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Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
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Shading Coefficient Plots in R
fade <- function(x, labels=names(coef(x)), expo=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="", bty="n", ...) {
# argument: a regression, additional arguments passed on to plot() and text()
coe <- summary(x)$coefficients[,1] # extract coefficients
cse <- summary(x)$coefficients[,2] # standard errors
len <- length(coe) # how many coefficients (without intercept)
if(expo == TRUE) { # exponential form
coe <- exp(coe)
cse <- exp(cse)
ran <- c(min(coe)- 3*max(cse), max(coe)+3*max(cse)) # range of values
plot(0, ylim=c(1.5,len+0.5), xlim=ran, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, bty=bty, type="n", ..., axes=FALSE)
# title, xlab, ylab, etc. can be used here.
for(i in 2:len) {
dens <- rnorm(mean=coe[i], sd=cse[i], n=1000)
denstrip(dens, at=i) # passing arguments conflicts with plot()
text(ran[1],i, labels[i], adj = c(0,0), ...) # adj to left-align
# cex, col can be used here
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