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Last active March 28, 2022 09:59
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  • Save droganaida/d0b23804321ad90764f333d63dd3f95d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save droganaida/d0b23804321ad90764f333d63dd3f95d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Find function webRtcPlayerObj.onWebRtcOffer in app.js file, add removeExtmapAllowMixed(offer); in the beginning of IF. Then add function removeExtmapAllowMixed(desc) to remove a=extmap-allow-mixed
webRtcPlayerObj.onWebRtcOffer = function (offer) {
if (ws && ws.readyState === WS_OPEN_STATE) {
let offerStr = JSON.stringify(offer);
console.log(`-> SS: offer:\n${offerStr}`);
function removeExtmapAllowMixed(desc) {
/* remove a=extmap-allow-mixed for 1 < M71 */
if (!window.RTCPeerConnection) {
if(desc.sdp.indexOf('\na=extmap-allow-mixed') !== -1){
const sdp = desc.sdp.split('\n').filter((line) => {
return line.trim() !== 'a=extmap-allow-mixed';
desc.sdp = sdp;
return sdp;
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