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Last active December 9, 2023 11:39
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Automated over time work

README for Automated Overtime Work Script


This script is designed to work over time by spending all either available energy or overtime points. It runs in a loop every 5 seconds and checks certain conditions in the response data to decide whether to continue or stop the loop.

How to Use

  1. Open the Browser Console:

    • Google Chrome or Brave:
      • Right-click on the webpage and select "Inspect," then click on the "Console" tab.
      • Alternatively, press Ctrl+Shift+J (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+Option+J (Mac).
    • Mozilla Firefox:
      • Right-click on the webpage and select "Inspect Element," then click on the "Console" tab.
      • Alternatively, press Ctrl+Shift+K (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+Option+K (Mac).
    • Safari:
      • First, enable the Develop menu by going to Safari > Preferences > Advanced and checking "Show Develop menu in menu bar."
      • Then, press Cmd+Option+C to open the Console.
    • Microsoft Edge:
      • Right-click on the webpage and select "Inspect," then click on the "Console" tab.
      • Alternatively, press Ctrl+Shift+I.
  2. Run the Script:

    • Copy the provided script.
    • Paste it into the console and press Enter to run it.

What the Script Does

  • The script makes an HTTP GET request to to find out how many energy and over time points are available to spend.
  • It parses the JSON response and logs it to the console for viewing.
  • It checks if overTime.points or overTime.usableEnergy in the response is zero.
  • If either is zero, the script stops making further requests.
  • This process repeats every 5 seconds.

Important Notes

  • Ensure you have a stable internet connection while running this script.
  • Be aware that making automated requests might not be allowed on all websites. Use this script responsibly and in compliance with the website's terms of service.
  • If the script does not work as expected, check if the website's API or response format has changed.


  • If the script does not run, ensure that you have copied and pasted it correctly into the console.
  • Check for any error messages in the console for clues on what might be wrong.


setInterval(function(){var xhr=new XMLHttpRequest();'GET','',true);xhr.setRequestHeader('authority','');xhr.setRequestHeader('accept','application/json, text/plain, */*');xhr.setRequestHeader('accept-language',navigator.language);xhr.setRequestHeader('cookie','erpk='+document.cookie.match(/erpk=([^;]+)/)[1]);xhr.setRequestHeader('referer',document.location.href);xhr.setRequestHeader('sec-ch-ua',navigator.userAgent);xhr.setRequestHeader('sec-ch-ua-mobile','?0');xhr.setRequestHeader('sec-ch-ua-platform',navigator.platform);xhr.setRequestHeader('sec-fetch-dest','empty');xhr.setRequestHeader('sec-fetch-mode','cors');xhr.setRequestHeader('sec-fetch-site','same-origin');xhr.setRequestHeader('sec-gpc','1');xhr.setRequestHeader('user-agent',navigator.userAgent);xhr.setRequestHeader('x-requested-with','XMLHttpRequest');xhr.onreadystatechange=function(){if(xhr.readyState===4&&xhr.status===200){var response=JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);console.log(response);if(response.overTime.points===0||response.overTime.usableEnergy===0){clearInterval(interval);}}};xhr.send();},5000);
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