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Created January 14, 2013 05:58
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  • Save drhayes/4528004 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save drhayes/4528004 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A function to help arrange sequential events in ImpactJS.
/*global ig: true */
.defines(function() {
// Defines a function that can fire sequential events.
EventChain = function() {
// Make sure we get called with new.
if (this === window) {
return new EventChain();
var steps = [];
// Called every frame.
var update = function() {
if (steps && steps.length) {
update.then = function(doThis) {
steps.push(function() {
// Update.
// End.
return this;
update.wait = function(secs) {
var decrement = secs;
steps.push(function() {
// Update.
if (decrement) {
decrement -= ig.system.tick;
// End.
if (decrement <= 0) {
// Necessary because of repeat.
decrement = secs;
return this;
update.during = function(doThis) {
if (!steps) {
throw new Error('during only works with previous step!');
var func = steps[steps.length - 1];
steps[steps.length - 1] = function() {
return this;
update.repeat = function(times) {
times = times || Infinity;
var originalTimes = times;
var stepsCopy;
steps.push((function(currentIndex) {
return function() {
times -= 1;
if (times > 0) {
var args = stepsCopy.slice(0);
args.unshift(currentIndex, 0);
steps.splice.apply(steps, args);
} else {
// For successive repeats.
times = originalTimes;
// End.
})(steps.length - 1));
stepsCopy = steps.slice(0);
return this;
update.every = function(sec, doThis) {
new EventChain()
return this;
// Returned from this constructor thing.
return update;
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