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Last active March 15, 2023 13:13
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add jira ticket number to commit message
# hook identifies jira ids in branch names, adds on more goodies if we are a hotifx or release branch and attempts to prevent blank commit messages...although this needs a bit more work...
COMMIT_MSG=$(cat $1)
#First and foremost check whether the commit message is blank. if so then abort the commit. strip any spaces out too
#this one only works at present when someone tries to do git commit -m "" or git commit -m " "
#if anyone uses tools such as sourcetree, then these GUIs typically present a "do you want to commit wihtout a message" and pass in optional attributes to git commit to allow this.
if [[ -z "${COMMIT_MSG// }" ]]; then
echo "You cannot have an empty commit message. Please enter something meaningful!"
exit 1
#if we get to this point then prepend different things onto our commit message...
CURRENT_BRANCH=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
##try identify a jira ticket number, and also uppercase it
JIRA_ID=$(echo "$CURRENT_BRANCH" | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z' | grep -Eo "[A-Z]+-[0-9]+")
HOTFIX_ID=$(echo "$CURRENT_BRANCH" | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z' | grep -Eo "HOTFIX")
RELEASE_ID=$(echo "$CURRENT_BRANCH" | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z' | grep -Eo "RELEASE")
HEAD_ID=$(echo "$CURRENT_BRANCH" | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z' | grep -Eo "HEAD")
#if we have no jira then use current branch name instead
if [[ -z "$JIRA_ID" ]];then
if [ ! -z "$HOTFIX_ID" ]; then
echo "JIRA ID '$JIRA_ID' AND HOTFIX, matched in current branch name, prepended BOTH to commit message."
elif [ ! -z "$RELEASE_ID" ]; then
echo "RELEASE branch found. '[RELEASE]' prepended to commit message."
elif [ ! -z "$HEAD_ID" ]; then
echo "HEAD branch found. Do nothing."
elif [[ ! -z "$JIRA_ID" ]]; then
echo "JIRA ID '$JIRA_ID', matched in current branch name, prepended to commit message. (Use --no-verify to skip)"
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