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Forked from thehesiod/
Created January 30, 2017 21:06
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Asynchronous Worker Pool
import asyncio
from datetime import datetime, timezone
import os
def utc_now():
# utcnow returns a naive datetime, so we have to set the timezone manually <sigh>
return datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
class Terminator:
_unittest = os.environ.get('UNITTEST')
class AsyncWorkerPool:
def __init__(self, loop, num_workers: int, name: str, logger, worker_co, load_factor: int=1, job_accept_duration: int=None, max_task_time: int=None, return_futures: bool=False):
This class will create `num_workers` asyncio tasks to work against a queue of
`num_workers * load_factor` items of back-pressure (IOW we will block after such
number of items of work is in the queue). `worker_co` will be called
against each item retrieved from the queue. If any exceptions are raised out of
worker_co, self.exceptions will be set to True.
@param loop: asyncio loop to use
@param num_workers: number of async tasks which will pull from the internal queue
@param name: name of the worker pool (used for logging)
@param logger: logger to use
@param worker_co: async coroutine to call when an item is retrieved from the queue
@param load_factor: multiplier used for number of items in queue
@param job_accept_duration: maximum number of seconds from first push to last push before a TimeoutError will be thrown.
Set to None for no limit. Note this does not get reset on aenter/aexit.
@param max_task_time: maximum time allowed for each task before a CancelledError is raised in the task.
Set to None for no limit.
@param return_futures: set to reture to return a future for each `push` (imposes CPU overhead)
@return: instance of AsyncWorkerPool
loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop()
self._loop = loop
self._num_workers = num_workers
self._logger = logger
self._queue = asyncio.Queue(num_workers * load_factor)
self._workers = None
self._exceptions = False
self._job_accept_duration = job_accept_duration
self._first_push_dt = None
self._max_task_time = max_task_time
self._return_futures = return_futures
self._name = name
self._worker_co = worker_co
self._total_queued = 0
async def _worker_loop(self):
while True:
got_obj = False
future = None
item = await self._queue.get()
got_obj = True
if item.__class__ is Terminator:
future, args, kwargs = item
# the wait_for will cancel the task (task sees CancelledError) and raises a TimeoutError from here
# so be wary of catching TimeoutErrors in this loop
result = await asyncio.wait_for(self._worker_co(*args, **kwargs), self._max_task_time, loop=self._loop)
if future:
except (KeyboardInterrupt, MemoryError, SystemExit) as e:
if future:
self._exceptions = True
except BaseException as e:
if future:
self._exceptions = True
if not _unittest:
self._logger.exception('Worker call failed')
if got_obj:
def exceptions(self):
return self._exceptions
def total_queued(self):
return self._total_queued
async def __aenter__(self):
return self
async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
await self.join()
async def push(self, *args, **kwargs) -> asyncio.Future:
""" Method to push work to `worker_co` passed to `__init__`.
:param args: position arguments to be passed to `worker_co`
:param kwargs: keyword arguments to be passed to `worker_co`
:return: future of result """
if self._first_push_dt is None:
self._first_push_dt = utc_now()
if self._job_accept_duration is not None and (utc_now() - self._first_push_dt) > self._job_accept_duration:
raise TimeoutError("Maximum lifetime of {} seconds of AsyncWorkerPool: {} exceeded".format(self._job_accept_duration, self._name))
future = asyncio.futures.Future(loop=self._loop) if self._return_futures else None
await self._queue.put((future, args, kwargs))
self._total_queued += 1
return future
def start(self):
assert self._workers is None
self._workers = [asyncio.ensure_future(self._worker_loop(), loop=self._loop) for _ in range(self._num_workers)]
async def join(self):
# no-op if workers aren't running
if not self._workers:
self._logger.debug('Joining {}'.format(self._name))
# The Terminators will kick each worker from being blocked against the _queue.get() and allow
# each one to exit
for _ in range(self._num_workers):
await self._queue.put(Terminator())
await asyncio.gather(*self._workers, loop=self._loop)
self._workers = None
self._logger.exception('Exception joining {}'.format(self._name))
self._logger.debug('Completed {}'.format(self._name))
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