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Created January 17, 2021 20:05
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Awesome Climate: links collected from Sledilnik community on #climate-change

Awesome Climate

Links collected from Sledilnik community on #climate-change

Personal and household decisions

Calculator: Ogljične emisije električnega osebnega avtomobila

Klima publicly launches its consumer-focused carbon offset app

Andreas Pursian, Markus Gilles and Jonas Brandau, the three co-founders of Klima, an app focused on helping consumers understand and offset their carbon emissions, first found entrepreneurial success at Hyper.

Climate Change: a pragmatic guide

Objective: 2 tons CO2eq per human per year by 2050 Transportation: Reduce long-distance travels Electricity: remove coal, gas and oil power plants Food: avoid red meat Information must be accessible and widely spread

Why experts are sounding the alarm about the hidden dangers of gas stoves

While many Americans might think illness linked to indoor cooking and heating is a problem confined to smoke-filled kitchens in the developing world, the natural gas-burning stoves and furnaces found in millions of US kitchens and basements can produce a range of health-damaging pollutants, including particulate matter (PM), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), carbon monoxide (CO), and formaldehyde. Over the past four decades, researchers have amassed a large body of scientific evidence linking the use of gas appliances, especially for cooking, with a higher risk of a range of respiratory problems and illnesses.

Citizen Science

Help recover hidden weather data collected by the U.S. Navy during World War II

Research, analysis

How close are we to the temperature tipping point of the terrestrial biosphere?

The temperature dependence of global photosynthesis and respiration determine land carbon sink strength. While the land sink currently mitigates ~30% of anthropogenic carbon emissions, it is unclear whether this ecosystem service will persist and, more specifically, what hard temperature limits, if any, regulate carbon uptake. Here, we use the largest continuous carbon flux monitoring network to construct the first observationally derived temperature response curves for global land carbon uptake. We show that the mean temperature of the warmest quarter (3-month period) passed the thermal maximum for photosynthesis during the past decade. At higher temperatures, respiration rates continue to rise in contrast to sharply declining rates of photosynthesis. Under business-as-usual emissions, this divergence elicits a near halving of the land sink strength by as early as 2040.

Analysis: The most ‘cited’ climate change papers

Global Carbon Project: Coronavirus causes ‘record fall’ in fossil-fuel emissions in 2020

Global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from fossil fuel and industry are expected to drop by 7% in 2020, new analysis shows, as economies around the world feel the effects of Covid-19 lockdowns.

Understanding and counteringmisinformation about climate change

Quantification of an efficiency–sovereignty trade-off in climate policy

1% of people cause half of global aviation emissions – study

Frequent-flying “‘super emitters” who represent just 1% of the world’s population caused half of aviation’s carbon emissions in 2018, according to a study.

Anthropocene climate bifurcation

This article presents the results of a bifurcation analysis of a simple energy balance model (EBM) for the future climate of the Earth. The main focus is on the following question: can the nonlinear processes intrinsic to atmospheric physics, including natural positive feedback mechanisms, cause a mathematical bifurcation of the climate state, as a consequence of continued anthropogenic forcing by rising greenhouse gas emissions?

Emanuel, K. The dependence of hurricane intensity on climate (1987)

**A high‐resolution bilevel skew‐t stochastic generator for assessing Saudi Arabia's wind energy resources **

Univariate statistical analysis of environmental (compositional) data:Problems and possibilities

**Climate model projections from the Scenario Model Intercomparison Project (ScenarioMIP) of CMIP6 **


Rewilding timelapse

Feral (book)

Feral is a book about rewilding by the British environmentalist George Monbiot. It was published by Allen Lane (a hardback imprint of the Penguin Group) in 2013 with the full title Feral: Searching for Enchantment on the Frontiers of Rewilding.


Controversial Spewed Iron Experiment Succeeds as Carbon Sink


Ko se združijo krajani, župan in investitor, je elektrika cenejša

Na strehi podružnične šole so postavili 55,68-kilovatno sončno elektrarno, ki naj bi na leto proizvedla 58.500 kWh električne energije. To pa zadostuje za vse potrebe po elektriki sedmih stanovanjskih hiš, ki tvorijo samooskrbno skupnost.

Tehničnega potenciala [za sončno energijo] in prostora na strehah, parkiriščih, degradiranih območjih je zagotovo dovolj, saj je bil že pred časom ocenjen na 27 TWh na leto, kar je 68 odstotkov več, kot je zdaj letna raba električne energije v Sloveniji.

Elektrodistributer bo sporočil, kdaj bomo likali, prali, greli vodo ...

Zaradi sončnih elektrarn, vse večjega števila toplotnih črpalk, tudi električnih avtomobilov, skratka zaradi vse večje potrebe po elektriki je električno omrežje obremenjeno vse bolj neenakomerno. S pilotnim projektom Uporabljaj pametno bodo v Elektro Celje iskali rešitve za te težave. Vabijo k vključitvi v projekt.

Zakaj bi v Sloveniji morali zgraditi novo jedrsko elektrarno?

A Tale of Two Decarbonizations: How the Path of Least Political Resistance Influenced Climate Action in Germany and the United Kingdom

Incorporating performance-based global sensitivity and uncertainty analysis into LCOE calculations for emerging renewable energy technologies

Europeans Bought More Electrified Vehicles Than Diesels In September — For The First Time In History

Economics, economy, finance

Rethinking Economics is an international network of students, academics and professionals building a better economics in society and the classroom.

We need a London School of Ecology and Economics The integration of ecology with economy is the urgent imperative of the 21st century. This is why I am urging LSE to embrace an ecological worldview. I am asking you to nail your colours to the mast.

IMF: Investing in a Green Recovery, fall 2020

Climate econometrics is a new sub-discipline that has grown rapidly over the last few years. As greenhouse gas emissions like carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) are a major cause of climate change, and are generated by human activity, it is not surprising that the tool set designed to empirically investigate economic outcomes should be applicable to studying many empirical aspects of climate change.

Climate Finance

We review the literature studying interactions between climate change and financial markets. We first discuss various approaches to incorporating climate risk in macro-finance models. We then review the empirical literature that explores the pricing of climate risks across a large number of asset classes including real estate, equities, and fixed income securities. In this context, we also discuss how investors can use these assets to construct portfolios that hedge against climate risk. We conclude by proposing several promising directions for future research in climate finance.

A Bayesian stochastic generator to complement existing climate change scenarios: supporting uncertainty quantification in marine and coastal ecosystems

The New Green Energy Giants Challenging Exxon and BP

Econometric Methods For Empirical Climate Modeling | David Hendry

World Economic Outlook, October 2020: A Long and Difficult Ascent

Without further action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the planet is on course to reach temperatures not seen in millions of years, with potentially catastrophic implications. The analysis in this chapter suggests that an initial green investment push combined with steadily rising carbon prices would deliver the needed emission reductions at reasonable transitional global output effects, putting the global economy on a stronger and more sustainable footing over the medium term.

How Large Are Global Fossil Fuel Subsidies?

Climate economics support for the UN climate targets

Public Tenders

Poziv k predložitvi informacij o najnovejših tehnoloških rešitvah oziroma inovacijah, trajnostnih rešitvah in rešitvah, ki sledijo konceptu krožnega gospodarstva za potrebe izgradnje »Centra znanosti« kot demonstracijskega objekta (rok: 15. 2. 2021 do 0.00)

Načrt Delovnega programa Grozda 4 za digitalizacijo, industrijo in vesolje 2021-2022 - Digitalno področje

Predvidena struktura razpisnih tematik digitalnih Destinacij 3, 4 in 6 skupaj s predvidenim letom razpisa je podana v nadaljevanju.

  • Destinacija 3 - v svetu vodilne podatkovne in računalniške tehnologije

    • izmenjava podatkov v skupnem evropskem podatkovnem prostoru (2021, 2022)
    • krepitev evropske zmogljivosti za podatkovno analitiko (2021, 2022)
    • partnerstvo EuroHPC komplementarno dopolnjuje ta program
    • od računalništva v oblaku do robnega računalništva do Interneta stvari za evropske podatkovne tehnologije (2021, 2022)
  • Destinacija 4 - digitalne in prihajajoče tehnologije za konkurenčnost in v podporo Zelenemu dogovoru

    • procesorji z zelo nizko porabo (2021) – partnerstvo Key Digital Technologies (KDT) komplementarno dopolnjuje ta program
    • vodilna vloga Evrope v inovacijah v elektroniki (2021) – partnerstvo Key Digital Technologies (KDT) komplementarno dopolnjuje ta program
    • vodilna vloga Evrope v fotoniki (2021, 2022) – partnerstvo Key Digital Technologies (KDT) komplementarno dopolnjuje ta program
    • 6G in temeljne tehnologije za povezljivost (2021)
    • inovacije v umetni inteligenci, podatkovnih tehnologijah in robotiki (2021, 2022)
    • uvajanje prihodnjih robotov: učinkovitih, robustnih, varnih, prilagodljivih in vrednih zaupanja (2021, 2022)
    • vodilna vloga Evrope v prihajajočih tehnologijah (2021, 2022)
    • vodilna pobuda za kvantne tehnologije: sprememba paradigme (2021, 2022) – nadaljevanje pobude Quantum Technologies Flaghsip
    • grafen: Evropa v vodstvu (2022) – nadaljevanje pobude Graphene Flagship
  • Destinacija 6 - k človeku usmerjen in etični razvoj digitalnih in industrijskih tehnologij

    • vodilna vloga v zaupanja vredni umetni inteligenci (2021, 2022)
    • zaupanja vreden Internet (2021, 2022)
    • razširjena resničnost (2021, 2022) – delno je področje digitalnega učenja zajeto v tem sklopu, več se pričakuje v Delovnem programu Grozda 2 za kulturo, kreativnost in vključujočo družbo

sistemski pristopi k boljši izrabi tehnologij v družbi in industriji (2021)

News and events

Pahorjevi podnebni svetovalci vlado pozivajo k odločnejšemu ukrepanju proti podnebnim spremembam

Posvet: Podnebne spremembe že tukaj in zdaj, zato nujno ukrepanje (Maribor, 14. 1. 2021)

ARSO: Leto 2020 je bilo nadpovprečno toplo, povprečno namočeno in nadpovprečno osončeno. Odklon temperature zraka od povprečja 1981–2010 je na državni ravni znašal 1,3 °C, kar uvršča leto med pet najtoplejših od leta 1961.

Žiga Zaplotnik: Še posebej pa nas lahko skrbi dejstvo, da je bila večina poletij v zadnjih 10 letih tako toplejših kot bolj sušnih od ref. obdobja 1981-2010 --> kvadrant "hot & dry".

Uefa z Aleksandrom Čeferinom za boljšo podnebno prihodnost

Predsednik Evropske nogometne zveze (Uefa) Aleksander Čeferin je naznanil, da se Uefa priključuje evropskemu zelenemu dogovoru. Ob tem je skupaj z legendarnim Philippom Lahmom razkril prav poseben načrt za evropsko prvenstvo, ki ga bo leta 2024 gostila Nemčija.

Australia’s weak climate action to blame for PM’s snub at global summit

Osmo srečanje Stalnega posvetovalnega odbora za podnebno politiko pri Predsedniku Republike v novi sestavi

Climate Change Fallout

2003 European heat wave

The 2003 European heat wave led to the hottest summer on record in Europe since at least 1540.[2] France was hit especially hard. The heat wave led to health crises in several countries and combined with drought to create a crop shortfall in parts of Southern Europe. Peer-reviewed analysis places the European death toll at more than 70,000.

Europe’s Near Electricity Black Friday Was Triggered In France Due To “Polar Cold Wave”

Missteps, carelessness, critique

Sostanj lignite thermal power plant unit 6, Slovenia

  • Locks Slovenia into high-carbon electricity generation until beyond 2050
  • Economically unfeasible project pushed through against all odds
  • Claims about jobs were unfounded

Ekološka katastrofa v Višegradu: jezero dobesedno preplavile smeti

Največ smeti pride iz reke Lim, ker je na obalah te reke veliko divjih odlagališč in to zelo dobro vedo oblasti v sosednjih državah. Tukaj ne gre samo za Priboj, pač pa še del pred Pribojem in Črno goro, in vsi odgovornost prestavljajo drug na drugega, dokler vse skupaj ne pride v Višegrad in tukaj ustvari problema.

Why most ‘green’ electricity in Europe isn’t green

This market failure has a name: Guarantees of Origin (GOs).

In principle, GOs are necessary to statistically track the share of renewable energy in the fuel mix of an electricity supplier. A GO can be issued for every megawatt-hour of renewable electricity produced. But GOs do not really help consumers to know the environmental footprint of the electricity they buy. This is because they can be traded separately from the megawatt-hours produced in a renewable power plant, which allows other suppliers to buy them and market their electricity as ‘green’ without having anything to do with a single renewable power plant.

Plinska platforma 50 kilometara od Pule jednostavno - nestala

Plinska platforma Ivana D. koja se nalazila pedesetak kilometara sjeverozapadno od Pule je – nestala. Za subotnjeg nevremena, kako je priopćila Ina, prvo je nestala komunikacija, a zatim i vizualni kontakt s ovim objektom bez posade.

Ivana D. je u pogonu od 2001. godine, a je crpila plin na mjestu gdje je more dubine 43 metra. Kako je ni pilot Obalne straže u preletu nije vidio na lokaciji na kojoj se trebala nalaziti, moguće je da se potopila, no točne odgovore o njenoj sudbini moći će se dobiti tek nakon smirivanja vremenskih prilika.


Revizijsko poročilo: udejanjanje e-mobilnosti

Izrek mnenja o učinkovitosti Ministrstva za infrastrukturo pri udejanjanju e-mobilnosti.

Data Sources

Letno podnebno ogledalo - rezultati Slovenije

Podnebno ogledalo je dokument, v katerem so predstavljene glavne ugotovitve spremljanja izvajanja ukrepov za zmanjšanje emisij toplogrednih plinov (TGP).

Nacionalni energetski in podnebni načrt; Celovita presoja vplivov na okolje (CPVO za NEPN); Ocena in priporočila Evropske komisije; Predstavljena gradiva za slovenski NEPN

ARSO: Kazalci okolja v Sloveniji

ARSO: Podnebje


Evropska okoljska agencija

Climate Data Store!/home

Electricity map

Mapping global electricity emissions

OneSoil: interactive map with AI detected fields and crops

Local and global trends in crop production

HadCRUT is the dataset of monthly instrumental temperature records formed by combining the sea surface temperature records compiled by the Hadley Centre of the UK Met Office and the land surface air temperature records compiled by the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia.[1]

Climate Action Tracker


Kako bomo blažili podnebne spremembe?

Intervju z dr. Žigo Zaplotnikom, dr. Lino Boljko, Nino Črnivec in Aljošo Slameršakom, avtoricama in avtorjema Zahteve slovenskih raziskovalcev za sprejetje takojšnjih ukrepov za blaženje podnebnih sprememb in prilagajanje nanje.

Kaj pa okoljska kriza? Kmalu bo prepozno za ukrepanje

"Treba bo vpeti vse sile, da bo po koncu koronakrize okolje postalo eden ključnih izzivov politike in družbe, sicer bo zelo slabo," opozarjata biolog Tom Turk in klimatologinja Lučka Kajfež Bogataj.

Aljoša Slameršak, klimatske znanosti

Z Aljošo Slameršakom, magistrom klimatskih znanosti, okoljskim ekonomistom in raziskovalcem na Avtonomni Univerzi v Barceloni, o podnebni krizi in prihodnosti.

Razglednice z vroče strani Alp

Za lažjo predstavo, kako bo videti vaš domači kraj ali priljubljena izletniška točka ob koncu tega stoletja, če bomo nadaljevali s »poslom kot običajno«, so pri nevladni okoljski organizaciji Umanotera zasnovali fotografsko razstavo, na kateri prikazujejo nekatere kraje v Sloveniji, kakršni so danes in kakršni bodo ob koncu tega stoletja. Prikazan je najbolj črn od treh scenarijev izpustov toplogrednih plinov, ki jih je pripravila Agencije RS za okolje. Po njem ne bomo storili nič bistvenega za omejitev izpustov toplogrednih plinov, ti se bodo skozi celotno 21. stoletje še povečevali, povprečna temperatura zraka pa bo za do pet stopinj višja kot danes. Eno od takšnih »razglednic« prihodnosti, poplavljeni Piran, smo nedavno opazovali »v živo«.

Skeptical Science: Getting skeptical about global warming skepticism


Okoljska etika, politika, estetika

Call for Papers: Spatiotemporal Data Science: Theoretical Advances and Applications

Vroče točke Ljubljana

Ljudje so nam povedali, kje v mestu jim je poleti prevroče. Obravnavamo problematične lokacije, predlagamo ukrepe in zagovarjamo prostorske rešitve, ki hladijo mesto.

Fizika podnebnih sprememb

Predavanje dr. Žige Zaplotnika, podoktorskega raziskovalca na Fakulteti za matematiko in fiziko, Univerza v Ljubljani, o fiziki podnebnih sprememb. Podnebne spremembe so že zdavnaj presegle okvire znanosti in postajajo vse bolj politična tema. Ob spremljanju grafov naraščanja koncentracije ogljikovega dioksida, temperature, zviševanja gladine morja, taljenja arktičnega ledu, pa pogosto tudi sami pozabimo na osnovno fiziko. Zakaj točno naraščanje koncentracij toplogrednih plinov pomeni ogrevanje? Se ozračje povsod ogreva? Podrobno razumevanje podnebnih sprememb in poznavanje fizikalnih dokazov, da je zanje nedvoumno kriv človek, je ključno tudi pri uspešnem tolmačenju podnebnih sprememb neodločenim odločevalcem in javnosti. V predavanju bomo navedli nekaj zgledov, ki jasno ovržejo vsakršen dvom o naši krivdi.

Model-driven debate

Readers are thus encouraged to examine and critique the model. Some numbers above are in green. Drag green numbers with your mouse to adjust them. (Really, do it!) Notice how the consequences of your adjustments are reflected immediately in the following paragraph. The reader can explore alternative scenarios, understand the tradeoffs involved, and come to an informed conclusion about whether any such proposal could be a good decision.

David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet | Official Trailer | Netflix

COVID-19 and Climate Change: The name’s ‘Brick’

Despite the rumours, COVID-19 enforced restrictions have not been a ‘temporary reprieve’ or ‘silver lining’ for climate change.

So what has been the climate impact of the pandemic? To help explain why a temporary dent in CO₂ emissions this year does not put a dent in global warming, I’m introducing a new climate character: the name’s ‘Brick’.

Is It Too Late To Stop Climate Change? Well, it's Complicated.

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