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Created June 13, 2014 18:09
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// Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import Cocoa
// variables
var string = "Hello, playground"
let float = 15.5 // implicit
let explicitFloat: Float = 15.5
var sentence = "\(string) \(explicitFloat)"
var int = 0
var things = ["a", "b", 3]
// optionals
var optionalString: String? = "hello"
optionalString = "oops"
if optionalString {
string = "yeppers"
} else {
string = "nope"
// dictionaries
var dict = ["foo": "bar", "baz": "quux"]
var result = String()
for (k,v) in dict {
"\(k) is \(v)"
if k == "foo" {
string = "yep"
// arrays
var a = [1, 2, 3]
var b = a // by reference until length is changed
a[1] = 9
a // [1,9,3]
b // [1,9,3]
a.append(4) // array copied here
a // [1,9,3,4]
b // [1,9,3]
var c = a.copy() // explicit copy
// functions
func greet(name: String, day: String) -> String {
return "Hello \(name), today is \(day)."
greet("Bob", "Tuesday")
// tuples
func getGasPrices() -> (Double, Double, Double) {
return (3.59, 3.69, 3.79)
let numbers = [1,2,3]{number in 3 * number})
sort([1, 5, 3, 12, 2]) { $0 > $1 }
// classes
class Shape {
var numberOfSides = 0
var name: String?
init(name: String) { = name
func simpleDescription() -> String {
return "A shape with \(numberOfSides) sides"
let shape = Shape(name: "hexathing")
shape.numberOfSides = 1
let otherShape = shape
otherShape === shape // reference type
// structures
// (value type: always copied when passed)
// (receive a default memberwise initializer)
struct Resolution {
var width = 0
var height = 0
class VideoMode {
var resolution = Resolution()
var name: String?
var someVideoMode = VideoMode()
someVideoMode.resolution.width = 1280
string = "The width of someVideoMode is \(someVideoMode.resolution.width)"
let vga = Resolution(width: 640, height: 480) // initializer
var cinema = vga // copied
cinema.width = 1920
cinema.height = 1080
vga // not changed
// method external parameter names
class Counter {
var count: Int = 0
// "amount" is local only, numberOfTimes is local and external
func incrementBy(amount: Int, numberOfTimes: Int) {
count += amount * numberOfTimes
// "amount" is local and external, "times" is external
func increment(#amount: Int, times numberOfTimes: Int) {
count += amount * numberOfTimes
let counter = Counter()
counter.incrementBy(5, numberOfTimes: 3)
counter.increment(amount: 5, times: 3)
// mutating methods (modifying value types within instance methods)
struct Pointier {
var x = 0.0, y = 0.0
mutating func move(x deltaX: Double, y deltaY: Double) {
x += deltaX
y += deltaY
var pointier = Pointier(x: 1.0, y: 1.0)
pointier.move(x: 2.0, y: 3.0)
pointier.x // 3.0
pointier.y // 4.0
// type methods (like class methods)
class AnotherClass {
class func someTypeMethod() -> String {
return "hello"
// self
struct Pointy {
var x = 0.0, y = 0.0
func isToTheRightOfX(x: Double) -> Bool {
// disambiguate between method parameter and instance property
return self.x > x
let somePoint = Pointy(x: 4.0, y: 5.0)
if somePoint.isToTheRightOfX(1.0) {
string = "yep"
enum TriStateSwitch {
case Off, Low, High
mutating func next() {
switch self {
case Off:
self = Low
case Low:
self = High
case High:
self = Off
var ovenLight = TriStateSwitch.Low // .High // .Off
// enumeration values
enum CompassPoint {
// member values with type CompassPoint:
case North
case South
case East
case West
var point = CompassPoint.North
switch point {
case .North:
string = "north"
case .South:
string = "south"
string = "something"
point = .East
// enumeration associated values:
enum Barcode {
case UPCA(Int, Int, Int)
case QRCode(String)
var productBarcode = Barcode.UPCA(8, 85909_51226, 3)
productBarcode = .QRCode("ABCDEFG")
switch productBarcode {
case let .UPCA(numberSystem, identifier, check):
string = "UPC-A with value of \(numberSystem), \(identifier) etc"
case let .QRCode(productCode):
string = "QR code with value of \(productCode)"
// enumeration default values (raw values)
enum ASCIIControlCharacter: Character {
case Tab = "\t"
case LineFeed = "\n"
case CarriageReturn = "\r"
enum Planet: Int {
case Mercury = 1, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
let earthOrder = Planet.Earth.toRaw()
let optionalPlanet = Planet.fromRaw(7) // returns optional Planet
if let planet = optionalPlanet { // must unwrap optional
switch planet {
case .Earth:
string = "Mostly Harmless"
string = "Not for humans"
} else {
string = "not a planet"
// stored properties
struct FixedLengthRange {
var firstValue: Int // variable stored property
let length: Int // constant stored property
var range = FixedLengthRange(firstValue: 0, length: 3)
range.firstValue = 6
let constantRange = range // constant value, can't change properties
// lazy stored properties
class DataImporter {
var fileName = "data.txt"
class DataManager {
@lazy var importer = DataImporter()
var data = String[]()
let manager = DataManager() += "data" += "more data"
manager.importer.fileName // lazily instantiated here
// computed properties
struct Point {
var x = 0.0, y = 0.0
struct Size {
var width = 0.0, height = 0.0
struct Rect {
var origin = Point()
var size = Size()
var center: Point {
get {
let centerX = origin.x + (size.width / 2)
let centerY = origin.y + (size.height / 2)
return Point(x: centerX, y: centerY)
set(newCenter) {
origin.x = newCenter.x - (size.width / 2)
origin.y = newCenter.y - (size.height / 2)
// shorthand:
// set {
// origin.x = newValue.x - (size.width / 2)
// origin.y = newValue.y - (size.height / 2)
// }
var square = Rect(origin: Point(x: 0.0, y: 0.0), size: Size(width: 10.0, height: 10.0))
square.origin.y = Point(x: 15.0, y: 15.0)
// read-only computed properties
struct Cuboid {
var width = 0.0, height = 0.0, depth = 0.0
var volume: Double {
return width * height * depth
let cube = Cuboid(width: 4.0, height: 5.0, depth: 2.0)
cube.volume // 40.0
// property observers
class StepCounter {
var totalSteps: Int = 0 {
willSet(newTotalSteps) {
string = "About to set totalSteps to \(newTotalSteps)"
didSet {
string = "totalSteps is now \(totalSteps)"
let stepCounter = StepCounter()
stepCounter.totalSteps = 200
// => About to set totalSteps to 200
// => totalSteps is now 200
// type properties: (like class variables)
struct SomeStructure {
// value types can have stored and computed type properties:
static var storedTypeProperty = "Some value."
static var computedTypeProperty: Int {
return 3 + 5
SomeStructure.storedTypeProperty // "Some value"
SomeStructure.computedTypeProperty // 8
class SomeClass {
// classes can only have computed type properties
class var computedTypeProperty: Int {
return 3 + 5
SomeClass.computedTypeProperty // 8
// type properties example
struct AudioChannel {
static let thresholdLevel = 10
static var maxInputLevelForAllChannels = 0
var currentLevel: Int = 0 {
didSet {
if currentLevel > AudioChannel.thresholdLevel {
// cap the new audio level to the threshold level
currentLevel = AudioChannel.thresholdLevel
if currentLevel > AudioChannel.maxInputLevelForAllChannels {
// store this as the new overall maximum input level
AudioChannel.maxInputLevelForAllChannels = currentLevel
var leftChannel = AudioChannel()
var rightChannel = AudioChannel()
leftChannel.currentLevel = 7
AudioChannel.maxInputLevelForAllChannels // 7
rightChannel.currentLevel = 11
AudioChannel.maxInputLevelForAllChannels // 10
// subscripts
var numberOfLegs = ["spider": 8, "ant": 6, "cat": 4]
numberOfLegs["bird"] = 2
struct TimesTable {
let multiplier: Int
// read-only subscript
subscript(index: Int) -> Int {
return multiplier * index
let threeTimesTable = TimesTable(multiplier: 3)
int = threeTimesTable[6] // 18
class Vehicle {
var numberOfWheels: Int
var maxPassengers: Int
init() {
numberOfWheels = 0
maxPassengers = 1
func description() -> String {
return "\(numberOfWheels) wheels"
class Car: Vehicle {
var speed: Double = 0.0
init() {
maxPassengers = 5
numberOfWheels = 4
override func description() -> String {
return super.description() + "; "
+ "traveling at \(speed) mph"
let car = Car()
string = car.description()
// overriding property getters and setters
class SlowCar: Car {
override var speed: Double {
get {
return super.speed
set {
super.speed = min(newValue, 40.0)
let slowcar = SlowCar()
slowcar.speed = 60.0
string = slowcar.description()
// overriding property observers
class AutomaticCar: Car {
var gear = 1
override var speed: Double {
didSet {
gear = Int(speed / 10.0) + 1
override func description() -> String {
return super.description() + " in gear \(gear)"
let automatic = AutomaticCar()
automatic.speed = 35.0
string = automatic.description()
// default initializer
class ShoppingListItem {
var name: String?
var quantity = 1
var purchased = false
var item = ShoppingListItem()
int = item.quantity
// multiple initializers
struct Celsius {
var temperatureInCelsius: Double = 0.0
init(fromFahrenheit fahrenheit: Double) {
temperatureInCelsius = (fahrenheit - 32.0) / 1.8
init(fromKelvin kelvin: Double) {
temperatureInCelsius = kelvin - 273.15
let boilingPointOfWater = Celsius(fromFahrenheit: 212.0)
let freezingPointOfWater = Celsius(fromKelvin: 273.15)
// initializer external parameter names
struct Color {
let red = 0.0, green = 0.0, blue = 0.0
// parameters are automatically internal and external
init(red: Double, green: Double, blue: Double) { = red = green = blue
let magenta = Color(red: 1.0, green: 0.0, blue: 1.0)
// memberwise initializers for structs
struct Sizey {
var width = 0.0, height = 0.0
let twoByTwo = Sizey(width: 2.0, height: 2.0)
// initializer delegation
struct Recty {
var origin = Point()
var size = Size()
init() {}
init(origin: Point, size: Size) {
self.origin = origin
self.size = size
init(center: Point, size: Size) {
let originX = center.x - (size.width / 2)
let originY = center.y - (size.height / 2)
self.init(origin: Point(x: originX, y: originY), size: size)
let basicRect = Recty()
let originRect = Recty(origin: Point(x: 2.0, y: 2.0), size: Size(width: 5.0, height: 5.0))
let centerRect = Recty(center: Point(x: 4.0, y: 4.0), size: Size(width: 3.0, height: 3.0))
// designated and convenience initializers
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