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Last active July 14, 2016 16:51
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localhost ansible_connection=local ansible_become=False patch_priority=0
[blacklist] # Incorrect sudo password # SyntaxError: probably due to installed simplejson being for a different python version; easy_install'ed simplejson which breaks things
- name: collect ansible facts
ignore_errors: True
register: setup_run
- name: set priority for broken_hosts
set_fact: patch_priority=0
when: setup_run|failed
- name: collect facter facts
- name: collect pakiti hosts information
register: pakiti_hostlist
- name: Add pakiti-provided hosts
add_host: name={{ item }} groups=pakiti_hosts
when: pakiti_hostlist.ansible_facts.hosts[item].age == 0 and not item in groups.blacklist
with_items: '{{ pakiti_hostlist.ansible_facts.hosts }}'
- name: Add pakiti-provided dead hosts
add_host: name={{ item }} groups=pakiti_dead_hosts
when: pakiti_hostlist.ansible_facts.hosts[item].age > 0
with_items: '{{ pakiti_hostlist.ansible_facts.hosts }}'
- name: generate the report
template: src=priority_report.j2 dest=reports/priority_report.txt
Alive hosts
{%+ for host in groups['pakiti_hosts'] %}
{%+ if hostvars[host] is defined %}
{%+ if hostvars[host].facter_patch_priority is defined %}
{{ host }} {{ hostvars[host].facter_patch_priority }}
{% else %}
{{ host }} NA
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Dead hosts
According to Pakiti those hosts are dead:
{%+ for host in groups['pakiti_dead_hosts'] %}
{{ host }}
{% endfor %}
Blacklisted hosts
{%+ for host in groups['blacklist'] %}
{{ host }}
{% endfor %}
- hosts: pakiti
gather_facts: False
- role: pakiti_db
- hosts: pakiti_hosts,!report
gather_facts: False
- role: common
- hosts: pakiti_hosts,!report
gather_facts: False
- name: check facts
debug: msg={{ facter_patch_priority }}
ignore_errors: yes
when: facter_patch_priority is defined
- hosts: report
gather_facts: False
- role: priority_report
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