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Last active July 4, 2016 08:21
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@getify MIN_VALUE exmple
[] == ![]; //true
function foo() {
try {
return 2;
finally {
return 3;
foo(); // 3 <— wtf? where’s the 2?
Number.MAX_VALUE > 0; //true
Number.MIN_VALUE < 0; //false
Number({}); // NaN
Number([]); // 0
o1 = { hello: “world” };
o2 = Object.create(null);
o2.hello = “world”;
o1 + “”; // “[object Object]”
o2 + “”; // TypeError!
s = Symbol(“that’s cool”);
s; // Symbol(that’s cool)
String(s); // "Symbol(that’s cool)”
s + “”; // TypeError!
typeof a; // undefined
typeof b; // TDZ error!
// …
let b;
42.toFixed(2); // Syntax Error
42. toFixed(2); // Syntax Error
42 .toFixed(2); // “42.00”
42 . toFixed(2); // “42.00”
42.0.toFixed(2); // “42.00”
42..toFixed(2); // “42.00”
Number(“0.”); // 0
Number(“.0”); // 0
Number(“.”); // NaN
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