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Created December 9, 2008 05:19
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(ns motive.visual.Viewport
(:import ( BaseSimpleGame)
(com.jme.bounding BoundingBox
(com.jme.math Quaternion Vector3f)
(com.jme.scene.shape Box Sphere))
:init ctor
:constructors {[] []}
:exposes {rootNode {:get getRootNode}
display {:get getDisplay}
tpf {:get getTpf}
pause {:get getPause}}
:exposes-methods {update superUpdate
render superRender}
:methods [[add [com.jme.scene.Geometry clojure.lang.IFn] void]]
:state state))
;; The objs map contains renderable objects mapped to their update function
(defn -ctor []
[[] (atom {:objs {}})])
(defn -simpleInitGame
(let [box (Box. "my box" (new Vector3f 0 0 0) 2 2 2)]
(. box (setModelBound (new BoundingSphere)))
(. box (updateModelBound))
(. (.getRootNode this) (attachChild box))))
(defn -quit
(let [display (.getDisplay this)]
(when display
(.close display))))
(defn -add
[this obj update-fn]
(swap! (.state this)
(fn [s]
(let [objs (:objs s)]
(assoc objs obj update-fn))))
(.attachChild (.getRootNode this) obj))
(defn -update
[this #^Float/TYPE interp]
(.superUpdate this interp)
(when (not (.getPause this))
(.simpleUpdate this)
(.updateGeometricState (.getRootNode this) (.getTpf this) true)))
(defn -render
[this #^Float/TYPE interp]
(.superRender this interp)
(let [r (.getRenderer (.getDisplay this))]
(.draw r (.getRootNode this))
(.simpleRender this)))
(defn -main []
(let [v (motive.visual.Viewport.)]
(.start v)))
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