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Created June 5, 2015 05:49
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Git cheatlist
git clone
git status //< Check to see if git has acknowledged your modifications.
git diff //< See what you've changed
git add .
(or git add -u if you removed files)
git commit -m "Your commit message"
git log //< Verify your commit is applied.
git push
git pull //< For later, if someone else pushed commits
And if you want to do work without affecting master branch :
git checkout -b //< Creates a new branch, and switches to it
git checkout master //< Switch back to master
git merge someBranch //< Merge your changes/commits in someBranch to master
And some handy tricks:
git add .
git commit --amend
Add more changes to your previous commit, this let's you update the commit description too
(important: only should be done if you haven't pushed yet)
GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="`date`" git commit --amend --date "`date`"
Updates your last commit with the current date and time.
git reset --hard
Resets your directory; wiping any changes you made.
git reset --hard HEAD^
Deletes the current commit, effectively rolling back a commit. Use HEAD~5 to roll back 5 commits, or any number.
git rebase -i HEAD~3
Let's you interactively "squash" any number (ex: 3) commits into one, or pick and choose which ones to squash or keep separate; useful for consolidating a bunch of commits.
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