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Created August 7, 2019 21:09
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Hard fork 21 testing by @howo for the witness @steempress
var steem = require('steem');
steem.api.setOptions({url: '', useAppbaseApi : true, address_prefix : 'TST', 'chain_id' : "46d82ab7d8db682eb1959aed0ada039a6d49afa1602491f93dde9cac3e8e6c32"});
steem.config.set('address_prefix', 'TST')
steem.config.set('chain_id', '46d82ab7d8db682eb1959aed0ada039a6d49afa1602491f93dde9cac3e8e6c32')
const assert = require("assert")
var username = "howo-testnet";
var password = "modepassesecret";
function broadcast(tx, wif)
return new Promise(resolve => {
steem.broadcast.send(tx, {wif}, async function (result, err) {
if (!err) {
return resolve({error : false, result})
} else {
return resolve({error : true , err})
function create_proposal_tx(op_data)
return new Promise(async resolve => {
const wif = steem.auth.toWif(username, password, 'active');
let ops = [];
ops.push(['create_proposal', op_data]);
let tx = {operations: ops, extensions: []};
return resolve({tx, wif})
function test()
describe('accountupdate and accountupdate2', () => {
it('accountupdate', async () => {
const wif = steem.auth.toWif(username, password, 'active');
let ops = [];
let account = await steem.api.callAsync('condenser_api.get_accounts', [[username]]);
account = account[0];
ops.push([ 'account_update', {
'account': username,
memo_key : account.memo_key,
posting_key : account.posting.key_auths[0][0],
active_key :[0][0],
owner_key : account.owner.key_auths[0][0],
'json_metadata': "",
"posting_json_metadata" : ""
let tx = {operations: ops, extensions: []};
const result = await broadcast(tx, wif);
// Fails for some reason with the same params above
it('accountupdate2', async () => {
const wif = steem.auth.toWif(username, password, 'posting');
let ops = [];
let account = await steem.api.callAsync('condenser_api.get_accounts', [[username]]);
account = account[0];
ops.push([ 'account_update2', {
'account': username,
memo_key : account.memo_key,
'json_metadata': "",
"posting_json_metadata" : ""
let tx = {operations: ops, extensions: []};
const result = await broadcast(tx, wif);
describe('create_proposal', () => {
it('create_proposal normal', async () => {
let op_data = {
'creator': username,
'receiver': username,
'start_date': '2019-06-01T00:00:00',
'end_date': '2019-10-01T00:00:00',
'daily_pay': '5486498.000 TBD',
'subject': 'Another outstanding proposal',
'permlink': "my-super-proposal"
let data = await create_proposal_tx(op_data);
const result = await broadcast(data.tx, data.wif);
it('create_proposal ends before today', async () => {
let op_data = {
'creator': username,
'receiver': username,
'start_date': '2018-09-01T00:00:00',
'end_date': '2018-10-01T00:00:00',
'daily_pay': '1.000 TBD',
'subject': 'testing',
'permlink': "my-super-proposal"
let data = await create_proposal_tx(op_data);
const result = await broadcast(data.tx, data.wif);
assert(result.error === false);
it('create_proposal negative pay', async () => {
let op_data = {
'creator': username,
'receiver': username,
'start_date': '2019-09-01T00:00:00',
'end_date': '2019-10-01T00:00:00',
'daily_pay': '-1.000 TBD',
'subject': 'testing',
'permlink': "my-super-proposal"
let data = await create_proposal_tx(op_data);
const result = await broadcast(data.tx, data.wif);
assert(result.error === false);
it('Proposal permlink doesnt exists', async () => {
let op_data = {
'creator': username,
'receiver': username,
'start_date': '2018-09-01T00:00:00',
'end_date': '2018-10-01T00:00:00',
'daily_pay': '1.000 TBD',
'subject': 'testing',
'permlink': "a"
let data = await create_proposal_tx(op_data);
const result = await broadcast(data.tx, data.wif);
assert(result.error === false);
it('Proposal daily pay overly large number', async () => {
let op_data = {
'creator': username,
'receiver': username,
'start_date': '2018-09-01T00:00:00',
'end_date': '2018-10-01T00:00:00',
'daily_pay': '111111111111111111111111111111111.000 TBD',
'subject': 'testing',
'permlink': "my-super-proposal"
let data = await create_proposal_tx(op_data);
const result = await broadcast(data.tx, data.wif);
assert(result.error === false);
it('Proposal daily pay overly large title', async () => {
let op_data = {
'creator': username,
'receiver': username,
'start_date': '2018-09-01T00:00:00',
'end_date': '2018-10-01T00:00:00',
'daily_pay': '1.000 TBD',
'subject': 'tesngtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtegtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtesting',
'permlink': "my-super-proposal"
let data = await create_proposal_tx(op_data);
const result = await broadcast(data.tx, data.wif);
assert(result.error === false);
it('Proposal start date does not exists', async () => {
let op_data = {
'creator': username,
'receiver': username,
'start_date': '-2018-09-01T00:00:00',
'end_date': '2018-10-01T00:00:00',
'daily_pay': '1.000 TBD',
'subject': 'testing',
'permlink': "my-super-proposal"
let data = await create_proposal_tx(op_data);
const result = await broadcast(data.tx, data.wif);
assert(result.error === false);
it('datetime underflow ', async () => {
let op_data = {
'creator': username,
'receiver': username,
'start_date': '1501-09-01T00:00:00',
'end_date': '2018-10-01T00:00:00',
'daily_pay': '1.000 TBD',
'subject': 'very old start date',
'permlink': "my-super-proposal"
let data = await create_proposal_tx(op_data);
const result = await broadcast(data.tx, data.wif);
assert(result.error === false);
it('Proposal start date is far in the future', async () => {
let op_data = {
'creator': username,
'receiver': username,
'start_date': '2040-09-01T00:00:00',
'end_date': '2041-10-01T00:00:00',
'daily_pay': '1.000 TBD',
'subject': 'very old start date',
'permlink': "my-super-proposal"
let data = await create_proposal_tx(op_data);
const result = await broadcast(data.tx, data.wif);
assert(result.error === false);
it('Proposal duration is less than a day', async () => {
let op_data = {
'creator': username,
'receiver': username,
'start_date': '2019-09-01T00:00:00',
'end_date': '2019-09-01T23:00:00',
'daily_pay': '1.000 TBD',
'subject': 'very old start date',
'permlink': "my-super-proposal"
let data = await create_proposal_tx(op_data);
const result = await broadcast(data.tx, data.wif);
// Shouldn't happen ?
assert(result.error === false);
it('Proposal duration is less than an hour', async () => {
let op_data = {
'creator': username,
'receiver': username,
'start_date': '2019-09-01T00:00:00',
'end_date': '2019-09-01T01:00:00',
'daily_pay': '1.000 TBD',
'subject': 'very old start date',
'permlink': "my-super-proposal"
let data = await create_proposal_tx(op_data);
const result = await broadcast(data.tx, data.wif);
// Shouldn't happen ?
assert(result.error === false);
describe('proposal vote', () => {
it('vote on proposals', async () => {
const wif = steem.auth.toWif(username, password, 'active');
let ops = [];
ops.push(['update_proposal_votes', {
'voter': username,
"proposal_ids" : [28, 2],
"approve" : true
let tx = {operations: ops, extensions: []};
const result = await broadcast(tx, wif);
it('remove votes on one', async () => {
const wif = steem.auth.toWif(username, password, 'active');
let ops = [];
ops.push(['update_proposal_votes', {
'voter': username,
"proposal_ids" : [2],
"approve" : false
let tx = {operations: ops, extensions: []};
const result = await broadcast(tx, wif);
it('vote with no proposal_id', async () => {
const wif = steem.auth.toWif(username, password, 'active');
let ops = [];
ops.push(['update_proposal_votes', {
'voter': username,
"proposal_ids" : [],
"approve" : true
let tx = {operations: ops, extensions: []};
const result = await broadcast(tx, wif);
assert(result.error === false);
it('vote nonexistent proposal id', async () => {
const wif = steem.auth.toWif(username, password, 'active');
let ops = [];
ops.push(['update_proposal_votes', {
'voter': username,
"proposal_ids" : [-1],
"approve" : true
let tx = {operations: ops, extensions: []};
const result = await broadcast(tx, wif);
assert(result.error === false);
it('vote with an id that overflows', async () => {
const wif = steem.auth.toWif(username, password, 'active');
let ops = [];
ops.push(['update_proposal_votes', {
'voter': username,
"proposal_ids" : [99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999],
"approve" : true
let tx = {operations: ops, extensions: []};
const result = await broadcast(tx, wif);
assert(result.error === false);
});it('array with existing and nonexisting ids', async () => {
const wif = steem.auth.toWif(username, password, 'active');
let ops = [];
ops.push(['update_proposal_votes', {
'voter': username,
"proposal_ids" : [1, 2, 3, 9879879879, 28, -1],
"approve" : true
let tx = {operations: ops, extensions: []};
const result = await broadcast(tx, wif);
assert(result.error === false);
describe('remove proposal', () => {
it('remove proposal', async () => {
const wif = steem.auth.toWif(username, password, 'active');
let ops = [];
ops.push(['remove_proposal', {
'proposal_owner': username,
"proposal_ids": [28],
let tx = {operations: ops, extensions: []};
const result = await broadcast(tx, wif);
it('remove proposal that has already been removed', async () => {
const wif = steem.auth.toWif(username, password, 'active');
let ops = [];
ops.push(['remove_proposal', {
'proposal_owner': username,
"proposal_ids": [28],
let tx = {operations: ops, extensions: []};
const result = await broadcast(tx, wif);
// Was expecting not to be able to remove the same proposals several times in a row
assert(result.error == false);
it('remove proposal that I do not own', async () => {
const wif = steem.auth.toWif(username, password, 'active');
let ops = [];
ops.push(['remove_proposal', {
'proposal_owner': username,
"proposal_ids": [1],
let tx = {operations: ops, extensions: []};
const result = await broadcast(tx, wif);
// Was expecting not to be able to remove the same proposals several times in a row
assert(result.error == false);
it('remove several proposals that I own', async () => {
const wif = steem.auth.toWif(username, password, 'active');
let ops = [];
ops.push(['remove_proposal', {
'proposal_owner': username,
"proposal_ids": [28,29],
let tx = {operations: ops, extensions: []};
const result = await broadcast(tx, wif);
it('remove several proposals including one I don\'t own', async () => {
const wif = steem.auth.toWif(username, password, 'active');
let ops = [];
ops.push(['remove_proposal', {
'proposal_owner': username,
"proposal_ids": [28,1,29],
let tx = {operations: ops, extensions: []};
const result = await broadcast(tx, wif);
assert(result.error === false);
});it('remove a proposal that doesn\'t exists', async () => {
const wif = steem.auth.toWif(username, password, 'active');
let ops = [];
ops.push(['remove_proposal', {
'proposal_owner': username,
"proposal_ids": [500],
let tx = {operations: ops, extensions: []};
const result = await broadcast(tx, wif);
function create_posts_with_sps_benefs() {
const wif = steem.auth.toWif(username, password, 'posting');
const extensions = [[0, {
"beneficiaries": [{"account":"steem.dao", "weight": 10000}]
let ops = [];
ops.push(['comment', {
wif: wif,
parent_author: '',
parent_permlink: "dao",
author: username,
permlink: "permlink",
title: "100% benef to the dao",
body: "100% benef to the dao",
json_metadata: "{}"
ops.push(['comment_options', {
author: username,
permlink: "permlink",
max_accepted_payout: "1000000.000 TBD",
percent_steem_dollars: 10000,
allow_votes: true,
allow_curation_rewards: true,
extensions: extensions
steem.broadcast.send({operations: ops, extensions: []}, {posting: wif}, async function (err) {
if (!err) {
console.log(username + " published the post ");
} else {
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