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Created February 13, 2015 08:40
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% First round
% Duel 1
\node (Sally) at (0,0) {Sally};
\node at ($(Sally) + (0,-.5)$) [blue] {P,P,L,R,Sc};
\node (Laura) at ($(Sally) + (0,-1)$) {Laura};
\node at ($(Laura) + (0,-.5)$) [blue] {Sp,Sc,L,R,Sp};
% Duel 2
\node (Jack) at ($(Laura) + (0,-2)$) {Jack};
\node at ($(Jack) + (0,-.5)$) [blue] {Sc,P,R};
\node (Guy) at ($(Jack) + (0,-1)$) {Guy};
\node at ($(Guy) + (0,-.5)$) [blue] {Sc,Sc,L};
% Duel 3
\node (Jon) at ($(Guy)+(0,-2)$) {Jon};
\node at ($(Jon) + (0,-.5)$) [blue] {Sp,L,R};
\node (Shaz) at ($(Jon) + (0,-1)$) {Shaz};
\node at ($(Shaz) + (0,-.5)$) [blue] {R,R,Sp};
% Duel 4
\node (Conner) at ($(Shaz) + (0,-2)$) {Conner};
\node at ($(Conner) + (0,-.5)$) [blue] {P,Sp,Sc};
\node (Holly) at ($(Conner) + (0,-1)$) {Holly};
\node at ($(Holly) + (0,-.5)$) [blue] {Sc,L,R};
% Duel 5
\node (Matt) at (12,0) {Matt};
\node at ($(Matt) + (0,-.5)$) [blue] {Sp,P,R,L};
\node (Reg) at ($(Matt) + (0,-1)$) {Reg};
\node at ($(Reg) + (0,-.5)$) [blue] {Sp,L,Sc,Sc};
% Duel 6
\node (Matt2) at ($(Reg) + (0,-2)$) {Matt2};
\node at ($(Matt2) + (0,-.5)$) [blue] {R,P,Sc,P,R};
\node (Christie) at ($(Matt2) + (0,-1)$) {Christie};
\node at ($(Christie) + (0,-.5)$) [blue] {R,L,Sc,Sp,Sc};
% Duel 7
\node (Jo) at ($(Christie)+(0,-2)$) {Jo};
\node at ($(Jo) + (0,-.5)$) [blue] {L,Sc,R,Sp};
\node (Matt3) at ($(Jo) + (0,-1)$) {Matt3};
\node at ($(Matt3) + (0,-.5)$) [blue] {P,Sp,R,Sc};
% Duel 8
\node (Pete) at ($(Matt3) + (0,-2)$) {Pete};
\node at ($(Pete) + (0,-.5)$) [blue] {R,R,P};
\node (James) at ($(Pete) + (0,-1)$) {James};
\node at ($(James) + (0,-.5)$) [blue] {P,Sc,L};
% Second round
% Duel 1
\node (Laura_1) at ($(Laura) + (2,.5)$) {Laura};
\node at ($(Laura_1) + (0,-.5)$) [blue] {L, Sc};
\node (Jack_1) at ($(Jack) + (2,-.5)$) {Jack};
\node at ($(Jack_1) + (0,-.5)$) [blue] {Sp, P};
% Duel 2
\node (Shaz_1) at ($(Shaz) + (2,.5)$) {Shaz};
\node at ($(Shaz_1) + (0,-.5)$) [blue] {R, Sp, Sc};
\node (Holly_1) at ($(Holly) + (2,.5)$) {Holly};
\node at ($(Holly_1) + (0,-.5)$) [blue] {Sc, L, P};
% Duel 3
\node (Reg_1) at ($(Reg) + (-2,.5)$) {Reg};
\node at ($(Reg_1) + (0,-.5)$) [blue] {Sc,L,Sc,Sc,L};
\node (Matt2_1) at ($(Matt2) + (-2,-.5)$) {Matt2};
\node at ($(Matt2_1) + (0,-.5)$) [blue] {P,R,Sc,Sc,Sc};
% Duel 4
\node (Jo_1) at ($(Jo) + (-2,-.5)$) {Jo};
\node at ($(Jo_1) + (0,-.5)$) [blue] {L,Sc,R,Sp};
\node (James_1) at ($(James) + (-2,.5)$) {James};
\node at ($(James_1) + (0,-.5)$) [blue] {L,L,Sp,P};
% Third round
% Duel 1
\node (Laura_2) at ($(Laura_1) + (2,-1.5)$) {Laura};
\node at ($(Laura_2) + (0,-.5)$) [blue] {Sp,L};
\node (Matt2_2) at ($(Matt2_1) + (-2,1.5)$) {Matt2};
\node at ($(Matt2_2) + (0,-.5)$) [blue] {R,P};
% Duel 4
\node (Shaz_2) at ($(Shaz_1) + (2,-1.5)$) {Shaz};
\node at ($(Shaz_2) + (0,-.5)$) [blue] {R,Sc,P};
\node (James_2) at ($(James_1) + (-2,1.5)$) {James};
\node at ($(James_2) + (0,-.5)$) [blue] {Sp,L,R};
% Final
\node (Laura_3) at ($(Laura_2) + (2,-1.5)$) {Laura};
\node at ($(Laura_3) + (0,-.5)$) [blue] {P,L,Sc,P,Sp};
\node (Shaz_3) at ($(Shaz_2) + (2,1.5)$) {Shaz};
\node at ($(Shaz_3) + (0,-.5)$) [blue] {Sp,R,Sc,P,R};
% Connectors
\draw [red] (Laura) -- (Laura_1) -- (Laura_2) -- (Laura_3);
\draw [red] (Jack) -- (Jack_1);
\draw [red] (Shaz) -- (Shaz_1) -- (Shaz_2) -- (Shaz_3);
\draw [red] (Holly) -- (Holly_1);
\draw [red] (Reg) -- (Reg_1);
\draw [red] (Matt2) -- (Matt2_1) -- (Matt2_2);
\draw [red] (Jo) -- (Jo_1);
\draw [red] (James) -- (James_1) -- (James_2);
% Lines and stuff
\draw [blue, dashed] (-2,-5.25) -- (14,-5.25);
\draw [blue, dashed] (4.5,-3) rectangle (7.5,-7.5);
% Winner
\draw [green] ($(Laura_3)$) ellipse (1 and .5);
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