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Created October 2, 2021 23:19
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Year Budget
1930 4.1
1931 3.1
1932 1.9
1933 2.0
1934 3.0
1935 3.6
1936 3.9
1937 5.4
1938 6.8
1939 6.3
1940 6.5
1941 8.7
1942 14.6
1943 24.0
1944 43.7
1945 45.2
1946 39.3
1947 38.5
1948 41.6
1949 39.4
1950 39.4
1951 51.6
1952 66.2
1953 69.6
1954 69.7
1955 65.5
1956 74.6
1957 80.0
1958 79.6
1959 79.2
1960 92.5
1961 94.4
1962 99.7
1963 106.6
1964 112.6
1965 116.8
1966 130.8
1967 148.8
1968 153.0
1969 186.9
1970 192.8
1971 187.1
1972 207.3
1973 230.8
1974 263.2
1975 279.1
1977 355.6
1978 399.6
1979 463.3
1980 517.1
1981 599.3
1982 617.8
1983 600.6
1984 666.4
1985 734.0
1986 769.2
1987 854.3
1988 909.2
1989 991.1
1990 1032.0
1991 1055.0
1992 1091.2
1993 1154.3
1994 1258.6
1995 1351.8
1996 1453.1
1997 1579.2
1998 1721.7
1999 1827.5
2000 2025.2
2001 1991.1
2002 1853.1
2003 1782.3
2004 1880.1
2005 2153.6
2006 2406.9
2007 2568.0
2008 2524.0
2009 2105.0
2010 2162.7
2011 2303.5
2012 2450.0
2013 2775.1
2014 3021.5
2015 3249.9
2016 3268.0
2017 3316.2
2018 3329.9
2019 3463.4
2020 3421.2
2021 3580.8
2022 4174.2
import pandas as pd
import cpi
import altair as alt
df = pd.read_csv('budget.csv', sep=',', index_col=False)
years = []
adjusted = []
for _, row in df.iterrows():
a = cpi.inflate(row['Budget'], int(row['Year']))
except cpi.errors.CPIObjectDoesNotExist:
# No data for 2019 and later, assume:
if row['Year'] == 2021:
inflation = 1.04
inflation = 1.02
a = row['Budget'].item()*inflation
xticks = [y for y in range(1930, 2021, 3)]
data = pd.DataFrame({'Year': years, 'Budget': adjusted})
chart = alt.Chart(data, width=800).mark_line().encode(
x=alt.X('Year:O', axis=alt.Axis(values=xticks)),
y=alt.Y('Budget:Q', title='Budget (Billions)')
title="US Budgets Adjusted for Inflation (1930-2021)"
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julien-weinstein commented Jan 19, 2022

Why 1.04 for 2021? Since it's the latest year, shouldn't it be just 1? Or is the CPI value from Jan. 2022 now the reference value?

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drozzy commented Jan 19, 2022

My friend I don't remember anymore :) Feel free to use the script to double check!

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