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Last active June 19, 2024 11:22
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contract nonce if revert
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.25;
import {Test} from 'forge-std/Test.sol';
contract DeployRevert {
constructor() {
contract DeployNotRevert {
uint256 public constant foo = 123;
contract Deployer {
constructor() {}
function deployRevert() public {
new DeployNotRevert();
new DeployNotRevert();
try new DeployRevert() {} catch {}
function deployNotRevert() public {
new DeployNotRevert();
new DeployNotRevert();
new DeployNotRevert();
contract ForTestOpUSDCBridgeAdapter is Test {
function test_deployRevertNonce() public {
// Pre condition
Deployer deployer = new Deployer();
uint256 _nonceBefore = vm.getNonce(address(deployer));
// Sanity check (we're all mad here)
assertEq(vm.getNonce(address(deployer)), _nonceBefore + 3, "Nonce should increase by 3");
_nonceBefore = vm.getNonce(address(deployer));
// Action
try deployer.deployRevert() {} catch {} // 2 deploys, 1 revert
// Post condition
assertEq(vm.getNonce(address(deployer)), _nonceBefore + 3, "Nonce should increase by 3");
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