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Created July 21, 2020 21:06
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The following is a list of writing prompts intended to flesh out characters and other things in a fictional world.
1. How did [Character A] meet [Character B]?
2. What was it like for [Character A] growing up?
3. How has [Character A]'s childhood struggles impacted them as a person long-term?
4. What would [Character A] do if they found a bag of money on the street?
5. What is the biggest secret [Character A] tries to hide from others?
6. How do [Character A]'s actions impact their relationships with other characters?
7. What is the thing [Character A] values the most, and why?
8. What could [Character A] never do?
9. Who is [Character A] closest to?
10. What is the first thing [Character A] would do if they got their choice of superpower?
11. What is the most frustrating thing about being [Character A]'s friend?
12. What would [Character A] do if they saw someone getting hurt?
13. How would [Character A] and [Character B] handle a shared conflict?
14. What is the one thing [Character A] is secretly afraid of?
15. What does [Character A] admire about [Character B]?
16. If [Character A] went on a vacation, where would they go?
17. What is the most painful thing [Character A] has ever experienced?
18. What is [Character A] working on right now?
19. What was the first big accomplishment for [Character A]?
20. What motivates [Character A] the most?
21. Who is the most reckless person [Character A] knows?
22. If [Character A] could travel anywhere in the world, where would they go?
23. What is the most ridiculous thing [Character A] has ever done?
24. How does [Character A] generally feel about [Character B]'s actions?
25. What does [Character A] want to be remembered for after they die?
26. Who is [Character A]'s greatest critic?
27. Where is [Character A] most happy?
28. What is the most evil thing [Character A] has ever done?
29. How is [Character A] most often described?
30. Who is the best at giving effective pep talks to [Character A]?
31. What could [Character A] do that would hurt [Character B] the most?
32. What's the worst thing that could happen to [Character A]?
33. What is the best thing about [Character A]?
34. What are [Character A]'s fears?
35. What is [Character A] most proud of?
36. What is [Character A] usually doing when new people meet them?
37. If [Character A] were to describe themselves as an animal, what animal would they be?
38. What is the most shocking thing [Character A] has ever heard?
39. What is [Character A] most looking forward to?
40. What would be the best possible present for [Character A]?
41. What is [Character A] most afraid of happening?
42. What is [Character A]'s biggest regret?
43. Who is the most responsible person [Character A] knows?
44. If [Character A] had to choose a personal motto, what would it be?
45. What is the first thing [Character A] notices when [Character B] walks into a room?
46. What is the one thing [Character A] never wants to be without?
47. What is the most hypocritical thing [Character A] has ever done?
48. How would [Character A] characterize [Character B] in three words?
49. If [Character A] had to describe themselves in one word, what would they choose?
50. What is [Character A] most proud of accomplishing?
51. How does [Character A] usually handle stressful situations?
52. What is the one thing [Character A] couldn't live without?
53. What is the one thing [Character A] would like to change about themselves?
54. If [Character A] were given one month to live, what would they do?
55. If [Character A] found a mysterious book with a note attached saying not to read it, what would [Character A] do?
56. What are [Character A]'s professional hopes and goals?
57. How does [Character A] usually handle relationships with romantic partners?
58. What is [Character A] most often doing when they're bored?
59. If [Character A] could write a book, what would it be about?
60. Who is the biggest drug dealer in [Character A]'s town?
61. What does [Character A] consider their best physical characteristic?
62. What is the most annoying thing about [Character A]?
63. What would people often call [Character A] if they were to give [Character A] a nickname?
64. What is the worst possible situation for [Character A] to be in?
65. How would [Character A] describe their family life growing up?
66. What does [Character A] consider their biggest strength?
67. What is the most difficult thing for [Character A] to talk about?
68. What is the most embarrassing thing [Character A] has ever done?
69. If [Character A] had to describe their relationship with [Character B] with a picture, what would the picture be?
70. What are [Character A]'s favorite foods?
71. What would happen if [Character A] ran into [Character B] at a party?
72. What is the one thing about themself that [Character A] would never want to change?
73. If [Character A] could go back in time, what would they do differently?
74. What is the one thing [Character A] can't live a comfortable life without?
75. What is the one thing [Character A] just has to have in order to feel happy?
76. What is the most admirable trait [Character A] possesses?
77. How would [Character A] describe the last big fight they had with someone?
78. What would [Character A] change about [Character B] if they could?
79. How does [Character A] feel about [Character B]?
80. What is the nicest thing that [Character A] has ever owned?
81. What was the last thing [Character A] spent a lot of money on?
82. What is the nicest thing that [Character A] has ever done?
83. What would happen if [Character A] got [Character B] as a roommate?
84. What is [Character A] most proud of achieving?
What would [Character A] think about [Location A]?
What would [Character A] think if they saw a wild [Creature A]?
Would [Creature A] make a good pet for [Character A]?
What is [Character A]'s favorite animal?
What is [Character A]'s favorite way to make friends?
What is it like to live at [Location A]?
What is the biggest building at [Location A]?
What type of clothing is traditionally worn at [Location A]?
What type of food do people that live near [Location A] like to eat?
What type of fruit is common at [Location A]?
What type of home do the people of [Location A] like to live in?
What type of junk do the people of [Location A] like to collect?
What type of musical instruments do the people of [Location A] like?
What type of plant life can be found at [Location A]?
What type of spice is common at [Location A]?
What type of weather is common at [Location A]?
When [Character A] is bored, what do they like to do?
When [Character A] is angry, what does like to do?
When [Character A] is frustrated, what is [Character A] likely to do?
When [Character A] is happy, what is [Character A] likely to do?
When [Character A] is lost, what does [Character A] do?
When [Character A] is sad, what is [Character A] likely to do?
Where does [Character A] go when they get upset?
Where would [Character A] go on a date?
Where would [Character A] go on vacation?
Why is [Location A] famous?
How would [Character A] try to help [Character B] if they were upset?
Would [Character A] like having [Item A]?
How well do [Character A] and [Character B] get along?
How do [Character A] and [Character B] feel about each other?
How is [Location A] likely to change in the future?
How has [Location A] changed over time?
How would [Character A] help someone find their way home?
How would [Character A] win a fight against [Character B]?
Who would win in a fight between [Character A] and [Character B]?
How would someone feel about [Character A] if they had never met them?
How would you spend a day with [Character A]?
How would you spend your day if you were [Character A]?
What age does [Character A] want to be?
What are [Character A]'s best qualities?
What are the most important characteristics of [Location A]?
What are the people of [Location A] like?
What are the traditions of [Location A]?
What class does [Character A] prefer to be?
What college does [Character A] want to go to?
What do the people of [Location A] wear?
What do people in [Location A] read for pleasure?
What do the people in [Location A] wear?
What does [Character A] consider their first real job?
What does [Character A] do for a living?
What does [Character A] do for fun?
What does [Character A] hate most about their job?
What does [Character A] smell like?
What does [Character A] usually wear?
What does [Character A] think is weird?
What does [Character A] wear when they go to work?
What is the significance of [Item A] within the world?
Who in the world wants [Item A] the most?
Who would never touch [Item A] in a million years?
How has [Item A] changed over time?
How will [Item A] change in the future?
If [Character A] could change [Item A] in one way, what would they change?
What does [Character A] think about [Item A]?
How would [Item A] help [Character A] in their day-to-day life?
How would [Item A] help [Character A] in a hard situation?
What was the first time [Character A] touched [Item A]?
What was the last time [Character A] touched [Item A]?
What do people in the world usually call [Item A]?
If [Character A] came up with a nickname for [Character B], what would it be?
If [Character A] came up with a nickname for [Location A], what would it be?
If [Character A] came up with a nickname for [Item A], what would it be?
How has [Character A] changed since the first time they saw [Item A]?
Who in the world is [Item A] most important to?
Who in the world wants [Item A] the most, but would never be seen dead with it in public?
What does [Item A] look like?
What does [Item A] feel like?
What does [Item A] sound like?
What does [Item A] taste like?
Who made [Item A]?
How old is [Item A]?
How much is [Item A] worth?
Who needs [Item A] the most?
What happens when you mix [Item A] with [Item B]?
What is [Item A] used for?
How could [Item A] be used to help a character out of a kidnapping situation?
Who designed [Item A]?
How much time does it take to make [Item A]?
Where does [Item A] come from?
Where is [Item A] originally from?
Where has [Character A] been the most in the last year?
Where has [Character A] been the most in the last decade?
What is [Character A] most proud of in their life?
Where did [Character A] grow up?
Where did [Character A] come from?
What is the first memory [Character A] has of [Character B]?
What is the first memory [Character A] has of [Location A]?
What is the first memory [Character A] has of [Item A]?
What is the happiest memory [Character A] has with [Character B]?
What is the happiest memory [Character A] has with [Location A]?
What is the happiest memory [Character A] has with [Item A]?
What is the saddest memory [Character A] has with [Character B]?
What is the saddest memory [Character A] has with [Location A]?
What is the saddest memory [Character A] has with [Item A]?
What is the last piece of advice [Character A] was given?
What is the most important piece of advice [Character A] was given?
What would [Character A] say is [Character B]’s best quality?
What would [Character A] say is [Character B]’s worst quality?
How would [Character A] describe [Character B]?
How does [Character A] feel about [Character B]’s relationship with [Character C]?
What does [Character A] see in [Character B] that others don’t?
How would [Character A] sum up [Character B]’s life so far?
What is the biggest regret [Character A] has?
What is [Character A]’s biggest fear?
What is the worst thing that [Character A] can imagine happening?
What is the most embarrassing thing [Character A] can imagine happening?
What is [Character A]’s biggest regret?
What is [Character A]’s biggest success?
How would [Character A] describe [Character B] in one word?
What is the most important thing [Character A] would like [Character B] to know about themselves?
What is [Character A] most grateful for?
What is [Character A] most proud of?
What is [Character A] most ashamed of?
What is [Character A]’s greatest hope?
What is the best present [Character A] has ever received?
What is the biggest mistake [Character A] has ever made?
What is [Character A]’s favorite pastime?
What is [Character A]’s favorite gift?
What is [Character A]’s favorite thing to do?
Who is [Character A]’s favorite person?
Who is [Character A]’s least favorite person?
What is [Character A]’s favorite quote from [Character B]?
What is [Character A]’s favorite book?
What is [Character A]’s favorite movie?
What is [Character A]’s favorite song?
What is [Character A]’s favorite music style?
What is [Character A]’s favorite flavor of ice cream?
What is [Character A]’s favorite thing about [Location A]?
What is [Character A]’s favorite activity in [Location A]?
What is [Character A]’s favorite thing to eat in [Location A]?
What is [Character A]’s favorite time of day in [Location A]?
What is [Character A]’s favorite season in [Location A]?
What is [Character A]'s favorite reason to visit [Location A]?
What is [Character A]'s favorite part of [Character B]’s personality?
What is [Character A]'s favorite part of [Location A]?
What is [Character A]'s favorite way to spend the day?
What is [Character A]'s favorite hobby?
What is [Character A]'s favorite way to relax?
What is [Character A]'s favorite musical instrument?
What is [Character A]'s favorite way to be creative?
What is [Character A]'s favorite memory from [Location A]?
What is [Character A]'s favorite season?
What is [Character A]'s favorite fruit?
What is [Character A]'s favorite flavor?
What is [Character A]'s favorite thing to wear?
What is [Character A]'s favorite flower?
What is [Character A]'s favorite holiday?
What is [Character A]'s favorite weather?
What is [Character A]'s favorite time of year?
What is [Character A]'s favorite flavor of ice cream?
What is [Character A]'s favorite joke?
What is [Character A]'s favorite genre of music?
What is [Character A]'s favorite time of year?
What is [Character A]'s favorite month?
What is [Character A]'s favorite season?
What is [Character A]'s favorite mode of transportation?
What is [Character A]'s favorite sport?
What kind of material is [Building A] made of?
How many people go in and out of [Building A] daily?
What does the average person think goes on in [Building A]?
What kind of security does [Building A] have?
What valuables are worth stealing from [Building A]?
What is the cultural significance of [Building A]?
How has [Building A] affected the town?
When was [Building A] constructed?
What has [Building A] been used for over the years?
What does the future have in store for [Building A]?
What kinds of people work in [Building A]?
Who is the most surprising person to work in [Building A]?
How many flights of stairs does [Building A] have?
What do most people wear to [Building A]?
How many computers are in [Building A]?
What is the best and worst part about [Building A]?
Are there any secrets about [Building A] that most people don’t know?
What kinds of books are in the library at [Building A]?
What kind of famous people have visited [Building A]?
What’s the biggest misconception about [Building A]?
What do the guards at [Building A] do?
What do people think when they drive by [Building A]?
What do people think when they walk by [Building A]?
What is one thing that most people don’t know about [Building A]?
What would people be most surprised to find in [Building A]?
What time does [Building A] open and close?
What kinds of things are on the walls of [Building A]?
What is the average age of the people who work in [Building A]?
Who is the most famous person to work in [Building A]?
What is the story of how [Building A] got its name?
Where is the entrance of [Building A] located?
What is the most profitable part of the business in [Building A]?
How would [Character A] react to waking up in [Building A]?
How would [Character A] fare at in a job at [Building A]?
What is the most unbelievable situation to occur in [Building A]?
How long does it take to get to [Building A] from [Location A]?
What part of town is [Building A] in?
How would [Character A] react if a bomb was found in [Building A]?
What is the most shocking rumor about [Building A]?
What is the oldest thing in [Building A]?
What kind of pets do people have in [Building A]?
What kind of food is served in the cafeteria in [Building A]?
What is the most important skill in [Building A]?
What is the strangest request that has ever been asked in [Building A]?
What is the most unusual thing to happen in [Building A]?
What is the most surprising conversation to overhear in [Building A]?
What is the most common conversation to overhear in [Building A]?
What kinds of emergency drills do they practice in [Building A]?
What’s the worst that could happen in [Building A]?
Who has the highest security clearance in [Building A]?
What do most people in [Building A] do when they’re not at work?
Who is the most valuable employee in [Building A]?
Who is the most disliked employee in [Building A]?
Who is the most popular person in [Building A]?
What is the nicest thing anyone in [Building A] has ever done?
What is the worst thing that anyone in [Building A] has ever done?
What is the saddest thing that happened in [Building A]?
What is the most popular myth about [Building A]?
What is the most popular legend about [Building A]?
What is the most outrageous rumor about [Building A]?
Who is the oldest person working at [Building A]?
Who is the youngest person working at [Building A]?
How tall is [Building A] compared to nearby buildings?
What goes on in [Building A] that most people don't know about?
What kind of business does [Building A] do?
How is [Condition A] spread from person to person?
How has [Town A] prepared for an outbreak of [Condition A]?
How would [Town A] fare with a widespread outbreak of [Condition A]?
How would [Country A] fare with a widespread outbreak of [Condition A]?
Where did [Condition A] originally come from?
What species are susceptible to [Condition A]?
What species are able to spread [Condition A]?
How often does [Condition A] mutate into new strains or versions?
What are the worst mutations or versions of [Condition A] that someone could get?
What are the best mutations or versions of [Condition A] that someone could get?
How would [Character A] fare with [Condition A]?
Is it possible to be immune to [Condition A]?
How can you tell if someone has been exposed to [Condition A]?
How long does [Condition A] take to incubate?
How long can [Condition A] be transmitted to others?
What is the longest anyone has survived with [Condition A]?
Are there any historical figures who had [Condition A]?
Who is normally at risk for [Condition A] outbreaks?
What's the furthest [Character A] has traveled?
What has [Character A] never tried that they really want to?
What is [Character A] addicted to?
What will [Character A] never give up?
What's [Character A]'s guiltiest pleasure?
What would [Character A] do for a Klondike bar?
What would [Character A] do for a million dollars?
How would you describe [Character A]'s ideal world?
What is the first thing [Character A] thinks of when they wake up in the morning?
What is the last thing [Character A] thinks of before they go to sleep?
What is [Character A] obsessed with?
What will [Character A] never have?
How many kids does [Character A] want?
What is [Character A] bad at?
What quality does [Character A] most admire in other people?
What quality does [Character A] most admire in [Character B]?
What drives [Character A] crazy?
How does the architecture of [Building A] compare to other buildings in the area?
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