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Last active January 20, 2024 13:12
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GL-iNet pocket router

The following steps will help you configure a GL-iNet router running a version of linux called OpenWRT so that you can do real-time WiFi Probe Request capture. By using multiple of these GL-iNet devices you can easily create a perimeter for WiFi tracking.

create destination on the usb drive

mkdir /mnt/sda1/packages
echo dest usb /mnt/sda1/packages/ >> /etc/opkg.conf


In the GL.iNet it is hard to override the mount points of the filesystem because the router is configured to be as hotpluggable as possible, so the setup has a lot of scripts that get run dynamically and doesn't rely on a fstab file. One way of overriding the default mounts is by using /etc/rc.local which is executed after all the rc.d scripts.

Changing hostname (optional)

vi /etc/config/system

Edit the line that reads option hostname 'GL-iNet' for the hostname of your choice.

Point opkg to the right repositories


Your /etc/opkg.conf file should look like this:

src/gz barrier_breaker_base
src/gz barrier_breaker_telephony
src/gz barrier_breaker_packages
src/gz barrier_breaker_routing
src/gz barrier_breaker_luci
src/gz barrier_breaker_management
src/gz barrier_breaker_oldpackages
dest root /
dest ram /tmp
lists_dir ext /var/opkg-lists
option overlay_root /overlay
dest usb /mnt/sda1/packages/

Update your package list:

opkg update

Install python:

opkg install python

List installed packages:

opkg list-installed

See where python is installed:

opkg files python

The external storage saga (researching)

Because these setup involves so many steps, it would be great to be able to do the process only once and have all the configuration in a USB stick and then create images for multiple devices, just changing IP configurations as needed. To achieve that it is necessary to mount the OpenWRT filesystem entirely from the USB device. The following steps will help in setting external storage:

See extroot.

Save the Gl-iNet's automount script, because it prevent's us from installing the block-mount package (see original):

cp /etc/hotplug.d/block/10-mount /etc/hotplug.d/block/10-mount.old

Install the block-mount package, we have to indicate that we want to overwrite clashing files otherwise it will not install:

opkg update
opkg install block-mount --force-overwrite

More on block-mount.

This is how the overlay mount point is determined, this is called as a preinit script:

less /lib/

Installing python on removable storage

mkdir /mnt/sda1/packages/
echo dest usb /mnt/sda1/packages/ >> /etc/opkg.conf
opkg --dest usb install python
ln -s /mnt/sda1/packages/usr/bin/python /usr/bin/python

Installing pip

opkg --dest usb install distribute
ln -s /mnt/sda1/packages/usr/bin/easy_install /usr/bin/easy_install
opkg --dest usb install python-openssl
easy_install pip

Installing scapy

opkg --dest usb install tcpdump
easy_install scapy

Make sure you can capture packets

tcpdump -i wlan0

Looking around

netstat -an 		# will list all services and all port numbers being listened on (netstat -tulpn)
iptables --list -vn		# will list all currently active firewall rules

You'll need to setup some swap

The GL-iNet comes with very little memory, so our python scripts will quickly run out of memory unless we provide some swap space.

mkswap /dev/sda2

Then turn activate the swap space:

swapon /dev/sda2

Now run free again to make sure the space was allocated:

# free
             total         used         free       shared      buffers
Mem:         29212        19160        10052            0         1972
-/+ buffers:              17188        12024
Swap:       475644            0       475644    

This is great, but it won’t stay active if we reboot the system, so we need to let the system know that it should activate swap every time it starts up. You may have noticed a swap section in our fstab file from earlier. In my experience, this doesn’t always activate properly, so I have chosen to ignore it and create a separate startup script to turn on the swap space. This has the added benefit of introducing us to startup scripts, in case we want to create one later to ensure our scanning script restarts when the system resets.

Swap Startup Script

We will start by creating the startup script:

vi /etc/init.d/swapon

Enter the following into the file, then save it:

#!/bin/ash /etc/rc.common


start() {
    echo "start swap"
    swapon /dev/sda2

    echo "stop swap"

Make the script executable:

chmod +x /etc/init.d/swapon

Now we need to make a symlink from /etc/rc.d to our script to make the system run it on startup:

ln -s /etc/init.d/swapon /etc/rc.d/S109swapon

Disable firewall and DNS forwarding

# /etc/init.d/firewall stop
# /etc/init.d/firewall disable
# /etc/init.d/dnsmasq stop
# /etc/init.d/dnsmasq disable

Configure a fixed ip on the lan interface:

# vim /etc/config/network

config interface 'lan'
    option ifname 'eth1'
    option type 'bridge'
    option proto 'static'
    option ipaddr ''
    option netmask ''

Passive WiFi tracking with scapy and openwrt

# vi /etc/config/wireless

config wifi-iface
    option device 'radio0'
    option network 'lan'
    #option mode 'ap'  # change for the line bellow
    option mode 'monitor'        
    option encryption 'psk-mixed'
    option wds '1'  
    option uapsd '1'         
    option ssid 'GL-iNet-05e'
    option disabled '0'  

Manual monitoring mode

Another way of doing the above without permanently changing the config of the AP is:

ifconfig wlan0 down
iw dev wlan0 set monitor none
ifconfig wlan0 up

tcpdump -i wlan0 -s65535

Where the router is

One way to find out is to sniff the DHCP request that is broadcasted when the router boots up.

tcpdump -i eth0 -s 0 -f 'broadcast and multicast'

Install an SSH key

To log into the router without being required username and password ou can generate an install an SSH key, like this:

scp ~/.ssh/ root@gl-inet.lan:/tmp
cat /tmp/ >> /etc/dropbear/authorized_keys
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