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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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Save dropofwill/9534209 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Sass mixin to use rem with px backup for older browsers.
// Set this to your root element's px size
$base_px_size: 16;
@function strip-unit($num) {
@if unitless( $num ) != true {
@return $num / ($num * 0 + 1);
@else {
@return $num;
// Takes a property and some rem values
// Outputs pixel versions before the rem ones as a backup for browsers that don't support rem
// Usage: @include rem( margin, 0, auto, 20, 10 );
@mixin rem($property, $values...) {
$length: length($values);
$px_values: '';
$rem_values: '';
$the_same: true;
@for $i from 1 through $length {
// If value is 0 don't output units
// 0px == 0 in sass so don't need to test for that case
@if nth( $values, $i ) == 0 {
$px_values: #{$px_values + 0};
$rem_values: #{$rem_values + 0};
// If value is a different number output both px and rem versions
// This makes the two different
@else if type-of( nth( $values, $i ) ) == number {
$value: strip-unit( nth( $values, $i ) );
$px_values: #{$px_values + $value * $base_px_size }px;
$rem_values: #{$rem_values + $value}rem;
$the_same: false;
// If not a number (e.g. auto) just output it
@else {
$px_values: #{$px_values + nth( $values, $i )};
$rem_values: #{$rem_values + nth( $values, $i )};
@if $i < $length {
$px_values: #{$px_values + " "};
$rem_values: #{$rem_values + " "};
@if $the_same == false {
#{$property}: $px_values;
#{$property}: $rem_values;
@else {
#{$property}: $px_values;
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