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Created March 9, 2021 03:55
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(* service definition
message SeekRequest {
string subscription = 1;
oneof target {
google.protobuf.Timestamp time = 2;
string snapshot = 3;
message SeekResponse {
service Subscriber {
rpc Seek(SeekRequest) returns (SeekResponse);
(* option 1: explicit Request/Response messages *)
module SeekRequest : sig
(** The time to seek to. *)
type target = Time of Ptime.t | Snapshot of string
(** Request for the `Seek` method. *)
type t = {
subscription : string;
target : target;
module SeekResponse : sig
type t = unit
module Subscriber : sig
val seek : SeekRequest.t -> SeekResponse.t
(* option 2: partial import as labelled arguments *)
module SeekRequest : sig
type target = Time of Ptime.t | Snapshot of string
module Subscriber : sig
val seek : subscription:string -> -> unit
(* option 3: full import w/ polymorphic variants *)
module Subscriber : sig
val seek : subscription:string -> target:[< `Time of Ptime.t | `Snapshot of string] -> unit
(* option 4: full import w/ optional arguments *)
module Subscriber : sig
val seek : ?time:Ptime.t -> ?snapshot:string -> subscription:string -> unit
(* option 5: full import w/ function duplication for every oneof permutation *)
module Subscriber : sig
val seek_time : subscription:string -> time:Ptime.t -> unit
val seek_snapshot : subscription:string -> snapshot:string -> unit
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