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Sage script for example in blog post.
class Tandem_Queue():
A class for an instance of the tandem_queue
def __init__(self, c_1, N, c_2, Lambda, mu_1, mu_2, p):
self.c_1 = c_1
self.c_2 = c_2
self.N = N
self.Lambda = Lambda
self.mu_1 = mu_1
self.mu_2 = mu_2
self.p = p
self.m = c_1 + c_2 + 1
self.n = c_2 + 1
self.state_space = [(i, j) for j in range(c_1 + c_2 + 1) for i in range(self.c_1 + self.N - max(j - self.c_2, 0) + 1)]
if p == 1: # Reduces state space in particular case of p = 1
self.state_space = [state for state in self.state_space if state[1] == 0]
Q = [[self.q(state1, state2) for state2 in self.state_space] for state1 in self.state_space]
for i in range(len(Q)):
Q[i][i] = - sum(Q[i])
self.Q = matrix(QQ, Q)
self.expected_wait_cache = {}
def q(self, state1, state2):
Returns the rate of transition between to given states.
delta = list(vector(state2) - vector(state1))
if delta == [1, 0]:
return self.Lambda
if delta == [-1, 1]:
return min(self.c_1 - max(state1[1] - self.c_2, 0), state1[0]) * self.mu_1 * (1 - self.p)
if delta == [-1, 0]:
return min(self.c_1 - max(state1[1] - self.c_2, 0), state1[0]) * self.mu_1 * self.p
if delta == [0, -1]:
return min(state1[1], self.c_2) * self.mu_2
return 0
def pi(self):
Solves linear system.
A = transpose(self.Q).stack(vector([1 for state in self.state_space]))
return A.solve_right(vector([0 for state in self.state_space] + [1]))
def _pi_dict(self):
Obtain a dictionary which indexes the states.
self.pi_list = self.pi()
return {state:self.pi_list[index] for index, state in enumerate(self.state_space)}
def p_service_1(self, state):
Returns the discretized probability of a service occurring at first station
if self.p == 1:
return 1
return min(self.c_1 - max(state[1]- self.c_2, 0), state[0]) * self.mu_1 / (min(self.c_1 - max(state[1]- self.c_2, 0), state[0]) * self.mu_1 + min(self.c_2, state[1]) * self.mu_2)
def p_service_2(self, state):
Returns the discretized probability of a service occurring at second station
if self.p == 1:
return 0
return min(self.c_2, state[1]) * self.mu_2 / (min(self.c_1 - max(state[1]- self.c_2, 0), state[0]) * self.mu_1 + min(self.c_2, state[1]) * self.mu_2)
def mean_time_in_state(self, state):
Returns the mean time in any given state before a transition occurs
return 1 / (min(self.c_1 - max(state[1]- self.c_2, 0), state[0]) * self.mu_1 + min(self.c_2, state[1]) * self.mu_2)
def expected_wait(self, state):
Function that returns the expected time till absorption for a given state
if state in self.expected_wait_cache:
return self.expected_wait_cache[state]
if state not in self.state_space: # If state outside of boundary. (Might not need this after new conditions below)
return 0
if state[0] + max(state[1] - self.c_2, 0) < self.c_1: # If absorbing state
self.expected_wait_cache[state] = 0
return 0
self.expected_wait_cache[state] = (self.mean_time_in_state(state) + self.p * self.p_service_1(state) * self.expected_wait((state[0] - 1, state[1])))
if (state[0] - 1, state[1] + 1) in self.state_space:
self.expected_wait_cache[state] += (1-self.p) * self.p_service_1(state) * self.expected_wait((state[0] - 1, state[1] + 1))
if (state[0], state[1] - 1) in self.state_space:
self.expected_wait_cache[state] += self.p_service_2(state) * self.expected_wait((state[0], state[1] - 1))
return self.expected_wait_cache[state]
def mean_expected_wait(self):
Returns the mean wait
self.pi_dict = self._pi_dict()
accepting_states = [state for state in [s for s in self.state_space if s[0] + max(s[1] - self.c_2, 0) < self.c_1 + self.N]]
prob_of_accepting = sum([self.pi_dict[state] for state in accepting_states])
return sum([self.expected_wait(state) * self.pi_dict[state] for state in accepting_states]) / prob_of_accepting
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