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Last active April 15, 2022 07:07
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Rainbow gradient for the group of buttons depending on position
<title>Common CSS background on button group by #BlondieCode</title>
body {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
footer {
text-align: center;
a {
color: #777777;
a:hover {
color: #999999;
#buttons {
margin: auto;
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
justify-content: space-between;
background-color: #646f8b;
background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' width='80' height='80' viewBox='0 0 80 80'%3E%3Cg fill-rule='evenodd'%3E%3Cg id='church-on-sunday' fill='%23323a63' fill-opacity='0.51'%3E%3Cpath d='M77.17 0H80v2.83l-.1.1A39.9 39.9 0 0 1 74.64 20a39.9 39.9 0 0 1 5.24 17.06l.11.11v2.89c-.01 6.9-1.8 13.79-5.35 19.94A39.96 39.96 0 0 1 80 79.94V80h-2.83L66.84 69.66a39.83 39.83 0 0 1-24.1 10.25l.09.09h-5.66l.1-.1c-8.7-.58-17.22-4-24.1-10.23L2.82 80H0V79.94c.01-6.9 1.8-13.8 5.35-19.94A39.96 39.96 0 0 1 0 40.06V37.17l.1-.1A39.9 39.9 0 0 1 5.36 20 39.9 39.9 0 0 1 .1 2.94L0 2.83V0h2.83l-.1.1a39.83 39.83 0 0 1 24.1 10.24L37.18 0H40c0 6.92-1.78 13.83-5.35 20A39.96 39.96 0 0 1 40 40c0-6.92 1.78-13.83 5.35-20A39.96 39.96 0 0 1 40 0h2.83l10.33 10.34A39.83 39.83 0 0 1 77.26.09L77.17 0zm.77 77.94c-.3-5.52-1.8-11-4.49-16a40.18 40.18 0 0 1-5.17 6.34l9.66 9.66zm-12.52-9.7l-6.83-6.83-5.46 5.46-1.41 1.41-9.66 9.66c8.4-.45 16.69-3.68 23.36-9.7zm-23.07 6.58l7.99-7.98a40.05 40.05 0 0 1-3.79-4.9 37.88 37.88 0 0 0-4.2 12.88zM47.68 60a37.98 37.98 0 0 0 4.07 5.42L57.17 60l-5.42-5.42A38 38 0 0 0 47.68 60zm2.66-6.84a40.06 40.06 0 0 0-3.79 4.9 37.88 37.88 0 0 1-4.2-12.88l7.99 7.98zm1.38-1.44l1.41 1.41 5.46 5.46 6.83-6.84a37.85 37.85 0 0 0-23.36-9.7l9.66 9.67zM60 60l6.87 6.87A38.1 38.1 0 0 0 72.32 60a38.11 38.11 0 0 0-5.45-6.87L60 60zm-14.65 0a39.9 39.9 0 0 0-5.24 17.06l-.11.11-.1-.1A39.9 39.9 0 0 0 34.64 60a39.9 39.9 0 0 0 5.24-17.06l.11-.11.1.1A39.9 39.9 0 0 0 45.36 60zm9.23-48.25a37.85 37.85 0 0 1 23.36-9.7l-9.66 9.67-1.41 1.41-5.46 5.46-6.83-6.84zm13.67 13.67L62.83 20l5.42-5.42A38 38 0 0 1 72.32 20a37.98 37.98 0 0 1-4.07 5.42zm5.2-3.47a40.05 40.05 0 0 1-3.79 4.89l7.99 7.98c-.61-4.45-2.01-8.82-4.2-12.87zm-6.58 4.92l1.41 1.41 9.66 9.66a37.85 37.85 0 0 1-23.36-9.7l6.83-6.83 5.46 5.46zM53.13 13.13L60 20l-6.87 6.87A38.11 38.11 0 0 1 47.68 20a38.1 38.1 0 0 1 5.45-6.87zm-1.41-1.41l-9.66-9.66c.3 5.52 1.8 11 4.49 16a40.18 40.18 0 0 1 5.17-6.34zm-9.66 26.22c.3-5.52 1.8-11 4.49-16a40.18 40.18 0 0 0 5.17 6.34l-9.66 9.66zm26.22 13.78l9.66-9.66c-.3 5.52-1.8 11-4.49 16a40.18 40.18 0 0 0-5.17-6.34zm8.98-11.81L66.84 50.34a39.83 39.83 0 0 0-24.1-10.25l10.42-10.43a39.83 39.83 0 0 0 24.1 10.25zm-7.6-26.75a40.06 40.06 0 0 1 3.79 4.9 37.88 37.88 0 0 0 4.2-12.88l-7.99 7.98zm-31.72 28.9c-8.4.45-16.69 3.68-23.36 9.7l6.83 6.83 5.46-5.46 1.41-1.41 9.66-9.66zM22.83 60l5.42 5.42c1.54-1.7 2.9-3.52 4.07-5.42a38 38 0 0 0-4.07-5.42L22.83 60zm5.45 8.28l-1.41-1.41-5.46-5.46-6.83 6.84a37.85 37.85 0 0 0 23.36 9.7l-9.66-9.67zm9.37 6.54l-7.99-7.98a40.05 40.05 0 0 0 3.79-4.9 37.88 37.88 0 0 1 4.2 12.88zM20 60l-6.87-6.87A38.11 38.11 0 0 0 7.68 60a38.11 38.11 0 0 0 5.45 6.87L20 60zm17.26-19.9L26.84 29.65a39.83 39.83 0 0 1-24.1 10.25l10.42 10.43a39.83 39.83 0 0 1 24.1-10.25zm-35.2 1.96l9.66 9.66a40.18 40.18 0 0 0-5.17 6.33c-2.7-5-4.2-10.47-4.5-16zm4.49 19.89c-2.7 5-4.2 10.47-4.5 16l9.67-9.67a40.18 40.18 0 0 1-5.17-6.33zm31.1-16.77c-.61 4.45-2.01 8.82-4.2 12.87a40.06 40.06 0 0 0-3.79-4.89l7.99-7.98zm-4.2-23.23c2.7 5 4.2 10.47 4.5 16l-9.67-9.67c1.97-1.97 3.7-4.1 5.17-6.33zm-14.86-.54l6.83 6.84a37.85 37.85 0 0 1-23.36 9.7l9.66-9.67 1.41-1.41 5.46-5.46zm-8.25 5.43l-7.99 7.98c.61-4.45 2.01-8.82 4.2-12.87a40.04 40.04 0 0 0 3.79 4.89zm1.41-1.42A37.99 37.99 0 0 1 7.68 20a38 38 0 0 1 4.07-5.42L17.17 20l-5.42 5.42zm-5.2-7.37a40.04 40.04 0 0 1 3.79-4.89L2.35 5.18c.61 4.45 2.01 8.82 4.2 12.87zm6.58-4.92l-1.41-1.41-9.66-9.66a37.85 37.85 0 0 1 23.36 9.7l-6.83 6.83-5.46-5.46zm13.74 13.74L20 20l6.87-6.87A38.1 38.1 0 0 1 32.32 20a38.1 38.1 0 0 1-5.45 6.87zm6.58-8.82a40.18 40.18 0 0 0-5.17-6.33l9.66-9.66c-.3 5.52-1.8 11-4.49 16z' /%3E%3C/g%3E%3C/g%3E%3C/svg%3E");
.button {
display: flex;
float: left;
color: #ffffff;
border-radius: 4px;
background: #00F260;
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(to bottom, #0575E6, #00F260);
background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #0575E6, #00F260);
.button.empty {
background-image: none;
background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.5);
.size {
margin: auto;
<div id="buttons"></div>
<small><a href="" target="_blank">#BlondieCode © 2019</a></small>
// - cool svg background generator
// - cool svg patterns
// - cool css gradients generator
const sizeTable = [
{size: 36, available: false},
{size: 36.5, available: true},
{size: 37, available: false},
{size: 37.5, available: false},
{size: 38, available: false},
{size: 38.5, available: false},
{size: 39, available: false},
{size: 39.5, available: false},
{size: 40, available: false},
{size: 40.5, available: true},
{size: 41, available: true},
{size: 41.5, available: true},
{size: 42, available: true},
{size: 42.5, available: false},
{size: 43, available: true},
{size: 43.5, available: false},
{size: 44, available: false},
{size: 44.5, available: false},
{size: 45, available: false},
{size: 46, available: true},
const buttonsHolder = document.getElementById('buttons');
const buttonWidth = 100;
const buttonHeight = 100;
const buttonMargin = 6;
const buttonsPerRow = 4;
const units = "px"; = (buttonWidth + buttonMargin*2) * buttonsPerRow + units;
const bgWidth = buttonsPerRow*buttonWidth;
const bgHeight = parseInt(sizeTable.length/buttonsPerRow) * buttonHeight;
sizeTable.forEach((size, i) => {
const el = document.createElement('div');
el.className += " button"; = buttonWidth + units; = buttonHeight + units; = buttonMargin + units;
el.innerHTML = `<div class="size">${size.size}</div>`;
if (size.available) {
const row = parseInt(i/buttonsPerRow);
const col = i%buttonsPerRow; = `${bgWidth}${units} ${bgHeight}${units}`; = `-${col*buttonWidth}${units} -${row*buttonHeight}${units}`;
} else {
el.className += " empty";
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