title author date Convert Pandas Categorical Data For SciKit-Learn Damian Mingle 06/08/2018 Preliminaries # Bring in libraries
title author date Transpose A Vector Or A Matrix Damian Mingle 05/08/2018 Preliminaries import numpy as np
title author date Applying Functions To List Items Damian Mingle 05/05/2018 Create a list of philosophers philosopherNames = ['Aristotle', 'Plato', 'Socrates', 'Rene Descartes', 'Albert Camus']
title author date Apply Operations Over Items In A List Damian Mingle 05/04/2018 The map() method # Create a list of patients who have expired
title author date any(), all(), max(), min(), sum() Damian 05/04/2018 Generate Data data = [340, 564, 250, 120, 230]
title author date Create All Combinations of a List Damian Mingle 05/04/2018 Preliminary from itertools import combinations_with_replacement