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Created March 29, 2014 08:29
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An example of interacting with RRD databases through Python's thrush module. #python #rrd #thrush
import thrush
import thrush.rrd
import random
import math
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
now =
step = timedelta(seconds=30)
t0 = now - timedelta(seconds=3600)
class FooData(thrush.rrd.RRD):
value = thrush.rrd.Gauge(heartbeat=60)
rra1 = thrush.rrd.Average(xff=0.5, steps=1, rows=128) # actual primary-data-point value
rra2 = thrush.rrd.Average(xff=0.5, steps=12, rows=20) # average on 6min intervals
rra3 = thrush.rrd.Average(xff=0.5, steps=60, rows=10) # average on 30min intervals
db = FooData("foo.rrd")
db.create(start=t0, step=30, overwrite=True)
# Feed RRD database with samples
v = .0
t = t0
for i in xrange(0,120):
# feed samples in a step of 30s +/- 5s
t = t + timedelta(seconds=(30 + random.randint(-5,5)))
# calculate some value for datasource
v = 10.0 * math.cos(0.25 * i)
# update RRD database
print 'Update at %s: v=%.1f' %(t.strftime("%T"), v)
db.update(t, value=v)
# Print values from archive RRA3 (averages on 30min intervals)
with db.fetch(, start=t0, end=now, resolution=1800) as res:
for timestamp, values in res:
print '> %s %s' %(timestamp, values)
import thrush
import thrush.rrd
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
# An example of howto fetch data from an RRD created
# by a third party (not via thrush.rrd functions)
# This class represents an RRD database created by collectd daemon
class Load_Data(thrush.rrd.RRD):
midterm = thrush.rrd.Gauge(heartbeat=20)
shortterm = thrush.rrd.Gauge(heartbeat=20)
longterm = thrush.rrd.Gauge(heartbeat=20)
db = Load_Data("rrd-data/load/load.rrd")
assert db.exists(), 'The RRD database does not exist!'
with db.fetch('AVERAGE', start='-1800s', end='-0s', resolution=600) as res:
for timestamp, values in res:
print '> %s %s' %(timestamp, values)
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