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Created February 25, 2018 17:19
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// Validator will pass a form to schema creator
export default form => ({
type: 'object',
properties: {
text: {
type: 'string',
messages: {
type: 'Should be a string',
required: 'Please enter a text',
minimum: {
type: 'integer',
// form data can be used to set schema props explicitly
maximum: form.maximum,
minimum: 0,
messages: {
type: 'Should be a zero or more',
minimum: 'Should exceed 0',
maximum: {
default: null,
type: ['integer', 'null'],
minimum: { $data: '1/minimum' },
// Messages key is not a part of spec,
// but it is very useful in real life
messages: {
type: 'Should be a zero or more',
minimum: `Should exceed ${form.minimum || 0}`,
required: ['text', 'minimum'],
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