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Last active November 15, 2020 14:45
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Userscript to display images and iframes in Workflowy
// ==UserScript==
// @name WorkflowyPlus Refac
// @namespace
// @version 0.2
// @author Wizmann, DR2050
// @match*
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
/* jshint -W097 */
'use strict';
// User.js
var contentIndex = 0;
function doParseImageAndIframe() {
var lines = $(this).text().split("\n");
// var imageRegex = /^\!\[(.*)\]\((.+)\)$/;
var regex = /^(iframe|image):([^\s]*)$/;
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
var line = lines[i].trim();
var result = line.match(regex);
if (result !== null) {
var url = result[2];
var contentId = "content-" + contentIndex++;
var nextTitleForButton = "var nextTitle = $('#" + contentId + "').is(':visible') ? 'Hide' : 'Show';";
var onClick = '$(\'#' + contentId + '\').toggle(); '+ nextTitleForButton +' console.log($(this).html(nextTitle));';
var button = '<button class="show-hide-button" onclick="' + onClick + '">Show</button>';
if (result[1] === "image") {
console.log("image " + url + " - contentId: " + contentId);
$(this).after(button + '<BR><div id="' + contentId + '" class="content-img" style="display: none"><img style="max-width: 400px" src="' + url + '"/></div>');
} else if (result[1] === "iframe") {
console.log("iframe " + url + " - contentId: " + contentId);
$(this).after(button + '<BR><div id="' + contentId + '" class="content-iframe" style="display: none"><iframe width="90%" margin="auto" height="512" src="' + url + '" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe></div>');
function parseImageAndIframe() {
contentIndex = 0;
$("div.notes div.content").live("click keyup", doParseImageAndIframe);
$("div.notes div.content").each(doParseImageAndIframe);
$("#expandButton").live("click", function() {
$("div.notes div.content").each(doParseImageAndIframe);
console.log("Starting WorkflowyPlus Refac");
$(window).bind("load hashchange", parseImageAndIframe);
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Circular references! Check the article here.

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therden commented Jun 19, 2016

Is there any way to use this with a link to a locally-stored image file?

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@therden, not that I know of: some weird restriction there (Not allowed to load local resource). However, you could use Dropbox shared images. Add raw=1 to the URL.

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Just did a new version here:

  • No more toggles
  • Lazy loading, so only when you need it
  • Most of the time the buttons load without you having to touch anything
  • Buttons go before

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