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Created June 26, 2016 09:59
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The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Packaged Code!
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Externals modules automatic setup checker and installer for various OS.
# (C) DrTrigon, 2013
# (C) Pywikipedia team, 2013
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
# Strongly inspired by files beeing part of VisTrails distribution
# utils/
# utils/
# Copyright (C) 2006-2010 University of Utah. All rights reserved.
# GNU General Public License version 2.0 by the Free Software Foundation
__version__ = '$Id$'
# External dependencies for the compat repository. Please confer the docu at
# and
# 'externals/README' also.
# The very essential packages are PRE-INSTALLED (e.g. ''),
# please make sure to match/sync them with the list here. Best is to first
# update the PACKAGE in the list here and then use:
# >>> import wikipedia, externals
# >>> externals.check_setup('PACKAGE')
# in order to to pull the correct version easily it into the repo for commit.
# supports: 0. git submodule
# 1. package management system (yum, apt-get, ...)
# 2. download from url (e.g. archive, svn or git repo)
# 3. checkout from mercurial repo ('hg clone ...' if no url is
# available) - not needed at the moment
# (what about python eggs?!)
# dependencies: (git, python)
# yum, apt-get or whatever your system uses
# mercurial (hg) / subversion (svn)
# patch (unix/linux & gnuwin32 version/flavour)
modules_needed = {
'patch.exe': ({}, # for win32 only, unix/linux is already equipped with a patch tool
{ 'url': '',
'path': 'bin/patch.exe'},
{}), # OK
'crontab': ({},
#{ 'url': '',
# 'path': 'parse-crontab-master/crontab',}), # OK
{ 'url': '',
'path': 'parse-crontab-1ec538ff67df6a207993a6c5b6988f4f628c5776/crontab',},
{}), # OK
'odf': ({},
#{ 'url': '',
# 'path': 'odfpy-0.9.6/odf',}), # OK
{ 'url': '',
'path': 'odfpy-0.9.4/odf'},
{}), # OK
'openpyxl': ({},
{ 'url': '',
'path': 'ericgazoni-openpyxl-e5934500ffac/openpyxl'},
{}), # OK
# git submodule: see '.gitmodules' files
# 'spelling': $ git submodule add externals/spelling
'': ({'linux-fedora': ['python-BeautifulSoup'],
'linux-ubuntu': ['python-beautifulsoup']},
{ 'url': '',
'path': 'BeautifulSoup-3.2.0/'},
'irclib': ({'linux-fedora': ['python-irclib'],
'linux-ubuntu': ['python-irclib']},
{}, #
{}), # OK
'mwparserfromhell': ({},
{ 'url': '',
#{ 'url': '',
'path': 'mwparserfromhell-0.2/mwparserfromhell'},
{}), # OK
'colormath': ({'linux-fedora': [],
'linux-ubuntu': ['python-colormath'],},
{ 'url': '',
'path': 'python-colormath-master/colormath',},
{}), # OK
'jseg': ({},
{ 'url': '',
'path': 'jseg',
#$ diff -Nau --exclude="*.o" --exclude="*.pyc" --exclude="segdist_cpp*" TEST_jseg/ jseg/ > patch-jseg
'patch': 'patch-jseg'},
{}), # OK
'jseg/jpeg-6b': ({},
{ 'url': '',
'path': 'jpeg-6b',},
{}), # OK
'_mlpy': ({},
{ 'url': '',
'path': 'mlpy-3.5.0/mlpy'},
{}), # OK
'_music21': ({},
{ 'url': '',
'path': 'music21-1.4.0',
#$ diff -Naur --exclude="*.pyc" TEST__music21/ _music21/ > patch-music21
'patch': 'patch-music21'},
{}), # OK
# TODO: vvv (future; enable for and use in '')
# TODO: needs an '' in order to download models according to ../_ocropus/ocropy/models/README and finish setup/install (post-install)
'_ocropus': ({},
{ 'url': '',
'path': 'ocropus-1598de2c16ec',},
{}), # OK
'_ocropus/ocropy': ({},
{ 'url': '',
'path': 'ocropy.ocropus-7888246ee98d',
#$ diff -Naur --exclude=".hg" --exclude=".pynative" --exclude="Notebooks" --exclude="OLD" --exclude="models" --exclude="tests" --exclude="*.pyc" --exclude="*.jpg" TEST__ocropus/ _ocropus/ > patch-ocropy
'patch': 'patch-ocropy'},
{}), # OK
# git submodule: see '.gitmodules' files
# 'opencv': $ git submodule add externals/opencv
# $ svn propedit svn:externals externals/opencv/haarcascades/haartraining/
# HaarTraining
# HaarTraining.tar.gz
# convert_cascade.c
'opencv/haarcascades': ({},
{ 'url': '',
'path': 'haarcascades'},
{}), # OK
# git submodule: see '.gitmodules' files
# 'pycolorname': $ git submodule add externals/pycolorname
'pydmtx': ({'linux-fedora': ['python-libdmtx'],
'linux-ubuntu': ['libdmtx-dev']},
{ 'url': '',
'path': 'dmtx-wrappers-master/python',
#$ diff -Nau --exclude="*.pyc" TEST_pydmtx/ pydmtx/ > patch-pydmtx
'patch': 'patch-pydmtx'},
{}), # OK
'py_w3c': ({},
{ 'url': '',
'path': 'py_w3c-0.1.0/py_w3c'},
{}), # OK
# TODO: vvv (future; enable for and use in '')
# TODO: needs an '' in order to handle complex installation... compile needed? (post-install)
'slic': ({},
# { 'url': '',
# 'path': 'SLICSuperpixelsAndSupervoxelsCode/SLICSuperpixels',},
# {}), # OK
# 'slic/python': ({},
# { 'url': '',
# 'path': 'slic-python-9aede5ef38495e2dbd0ca126821b7dd7e0e5304f',},
# #'patch': 'patch-slic',},
# {}), # OK
{ 'url': '',
'path': 'slic'},
{}), # OK
'_zbar': ({'linux-fedora': ['zbar'],
'linux-ubuntu': ['python-zbar']},
{ 'url': '',
'path': 'zbar-0.10',
#$ diff -Nau --exclude="*.pyc" TEST__zbar/ _zbar/ > patch-zbar
'patch': 'patch-zbar'},
{}), # OK
# TODO: vvv (future; '_bob' & 'xbob_flandmark' might be used some day in '' - but is quite big...)
'_bob': ({},
{ 'url': '',
'path': 'bob-1.1.2',
#$ diff -Naur --exclude="*.pyc" --exclude="build" --exclude="bob.egg-info" TEST__bob/ _bob/ > patch-bob
'patch': 'patch-bob',},
{}), # OK
# TODO: needs an '' in order to handle complex compilation, dependent on '_bob'... (post-install)
'xbob_flandmark': ({},
{ 'url': '',
'path': 'xbob.flandmark-1.0.9',
#$ diff -Naur --exclude="*.pyc" --exclude="*.so" --exclude="bin" --exclude="build" --exclude="develop-eggs" --exclude="eggs" --exclude="parts" TEST_xbob_flandmark/ xbob_flandmark/ > patch-xbob-flandmark
'patch': 'patch-xbob-flandmark',},
{}), # OK
modules_order = ['crontab', 'odf', 'openpyxl', '', 'irclib',
'mwparserfromhell', 'colormath', 'jseg', 'jseg/jpeg-6b',
'_mlpy', '_music21', '_ocropus', 'opencv/haarcascades',
'pydmtx', 'py_w3c', 'slic', '_zbar', '_bob', 'xbob_flandmark']
_patch_permission = None
import os
import sys
import inspect
import wikipedia as pywikibot # sets externals path
#from pywikibot.comms import http
# allow imports from externals
### BEGIN of VisTrails inspired and copied code ###
def has_logger():
#return hasattr(sys.modules['wikipedia'], 'logger')
return hasattr(pywikibot, 'logger')
# TODO: solve properly because this is just a work-a-round, because module
# externals get imported in before logger is setup properly, which
# should be changed! (meanwhile this is acceptable because code here should be
# executed once only...)
def lowlevel_warning(text):
if has_logger():
print "WARNING:", text
def guess_system():
import platform
return ("%s-%s" % (platform.system(), platform.dist()[0])).lower()
def show_question(module):
lowlevel_warning("Required package missing: %s\n"
"This package is not installed, but required by the file"
" '%s'." % (module, inspect.stack()[2][1]))
lowlevel_warning("For more and additional information, please confer:\n"
options = [(i+1) for i, item in enumerate(modules_needed[module]) if item]
options += [0, 's', '']
options_msg = ("""There are multiple ways to solve this:
RECOMMENDED for admins: always option [0] or the next available (e.g. [1])
RECOMMENDED for non-admins: always option [2] (if available)
0: automatically determine the best of the following methods (may need
administrator privileges)
if 1 in options:
options_msg += ("1: install the package using the OS package"
" management system like yum\n"
" or apt (needs administrator privileges)\n")
if 2 in options:
options_msg += ("2: download the package from its source URL and"
" install it locally into\n"
" the pywikipedia package externals directory\n")
if 3 in options:
options_msg += ("3: download the package from its mercurial repo and"
" install it locally into\n"
" the pywikipedia package externals directory\n")
options_msg += "s: SKIP and solve manually"
v = None
while (v not in options):
lowlevel_warning("Please choose [%s, s - default]: "
% (", ".join(map(str, options[:-2]))))
v = raw_input().lower()
v = int(v)
return v
def show_patch_question():
global _patch_permission
if _patch_permission is None:
"Give externals permission to execute the patch command?"
" [y(es), n(o) - default]: ")
v = raw_input().upper()
_patch_permission = (v == 'Y') or (v == 'YES')
return _patch_permission
def python_module_exists(module_name):
"""python_module_exists(module_name): Boolean.
Returns if python module of given name can be safely imported.
module_name = module_name.replace(u'.py', u'')
module_name = module_name[1:] if module_name[0] == u'_' else module_name
return True
except KeyError:
return True
except ImportError:
return False
def linux_ubuntu_install(package_name):
cmd = 'apt-get install -y'
if type(package_name) == str:
cmd += ' ' + package_name
elif type(package_name) == list:
for package in package_name:
if type(package) != str:
raise TypeError("Expected string or list of strings")
cmd += ' ' + package
sucmd = "sudo %s" % cmd
result = os.system(sucmd)
return (result == 0) # 0 indicates success
def linux_fedora_install(package_name):
cmd = 'yum -y install'
if type(package_name) == str:
cmd += ' ' + package_name
elif type(package_name) == list:
for package in package_name:
if type(package) != str:
raise TypeError("Expected string or list of strings")
cmd += ' ' + package
sucmd = "su -c'%s'" % cmd
result = os.system(sucmd)
return (result == 0)
def linux_install(dependency_dictionary):
""" Tries to import a python module. If unsuccessful, tries to install
the appropriate bundle and then reimport. py_import tries to be smart
about which system it runs on.
# Ugly fix to avoid circular import
distro = guess_system()
if not distro in dependency_dictionary:
return False
files = dependency_dictionary[distro]
lowlevel_warning('Installing package(s) "%s"' % files)
func = distro.replace('-', '_') + '_install'
lowlevel_warning("Externals will need administrator privileges, and"
" you might get asked for the administrator"
" password. This prompt can be skipped with [Ctrl]+"
"[c] or [Enter].")
if files and (func in globals()):
callable_ = globals()[func]
return callable_(files)
return False
def sunos_install(dependency_dictionary):
lowlevel_warning(u'Not implemented yet, use download mode (2) instead.')
return False # skip this in order to trigger 'download_install' next
def windows_install(dependency_dictionary):
u'Not available in windows OS, use download mode (2) instead.')
return False # skip this in order to trigger 'download_install' next
### END of VisTrails inspired and copied code ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ###
def download_install(package, module, path):
if not package:
lowlevel_warning(u'Download package "%s" from %s'
% (module, package['url']))
import mimetypes
import urllib2
for i in range(3):
response = urllib2.urlopen(package['url'])
#response = http.request(pywikibot.getSite(), package['url'],
# no_hostname = True, back_response = True)[0]
if 'Content-Length' in response.headers:
size = response.headers['Content-Length']
if response.headers.get('Transfer-Encoding', '') == 'chunked':
size = '<unknown>'
lowlevel_warning(u'Could not retrieve data, re-trying ...')
lowlevel_warning(u'Size of download: %s byte(s)' % size)
#mime = response.headers['Content-Type'].lower().split('/')
mime = mimetypes.guess_type(package['url'],
lowlevel_warning(u'MIME type: %s' % mime)
lowlevel_warning(u'Extract package "%s" to %s.'
% (module, os.path.join(path, module)))
if len(mime) > 1:
import StringIO
if mime[1] in ['zip', 'x-zip-compressed']:
import zipfile
arch = zipfile.ZipFile(StringIO.StringIO(
elif mime[1] == 'x-tar':
import tarfile
arch =
raise NotImplementedError(u'Not implemented mime type %s'
% mime[1])
arch.extractall(os.path.join(path, '__setup_tmp/'))
import shutil
shutil.move(os.path.join(path, '__setup_tmp/', package['path']),
os.path.join(path, module))
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(path, '__setup_tmp/'))
result = 0
if 'patch' in package:
if sys.platform == 'win32':
if not check_setup('patch.exe'):
result = -1
if result == 0 and show_patch_question():
lowlevel_warning(u'Applying patch to %s in order to finish'
u' the installation of package "%s".'
% (os.path.join(path, module), module))
if sys.platform == 'win32':
cmd = '%s -p0 -d %s -i %s --binary' \
% (os.path.join(path, 'patch.exe'), path,
os.path.join(path, package['patch']))
else: # unix/linux, (mac too?)
cmd = '%s -p0 -d %s < %s' \
% ('patch', path,
os.path.join(path, package['patch']))
result = os.system(cmd)
lowlevel_warning(u'Package "%s" installed to %s.'
% (module, os.path.join(path, module)))
return (result == 0)
def mercurial_repo_install(package, module, path):
if package:
cmd = 'hg clone'
lowlevel_warning(u'Mercurial clone "%s" from %s'
% (module, package['url']))
cmd += " -r %s %s %s" % (package['rev'], package['url'],
os.path.join(path, module))
result = os.system(cmd)
return (result == 0)
def check_setup(m):
path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.curdir, __file__)))
mf = os.path.join(path, m)
# search missing module
if python_module_exists(m):
if os.path.exists(mf):
sel = show_question(m)
# install the missing module
dist = guess_system()
func = dist.split(u'-')[0] + '_install'
if sel in [0, 1]:
u'(1) Trying to install by use of "%s" package management system:'
% dist)
if (func in globals()) and globals()[func](modules_needed[m][0]):
return sel
if sel in [0, 2]:
lowlevel_warning(u'(2) Trying to install by download from source URL:')
if download_install(modules_needed[m][1], m, path):
return sel
if sel in [0, 3]:
lowlevel_warning(u'(3) Trying to install by use of mercurial:')
if (len(modules_needed[m]) > 2) and \
mercurial_repo_install(modules_needed[m][2], m, path):
return sel
if sel in range(4):
lowlevel_warning(u'No suitable package could be found nor installed!')
lowlevel_warning(u'Several scripts might fail, if the modules are not'
u' installed as needed! You can either install them'
u' by yourself to the system or extract them into the'
u' externals/ directory. If you do not install them, this'
u' script will ask you again next time when executed.')
def check_setup_all():
for m in modules_order:
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drtrigon commented Jun 26, 2016


  • need MD5
  • always ask/get permission from user

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Docker and Dockerfile can help here by providing standardized environment (container/images) that we can equip with our code/project to test - see:

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