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Last active January 11, 2022 19:36
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Drupal 8 tweaks
// thx
//// 1) How to get the current language in Drupal 8
//To get the lanuage code:
$language = \Drupal::languageManager()->getCurrentLanguage()->getId();
//To get the language name:
$language = \Drupal::languageManager()->getCurrentLanguage()->getName();
//// 2) Create a node programmatically (node type: article)
$language = \Drupal::languageManager()->getCurrentLanguage()->getId();
$node = \Drupal\node\Entity\Node::create(array(
'type' => 'article',
'title' => 'The title',
'langcode' => $language,
'uid' => 1,
'status' => 1,
'body' => array('The body text'),
'field_date' => array("2000-01-30"),
//'field_fields' => array('Custom values'), // Add your custon field values like this
//// 3) Create a user account programmatically
$language = \Drupal::languageManager()->getCurrentLanguage()->getId();
$user = \Drupal\user\Entity\User::create();
//Mandatory settings
$user->setUsername('user_name');//This username must be unique and accept only a-Z,0-9, - _ @ .
//Optional settings
$user->set("init", 'email');
$user->set("langcode", $language);
$user->set("preferred_langcode", $language);
$user->set("preferred_admin_langcode", $language);
//$user->set("setting_name", 'setting_value');
//Save user
$res = $user->save();
//// 4) Get taxonomy vocabulary list
$vocabularies = \Drupal\taxonomy\Entity\Vocabulary::loadMultiple();
//// 5) Get taxonomy terms of a vocabulary
//Using entityQuery, you can get the taxonomy terms of a particular vocabulary.
$query = \Drupal::entityQuery('taxonomy_term');
$query->condition('vid', "tags");
$tids = $query->execute();
$terms = \Drupal\taxonomy\Entity\Term::loadMultiple($tids);
//If you want to get several vocabulary, use OR condition like that.
$query_or->condition('vid', "tags");
$query_or->condition('vid', "test");
//Get Taxonomy name
$name = $term->toLink()->getText();
//Create link to the term
$link = \Drupal::l($term->toLink()->getText(), $term->toUrl());
// !!! Get name & tid from loaded terms
foreach ($terms as $term) {
$name = $term->get('name')->getString();
$tid = $term->get('tid')->getString();
//// 6) Add CSS stylesheets to a module
1. Styling a programmatically created block.
1.1 Add a librarie.
-> Create a file modulename.libraries.yml
-> Add css file, Example: */
version: 1.x
css/style.css: {}
1.2 Create CSS file and put it in to the module_folder/css/style.css
1.3 Attach librarie to the block
In your build() methode, add to the output array,
$output[]['#attached']['library'][] = 'modulename/my-block-styling';
// Add / Attaching a library from a Twig template
{{ attach_library('MODULENALE/my-style') }}
/* To remove a style sheet
stylesheets-remove: */
- '@classy/css/components/tabs.css'
- core/assets/vendor/normalize-css/normalize.css
//// 7) Get the current page URI
$current_url = Url::fromRoute('<current>');
$path = $current_url->toString();
// Examples for the page /en/user/login:
$current_url->toString(); // /en/user/login
$current_url->getInternalPath(); // user/login
$path = $current_url->getRouteName(); // <current>
// Drupal provide several way to do the same things, You can also use following syntax.
$path = \Drupal::request()->attributes->get('_system_path');
$current_uri = \Drupal::request()->getRequestUri();
$current_path = \Drupal::service('path.current')->getPath();
$result = \Drupal::service('path.alias_manager')->getAliasByPath($current_path);
// Get the url of the request
// This return the url displayed on the browser.
$page = \Drupal::request()->getRequestUri();
//// 8) Create a link with Drupal 8 like l() and url() on D7
$link = \Drupal\Core\Link::fromTextAndUrl($text, $url);
//// № 9) Return JSON array as resut
//Example 1.
return new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse($array);
//Example 2.
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse;
public function get_result() {
$output = array();
$output[] = array('time' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
$output[] = array('result'=> "OK");
return new JsonResponse($output);
//// № 10) Create taxonomy term programmatically
$term = \Drupal\taxonomy\Entity\Term::create([
'vid' => 'test_vocabulary',
'name' => 'My tag',
// With options
$term = \Drupal\taxonomy\Entity\Term::create([
'vid' => 'test_vocabulary',
'langcode' => 'en',
'name' => 'My tag',
'description' => [
'value' => '<p>My description.</p>',
'format' => 'full_html',
'weight' => -1,
'parent' => array(0),
//Add term with a custom field. Example : 'field_url'
$term = Term::create([
'vid' => 'test_vocabulary',
'name' => 'The Name',
'field_url' => [$url],
//Check Taxonomy name exist
$query = \Drupal::entityQuery('taxonomy_term');
$query->condition('vid', "test_vocabulary");
$query->condition('name', "My tag");
$tids = $query->execute();
//// № 11) Get the current user
//use Drupal\user\Entity\User;
$userCurrent = \Drupal::currentUser();
$user = \Drupal\user\Entity\User::load($userCurrent->id());
$name = $user->getUsername();
// How To check if the current page is the homepage
$is_front_page = \Drupal::service('path.matcher')->isFrontPage();
//// № 12) Get node id (NID) from url
$node = \Drupal::routeMatch()->getParameter('node');
if ($node) {
$nid = $node->id();
//// № 13) Get field value of a Node / Entity
//1 : Example:
$value = $node->get($field)->value;
$target = $node->get($field)->target_id; // For entity ref
//2 Example:
$field = 'field_thefieldname';
$index = 0;
$a = $node->toArray();
if (isset($a[$field][$index]['value'])) {
$value = $a[$field][$index]['value'];
//3 : Get / Render image (Show current user's picture)
$userCurrent = \Drupal::currentUser();
$user = \Drupal\user\Entity\User::load($userCurrent->id());
$renderd_image = $user->get('user_picture')->first()->view();
Or for multiple values
foreach ($node->get('field_images')->getValue() as $key => $image) {
$image = $node->field_images[$key]->view($settings);
//Example Of $settings
$settings = ['settings' => ['image_style' => 'thumbnail']];
//// № 14) Add a message to Drupal 8 Log system (/admin/reports/dblog)
//// № 15) Update a node / Entity programmatically
//Example 1 : Update title
$node = \Drupal\node\Entity\Node::load($nid);
$node->setTitle('The new Title')
//Example 2 : Update a field ('body' and 'field_name')
$node = \Drupal\node\Entity\Node::load($nid);
$node->set("body", 'New body text');
$node->set("field_name", 'New value');
function mymodule_entity_presave(Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity) {
if ($entity->getEntityType()->id() == 'node') {
$entity->setTitle('The new Title');
//CAUTION : Do not save here, because it's automatic.
//// № 16) Create a custom permission in custom module (mymodule)
/* Step 1.
Create if not exist yet, mymodule.permissions.yml (root of mymodule)
Add your new permission like: */
mymodule test_permission:
title: 'My Test Permission'
description: 'The description'
restrict access: false
/* Step 2.
On your mymodule.routing.yml */
path: 'test/home'
_controller: '\Drupal\mymodule\Controller\Test::home'
_title: 'My test Home'
_permission: 'mymodule test_permission'
//Set permissions on : /admin/people/permissions
//// № 17) Get args from URL
$current_url = Url::fromRoute('<current>');
$path = $current_url->toString();
//OR of you want to get the url without language prefix
$path = $current_url->getInternalPath();
$path_args = explode('/', $path);
//Method 2: (Get first argument from url on Drupal 8)
$request = \Drupal::request();
$current_path = $request->getPathInfo();
$path_args = explode('/', $current_path);
$first_argument = $path_args[1];
//// № 18) Page Redirect
return new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse('/node/17/edit');
return new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse(\Drupal::url('<front>'));
return new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse(\Drupal::url(''));
//Form redirection on submit
//Redirect to the user page ( Redirection on form submit)
//Redirect to a custom page
public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
//// № 19) Add custom class to the elements of a Views
* Add classes to a view
* @param $vars
function MYTHEME_preprocess_views_view_list(&$vars) {
if ($vars['view']->name == 'article') {
$view = $vars['view'];
foreach ($view->result as $row_index => $result) {
$val1 = strlen($result->field_body[0]['rendered']['#markup']);
$val2 = strlen($result->field_body[0]['raw']['safe_value']);
$vars['classes_array'][$row_index] .= ' my-class';
//// № 20) Add twig template to a custom Module, Block or Page
//// № 21) Call URL on Drupal 8, Like drupal_http_request() on D7
use GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException;
$url = "";
$client = \Drupal::httpClient();
try {
$response = $client->get($url);
$data = $response->getBody();
$code = $response->getStatusCode();
$header = $response->getHeaders();
catch (RequestException $e) {
watchdog_exception('my_module', $e);
//// № 22) JSON Encode and Decode
use Drupal\Component\Serialization\Json;
$json = Json::encode($data);
$data = Json::decode($json);
//// № 23) Change Drupal 8 text field maximum length
//// № 24) Alter a view. Edit view result programmatically
function MYMODULE_views_pre_render(&$view) {
if ($view->name == 'view_myviewname') {
$result = $view->result;
foreach ($result as $i => $row) {
$view->result[$i]->field_field_myfieldtext[0]['rendered']['#markup'] = "The new text";
//// № 25) How to create a JSON web service
/* Create a module.
Here : mywebservice
Create route, the Web Service path.
Example: */
path: '/mywebservice/maths/multiply'
_controller: '\Drupal\mywebservice\Controller\MyWebService::multiply'
_title: 'MyWebService'
_permission: 'access content'
/* Create webservice Controller
Example: */
// UNCOMMENT!!! <?php
namespace Drupal\mywebservice\Controller;
use Drupal\Core\Controller\ControllerBase;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse;
* Class MyWebService.
class MyWebService extends ControllerBase {
* Multiply.
public function multiply() {
$request = \Drupal::request();
$output['a'] = $request->get('a');
$output['b'] = $request->get('b');
$output['result'] = $output['a'] * $output['b'];
return new JsonResponse($output);
Test the web service
Visit : http://yourdomain.loc/mywebservice/maths/multiply
Must return a JSON : {"a":null,"b":null,"result":0}
Visit : http://yourdomain.loc/mywebservice/maths/multiply?a=5&b=2
Must return a JSON : {"a":"5","b":"2","result":10}
//// № 26) Change a metatag dynamicly
//Example: Add <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="30">
$data = [
'#tag' => 'meta',
'#attributes' => [
'http-equiv' => 'refresh',
'content' => '30',
$output['#attached']['html_head'][] = [$data, 'refresh'];
//// № 27) How more than 100 terms in taxonomy administration (overview) page
//Example : Show 1000 items on admin page.
//Check settings:
drush cget taxonomy.settings
//Set number to 1000:
drush cset taxonomy.settings terms_per_page_admin 1000
Copy link

druman commented Jan 11, 2022

$vid = "1";
    $name = "cars";
    $vocabularies = \Drupal\taxonomy\Entity\Vocabulary::loadMultiple();
    if (!isset($vocabularies[$vid])) {
      $vocabulary = \Drupal\taxonomy\Entity\Vocabulary::create(array(
            'vid' => $vid,
            //'machine_name' => $vid,
            'description' => '',
            'name' => $name,
    else {
      // Vocabulary Already exist
      $query = \Drupal::entityQuery('taxonomy_term');
      $query->condition('vid', $vid);
      $tids = $query->execute();

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