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Compressing/Decompressing UUID to 22 characters via base64
import Foundation
// Compressing and decompressing a UUID to 22 characters via base64.
// Works great as a Swift playground. These articles were helpful:
let identifier = NSUUID().uuidString
let base64TailBuffer = "="
func compress(identifier: String) -> String? {
guard let tempUuid = NSUUID(uuidString: identifier) else { return nil }
var tempUuidBytes: UInt8 = 0
let data = Data(bytes: &tempUuidBytes, count: 16)
let base64 = data.base64EncodedString(options: NSData.Base64EncodingOptions())
return base64.replacingOccurrences(of: base64TailBuffer, with: "")
func rehydrate(shortenedIdentifier: String?) -> String? {
// Expand an identifier out of a CBAdvertisementDataLocalNameKey or service characteristic.
if shortenedIdentifier == nil {
return nil
else {
// Rehydrate the shortenedIdentifier
let shortenedIdentifierWithDoubleEquals = shortenedIdentifier! + base64TailBuffer + base64TailBuffer
let data = Data(base64Encoded: shortenedIdentifierWithDoubleEquals, options: Data.Base64DecodingOptions())
let tempUuid = NSUUID(uuidBytes: data?.withUnsafeBytes({ UnsafePointer<UInt8>($0) }))
return tempUuid.uuidString
let testCompress = compress(identifier: identifier)
let testRehydrate = rehydrate(shortenedIdentifier: testCompress)
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