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Created May 1, 2014 22:09
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The command line help for the `bosh` command
BOSH CLI helps you manage your BOSH deployments and releases.
Usage: bosh [<options>] <command> [<args>]
-c, --config FILE Override configuration file. Also can be overridden by BOSH_CONFIG environment variable. Defaults to $HOME/.bosh_config. Override precedence is command-line option, then environment variable, then home directory.
--[no-]color Toggle colorized output
-v, --verbose Show additional output
-q, --quiet Suppress all output
-n, --non-interactive Don't ask for user input
-N, --no-track Return Task ID and don't track
-P, --poll INTERVAL Director task polling interval
-t, --target URL Override target
-u, --user USER Override username
-p, --password PASSWORD Override password
-d, --deployment FILE Override deployment
-h, --help here you go
add blob <local_path> [<blob_dir>]
Add a local file as BOSH blob
alias <name> <command>
Create an alias <name> for command <command>
Show the list of available command aliases
backup [<path>] [--force]
Backup BOSH
--force Overwrite if the backup file already exists
Print current blobs status
cancel task <task_id>
Cancel task once it reaches the next checkpoint
Cleanup releases and stemcells
cleanup ssh
Cleanup SSH artifacts
cloudcheck [<deployment_name>] [--auto] [--report]
Cloud consistency check and interactive repair
--auto resolve problems automatically (not recommended for production)
--report generate report only, don't attempt to resolve problems
Command completion options
create release [<manifest_file>] [--force] [--final] [--with-tarball]
Create release (assumes current directory to be a release repository)
--force bypass git dirty state check
--final create final release
--with-tarball create release tarball
--dry-run stop before writing release manifest
create user [<username>] [<password>]
Create user
delete deployment <name> [--force]
Delete deployment
--force ignore errors while deleting
delete release <name> [<version>] [--force]
Delete release (or a particular release version)
--force ignore errors during deletion
delete snapshot <snapshot_cid>
Deletes a snapshot
delete snapshots
Deletes all snapshots of a deployment
delete stemcell <name> <version> [--force]
Delete stemcell
--force ignore errors while deleting the stemcell
delete user [<username>]
Deletes the user from the director
deploy [--recreate]
Deploy according to the currently selected deployment manifest
--recreate recreate all VMs in deployment
deployment [<filename>]
Get/set current deployment
Show the list of available deployments
diff <template>
Diffs your current BOSH deployment configuration against the specified BOSH deployment configuration template so
that you can keep your deployment configuration file up to date. A dev template can be found in deployments repos.
download manifest <deployment_name> [<save_as>]
Download deployment manifest locally
download public stemcell <stemcell_filename>
Downloads a stemcell from the public blobstore
edit deployment
Edit current deployment manifest
export compiled_packages <release> <stemcell> <download_dir>
Download compiled packages for a specific release and stemcell combination
generate job <name>
Generate job template
generate package <name>
Generate package template
get property <name>
Get deployment property
help [--all]
Show help message
--all Show help for all BOSH commands
import compiled_packages <exported_tar_path>
Import compiled packages for a specific release and stemcell combination
init release [<base>] [--git]
Initialize release directory
--git initialize git repository
Show list of current locks
login [<username>] [<password>]
Log in to currently targeted director. The username and password can also be set in the BOSH_USER and BOSH_PASSWORD
environment variables.
Forget saved credentials for targeted director
logs <job> [<index>] [--agent] [--job] [--only filter1,filter2,...]
[--all] [--dir destination_directory]
Fetch job or agent logs from a BOSH-managed VM
--agent fetch agent logs
--job fetch job logs
--only filter1,filter2,... only fetch logs that satisfy given filters (defined in job spec)
--all fetch all files in the job or agent log directory
--dir destination_directory download directory
properties [--terse]
List deployment properties
--terse easy to parse output
public stemcells [--full] [--all]
Show the list of publicly available stemcells for download.
--full show the full download url
--all show all stemcells
recreate <job> [<index>] [--force]
Recreate job/instance (hard stop + start)
--force Proceed even when there are other manifest changes
releases [--jobs]
Show the list of available releases
--jobs include job templates
rename job <old_name> <new_name> [--force]
Renames a job. NOTE, your deployment manifest must also be updated to reflect the new job name.
--force Ignore errors
reset release
Reset dev release
restart <job> [<index>] [--force]
Restart job/instance (soft stop + start)
--force Proceed even when there are other manifest changes
run errand <errand_name>
Run specified errand
scp [--download] [--upload] [--public_key FILE] [--gateway_host HOST]
[--gateway_user USER] [--gateway_identity_file FILE]
upload/download the source file to the given job. Note: for download /path/to/destination is a directory
--download Download file
--upload Upload file
--public_key FILE Public key
--gateway_host HOST Gateway host
--gateway_user USER Gateway user
--gateway_identity_file FILE Gateway identity file
set property <name> <value>
Set deployment property
snapshots [<job>] [<index>]
List all snapshots
ssh [--public_key FILE] [--gateway_host HOST] [--gateway_user USER]
[--gateway_identity_file FILE] [--default_password PASSWORD]
Execute command or start an interactive session
--public_key FILE Public key
--gateway_host HOST Gateway host
--gateway_user USER Gateway user
--gateway_identity_file FILE Gateway identity file
--default_password PASSWORD Use default ssh password (NOT RECOMMENDED)
start <job> [<index>] [--force]
Start job/instance
--force Proceed even when there are other manifest changes
status [--uuid]
Show current status (current target, user, deployment info etc)
--uuid Only print director UUID
Show the list of available stemcells
stop <job> [<index>] [--soft] [--hard] [--force]
Stop job/instance
--soft Stop process only
--hard Power off VM
--force Proceed even when there are other manifest changes
sync blobs
Sync blob with the blobstore
take snapshot [<job>] [<index>]
Takes a snapshot
target [<director_url>] [<name>]
Choose director to talk to (optionally creating an alias). If no arguments given, show currently targeted director
Show the list of available targets
task [<task_id>] [--event] [--cpi] [--debug] [--result] [--raw]
Show task status and start tracking its output
--event Track event log
--cpi Track CPI log
--debug Track debug log
--result Track result log
--raw Show raw log
--no-filter Include all task types (ssh, logs, vms, etc)
tasks [--no-filter]
Show running tasks
--no-filter Include all task types (ssh, logs, vms, etc)
tasks recent [<count>] [--no-filter]
Show <number> recent tasks
--no-filter Include all task types (ssh, logs, vms, etc)
unset property <name>
Unset deployment property
upload blobs
Upload new and updated blobs to the blobstore
upload release [<release_file>] [--rebase] [--skip-if-exists]
Upload release (release_file can be a local file or a remote URI)
--rebase Rebases this release onto the latest version known by director (discards local job/package versions
in favor of versions assigned by director)
--skip-if-exists skips upload if release already exists
upload stemcell <stemcell_location> [--skip-if-exists]
Upload stemcell (stemcell_location can be a local file or a remote URI)
--skip-if-exists skips upload if stemcell already exists
validate jobs
Validates all jobs in the current release using current deployment manifest as the source of properties
verify release <tarball_path>
Verify release
verify stemcell <tarball_path>
Verify stemcell
Show version
vm resurrection [<job>] [<index>] <new_state>
Enable/Disable resurrection for a given vm
vms [<deployment_name>] [--details] [--dns] [--vitals]
List all VMs in a deployment
--details Return detailed VM information
--dns Return VM DNS A records
--vitals Return VM vitals information
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