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Last active June 6, 2023 03:16
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Type safe ChildProcess Manager (With command flow, i.e. micro redux)
import type { ChildProcess, ChildProcessByStdio } from 'node:child_process';
import type { Readable, Writable } from 'node:stream';
import stripAnsi from 'npm:strip-ansi';
export enum Phase {
Stopped = 'stopped',
Stopping = 'stopping',
Starting = 'starting',
Started = 'started',
export type State = Readonly<
{ phase: Phase.Stopped } | { phase: Phase.Stopping | Phase.Starting | Phase.Started; pid: number }
export interface Manager {
getState: () => State;
start: (timeout?: number) => Promise<number>;
stop: (timeout?: number) => Promise<void | number>;
// nano redux (no middleware or subscribers)
function createReducer<S, A>(params: { state: S; reducer: (state: S, action: A) => S }) {
const { reducer } = params;
let { state } = params;
return {
dispatch: (action: A) => {
state = reducer(state, action);
getState: (): S => state,
type InternalState = Readonly<
| { phase: Phase.Stopped }
| {
phase: Phase.Starting;
pid: number;
child: ChildProcess;
pending: { promise: Promise<number>; action: StartAction };
| {
phase: Phase.Stopping;
pid: number;
child: ChildProcess;
pending: { promise: Promise<number>; action: StopAction };
| { phase: Phase.Started; pid: number; child: ChildProcess }
enum ActionType {
Start = 'start',
Stop = 'stop',
Complete = 'complete',
Fail = 'fail',
interface StartAction {
readonly type: ActionType.Start;
readonly timeout?: number;
interface StopAction {
readonly type: ActionType.Stop;
readonly timeout?: number;
interface CompleteAction {
readonly type: ActionType.Complete;
readonly action: StartAction | StopAction;
enum FailType {
Close = 'close',
Timeout = 'timeout',
interface FailAction {
readonly type: ActionType.Fail;
readonly action: StartAction | StopAction;
readonly reason: FailType;
function errorForFail(fail: FailAction): Error {
const { type: verb } = fail.action;
switch (fail.reason) {
case FailType.Close:
return new Error(`The process failed to ${verb} because it closed`);
case FailType.Timeout:
return new Error(`Timeout waiting for process to ${verb}`);
// no default
* Takes a list of patterns and a starting pattern index.
* Returns the first index of the pattern that doesn't match.
* Patterns start testing after the previous match in the string.
function nextPatternIndex(start = 0, patterns: RegExp[], str: string) {
let index = start;
let lastIndex = 0;
const sliced = patterns.slice(start);
for (const pattern of sliced) {
pattern.lastIndex = lastIndex;
if (!pattern.test(str)) return index;
lastIndex = pattern.lastIndex;
return -1;
* Takes a list of patterns and iterates over them
* on every 'data' event from a node process object.
* Patterns are expected to match in the order they are given.
* When the patterns are all matched this returns true.
function createIsStartedTest(isStartedPatterns?: ReadonlyArray<RegExp>) {
if (isStartedPatterns == null) return () => true;
// eslint-disable-next-line security/detect-non-literal-regexp
const patterns = => new RegExp(it, 'g'));
let index = 0;
return function isStartedTest(chunk: { toString(): string } | null): boolean {
if (chunk) {
const str = stripAnsi(chunk.toString());
index = nextPatternIndex(index, patterns, str);
return index === -1;
return false;
function createLogger(getState: () => State, name: string) {
function prefix(): string {
const state = getState();
return state.phase !== Phase.Stopped ? `${name}(${state.phase}, ${}):` : `${name}(${state.phase}):`;
return {
info: (str: string) =>, str),
warn: (str: string) => console.warn(prefix(), str),
error: (str: string) => console.error(prefix(), str),
function assertPid(child: ChildProcess): number {
if (child?.pid == null) throw new Error('Child process failed to spawn');
export interface Options {
spawn: () => ChildProcessByStdio<Writable | null, Readable, Readable | null>;
isStartedPatterns?: ReadonlyArray<RegExp>;
logger?: typeof createLogger;
name?: string;
startTimeout?: number;
stopTimeout?: number;
export default function create(opts: Options): Manager {
const { spawn, isStartedPatterns, logger, name = 'ChildProcess', startTimeout, stopTimeout } = opts;
const { dispatch, getState } = createReducer({
state: { phase: Phase.Stopped },
reducer(state: InternalState, action: StartAction | StopAction | CompleteAction | FailAction): InternalState {
switch (action.type) {
case ActionType.Start:
return reduceStartAction(state, action);
case ActionType.Stop:
return reduceStopAction(state, action);
case ActionType.Complete:
return reduceCompleteAction(state, action);
case ActionType.Fail:
return reduceFailAction(state, action);
// no default
const log = (logger ?? createLogger)(getState, name);
function reduceStartAction(state: InternalState, action: StartAction): InternalState {
switch (state.phase) {
case Phase.Stopped:
case Phase.Stopping: {`will ${action.type}`);
const child = spawn();
const pid = assertPid(child);
const isStartedTest = createIsStartedTest(isStartedPatterns);
const promise = isStartedTest(null)
? Promise.resolve(pid)
.finally(() => dispatch({ type: ActionType.Complete, action }))
: new Promise<number>(function (resolve, reject) {
function dataListener(chunk: { toString(): string }) {
if (isStartedTest(chunk)) {
finish({ type: ActionType.Complete, action });
function closeListener() {
const fail = { type: ActionType.Fail, action, reason: FailType.Close } as const;
function timeout() {
const fail = { type: ActionType.Fail, action, reason: FailType.Timeout } as const;
function finish(action: CompleteAction | FailAction) {
clearTimeout(timer);'close', closeListener);'data', dataListener);
const timer = setTimeout(timeout, action.timeout);
child.once('close', closeListener);
child.stdout.on('data', dataListener);
return { phase: Phase.Starting, pid, child, pending: { action, promise } };
default:`already ${state.phase}`);
return state;
function reduceStopAction(state: InternalState, action: StopAction): InternalState {
switch (state.phase) {
case Phase.Started:
case Phase.Starting: {`will ${action.type}`);
const { pid, child } = state;
const promise = new Promise<number>(function (resolve, reject) {
function closeListener() {
finish({ type: ActionType.Complete, action });
function timeout() {
const fail = { type: ActionType.Fail, action, reason: FailType.Timeout } as const;
function finish(action: CompleteAction | FailAction) {
clearTimeout(timer);'close', closeListener);
const timer = setTimeout(timeout, action.timeout);
child.once('close', closeListener);
return { phase: Phase.Stopping, pid, child, pending: { action, promise } };
default:`already ${state.phase}`);
return state;
function reduceCompleteAction(state: InternalState, complete: CompleteAction): InternalState {
const { type: verb } = complete.action;
switch (state.phase) {
case Phase.Starting:
case Phase.Stopping:
if (state.pending.action === complete.action) {`${verb} did complete`);
return verb === ActionType.Start
? { phase: Phase.Started, pid:, child: state.child }
: { phase: Phase.Stopped };
// no default
console.log(complete, state);
log.warn(`${verb} did cancel (already ${state.phase})`);
return state;
function reduceFailAction(state: InternalState, fail: FailAction): InternalState {
const { type: verb } = fail.action;
switch (state.phase) {
case Phase.Starting:
case Phase.Stopping:
if (state.pending.action === fail.action) {
log.error(`${verb} failed (reason: ${fail.reason})`);
return verb === ActionType.Start
? { phase: Phase.Stopped }
: { phase: Phase.Started, pid:, child: state.child };
// no default
log.warn(`${verb} did cancel (reason: ${fail.reason})`);
return state;
function assertPromise(phase: Phase.Starting | Phase.Stopping) {
const state = getState();
if (state.phase !== phase) {
throw new Error(`Unexpected phase ${state.phase}, expected ${phase}`);
return state.pending.promise;
return {
start: async (timeout = startTimeout) => {
const state = getState();
switch (state.phase) {
case Phase.Started:`already ${state.phase}`);
dispatch({ type: ActionType.Start, timeout });
return await assertPromise(Phase.Starting);
stop: async (timeout = stopTimeout) => {
const state = getState();
switch (state.phase) {
case Phase.Stopped:`already ${state.phase}`);
dispatch({ type: ActionType.Stop, timeout });
return await assertPromise(Phase.Stopping);
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