754 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PrinterStateChanged payload={'state_string': 'Opening serial port', 'state_id': 'OPEN_SERIAL'}
2019-07-01 16:49:54,768 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PrinterStateChanged payload={'state_string': 'Connecting', 'state_id': 'CONNECTING'}
2019-07-01 16:49:54,780 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports emergency GCODEs to be sent without waiting for an acknowledgement first
2019-07-01 16:49:54,792 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PrinterStateChanged payload={'state_string': 'Operational', 'state_id': 'OPERATIONAL'}
2019-07-01 16:49:54,802 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports sd status autoreporting
2019-07-01 16:49:54,833 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Connected payload={'baudrate': 250000, 'port': '/dev/ttyACM0'}
2019-07-01 16:49:54,838 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - Got CONNECTED event
2019-07-01 16:49:54,839 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - Run postflash flag is not set
2019-07-01 16:49:55,404 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=FirmwareData payload={'data': {'SOURCE_CODE_URL': '', 'EXTRUDER_COUNT': '1', 'UUID': 'cede2a2f-41a2-4748-9b12-c55c62f367ff', 'FIRMWARE_NAME': 'Marlin bugfix-2.0.x (Github)', 'MACHINE_TYPE': 'Ender 3 Pro 2', 'PROTOCOL_VERSION': '1.0'}, 'name': 'Marlin bugfix-2.0.x (Github)'}
2019-07-01 16:49:56,368 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Externally triggered heatup detected
2019-07-01 16:49:57,326 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=UpdatedFiles payload={'type': 'printables'}
2019-07-01 16:49:57,337 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=UpdatedFiles payload={'type': 'gcode'}
2019-07-01 16:49:59,124 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=FirmwareData payload={'data': {'SOURCE_CODE_URL': '', 'EXTRUDER_COUNT': '1', 'UUID': 'cede2a2f-41a2-4748-9b12-c55c62f367ff', 'FIRMWARE_NAME': 'Marlin bugfix-2.0.x (Github)', 'MACHINE_TYPE': 'Ender 3 Pro 2', 'PROTOCOL_VERSION': '1.0'}, 'name': 'Marlin bugfix-2.0.x (Github)'}
2019-07-01 16:49:59,135 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[eeprom] is now 1
2019-07-01 16:49:59,150 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports temperature autoreporting
2019-07-01 16:49:59,164 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[autolevel] is now 1
2019-07-01 16:49:59,173 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[z_probe] is now 1
2019-07-01 16:49:59,181 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[leveling_data] is now 1
2019-07-01 16:49:59,211 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports emergency GCODEs to be sent without waiting for an acknowledgement first
2019-07-01 16:49:59,221 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports sd status autoreporting
2019-07-01 16:50:06,414 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=SettingsUpdated payload={'effective_hash': '86af61ba751e113b17bfcd590d6d09a7', 'config_hash': '4bf86b37184ad105fa6327e713d6497b'}
2019-07-01 16:50:06,416 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Setting update detected: g90InfluencesExtruder=False
2019-07-01 16:50:07,293 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - Firmware update started
2019-07-01 16:50:07,294 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - Disconnecting from printer
2019-07-01 16:50:07,307 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Disconnecting payload=None
2019-07-01 16:50:07,318 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Operational" to "Offline"
2019-07-01 16:50:07,321 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=UpdatedFiles payload={'type': 'printables'}
2019-07-01 16:50:07,331 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - Unmounting SD card: 'sudo umount /media/usb'
2019-07-01 16:50:07,351 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=UpdatedFiles payload={'type': 'gcode'}
2019-07-01 16:50:07,362 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Disconnected payload=None
2019-07-01 16:50:07,384 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - Pre-flash reset: attempting to reset the board
2019-07-01 16:50:07,385 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - Resetting LPC1768 at '/dev/ttyACM0'
2019-07-01 16:50:07,532 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - Waiting for LPC1768 at '/dev/ttyACM0' to reset
2019-07-01 16:50:07,978 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 POST /api/printer/command (::ffff: 52.92ms
2019-07-01 16:50:07,999 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 POST /api/printer/command (::ffff: 69.30ms
2019-07-01 16:50:08,026 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PrinterStateChanged payload={'state_string': 'Offline', 'state_id': 'OFFLINE'}
2019-07-01 16:50:09,179 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - LPC1768 at '/dev/ttyACM0' is resetting
2019-07-01 16:50:10,834 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - on_port_created connection_options {'portPreference': None, 'autoconnect': True, 'baudrates': [250000, 230400, 115200, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600], 'ports': ['/dev/ttyACM0'], 'baudratePreference': 250000}
2019-07-01 16:50:10,835 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - Checking if /dev/ttyACM0 is in ['/dev/ttyACM0']
2019-07-01 16:50:10,845 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - autoconnect_delay 20
2019-07-01 16:50:11,911 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - on_port_created connection_options {'portPreference': None, 'autoconnect': True, 'baudrates': [250000, 230400, 115200, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600], 'ports': ['/dev/ttyACM0'], 'baudratePreference': 250000}
2019-07-01 16:50:11,913 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - Checking if /dev/sg0 is in ['/dev/ttyACM0']
2019-07-01 16:50:11,915 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - WARNING - Won't autoconnect because /dev/sg0 isn't in ['/dev/ttyACM0']
2019-07-01 16:50:11,940 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - on_port_created connection_options {'portPreference': None, 'autoconnect': True, 'baudrates': [250000, 230400, 115200, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600], 'ports': ['/dev/ttyACM0'], 'baudratePreference': 250000}
2019-07-01 16:50:11,941 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - Checking if /dev/sda is in ['/dev/ttyACM0']
2019-07-01 16:50:11,945 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - WARNING - Won't autoconnect because /dev/sda isn't in ['/dev/ttyACM0']
2019-07-01 16:50:12,032 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 11.48ms
2019-07-01 16:50:12,403 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - LPC1768 at '/dev/ttyACM0' reset in 4.83 seconds
2019-07-01 16:50:12,404 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - Release the firmware lock on the SD Card by sending 'M22' to '/dev/ttyACM0'
2019-07-01 16:50:12,443 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - Waiting for SD card to be available at '/media/usb'
2019-07-01 16:50:18,890 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - on_port_created connection_options {'portPreference': None, 'autoconnect': True, 'baudrates': [250000, 230400, 115200, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600], 'ports': ['/dev/ttyACM0'], 'baudratePreference': 250000}
2019-07-01 16:50:18,891 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - Checking if /dev/sda1 is in ['/dev/ttyACM0']
2019-07-01 16:50:18,893 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - WARNING - Won't autoconnect because /dev/sda1 isn't in ['/dev/ttyACM0']
2019-07-01 16:50:24,263 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 25.70ms
2019-07-01 16:50:27,467 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - Firmware update folder '/media/usb' available for writing after 15.0 seconds
2019-07-01 16:50:27,468 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - Copying firmware to update folder '/tmp/tmpojPOnk' -> '/media/usb/firmware.bin'
2019-07-01 16:50:28,077 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - Unmounting SD card: 'sudo umount /media/usb'
2019-07-01 16:50:28,156 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - Firmware update reset: attempting to reset the board
2019-07-01 16:50:28,158 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - Resetting LPC1768 at '/dev/ttyACM0'
2019-07-01 16:50:28,253 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - Waiting for LPC1768 at '/dev/ttyACM0' to reset
2019-07-01 16:50:29,204 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - LPC1768 at '/dev/ttyACM0' is resetting
2019-07-01 16:50:30,851 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - do_auto_connect
2019-07-01 16:50:30,854 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - realpath match
2019-07-01 16:50:30,950 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - Attempting to connect to AUTO at 250000 with profile '_default'
2019-07-01 16:50:30,959 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Connecting payload=None
2019-07-01 16:50:31,047 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Offline" to "Detecting serial port"
2019-07-01 16:50:31,054 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PrinterStateChanged payload={'state_string': 'Offline', 'state_id': 'OFFLINE'}
2019-07-01 16:50:31,069 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Detecting serial port" to "Error: Failed to autodetect serial port, please set it manually."
2019-07-01 16:50:31,074 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PrinterStateChanged payload={'state_string': 'Error: Failed to autodetect serial port, please set it manually.', 'state_id': 'ERROR'}
2019-07-01 16:50:31,081 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Error payload={'reason': 'autodetect_port', 'error': 'Failed to autodetect serial port, please set it manually.'}
2019-07-01 16:50:31,082 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Printing stopped
2019-07-01 16:50:34,327 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - LPC1768 at '/dev/ttyACM0' reset in 6.07 seconds
2019-07-01 16:50:34,330 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - Flashing successful.
2019-07-01 16:50:34,341 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - No postflash gcode or postflash is disabled, setting run_postflash_gcode to false
2019-07-01 16:50:34,346 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - Reconnecting to printer: port=/dev/ttyACM0, baudrate=250000, profile={'heatedChamber': False, 'name': 'Default', 'color': 'default', 'axes': {'y': {'speed': 6000, 'inverted': False}, 'x': {'speed': 6000, 'inverted': False}, 'z': {'speed': 200, 'inverted': False}, 'e': {'speed': 300, 'inverted': False}}, 'heatedBed': True, 'volume': {'origin': 'lowerleft', 'formFactor': 'rectangular', 'depth': 235.0, 'width': 235.0, 'custom_box': False, 'height': 250.0}, 'model': 'Ender 3 Pro', 'id': '_default', 'extruder': {'count': 1, 'nozzleDiameter': 0.4, 'offsets': [(0.0, 0.0)], 'sharedNozzle': False}}
2019-07-01 16:50:34,358 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Disconnecting payload=None
2019-07-01 16:50:34,365 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Connecting payload=None
2019-07-01 16:50:34,473 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Offline" to "Opening serial port"
2019-07-01 16:50:34,478 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PrinterStateChanged payload={'state_string': 'Opening serial port', 'state_id': 'OPEN_SERIAL'}
2019-07-01 16:50:34,482 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Opening serial port" to "Connecting"
2019-07-01 16:50:34,491 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PrinterStateChanged payload={'state_string': 'Connecting', 'state_id': 'CONNECTING'}
2019-07-01 16:50:34,498 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0
2019-07-01 16:50:34,634 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - WARNING - Not auto connecting because printer is not closed nor in error state.
2019-07-01 16:50:35,737 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - WARNING - Not auto connecting because printer is not closed nor in error state.
2019-07-01 16:50:35,742 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - WARNING - Not auto connecting because printer is not closed nor in error state.
2019-07-01 16:50:36,048 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 25.84ms
2019-07-01 16:50:41,419 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Connecting" to "Operational"
2019-07-01 16:50:41,430 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PrinterStateChanged payload={'state_string': 'Operational', 'state_id': 'OPERATIONAL'}
2019-07-01 16:50:41,440 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0
2019-07-01 16:50:41,463 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Connected payload={'baudrate': 250000, 'port': '/dev/ttyACM0'}
2019-07-01 16:50:41,464 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - Got CONNECTED event
2019-07-01 16:50:41,466 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - Run postflash flag is not set
2019-07-01 16:50:41,538 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Printer reports firmware name "Marlin bugfix-2.0.x (Github)"
2019-07-01 16:50:41,589 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[eeprom] is now 1
2019-07-01 16:50:41,627 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports temperature autoreporting
2019-07-01 16:50:41,660 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[autolevel] is now 1
2019-07-01 16:50:41,664 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[z_probe] is now 1
2019-07-01 16:50:41,667 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[leveling_data] is now 1
2019-07-01 16:50:41,711 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports emergency GCODEs to be sent without waiting for an acknowledgement first
2019-07-01 16:50:41,720 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports sd status autoreporting
2019-07-01 16:50:41,757 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=FirmwareData payload={'data': {'SOURCE_CODE_URL': '', 'EXTRUDER_COUNT': '1', 'UUID': 'cede2a2f-41a2-4748-9b12-c55c62f367ff', 'FIRMWARE_NAME': 'Marlin bugfix-2.0.x (Github)', 'MACHINE_TYPE': 'Ender 3 Pro 3', 'PROTOCOL_VERSION': '1.0'}, 'name': 'Marlin bugfix-2.0.x (Github)'}
2019-07-01 16:50:42,004 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - WARNING - Not auto connecting because printer is not closed nor in error state.
2019-07-01 16:50:43,325 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=FirmwareData payload={'data': {'SOURCE_CODE_URL': '', 'EXTRUDER_COUNT': '1', 'UUID': 'cede2a2f-41a2-4748-9b12-c55c62f367ff', 'FIRMWARE_NAME': 'Marlin bugfix-2.0.x (Github)', 'MACHINE_TYPE': 'Ender 3 Pro 3', 'PROTOCOL_VERSION': '1.0'}, 'name': 'Marlin bugfix-2.0.x (Github)'}
2019-07-01 16:50:43,333 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[eeprom] is now 1
2019-07-01 16:50:43,345 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports temperature autoreporting
2019-07-01 16:50:43,357 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[autolevel] is now 1
2019-07-01 16:50:43,362 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[z_probe] is now 1
2019-07-01 16:50:43,370 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[leveling_data] is now 1
2019-07-01 16:50:43,384 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports emergency GCODEs to be sent without waiting for an acknowledgement first
2019-07-01 16:50:43,390 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports sd status autoreporting
2019-07-01 16:50:44,315 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=UpdatedFiles payload={'type': 'printables'}
2019-07-01 16:50:44,321 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=UpdatedFiles payload={'type': 'gcode'}
2019-07-01 16:51:33,443 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user drew from ::ffff:
2019-07-01 16:51:33,737 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=ClientClosed payload={'remoteAddress': '::ffff:'}
2019-07-01 16:51:33,742 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - Client connection closed: ::ffff:
2019-07-01 16:51:36,744 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - New connection from client: ::ffff:
2019-07-01 16:51:36,962 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user drew from ::ffff:
2019-07-01 16:51:39,738 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - User drew logged in on the socket from client ::ffff:
2019-07-01 16:51:39,858 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=ClientOpened payload={'remoteAddress': '::ffff:'}
2019-07-01 16:52:27,749 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Home payload=None
2019-07-01 16:52:29,761 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Printer seems to support the busy protocol, will adjust timeouts and set busy interval accordingly
2019-07-01 16:52:31,806 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': 6000.0, 'y': 5.0, 'x': 5.0, 'z': 5.0}
2019-07-01 16:52:31,814 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Telling the printer to set the busy interval to our "communicationBusy" timeout - 1s = 2s
2019-07-01 16:53:10,727 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Home payload=None
2019-07-01 16:53:11,073 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': 6000.0, 'y': 5.0, 'x': 5.0, 'z': 5.0}
2019-07-01 16:53:17,213 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Home payload=None
2019-07-01 16:53:17,563 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': 6000.0, 'y': 5.0, 'x': 5.0, 'z': 5.0}
2019-07-01 16:53:25,594 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Home payload=None
2019-07-01 16:53:25,919 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': 6000.0, 'y': 5.0, 'x': 5.0, 'z': 5.0}
2019-07-01 16:53:35,165 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Home payload=None
2019-07-01 16:53:35,488 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': 6000.0, 'y': 5.0, 'x': 5.0, 'z': 5.0}
2019-07-01 16:53:42,200 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Home payload=None
2019-07-01 16:53:42,545 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': 6000.0, 'y': 5.0, 'x': 5.0, 'z': 5.0}
2019-07-01 16:54:59,053 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Home payload=None
2019-07-01 16:54:59,406 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': 6000.0, 'y': 5.0, 'x': 5.0, 'z': 5.0}
2019-07-01 16:55:09,345 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Home payload=None
2019-07-01 16:55:11,672 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': 6000.0, 'y': 5.0, 'x': 5.0, 'z': 5.0}
2019-07-01 16:55:25,957 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Home payload=None
2019-07-01 16:55:27,391 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': 6000.0, 'y': 5.0, 'x': 5.0, 'z': 5.0}
2019-07-01 16:55:28,903 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Home payload=None
2019-07-01 16:55:29,391 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': 6000.0, 'y': 5.0, 'x': 5.0, 'z': 5.0}
2019-07-01 16:55:59,305 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Home payload=None
2019-07-01 16:56:02,103 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': 6000.0, 'y': 5.0, 'x': 5.0, 'z': 5.0}
2019-07-01 16:56:16,712 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Home payload=None
2019-07-01 16:56:19,308 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Home payload=None
2019-07-01 16:56:30,113 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': 6000.0, 'y': 138.0, 'x': 164.0, 'z': 13.77}
2019-07-01 16:56:44,830 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': 6000.0, 'y': 138.0, 'x': 164.0, 'z': 13.77}
2019-07-01 16:57:47,325 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Home payload=None
2019-07-01 16:57:52,034 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': 6000.0, 'y': 5.0, 'x': 5.0, 'z': 13.77}
2019-07-01 16:57:58,964 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Home payload=None
2019-07-01 16:57:59,435 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': 6000.0, 'y': 5.0, 'x': 5.0, 'z': 13.77}
2019-07-01 16:58:00,786 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Home payload=None
2019-07-01 16:58:01,221 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': 6000.0, 'y': 5.0, 'x': 5.0, 'z': 13.77}
2019-07-01 16:58:02,350 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Home payload=None
2019-07-01 16:58:02,777 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': 6000.0, 'y': 5.0, 'x': 5.0, 'z': 13.77}
2019-07-01 16:58:04,474 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Home payload=None
2019-07-01 16:58:04,884 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': 6000.0, 'y': 5.0, 'x': 5.0, 'z': 13.77}
2019-07-01 16:58:06,096 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Home payload=None
2019-07-01 16:58:06,487 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': 6000.0, 'y': 5.0, 'x': 5.0, 'z': 13.77}
2019-07-01 16:58:08,869 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Home payload=None
2019-07-01 16:58:09,679 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': 6000.0, 'y': 5.0, 'x': 5.0, 'z': 13.77}
2019-07-01 16:59:00,137 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Home payload=None
2019-07-01 16:59:00,568 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': 6000.0, 'y': 5.0, 'x': 5.0, 'z': 13.77}
2019-07-01 16:59:02,179 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Server heartbeat <3
2019-07-01 16:59:35,456 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Home payload=None
2019-07-01 16:59:35,891 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': 6000.0, 'y': 5.0, 'x': 5.0, 'z': 13.77}
2019-07-01 16:59:37,199 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Home payload=None
2019-07-01 16:59:37,621 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': 6000.0, 'y': 5.0, 'x': 5.0, 'z': 13.77}
2019-07-01 16:59:38,721 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Home payload=None
2019-07-01 16:59:39,194 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': 6000.0, 'y': 5.0, 'x': 5.0, 'z': 13.77}
2019-07-01 16:59:41,395 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Home payload=None
2019-07-01 16:59:41,795 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': 6000.0, 'y': 5.0, 'x': 5.0, 'z': 13.77}
2019-07-01 16:59:43,338 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Home payload=None
2019-07-01 16:59:43,737 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': 6000.0, 'y': 5.0, 'x': 5.0, 'z': 13.77}
2019-07-01 16:59:53,497 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Home payload=None
2019-07-01 16:59:53,927 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': 6000.0, 'y': 5.0, 'x': 5.0, 'z': 13.77}
2019-07-01 16:59:55,436 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Home payload=None
2019-07-01 16:59:55,865 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': 6000.0, 'y': 5.0, 'x': 5.0, 'z': 13.77}
2019-07-01 16:59:57,770 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Home payload=None
2019-07-01 16:59:58,223 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': 6000.0, 'y': 5.0, 'x': 5.0, 'z': 13.77}
2019-07-01 16:59:59,345 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Home payload=None
2019-07-01 16:59:59,773 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': 6000.0, 'y': 5.0, 'x': 5.0, 'z': 13.77}
2019-07-01 17:00:05,331 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Home payload=None
2019-07-01 17:00:06,115 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': 6000.0, 'y': 5.0, 'x': 5.0, 'z': 13.77}
2019-07-01 17:00:08,840 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Home payload=None
2019-07-01 17:00:09,611 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': 6000.0, 'y': 5.0, 'x': 5.0, 'z': 13.77}
2019-07-01 17:00:11,918 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Home payload=None
2019-07-01 17:00:12,635 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': 6000.0, 'y': 5.0, 'x': 5.0, 'z': 13.77}
2019-07-01 17:00:13,949 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Home payload=None
2019-07-01 17:00:14,681 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': 6000.0, 'y': 5.0, 'x': 5.0, 'z': 13.77}
2019-07-01 17:00:15,583 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Home payload=None
2019-07-01 17:00:16,323 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': 6000.0, 'y': 5.0, 'x': 5.0, 'z': 13.77}
2019-07-01 17:00:18,811 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Home payload=None
2019-07-01 17:00:19,608 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': 6000.0, 'y': 5.0, 'x': 5.0, 'z': 13.77}
2019-07-01 17:00:20,772 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Home payload=None
2019-07-01 17:00:21,503 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': 6000.0, 'y': 5.0, 'x': 5.0, 'z': 13.77}
2019-07-01 17:00:22,418 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Home payload=None
2019-07-01 17:00:23,258 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': 6000.0, 'y': 5.0, 'x': 5.0, 'z': 13.77}
2019-07-01 17:00:24,068 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Home payload=None
2019-07-01 17:00:24,792 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': 6000.0, 'y': 5.0, 'x': 5.0, 'z': 13.77}
2019-07-01 17:00:25,605 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Home payload=None
2019-07-01 17:00:26,375 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': 6000.0, 'y': 5.0, 'x': 5.0, 'z': 13.77}
2019-07-01 17:00:27,148 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Home payload=None
2019-07-01 17:00:27,953 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': 6000.0, 'y': 5.0, 'x': 5.0, 'z': 13.77}
2019-07-01 17:00:28,801 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Home payload=None
2019-07-01 17:00:29,551 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': 6000.0, 'y': 5.0, 'x': 5.0, 'z': 13.77}
2019-07-01 17:00:30,343 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Home payload=None
2019-07-01 17:00:31,139 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': 6000.0, 'y': 5.0, 'x': 5.0, 'z': 13.77}
2019-07-01 17:00:32,875 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Home payload=None
2019-07-01 17:00:33,598 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': 6000.0, 'y': 5.0, 'x': 5.0, 'z': 13.77}
2019-07-01 17:00:34,570 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Home payload=None
2019-07-01 17:00:35,358 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': 6000.0, 'y': 5.0, 'x': 5.0, 'z': 13.77}
2019-07-01 17:00:36,272 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Home payload=None
2019-07-01 17:00:37,011 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': 6000.0, 'y': 5.0, 'x': 5.0, 'z': 13.77}
2019-07-01 17:00:37,967 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Home payload=None
2019-07-01 17:00:38,727 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': 6000.0, 'y': 5.0, 'x': 5.0, 'z': 13.77}
2019-07-01 17:00:39,642 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Home payload=None
2019-07-01 17:00:40,431 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': 6000.0, 'y': 5.0, 'x': 5.0, 'z': 13.77}
2019-07-01 17:00:41,450 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Home payload=None
2019-07-01 17:00:42,171 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': 6000.0, 'y': 5.0, 'x': 5.0, 'z': 13.77}
2019-07-01 17:00:43,087 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Home payload=None
2019-07-01 17:00:43,885 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': 6000.0, 'y': 5.0, 'x': 5.0, 'z': 13.77}
2019-07-01 17:01:36,656 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=SettingsUpdated payload={'effective_hash': '5efafe1575967c29f1ec09ae41640f0a', 'config_hash': 'aaa9c201672f15a75bea945859a638f8'}
2019-07-01 17:01:36,657 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Setting update detected: g90InfluencesExtruder=False
2019-07-01 17:02:27,853 - octoprint.plugins.psucontrol - INFO - Switching PSU Off
2019-07-01 17:02:27,863 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Disconnecting payload=None
2019-07-01 17:02:27,887 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=UpdatedFiles payload={'type': 'printables'}
2019-07-01 17:02:27,884 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Operational" to "Offline"
2019-07-01 17:02:27,895 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=UpdatedFiles payload={'type': 'gcode'}
2019-07-01 17:02:27,919 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Disconnected payload=None
2019-07-01 17:02:28,064 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PrinterStateChanged payload={'state_string': 'Offline', 'state_id': 'OFFLINE'}
2019-07-01 17:02:28,520 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 POST /api/printer/command (::ffff: 55.06ms
2019-07-01 17:02:28,541 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 POST /api/printer/command (::ffff: 69.01ms
2019-07-01 17:02:31,971 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 21.54ms
2019-07-01 17:02:33,170 - octoprint.server.api.system - INFO - Performing command for core:restart: sudo service octoprint restart
2019-07-01 17:02:33,368 - octoprint.server - INFO - Shutting down...
2019-07-01 17:02:33,972 - - INFO - Processing shutdown event, this will be our last event
2019-07-01 17:02:33,980 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Shutdown payload=None
2019-07-01 17:02:33,984 - - INFO - Event loop shut down
2019-07-01 17:02:34,008 - octoprint.server - INFO - Goodbye!
2019-07-01 17:02:38,303 - octoprint.startup - INFO - ******************************************************************************
2019-07-01 17:02:38,306 - octoprint.startup - INFO - Starting OctoPrint 1.3.11
2019-07-01 17:02:38,307 - octoprint.startup - INFO - ******************************************************************************
2019-07-01 17:02:38,374 - octoprint.util.connectivity_checker - INFO - Connectivity changed from offline to online
2019-07-01 17:02:39,812 - octoprint.startup - INFO - Blacklist processing done, adding 1 blacklisted plugin versions: roomtemp (any)
2019-07-01 17:02:39,857 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Loading plugins from /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins, /home/pi/.octoprint/plugins and installed plugin packages...
2019-07-01 17:02:42,747 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Plugin OctoKlipper (0.2.5) is disabled.
2019-07-01 17:02:43,147 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Found 31 plugin(s) providing 30 mixin implementations, 50 hook handlers
2019-07-01 17:02:43,544 - octoprint.server.heartbeat - INFO - Starting server heartbeat, 900.0s interval
2019-07-01 17:02:43,574 - octoprint.server - INFO - Intermediary server started
2019-07-01 17:02:43,577 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Loading plugins from /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins, /home/pi/.octoprint/plugins and installed plugin packages...
2019-07-01 17:02:44,424 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Found 31 plugin(s) providing 30 mixin implementations, 50 hook handlers
2019-07-01 17:02:44,468 - - INFO - Initializing the file metadata for /home/pi/.octoprint/uploads...
2019-07-01 17:02:45,361 - - INFO - ... file metadata for /home/pi/.octoprint/uploads initialized successfully.
2019-07-01 17:02:45,998 - octoprint.plugins.softwareupdate - INFO - Loaded version cache from disk
2019-07-01 17:02:47,798 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Using "/home/pi/oprint/bin/python2 -m pip" as command to invoke pip
2019-07-01 17:02:49,577 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Version of pip is 19.0.1
2019-07-01 17:02:49,579 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - pip installs to /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages (writable -> yes), --user flag needed -> no, virtual env -> yes
2019-07-01 17:02:49,580 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - ==> pip ok -> yes
2019-07-01 17:02:49,586 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - Initialized 30 plugin implementation(s)
2019-07-01 17:02:49,620 - octoprint.plugins.psucontrol - INFO - Using GPIO for On/Off
2019-07-01 17:02:49,621 - octoprint.plugins.psucontrol - INFO - Using GPIO for tracking PSU on/off state.
2019-07-01 17:02:49,622 - octoprint.plugins.psucontrol - INFO - Running RPi.GPIO version 0.6.5
2019-07-01 17:02:49,624 - octoprint.plugins.psucontrol - INFO - Using GPIO sensing to determine PSU on/off state.
2019-07-01 17:02:49,625 - octoprint.plugins.psucontrol - INFO - Configuring GPIO for pin 16
2019-07-01 17:02:49,626 - octoprint.plugins.psucontrol - INFO - Using GPIO for On/Off
2019-07-01 17:02:49,627 - octoprint.plugins.psucontrol - INFO - Configuring GPIO for pin 16
2019-07-01 17:02:49,638 - octoprint.plugin.core - INFO - 31 plugin(s) registered with the system:
| ABL Expert Plugin (0.3) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_ABL_Expert
| Action Command Prompt Support (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/action_command_prompt
| Announcement Plugin (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/announcements
| Anonymous Usage Tracking (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/tracking
| Application Keys Plugin (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/appkeys
| Backup & Restore (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/backup
| Bed Visualizer (0.1.9) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_bedlevelvisualizer
| BLTouch Plugin (0.3.1) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_BLTouch
| Core Wizard (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/corewizard
| Detailed Progress Plugin (0.1.4) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_detailedprogress
| Discovery (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/discovery
| EEPROM Marlin Editor Plugin (1.2.1) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_eeprom_marlin
| Error Tracking (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/errortracking
| Exclude Region (0.1.3) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_excluderegion
| Firmware Updater (1.5.0) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_firmwareupdater
| Force Login (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/forcelogin
| Fullscreen Plugin (0.0.4) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_fullscreen
| Logging (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/logging
| !OctoKlipper (0.2.5) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_klipper
| Octolapse (0.3.4) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_octolapse
| Pi Support Plugin (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/pi_support
| Plugin Manager (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/pluginmanager
| PortLister (0.1.8) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_portlister
| Printer Safety Check (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/printer_safety_check
| Printer Stats (1.0.0) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_stats
| PSU Control (0.1.8) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_psucontrol
| Pushbullet (0.1.9) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_octobullet
| Software Update (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/softwareupdate
| Themeify (1.2.0) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_themeify
| TouchUI (0.3.13) = /home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_touchui
| Virtual Printer (bundled) = /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/virtual_printer
2019-07-01 17:02:49,659 - octoprint.environment - INFO - Detected environment is Python 2.7.13 under Linux (linux2). Details:
| hardware:
| cores: 4
| freq: 1200.0
| ram: 917016576
| os:
| id: linux
| platform: linux2
| plugins:
| pi_support:
| model: Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Rev 1.2
| octopi_version: 0.16.0
| python:
| pip: 19.0.1
| version: 2.7.13
| virtualenv: /home/pi/oprint
2019-07-01 17:02:49,675 - octoprint.server - INFO - Reset webasset folder /home/pi/.octoprint/generated/webassets...
2019-07-01 17:02:49,702 - octoprint.server - INFO - Reset webasset folder /home/pi/.octoprint/generated/.webassets-cache...
2019-07-01 17:02:49,717 - octoprint.plugins.octolapse - INFO - Octolapse is loading assets.
2019-07-01 17:02:51,385 - octoprint.server - INFO - Shutting down intermediary server...
2019-07-01 17:02:51,553 - octoprint.server - INFO - Intermediary server shut down
2019-07-01 17:02:51,556 - - INFO - Processing startup event, this is our first event
2019-07-01 17:02:51,559 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Startup payload=None
2019-07-01 17:02:51,557 - - INFO - Adding 1 events to queue that were held back before startup event
2019-07-01 17:02:51,568 - octoprint.filemanager - INFO - Adding backlog items from all storage types to analysis queue...
2019-07-01 17:02:51,646 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=ConnectivityChanged payload={'new': True, 'old': False}
2019-07-01 17:02:51,658 - octoprint.filemanager - INFO - Added 0 items from storage type "local" to analysis queue
2019-07-01 17:02:51,929 - octoprint.server.util.watchdog - INFO - Running initial scan on watched folder...
2019-07-01 17:02:51,934 - octoprint.server.util.watchdog - INFO - ... initial scan done.
2019-07-01 17:02:52,087 - octoprint.plugins.discovery - INFO - Registered 'OctoPrint instance on octopi' for _http._tcp
2019-07-01 17:02:52,180 - octoprint.plugins.discovery - INFO - Registered 'OctoPrint instance on octopi' for _octoprint._tcp
2019-07-01 17:02:52,210 - octoprint.plugins.discovery - INFO - Registered OctoPrint instance on octopi for SSDP
2019-07-01 17:02:52,219 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded plugin repository data from
2019-07-01 17:02:52,247 - octoprint.server - INFO - Listening on
2019-07-01 17:02:52,255 - octoprint.plugins.octolapse - INFO - Loading existing settings file from: /home/pi/.octoprint/data/octolapse/settings.json.
2019-07-01 17:02:53,003 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded plugin repository data from
2019-07-01 17:02:53,540 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 12.97ms
2019-07-01 17:02:54,062 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded plugin notices data from
2019-07-01 17:02:54,322 - octoprint.plugins.pluginmanager - INFO - Loaded plugin notices data from
2019-07-01 17:02:54,461 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - Using "/home/pi/oprint/bin/python2 -m pip" as command to invoke pip
2019-07-01 17:02:54,463 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - pip installs to /home/pi/oprint/lib/python2.7/site-packages (writable -> yes), --user flag needed -> no, virtual env -> yes
2019-07-01 17:02:54,464 - octoprint.util.pip - INFO - ==> pip ok -> yes
2019-07-01 17:02:54,529 - octoprint.plugins.bedlevelvisualizer - INFO - OctoPrint-BedLevelVisualizer loaded!
2019-07-01 17:02:54,530 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Setting update detected: g90InfluencesExtruder=False
2019-07-01 17:02:55,946 - octoprint.plugins.octobullet - INFO - Connected to PushBullet
2019-07-01 17:02:55,950 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - Port Lister () {}
2019-07-01 17:02:55,958 - octoprint.plugins.stats - INFO - Printer Stats
2019-07-01 17:02:56,188 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - New connection from client: ::ffff:
2019-07-01 17:02:56,458 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user drew from ::ffff:
2019-07-01 17:02:56,782 - octoprint.server.preemptive_cache - INFO - Preemptively caching / (ui _default) for {'query_string': 'l10n=en', 'path': '/', 'base_url': ''}
2019-07-01 17:02:57,797 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - User drew logged in on the socket from client ::ffff:
2019-07-01 17:02:57,806 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=ClientOpened payload={'remoteAddress': '::ffff:'}
2019-07-01 17:03:00,685 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user drew from ::ffff:
2019-07-01 17:03:33,296 - octoprint.server.preemptive_cache - INFO - ... done in 36.51s
2019-07-01 17:03:33,303 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 25.68ms
2019-07-01 17:03:33,352 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 11.19ms
2019-07-01 17:03:33,651 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 11.05ms
2019-07-01 17:03:33,728 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 13.03ms
2019-07-01 17:03:33,808 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=ClientClosed payload={'remoteAddress': '::ffff:'}
2019-07-01 17:03:33,815 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - Client connection closed: ::ffff:
2019-07-01 17:03:36,040 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - New connection from client: ::ffff:
2019-07-01 17:03:36,364 - octoprint.server.util.flask - INFO - Passively logging in user drew from ::ffff:
2019-07-01 17:03:38,653 - octoprint.server.util.sockjs - INFO - User drew logged in on the socket from client ::ffff:
2019-07-01 17:03:38,664 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=ClientOpened payload={'remoteAddress': '::ffff:'}
2019-07-01 17:03:43,556 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 22.28ms
2019-07-01 17:03:44,237 - octoprint.plugins.psucontrol - INFO - Switching PSU On
2019-07-01 17:03:47,507 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - on_port_created connection_options {'portPreference': None, 'autoconnect': True, 'baudrates': [250000, 230400, 115200, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600], 'ports': ['/dev/ttyACM0'], 'baudratePreference': 250000}
2019-07-01 17:03:47,510 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - Checking if /dev/ttyACM0 is in ['/dev/ttyACM0']
2019-07-01 17:03:47,515 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - autoconnect_delay 20
2019-07-01 17:03:48,532 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - on_port_created connection_options {'portPreference': None, 'autoconnect': True, 'baudrates': [250000, 230400, 115200, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600], 'ports': ['/dev/ttyACM0'], 'baudratePreference': 250000}
2019-07-01 17:03:48,534 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - Checking if /dev/sg0 is in ['/dev/ttyACM0']
2019-07-01 17:03:48,537 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - WARNING - Won't autoconnect because /dev/sg0 isn't in ['/dev/ttyACM0']
2019-07-01 17:03:48,564 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - on_port_created connection_options {'portPreference': None, 'autoconnect': True, 'baudrates': [250000, 230400, 115200, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600], 'ports': ['/dev/ttyACM0'], 'baudratePreference': 250000}
2019-07-01 17:03:48,567 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - Checking if /dev/sda is in ['/dev/ttyACM0']
2019-07-01 17:03:48,571 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - WARNING - Won't autoconnect because /dev/sda isn't in ['/dev/ttyACM0']
2019-07-01 17:03:54,392 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 24.44ms
2019-07-01 17:03:55,561 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - on_port_created connection_options {'portPreference': None, 'autoconnect': True, 'baudrates': [250000, 230400, 115200, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600], 'ports': ['/dev/ttyACM0'], 'baudratePreference': 250000}
2019-07-01 17:03:55,564 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - Checking if /dev/sda1 is in ['/dev/ttyACM0']
2019-07-01 17:03:55,566 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - WARNING - Won't autoconnect because /dev/sda1 isn't in ['/dev/ttyACM0']
2019-07-01 17:04:03,553 - tornado.access - WARNING - 409 GET /api/printer (::ffff: 23.66ms
2019-07-01 17:04:07,530 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - do_auto_connect
2019-07-01 17:04:07,535 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - realpath match
2019-07-01 17:04:07,625 - octoprint.plugins.portlister - INFO - Attempting to connect to AUTO at 250000 with profile '_default'
2019-07-01 17:04:07,631 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Connecting payload=None
2019-07-01 17:04:07,721 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Offline" to "Detecting serial port"
2019-07-01 17:04:07,727 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PrinterStateChanged payload={'state_string': 'Detecting serial port', 'state_id': 'DETECT_SERIAL'}
2019-07-01 17:04:07,746 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Detecting serial port" to "Opening serial port"
2019-07-01 17:04:07,751 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PrinterStateChanged payload={'state_string': 'Opening serial port', 'state_id': 'OPEN_SERIAL'}
2019-07-01 17:04:07,752 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Opening serial port" to "Connecting"
2019-07-01 17:04:07,763 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0
2019-07-01 17:04:07,768 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PrinterStateChanged payload={'state_string': 'Connecting', 'state_id': 'CONNECTING'}
2019-07-01 17:04:07,781 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Connecting" to "Operational"
2019-07-01 17:04:07,788 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PrinterStateChanged payload={'state_string': 'Operational', 'state_id': 'OPERATIONAL'}
2019-07-01 17:04:07,791 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0
2019-07-01 17:04:07,814 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Connected payload={'baudrate': 250000, 'port': 'AUTO'}
2019-07-01 17:04:07,815 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - Got CONNECTED event
2019-07-01 17:04:07,819 - octoprint.plugins.firmwareupdater - INFO - Run postflash flag is not set
2019-07-01 17:04:07,838 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Printer reports firmware name "Marlin bugfix-2.0.x (Github)"
2019-07-01 17:04:07,847 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[eeprom] is now 1
2019-07-01 17:04:07,856 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports temperature autoreporting
2019-07-01 17:04:07,870 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[autolevel] is now 1
2019-07-01 17:04:07,874 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[z_probe] is now 1
2019-07-01 17:04:07,878 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[leveling_data] is now 1
2019-07-01 17:04:07,893 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports emergency GCODEs to be sent without waiting for an acknowledgement first
2019-07-01 17:04:07,899 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports sd status autoreporting
2019-07-01 17:04:08,267 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=FirmwareData payload={'data': {'SOURCE_CODE_URL': '', 'EXTRUDER_COUNT': '1', 'UUID': 'cede2a2f-41a2-4748-9b12-c55c62f367ff', 'FIRMWARE_NAME': 'Marlin bugfix-2.0.x (Github)', 'MACHINE_TYPE': 'Ender 3 Pro 3', 'PROTOCOL_VERSION': '1.0'}, 'name': 'Marlin bugfix-2.0.x (Github)'}
2019-07-01 17:04:11,488 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=UpdatedFiles payload={'type': 'printables'}
2019-07-01 17:04:11,499 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=UpdatedFiles payload={'type': 'gcode'}
2019-07-01 17:04:11,524 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=FirmwareData payload={'data': {'SOURCE_CODE_URL': '', 'EXTRUDER_COUNT': '1', 'UUID': 'cede2a2f-41a2-4748-9b12-c55c62f367ff', 'FIRMWARE_NAME': 'Marlin bugfix-2.0.x (Github)', 'MACHINE_TYPE': 'Ender 3 Pro 3', 'PROTOCOL_VERSION': '1.0'}, 'name': 'Marlin bugfix-2.0.x (Github)'}
2019-07-01 17:04:11,539 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[eeprom] is now 1
2019-07-01 17:04:11,560 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports temperature autoreporting
2019-07-01 17:04:11,609 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[autolevel] is now 1
2019-07-01 17:04:11,625 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[z_probe] is now 1
2019-07-01 17:04:11,720 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - self.printer_cap[leveling_data] is now 1
2019-07-01 17:04:11,873 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports emergency GCODEs to be sent without waiting for an acknowledgement first
2019-07-01 17:04:11,948 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Firmware states that it supports sd status autoreporting
2019-07-01 17:04:45,440 - octoprint.filemanager.analysis - INFO - Starting analysis of local:CE3_xyzCalibration_cube_(1).gcode
2019-07-01 17:04:45,444 - octoprint.filemanager.analysis - INFO - Invoking analysis command: /home/pi/oprint/bin/python2 -m octoprint analysis gcode --speed-x=6000 --speed-y=6000 --max-t=10 --throttle=0.0 --throttle-lines=100 /home/pi/.octoprint/uploads/CE3_xyzCalibration_cube_(1).gcode
2019-07-01 17:04:45,445 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=FileAdded payload={'path': u'CE3_xyzCalibration_cube_(1).gcode', 'storage': 'local', 'name': u'CE3_xyzCalibration_cube_(1).gcode', 'type': ['machinecode', 'gcode']}
2019-07-01 17:04:45,455 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=UpdatedFiles payload={'type': 'printables'}
2019-07-01 17:04:45,486 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=UpdatedFiles payload={'type': 'gcode'}
2019-07-01 17:04:45,497 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=MetadataAnalysisStarted payload={'origin': 'local', 'path': u'CE3_xyzCalibration_cube_(1).gcode', 'type': 'gcode', 'name': u'CE3_xyzCalibration_cube_(1).gcode', 'file': u'CE3_xyzCalibration_cube_(1).gcode'}
2019-07-01 17:04:45,510 - octoprint.printer.standard.job - INFO - Print job selected - origin: local, path: CE3_xyzCalibration_cube_(1).gcode, owner: drew, user: drew
2019-07-01 17:04:45,517 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=FileSelected payload={'origin': 'local', 'name': u'CE3_xyzCalibration_cube_(1).gcode', 'file': u'/home/pi/.octoprint/uploads/CE3_xyzCalibration_cube_(1).gcode', 'owner': 'drew', 'path': u'CE3_xyzCalibration_cube_(1).gcode', 'user': 'drew', 'size': None, 'filename': u'CE3_xyzCalibration_cube_(1).gcode'}
2019-07-01 17:04:45,523 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - File selected, resetting internal state
2019-07-01 17:04:45,545 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Operational" to "Starting"
2019-07-01 17:04:45,554 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PrinterStateChanged payload={'state_string': 'Starting', 'state_id': 'STARTING'}
2019-07-01 17:04:45,565 - octoprint.printer.standard.job - INFO - Print job started - origin: local, path: CE3_xyzCalibration_cube_(1).gcode, owner: drew, user: drew
2019-07-01 17:04:45,570 - octoprint.plugins.detailedprogress - INFO - Printing started. Detailed progress started.
2019-07-01 17:04:45,588 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PrintStarted payload={'origin': 'local', 'name': u'CE3_xyzCalibration_cube_(1).gcode', 'file': u'/home/pi/.octoprint/uploads/CE3_xyzCalibration_cube_(1).gcode', 'owner': 'drew', 'path': u'CE3_xyzCalibration_cube_(1).gcode', 'user': 'drew', 'size': 371601L, 'filename': u'CE3_xyzCalibration_cube_(1).gcode'}
2019-07-01 17:04:45,588 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Printing started
2019-07-01 17:04:46,129 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - M110 detected, setting current line number to 0
2019-07-01 17:04:46,486 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Upload payload={'path': u'CE3_xyzCalibration_cube_(1).gcode', 'name': u'CE3_xyzCalibration_cube_(1).gcode', 'file': u'CE3_xyzCalibration_cube_(1).gcode', 'target': u'local'}
2019-07-01 17:04:47,080 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=Home payload=None
2019-07-01 17:04:49,254 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Printer seems to support the busy protocol, will adjust timeouts and set busy interval accordingly
2019-07-01 17:04:49,440 - octoprint.filemanager.analysis - INFO - Analysis of entry local:CE3_xyzCalibration_cube_(1).gcode finished, needed 4.00s
2019-07-01 17:04:49,657 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=MetadataAnalysisFinished payload={'origin': 'local', 'path': u'CE3_xyzCalibration_cube_(1).gcode', 'name': u'CE3_xyzCalibration_cube_(1).gcode', 'file': u'CE3_xyzCalibration_cube_(1).gcode', 'result': {'estimatedPrintTime': 1173.1272215674996, 'printingArea': {'maxZ': 20.0, 'minX': 101.1, 'maxX': 133.9, 'maxY': 133.9, 'minY': 101.1, 'minZ': 0.2}, 'dimensions': {'width': 32.80000000000001, 'depth': 32.80000000000001, 'height': 19.8}, 'filament': {'tool0': {'volume': 0.0, 'length': 1299.17235}}}}
2019-07-01 17:04:55,598 - octoprint.plugins.detailedprogress - INFO - Caught an exception Unknown format code 'f' for object of type 'str'
Traceback:Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_detailedprogress/", line 47, in do_work
message = self._get_next_message(currentData)
File "/home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_detailedprogress/", line 98, in _get_next_message
accuracy = currentData["progress"]["accuracy"],
ValueError: Unknown format code 'f' for object of type 'str'
2019-07-01 17:04:58,702 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': None, 'y': 138.0, 'x': 164.0, 'z': 13.77}
2019-07-01 17:04:58,766 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': None, 'y': 138.0, 'x': 164.0, 'z': 13.77}
2019-07-01 17:04:58,792 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Telling the printer to set the busy interval to our "communicationBusy" timeout - 1s = 2s
2019-07-01 17:05:33,357 - octoprint.plugins.ABL_Expert - INFO - Grid mesh size is 3
2019-07-01 17:05:33,392 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': None, 'y': 234.0, 'x': 234.0, 'z': 11.89}
2019-07-01 17:05:33,428 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': None, 'y': 234.0, 'x': 234.0, 'z': 11.89}
2019-07-01 17:05:33,504 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': None, 'y': 234.0, 'x': 234.0, 'z': 11.89}
2019-07-01 17:05:33,521 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=ZChange payload={'new': 2.0, 'old': None}
2019-07-01 17:05:33,577 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=ZChange payload={'new': 0.3, 'old': 2.0}
2019-07-01 17:05:35,672 - octoprint.plugins.detailedprogress - INFO - Caught an exception Unknown format code 'f' for object of type 'str'
Traceback:Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_detailedprogress/", line 47, in do_work
message = self._get_next_message(currentData)
File "/home/pi/oprint/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/octoprint_detailedprogress/", line 98, in _get_next_message
accuracy = currentData["progress"]["accuracy"],
ValueError: Unknown format code 'f' for object of type 'str'
2019-07-01 17:05:40,167 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': 1500.0, 'y': 20.0, 'x': 5.0, 'z': 0.3}
2019-07-01 17:05:40,181 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=ZChange payload={'new': 2.0, 'old': 0.3}
2019-07-01 17:05:40,411 - octoprint.util.comm - INFO - Changing monitoring state from "Starting" to "Printing"
2019-07-01 17:05:40,430 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PrinterStateChanged payload={'state_string': 'Printing', 'state_id': 'PRINTING'}
2019-07-01 17:10:43,403 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - retraction: excluding=False, retract={"e": 5.0, "feedRate": 2400.0, "originalCommand": "G1 F2400 E-5", "type": "RetractionState", "recoverExcluded": false}, returnCommands=[u'G1 F2400 E-5']
2019-07-01 17:10:43,463 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': 3000.0, 'y': 20.0, 'x': 5.0, 'z': 2.0}
2019-07-01 17:10:43,554 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.0, 't': 0, 'f': 3000.0, 'y': 20.0, 'x': 5.0, 'z': 2.0}
2019-07-01 17:10:43,625 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - recovery: excluding=False, originalCmd=G1 F2400 E0, returnCommands=[u'G1 F2400 E0']
2019-07-01 17:10:43,656 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=ZChange payload={'new': 0.2, 'old': 2.0}
2019-07-01 17:10:46,226 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 0.02, 't': 0, 'f': 1800.0, 'y': 102.46, 'x': 103.57, 'z': 0.2}
2019-07-01 17:10:46,241 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - retraction: excluding=False, retract={"e": 5.02378, "feedRate": 2400.0, "originalCommand": "G1 E-5.00000 F2400.000", "type": "RetractionState", "recoverExcluded": false}, returnCommands=[u'G1 E-5.00000 F2400.000']
2019-07-01 17:10:46,968 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': -4.98, 't': 0, 'f': 3600.0, 'y': 117.5, 'x': 117.5, 'z': 0.4}
2019-07-01 17:10:48,046 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': -4.98, 't': 0, 'f': 3600.0, 'y': 102.46, 'x': 103.57, 'z': 0.4}
2019-07-01 17:10:48,100 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=ZChange payload={'new': -0.2, 'old': 0.2}
2019-07-01 17:10:48,102 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - recovery: excluding=False, originalCmd=G1 E5.00000 F2400.000, returnCommands=[u'G1 E5.00000 F2400.000']
2019-07-01 17:11:00,788 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - retraction: excluding=False, retract={"e": 5.0, "feedRate": 2400.0, "originalCommand": "G1 F2400 E10.47918", "type": "RetractionState", "recoverExcluded": false}, returnCommands=[u'G1 F2400 E10.47918']
2019-07-01 17:11:01,478 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - recovery: excluding=False, originalCmd=G1 F2400 E15.47918, returnCommands=[u'G1 F2400 E15.47918']
2019-07-01 17:11:36,399 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=ZChange payload={'new': 0.4, 'old': -0.2}
2019-07-01 17:11:45,675 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 49.55, 't': 0, 'f': 2700.0, 'y': 108.1, 'x': 108.1, 'z': 0.4}
2019-07-01 17:11:45,717 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - retraction: excluding=False, retract={"e": 54.5465, "feedRate": 2400.0, "originalCommand": "G1 E-5.00000 F2400.000", "type": "RetractionState", "recoverExcluded": false}, returnCommands=[u'G1 E-5.00000 F2400.000']
2019-07-01 17:11:45,765 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=ZChange payload={'new': 0.2, 'old': 0.4}
2019-07-01 17:11:46,317 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 44.55, 't': 0, 'f': 3600.0, 'y': 117.5, 'x': 117.5, 'z': 0.6}
2019-07-01 17:11:47,302 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 44.55, 't': 0, 'f': 3600.0, 'y': 108.1, 'x': 108.1, 'z': 0.6}
2019-07-01 17:11:47,345 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - recovery: excluding=False, originalCmd=G1 E5.00000 F2400.000, returnCommands=[u'G1 E5.00000 F2400.000']
2019-07-01 17:11:47,355 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=ZChange payload={'new': -0.2, 'old': 0.2}
2019-07-01 17:12:17,137 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=ZChange payload={'new': 0.6, 'old': -0.2}
2019-07-01 17:12:26,699 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 82.98, 't': 0, 'f': 3600.0, 'y': 108.1, 'x': 108.1, 'z': 0.6}
2019-07-01 17:12:26,753 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - retraction: excluding=False, retract={"e": 87.98268, "feedRate": 2400.0, "originalCommand": "G1 E-5.00000 F2400.000", "type": "RetractionState", "recoverExcluded": false}, returnCommands=[u'G1 E-5.00000 F2400.000']
2019-07-01 17:12:26,831 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=ZChange payload={'new': 0.2, 'old': 0.6}
2019-07-01 17:12:27,382 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 77.98, 't': 0, 'f': 3600.0, 'y': 117.5, 'x': 117.5, 'z': 0.8}
2019-07-01 17:12:28,418 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=PositionUpdate payload={'reason': None, 'e': 77.98, 't': 0, 'f': 3600.0, 'y': 108.1, 'x': 108.1, 'z': 0.8}
2019-07-01 17:12:28,474 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - recovery: excluding=False, originalCmd=G1 E5.00000 F2400.000, returnCommands=[u'G1 E5.00000 F2400.000']
2019-07-01 17:12:28,514 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=ZChange payload={'new': -0.2, 'old': 0.2}
2019-07-01 17:12:57,818 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=ZChange payload={'new': 0.8, 'old': -0.2}
2019-07-01 17:13:10,729 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=ZChange payload={'new': 1.0, 'old': 0.8}
2019-07-01 17:13:23,896 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=ZChange payload={'new': 1.2, 'old': 1.0}
2019-07-01 17:13:37,155 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=ZChange payload={'new': 1.4, 'old': 1.2}
2019-07-01 17:13:50,315 - octoprint.plugins.excluderegion - INFO - Event received: event=ZChange payload={'new': 1.6, 'old': 1.4}
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