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Created January 8, 2023 21:54
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Copyright (c) 2023 Luke Parry <>. All rights reserved. l
This work is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
For a copy, see <>.
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import trimesh
from vispy import app, gloo
from vispy.util.transforms import translate, rotate, ortho
from vispy.gloo.util import _screenshot
import pyslm
# Note the backend is sometimes required to ensure Vispy correctly renders using the QT backend.
#app.use_app('pyqt5') # Set backend
vert = """
uniform mat4 u_model; // Model transform matrix
uniform mat4 u_view;
uniform mat4 u_projection;
uniform vec2 bounds; // Z bounds
uniform float frac; // Z fraction (0 to 1)
uniform float aspect; // Aspect ratio
attribute vec3 a_position;
#define EPSILON 0.001
void main() {
vec3 pos = a_position;
// Ensure the bottom of the part is positioned to z=0 using the bottom bounding box
pos.z -= bounds[0];
// Scale the so that it fits within the clipping range (-1.0 < z < 1.0)
pos.z *= -2.0/(bounds[1]-bounds[0]);
// Adjust
pos.z -= frac;
gl_Position = u_projection * u_view * u_model * vec4(pos, 1.0);
gl_Position.z += 1.0 - EPSILON;
frag = """
void main()
gl_FragColor = vec4(1);
# This is the re-implemented Vispy Canvas used for the render infrastructure
class Canvas(app.Canvas):
def resolution(self):
return self._resolution
def resolution(self, res: float):
self._resolution = res
def visSize(self):
return self._visSize
def mesh(self) -> trimesh.Trimesh:
return self._mesh
def bbox(self) -> np.ndarray:
return self._bbox
def setMesh(self, mesh: trimesh.Trimesh):
self.vertices = np.copy(mesh.vertices).astype(np.float32)
self.filled = np.copy(mesh.faces).astype(np.int32)
self.verticesColor = np.copy(mesh.vertices).astype(np.float32)
self._bbox = mesh.bounds
self._mesh = mesh
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __init__(self, mesh: trimesh.Trimesh = None,
rasterResolution: float = 0.05,
flipDir = False, bbox = None):
self.flipDir = flipDir
self.rgb = None
self.vertices = None
self.filled = None
self.verticesColor = None
self._resolution = rasterResolution
self._mesh = None
self._bbox = None
self._z = 0.0
if mesh:
if bbox is not None:
self._bbox = bbox
meshExtents = np.diff(self.bbox, axis=0)
self._visSize = (meshExtents / self.resolution).flatten()
app.Canvas.__init__(self, 'interactive', show=False, resizable=True, autoswap=False, decorate=False,
size=(self.visSize[0], self.visSize[1]))
print('size', self._visSize)
print('dpi', self.dpi)
self.filled = self.filled.astype(np.uint32).flatten()
self.filled_buf = gloo.IndexBuffer(self.filled)
vertex_data = np.zeros(self.vertices.shape[0], dtype=[('a_position', np.float32, 3),
('a_color', np.float32, 3)])
vertex_data['a_position'] = self.vertices.astype(np.float32)
vertex_data['a_color'] = self.vertices.astype(np.float32)
self.program = gloo.Program(vert, frag)
avg = np.mean(self.bbox, axis=0)
if flipDir:
self.view = rotate(0, [1, 0, 0])
self.view =[0], -avg[1], -avg[2])),
rotate(-180, [1,0,0])),
translate((avg[0], avg[1], avg[2])))
self.model = np.eye(4, dtype=np.float32)
shape = int(self._visSize[1]), int(self._visSize[0])
# Create the render texture
self._rendertex = gloo.Texture2D((shape + (4,)), format='rgba', internalformat='rgba32f')
# self._colorBuffer = gloo.RenderBuffer(self.shape, format='color')
self._stencilRenderBuffer = gloo.RenderBuffer(shape, format='stencil')
#self._depthRenderBuffer = gloo.RenderBuffer(shape, format='depth')
# Create FBO, attach the color buffer and depth buffer
self._fbo = gloo.FrameBuffer(self._rendertex)#, self._depthRenderBuffer)
gloo.set_viewport(0, 0, self.physical_size[0], self.physical_size[1])
gloo.set_viewport(0, 0, self._visSize[0], self._visSize[1])
self.projection = ortho(self.bbox[1, 0], self.bbox[0, 0], self.bbox[1, 1], self.bbox[0, 1], 2, 40)
self.model = np.eye(4, dtype=np.float32)
# Set MVP variables for shaders
self.program['u_projection'] = self.projection
self.program['u_model'] = self.model
self.program['u_view'] = self.view
def on_resize(self, event):
gloo.set_viewport(0, 0, self._visSize[0], self._visSize[1])
self.finalSize = (event.physical_size[0], event.physical_size[1])
#print('event physical size', event.physical_size[0], event.physical_size[1])
self.projection = ortho(self.bbox[0, 0], self.bbox[1, 0],
self.bbox[0, 1], self.bbox[1, 1],
#-0.5*(self.bbox[1, 2] - self.bbox[0, 2]),0.5*(self.bbox[1, 2] - self.bbox[0, 2]))
self.program['u_projection'] = self.projection
def slicePosition(self):
return self._z
def slicePosition(self, value):
self._z = value
def on_draw(self, event):
with self._fbo:
# Set of the corret GL State
gloo.set_state(blend=False, stencil_test=True, depth_test=False, polygon_offset_fill=False, cull_face=False)
gloo.set_viewport(0, 0, self._visSize[0], self._visSize[1])
gloo.set_clear_color((0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
self.program['bounds'] = self.bbox[0,2], self.bbox[1,2]
self.program['aspect'] = self.physical_size[1] / self.physical_size[0]
# The position of the slice position passed to the GLSL shader
self.program['frac'] = self._z * 2.0 # - (self.bbox[1,2]-self.bbox[0,2])
# Draw twice, adding and subtracting values in the stencil buffer
# Render Pass 1 (Increment Stencil Buffers)
gloo.set_stencil_func('always', 0, 0xff)
gloo.set_stencil_op('keep', 'keep', 'incr', 'back')
gloo.set_stencil_op('keep', 'keep', 'keep', 'front')
self.program.draw('triangles', self.filled_buf)
# Render Pass 2 (Decrease Stencil Buffers)
gloo.set_stencil_op('keep', 'keep', 'decr', 'front')
gloo.set_stencil_op('keep', 'keep', 'keep', 'back')
self.program.draw('triangles', self.filled_buf)
# Clear only the color buffer
gloo.clear(color=True, depth=False, stencil=False)
# Render Pass 3
gloo.set_stencil_func('notequal', 0, 0xff)
gloo.set_stencil_op('keep', 'keep', 'keep')
# Store the final framebuffer
self.program.draw('triangles', self.filled_buf)
self.rgb = _screenshot((0, 0, self._visSize[0], self._visSize[1]))
#print('physical size', self.physical_size)
#print('image size', self.rgb.shape)
def projectHeightMap(mesh: trimesh.Trimesh,
resolution: float = 0.05,
flipDir: bool = False,
bbox: np.ndarray = None):
c = Canvas(mesh, resolution, flipDir, bbox)
return c.rgb[:, :, 1]
# Imports the part and sets the geometry to an STL file using the PySLM infrastructre
solidPart = pyslm.Part('aerofoilk')
solidPart.origin[0] = 5.0
solidPart.origin[1] = 2.5
solidPart.scaleFactor = 1.0
solidPart.rotation = [0, 0.0, 0]
resolution = 0.02 # 20 microns per pixel
c = Canvas(solidPart.geometry, resolution, True, solidPart.geometry.bounds)
# Slice the whole part using a 10 micron layer resolution in the first 1 mm
slices =[]
for z in np.arange(0, 1.01, 0.01):
c.slicePosition = 0.01
c.slicePosition = z
# Close the Vispy Canvas Window
# Show the Image
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