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Trent Hensler drtshock

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package com.drtshock.givebackstuffonresets;
import net.milkbowl.vault.permission.Permission;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerJoinEvent;
A fork of the 1.6.x Factions branch made up to date and converted to the new UUID scheme.
Old configurations and installs of an otherwise config-compatible version of factions will be automatically upgraded.
Tokens in the players.conf file are switched to use UUIDs as keys instead of player names.
<br /><br />
By Gravity.
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<br /><br />
Of course there is no need to donate, but it never hurts and we really appreciate it (:
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two best mates with a spoon
If it twerks den it werks
We Creep becasue we care
if u wanna ask something Just /msg capolator
We kill all!
We Are The Powerful Clan That Is In All The Servers
We will fight to the last man for the North lands!
Just getting started....
filoghost: For everyone reading: I apologize, my reaction was exaggerated. If possible, could we delete all this messages and talk in private?
erisawesome: @filoghost: Go
Sorry if it is not my place to say but, it's not exactly immoral to use a feature that was suggested by another player that your plugin has. If that were the case then he is coping your entire plugin by having a plugin that adds holograms in Minecraft. In fact, you're coping Asdjke for the idea of holographs in Minecraft. But you don't see him coming after you for "stealing his idea." To be even more extreme, the person who first came up with the idea of a hologram is not coming after you for stealing his idea. What about KHobbits and ElgarL? They made the Essentials plugin, but they have no problem with sk89q using their ideas in CommandBook. You on the other hand are freaking out because he used a small idea from your plugin in his. Why? Because you see DSH's version as a serious competitor. This plugin is just as good or better than you
[5/22/14, 12:45:32 PM] Bron_4: I been having some troubles with ChestShops and really bad timings, is this something you might be able to help with. not sure if we can maybe change it from a sqlite format to mysql , and if that would help. ( i think it might)
[5/22/14, 12:48:36 PM] Bron_4: Not sure what is the best way to tackle this issue, but its causing a ton of server stress. Open to other ideas as well, I just ned this issue to stop :)
From modding this plugin to totally having it redone is on the table
[5/22/14, 12:50:25 PM] Bron_4: Look how bad the timings are:
[5/22/14, 12:52:03 PM] Bron_4: when i wipe out the player database the lag goes away till the player file grows big again. Was thinking if we can get this into a mysql format instead of sqlite it might take care of the issue, i think its just taking to long to open this file as it grows in size.
[5/22/14, 3:09:14 PM] drtshock: did you ask the plugin author?
[5/22/14, 3:19:10 PM] Bron_4: he's basically q

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drtshock / gist:a1e36c741a78b1f5eebd
Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
Detailed Bug Report
When sending a bug report, please make sure to include all of this information. If you do not, your report will be ignored as it is not fun to try to guess at why things are wrong based off of incomplete or false reports.
Short Description of Bug
Applicable Server(s)
When This Happened
drtshock / lang.yml
Created July 11, 2014 22:06
Playervaults Dutch
# Use & for color codes.
# %p is where the player name will get inserted.
# %v is where the vault number will get inserted.
# %price is the price.
# %number is the vault number
# Made with love :)
title-name: "&4[&fPlayerVaults&4]:"
open-vault: "&fVault &a%v openen"
open-other-vault: "&fVault &a%v &van &a%p openen"
delete-vault: "&fVault &a%v verwijderd"
[01:09:45] <mengping> Hello. I am in need of help with the Plugin: ObsidianDestroyer. Are there any helpers, who could help me with this plugin? I can't successfully edit the configure file to make Creepers blow up Obisidian with a certain number of explosions unfortunately.
[01:10:02] <@drtshock> mengping: you need to edit the materials.yml
[01:10:08] <@drtshock> .paste your materials.yml please.
[01:10:09] <Lain> .paste: Please paste here and link to it
[01:11:23] <mengping> Okay. I am on a Chromebook now. So.... I can't paste the current files at the moment. I will eventually work it out. Thanks for the help "drthock". It was greatly appreciated! :)
[01:11:36] <@drtshock> drtshock* ;)
[01:11:38] <+LaxWasHere> mengping, just vim the file and copy it from there.
[01:11:47] <+LaxWasHere> You can do that from a chromebook.
[01:12:13] <+LaxWasHere> Or you can remote into your computer. You can do that too.
[01:13:05] <mengping> I will hopefully work this problem/situation
public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String label, String[] args) {
if(!(sender instanceof Player)) {
sender.sendMessage("Player only ;s");
return true;
Player player = (Player) sender;
if(args.length != 1) return false;