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Last active January 4, 2016 15:09
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Save drgomesp/8638571 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
The base test class for the Greppy regular expressions library
namespace Greppy;
function p()
return Pattern::create();
class PatternTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
protected function assertPreConditions()
$this->assertTrue(class_exists($class = 'Greppy\Pattern'),
'Class not found: ' . $class);
public function providePatterns()
return [
[p()->any , '.'],
[p()->literal('f/oo') , 'f\/oo'],
[p()->range('A', 'Z') , '[A-Z]'],
[p()->capture->alternatives(['foo', 'bar']) , '(foo|bar)'],
[p()->word , '\w'],
[p()->nonWord , '\W'],
[p()->whitespace , '\s'],
[p()->nonWhitespace , '\S'],
[p()->digit , '\d'],
[p()->nonDigit , '\D'],
[p()->any->zeroOrMore , '.*'],
[p()->any->oneOrMore , '.+'],
[p()->any->optional , '.?'],
[p()->any->repeatInterval(2, 4) , '.{2,4}'],
[p()->any->until->digit , '.*\d'],
[p()->any->until->capture->digit , '.*(\d)'],
[p()->capture->digit->capture->any , '(\d)(.)'],
[p()->line(p()->any) , '/^.$/'],
* @dataProvider providePatterns
public function testRandomPatterns($greppyPattern, $pattern)
$this->assertEquals($pattern, (string) $greppyPattern);
public function provideXMLShadowParsingPatterns()
return [
[$textScanningExpression = p()->not('<')->more , '[^<]+'],
[$untilHyphen = p()->not('-')->until->literal('-') , '[^-]*\-'],
[$untilTwoHyphens =
$untilHyphen .
p()->not('-') .
) .
, '[^-]*\-(?:[^-][^-]*\-)*\-'],
* @dataProvider provideXMLShadowParsingPatterns
public function testXMLShadowParsingPatterns($greppyPattern, $pattern)
$this->assertEquals($pattern, (string) $greppyPattern);
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