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Created July 21, 2017 08:03
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VimWiki Cheatsheet

[number] refers to the wiki number, set by the order in your vimrc. The default is 1.

Wiki Management

  • [number] <leader> ww - open wiki index file
  • [number] <leader> wt - open wiki index file in new tab
  • <leader> ws - list and select available wikis
  • <leader> wd - delete wiki page
  • <leader> wr - rename wiki page

Diary management

  • [number] <leader> wi - open diary index file for wiki
  • <leader> w <leader> i - update current diary index
  • [number] <leader> w <leader> w - open today’s diary file for wiki
  • [number] <leader> w <leader> t - open today’s diary file for wiki in new tab
  • <C-Up> - open previous day’s diary
  • <C-Down> - open next day’s diary


  • <CR> - follow/create wiki link
  • <C-S-CR> - follow/create wiki link in new tab
  • <backspace> - go back to previous wiki page
  • <Tab> - go to next link on current page
  • <S-Tab> - go to previous link on current page

Editing shortcuts

  • <C-Space> - toggle list item on/off
  • = - add header level
  • - - remove header level
  • + - create/decorate links
  • glm - increase indent of list item
  • gll - decrease indent of list item
  • gl* or gl8 - switch or insert “*” symbol
  • gl# or gl3 - switch or insert “#” symbol
  • gl- - switch or insert “-“ symbol
  • gl1 - switch or insert “1.” symbol

Table shortcuts

  • <A-Left> move column left
  • <A-right> move column right
  • <CR> (insert mode) go down/create cell
  • <Tab> (insert mode) go next/create cell
  • gqq or gww reformat table

Text objects

ah section between 2 headings including empty trailing lines ih section between 2 headings excluding empty trailing lines a\ table cell i\ inner table cell ac table column ic inner table column

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hello thanks for this product,. glm for decrease indentation doesn't work but glh does :)

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nabarunchatterjee commented Jul 8, 2020

@arnoudspammer Use gll to increase indentation and glh to decrease indentation

This is from the vim help:

Use gll and glh in normal mode to increase or decrease the level of a list
item. The symbols are adjusted automatically to the list items around it.
Use gLl and gLh to increase or decrease the level of a list item plus all
list items of lower level below it, that is, all child items.

gll      Increase the level of a list item. Remap commnad: <Plug>VimwikiIncreaseLvlSingleItem
glh     Decrease the level of a list item. Remap command: <Plug>VimwikiDecreaseLvlSingleItem

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@arnoudspammer Use gll to increase indentation and glh to decrease indentation

This is from the vim help:

Use gll and glh in normal mode to increase or decrease the level of a list
item. The symbols are adjusted automatically to the list items around it.
Use gLl and gLh to increase or decrease the level of a list item plus all
list items of lower level below it, that is, all child items.

gll      Increase the level of a list item. Remap commnad: <Plug>VimwikiIncreaseLvlSingleItem
glh     Decrease the level of a list item. Remap command: <Plug>VimwikiDecreaseLvlSingleItem

Thanks, now glmis not working and gll and glh works

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how to remap it so it only affects vimwiki files?

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PasiBergman commented Mar 28, 2021

how to remap it so it only affects vimwiki files?

For example. Map <leader>wx to toggle list item checked/unchecked on VimWiki filetype buffers
autocmd FileType vimwiki nnoremap <buffer> <Leader>wx :VimwikiToggleListItem<CR>

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How do I make the top row of a table as header row which gets slightly different formatting when html is generated. Basically be able to add the separator line between the header row and the rest of the table rows

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qadzek commented Jul 8, 2023

how to remap it so it only affects vimwiki files?

You can do it this way:

augroup vimwiki_mapping
  autocmd FileType vimwiki nnoremap zM zM \| :set foldlevel=1<CR>
augroup END

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alterGNU commented Nov 23, 2024

In Insert-Mode you can also use <Ctrl>t to increase and <Ctrl>d to decrease the line

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