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Created September 7, 2015 16:37
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GGplot in Haskell
demographicsAnalysis :: (MonadIO m, H.MonadR m) => Frame User -> m ()
demographicsAnalysis fr = do
let demographics = fmap (rcast :: User -> Record '[HaskellExperience
(nubbed, counts) = view (runGetter ((,) <$> Getter (_1) <*> Getter _2))
(sortByLens (_1.recommendHaskell)
(sortByLens (_1.haskellExperience)
(countAll demographics))))
exp = L.fold (foldList (haskellExperience)) nubbed
re = fmap fromIntegral $ L.fold (foldList (recommendHaskell)) nubbed :: [Int32]
occ = fmap fromIntegral $ L.fold (foldList (occupation)) nubbed :: [Int32]
liftIO $ do
print $ length counts
print $ length exp
print $ length re
[r| library (ggplot2)
png (filename= "expVsrec.png")
n <- length (exp_hs)
print (counts_hs)
print (length (counts_hs))
print (n)
dat <- data.frame(xvar = exp_hs
,yvar = re_hs
print (dat)
print (ggplot (subset(dat, xvar>=-10)
, guide=FALSE
, aes (x=xvar, y=yvar)) +
geom_jitter (aes (size=counts_hs, fill=factor(occ_hs), shape=21, alpha=0.2)) +
scale_shape_identity () +
scale_fill_discrete (name = "Occupation"
,labels = c("Developer"
,"Other")) +
# scale_size_area (max_size = 15) +
scale_x_continuous (name="Haskell Experience", limits=c(-2,6), breaks=seq(-1,6)) +
scale_y_continuous (name="Recommend Haskell", limits=c(-2,6), breaks=seq(-1,6)) +
scale_size_area (name = "Population size", max_size=15)
) |]
return ()
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