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Created September 22, 2017 15:40
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iptables throttling
This will start logging and block hosts that connect to a host quicker than 10 times in 30 seconds. This severely slows down Nmap scans against you and provides a heads up that you're being scanned by a port scanner or something like dirbuster/sqlmap/hydra that make a lot of connections in rapid succession:
iptables -N LOGGING
iptables -A INPUT -j LOGGING
iptables -A FORWARD -j LOGGING
iptables -A LOGGING -p tcp -i eth0 -m state --state NEW -m recent --set
iptables -A LOGGING -p tcp -i eth0 -m state --state NEW -m recent --update --seconds 30 --hitcount 10 -j LOG --log-prefix "portscan: " --log-level 4
iptables -A LOGGING -j DROP
# NOTE: Depending on the host's role, this may need to be tuned!
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