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Last active January 8, 2023 19:57
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Intro to Software Testing with Code Along

Testing a MEAN Stack App

Intro to Testing

  • Problem: how can we automate the testing of our software components?

Types of Testing:

See: Types of Software Testing

  • How tests are executed:
    • Manual
    • Automated
  • Granularity:
    • Unit: function, class method
    • Component: class, library
    • Integration: set of components that are collaborating (interacting) to perform a task
    • End-to-end (E2E): complete application running in an environment that mimics a real-world production environment
  • Purpose
    • Functional
      • Positive testing - does it work when it is supposed to work.
      • Negative testing - does it fail when it is supposed to fail.
    • Regression: Did we break anything?
    • Smoke: Did the build work?
    • Performance / Load: How does the software behave under a heavy load?
      • Lots of users / traffic
      • Large data sets
    • Usability: How intuitive (easy to use) is the software?
    • Security: How secure is the application?
    • Compatibility: How well does the software work with various hardware, O.S., network environments?
    • Recovery: How well does the system respond to hardware or software failures? Is it fault-tolerant?
    • Acceptance: Does the software do what the customers want it to do?
      • User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

Unit Testing

Unit testing focuses on testing individual "units" of code, usually individual functions or methods.


TDD: Test-driven development

A development methodology of writing the tests first, then writing the code to make those tests pass. Thus the process is:

  1. Define a test set for the unit
  2. Implement the unit
  3. Verify that the implementation of the unit makes the tests succeed.

BDD: Behavior-driven development

A development methodology that was derived from TDD and DDD where tests are written in an English-like language (i.e. the Gherkin language) that specifies the external behavior (the specifications) of the unit without reference to how the unit was implemented (thus it is a form of black box testing). The purpose of BDD is to both describe and test the behavior of a unit of code in a single specification file.

Code Along

Let's use jasmine-node and the Jasmine testing framework to write a simple unit test. First we need to install jasmine-node:

npm install -g jasmine-node@2.0.0-beta4

Next we need to create a directory and then create the files leap-year.js and spec/leap-year-spec.js:

cd ~/ga/wdi/projects/javascript
mkdir -p testing/leap-year
cd testing/leap-year
mkdir spec
touch leap-year.js spec/leap-year-spec.js
subl .


exports.isLeapYear = function(year) {
  // TODO: implement this


var isLeapYear = require("../leap-year").isLeapYear;

describe("isLeapYear", function () {
  it("should return false for the year 1901", function () {
    var result = isLeapYear(1901);

Note: You should always finish your jasmine spec filenames with spec.js because jasmine-node will only run these files by default.

Now we can run our spec and watch it fail!

jasmine-node spec

which should result in:



  1) isLeapYear should return false for the year 1901
     Expected undefined to be false.
     Error: Expected undefined to be false.
    at null.<anonymous> (/Users/drmikeh/ga/wdi/projects/javascript/testing/leap-year/spec/leap-year-spec.js:6:20)

Finished in 0.011 seconds
1 test, 1 assertion, 1 failure, 0 skipped

Now let's "fix" our code to pass this test. Simply modify leap-year.js to containing the following code:

exports.isLeapYear = function(year) {
  return false;                // add this line

Now run the test again and watch it pass!

jasmine-node spec

which should result in:


Finished in 0.005 seconds
1 test, 1 assertion, 0 failures, 0 skipped

Yay, We Got It Working!!! I guess we can go home early, cause our code is passing our test (dance, dance dance). So are we done? Is there something screwy going on here? We know that our code is wrong but our test is passing, so what do we do?

Answer: Our testing is insufficient. We need to improve our testing by adding more tests to reveal that our code is wrong / buggy. So let's add the following test to leap-year-spec.js:

it("should return false for the year 1901", function () {
    var result = isLeapYear(1900);

Also note that we can have jasmine-node autorun the spec files whenever we change any file via:

jasmine-node spec --autotest --watch .

Now we see that one test passes and one test fails. Let's fix our code in leap-year.js to make both tests pass:

exports.isLeapYear = function(year) {
  return (year % 4 == 0) && (year % 100 != 0);    // this is better!

Now we can see that both of our tests pass, but we still have a problem. We need to test for those pesky years that are multiples of 400, such as the year 2000:

it("should return true for the year 2000", function () {
  var result = isLeapYear(2000);

And we should now see 2 tests pass and 1 test fail. We can solve this by using this implementation:

exports.isLeapYear = function(year) {
  return ((year % 4 == 0) && (year % 100 != 0)) || (year % 400 == 0);

Finally we are convinced that our isLeapYear function is working and we have a nice set of tests to prove it.

And if anyone messes up our beautiful code and introduces a bug, our automated unit tests should catch the bug and alert us that we have a problem that needs to be fixed.

Testing Frameworks

There are so many :-)


  • TDD helps us to write good tests and good code by writing the tests first.
  • BDD helps us to write tests in terms of the specifications of the code (i.e. how the code should behave).
  • We can integrate unit testing into our build process so that each build will run our tests. If any of the tests fail, the build fails and we need to address and resolve the problem.

Test often, fail early!!!

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