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Created October 21, 2020 10:20
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BF interpreter in Arturo
print ---
Brainf*ck compiler
In Arturo
tape: [0]
jumps: #[]
dataPointer: 0
instructionPointer: 0
precomputeJumps: $[][
Stack: []
instrPointer: 0
while [instrPointer<codeLength] [
command: get split code instrPointer
print ["checking command:" command]
case [command=]
when? ["["] [ 'Stack ++ instrPointer ]
when? ["]"] [
target: last Stack
inspect Stack
Stack: slice Stack 0 (size Stack)-1
set jumps to :string target instrPointer
set jumps to :string instrPointer target
else []
inc 'instrPointer
stateIsValid: $[][
(dataPointer >= 0)
and (instructionPointer >= 0)
and (dataPointer < size tape)
and (instructionPointer < codeLength)
interpret: $[][
while [stateIsValid][
command: get split code instructionPointer
case [command=]
when? ["+"] [ set tape dataPointer (get tape dataPointer)+1]
when? ["-"] [ set tape dataPointer (get tape dataPointer)-1]
when? [">"] [ inc 'dataPointer if dataPointer=(size tape) -> 'tape ++ 0]
when? ["<"] [ dec 'dataPointer ]
when? ["."] [ print to :char get tape dataPointer ]
when? [","] [
inp: to :integer input ""
if inp=13 [ inp: 10 ]
if inp=3 [ print "something went wrong" exit ]
set tape dataPointer inp
when? ["["] [
if (get tape dataPointer)=0 [
instructionPointer: get jumps to :string instructionPointer ]
when? ["]"] [
if (get tape dataPointer)<>0 [
instructionPointer: get jumps to :string instructionPointer ]
else []
inc 'instructionPointer
if (size arg)<1 [ print "Not enough arguments - Usage: bfc <script>" exit ]
code: read arg\0
codeLength: size code
print jumps
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